Python shapely.geometry.LineString() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of shapely.geometry.LineString(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module shapely.geometry , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From centerline with MIT License 8 votes vote down vote up
def _construct_centerline(self):
        vertices, ridges = self._get_voronoi_vertices_and_ridges()
        linestrings = []
        for ridge in ridges:
            if self._ridge_is_finite(ridge):
                starting_point = self._create_point_with_restored_coordinates(
                    x=vertices[ridge[0]][0], y=vertices[ridge[0]][1]
                ending_point = self._create_point_with_restored_coordinates(
                    x=vertices[ridge[1]][0], y=vertices[ridge[1]][1]
                linestring = LineString((starting_point, ending_point))

                if self._linestring_is_within_input_geometry(linestring):

        if len(linestrings) < 2:
            raise exceptions.TooFewRidgesError

        return unary_union(linestrings) 
Example #2
Source File:    From apls with Apache License 2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def wkt_to_shp(wkt_list, shp_file):
    '''Take output of build_graph_wkt() and render the list of linestrings
    into a shapefile

    # Define a linestring feature geometry with one attribute
    schema = {
        'geometry': 'LineString',
        'properties': {'id': 'int'},

    # Write a new shapefile
    with, 'w', 'ESRI Shapefile', schema) as c:
        for i, line in enumerate(wkt_list):
            shape = shapely.wkt.loads(line)
                    'geometry': mapping(shape),
                    'properties': {'id': i},


Example #3
Source File:    From LSDMappingTools with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
def WriteHillslopeTracesShp(DataDirectory,FilenamePrefix,ThinningFactor=1, CustomExtent=[-9999]):
    This function writes a shapefile of hillslope traces

        DataDirectory: the data directory
        FilenamePrefix: the file name prefix
        ThinningFactor (int): This determines how many of the traces are discarded. Higher numbers mean more traces are discarded
        CustomExtent (list): if this is [-9999] the extent is grabbed from the raster. Otherwise you give it a 4 element list giving the extent of the area of interest.

    Returns: None, but writes a shapefile

    Author: MDH

    #read the raw data to geodataframe
    geo_df = ReadHillslopeTraces(DataDirectory,FilenamePrefix,ThinningFactor, CustomExtent)
    Suffix = '_hillslope_traces'
    WriteFilename = DataDirectory+FilenamePrefix+Suffix+'.shp'

    #aggregate these points with group by
    geo_df = geo_df.groupby(['HilltopID'])['geometry'].apply(lambda x: LineString(x.tolist()))
    geo_df = GeoDataFrame(geo_df, geometry='geometry')
    geo_df.to_file(WriteFilename, driver='ESRI Shapefile') 
Example #4
Source File:    From LSDMappingTools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def read_terrace_centrelines(DataDirectory, shapefile_name):
    This function reads in a shapefile of terrace centrelines
    using shapely and fiona

        DataDirectory (str): the data directory
        shapefile_name (str): the name of the shapefile

    Returns: shapely polygons with terraces

    Author: FJC
    Lines = {}
    with, 'r') as input:
        for f in input:
            this_line = LineString(shape(f['geometry']))
            this_id = f['properties']['id']
            Lines[this_id] = this_line
    return Lines 
Example #5
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_constant_bed():
    dx = 1.

    hmax = 3000.
    hmin = 1000.
    nx = 200
    map_dx = 100.
    widths = 3.

    surface_h = np.linspace(hmax, hmin, nx)
    bed_h = surface_h
    widths = surface_h * 0. + widths
    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)
    return [flowline.RectangularBedFlowline(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h,
                                            bed_h, widths)] 
Example #6
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_parabolic_bed(hmax=3000., hmin=1000., nx=200, map_dx=100.,
                        from_other_shape=None, from_other_bed=None):
    dx = 1.

    surface_h = np.linspace(hmax, hmin, nx)
    bed_h = surface_h * 1
    shape = surface_h * 0. + default_shape
    if from_other_shape is not None:
        shape[0:len(from_other_shape)] = from_other_shape

    if from_other_bed is not None:
        bed_h[0:len(from_other_bed)] = from_other_bed

    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)
    return [flowline.ParabolicBedFlowline(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h,
                                          bed_h, shape)] 
Example #7
Source File:    From momepy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def gdf_to_nx(gdf_network, approach="primal", length="mm_len"):
    Convert LineString GeoDataFrame to networkx.MultiGraph

    gdf_network : GeoDataFrame
        GeoDataFrame containing objects to convert
    approach : str, default 'primal'
        Decide wheter genereate ``'primal'`` or ``'dual'`` graph.
    length : str, default mm_len
        name of attribute of segment length (geographical) which will be saved to graph


    gdf_network = gdf_network.copy()
    if "key" in gdf_network.columns:
        gdf_network.rename(columns={"key": "__key"}, inplace=True)
    # generate graph from GeoDataFrame of LineStrings
    net = nx.MultiGraph()
    net.graph["crs"] =
    gdf_network[length] = gdf_network.geometry.length
    fields = list(gdf_network.columns)

    if approach == "primal":
        _generate_primal(net, gdf_network, fields)

    elif approach == "dual":
        _generate_dual(net, gdf_network, fields)

        raise ValueError(
            "Approach {} is not supported. Use 'primal' or 'dual'.".format(approach)

    return net 
Example #8
Source File:    From apls with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def convert_pix_lstring_to_geo(wkt_lstring, im_file):
    '''Convert linestring in pixel coords to geo coords'''
    shape = wkt_lstring  # shapely.wkt.loads(lstring)
    x_pixs, y_pixs = shape.coords.xy
    coords_latlon = []
    coords_utm = []
    for (x, y) in zip(x_pixs, y_pixs):
        lon, lat = apls_utils.pixelToGeoCoord(x, y, im_file)
        [utm_east, utm_north, utm_zone, utm_letter] = utm.from_latlon(lat, lon)
        coords_utm.append([utm_east, utm_north])
        coords_latlon.append([lon, lat])

    lstring_latlon = LineString([Point(z) for z in coords_latlon])
    lstring_utm = LineString([Point(z) for z in coords_utm])

    return lstring_latlon, lstring_utm, utm_zone, utm_letter

Example #9
Source File:    From mappyfile with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def create_frames(mapfile):

    # increment in steps of 3 units from 1 to 35
    min_buffer = 1
    max_buffer = 35
    step = 3 

    # create a line
    line = LineString([(0, 0), (100, 100), (0, 200), (200, 200), (300, 100), (100, 0)])
    # set the map extent to this line
    mapfile["extent"] = " ".join(map(str, line.buffer(max_buffer*2).bounds))

    all_images = []

    # create expanding buffers
    for dist in range(min_buffer, max_buffer, step):
        all_images.append(create_frame(mapfile, line, dist))

    # create shrinking buffers
    for dist in range(max_buffer, min_buffer, -step):
        all_images.append(create_frame(mapfile, line, dist))

    return all_images 
Example #10
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_constant_bed_cliff(hmax=3000., hmin=1000., nx=200, map_dx=100.,
    I introduce a cliff in the bed to test the mass conservation of the models
    Such a cliff could be real or a DEM error/artifact
    dx = 1.

    surface_h = np.linspace(hmax, hmin, nx)

    surface_h[50:] = surface_h[50:] - cliff_height

    bed_h = surface_h
    widths = surface_h * 0. + 1.

    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)
    return [flowline.RectangularBedFlowline(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h,
                                            bed_h, widths)] 
Example #11
Source File:    From LSDMappingTools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def WriteHillslopeTracesShp(DataDirectory,FilenamePrefix):
    This function writes a shapefile of hillslope traces

        DataDirectory: the data directory
        FilenamePrefix: the file name prefix

    Author: MDH
    #read the raw data to geodataframe
    geo_df = ReadHillslopeTraces(DataDirectory,FilenamePrefix)
    Suffix = '_hillslope_traces'
    WriteFilename = DataDirectory+FilenamePrefix+Suffix+'.shp'
    #aggregate these points with group by
    geo_df = geo_df.groupby(['HilltopID'])['geometry'].apply(lambda x: LineString(x.tolist()))
    geo_df = GeoDataFrame(geo_df, geometry='geometry')
    geo_df.to_file(WriteFilename, driver='ESRI Shapefile') 
Example #12
Source File:    From buzzard with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _line_iterator(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, (sg.LineString)):
        yield obj
    elif isinstance(obj, (sg.MultiLineString)):
        for obj2 in obj.geoms:
            yield obj2
    elif isinstance(obj, (sg.Polygon)):
        yield sg.LineString(obj.exterior)
        for obj2 in obj.interiors:
            yield sg.LineString(obj2)
    elif isinstance(obj, (sg.MultiPolygon)):
        for obj2 in obj.geoms:
            yield sg.LineString(obj2.exterior)
            for obj3 in obj2.interiors:
                yield sg.LineString(obj3)
            tup = tuple(obj)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('Could not use type %s' % type(obj))
            for obj2 in tup:
                for line in _line_iterator(obj2):
                    yield line 
Example #13
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, line=None, dx=None, map_dx=None,
                 surface_h=None, bed_h=None, widths=None, rgi_id=None,
        """ Instanciate.

        line : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.LineString`
            the geometrical line of a :py:class:`oggm.Centerline`

        #TODO: document properties
        super(RectangularBedFlowline, self).__init__(line, dx, map_dx,
                                                     surface_h, bed_h,

        self._widths = widths 
Example #14
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, line=None, dx=None, map_dx=None,
                 surface_h=None, bed_h=None, bed_shape=None, rgi_id=None,
        """ Instanciate.

        line : :py:class:`shapely.geometry.LineString`
            the geometrical line of a :py:class:`oggm.Centerline`

        #TODO: document properties
        super(ParabolicBedFlowline, self).__init__(line, dx, map_dx,
                                                   surface_h, bed_h,

        assert np.all(np.isfinite(bed_shape))
        self.bed_shape = bed_shape 
Example #15
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_inversion_tributary_sf_adhikari(self, inversion_gdir):

        old_model_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel']
        old_inversion_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion']
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = 'Adhikari'
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = 'Adhikari'

        fls = dummy_width_bed_tributary(map_dx=inversion_gdir.grid.dx)
        for fl in fls:
            fl.is_rectangular = np.ones(fl.nx).astype(np.bool)
        mb = LinearMassBalance(2600.)

        model = FluxBasedModel(fls, mb_model=mb, y0=0.)

        fls = []
        for fl in model.fls:
            pg = np.where(fl.thick > 0)
            line = shpg.LineString([fl.line.coords[int(p)] for p in pg[0]])
            sh = fl.surface_h[pg]
            flo = centerlines.Centerline(line, dx=fl.dx,
            flo.widths = fl.widths[pg]
            flo.is_rectangular = np.ones(flo.nx).astype(np.bool)


        inversion_gdir.write_pickle(copy.deepcopy(fls), 'inversion_flowlines')

        v, _ = inversion.mass_conservation_inversion(inversion_gdir)

        assert_allclose(v, model.volume_m3, rtol=0.02)
        if do_plot:  # pragma: no cover
            self.double_plot(model, inversion_gdir)

        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = old_model_sf
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = old_inversion_sf 
Example #16
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_inversion_cliff_sf_huss(self, inversion_gdir):
        old_model_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel']
        old_inversion_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion']
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = 'Huss'
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = 'Huss'

        fls = dummy_constant_bed_cliff(map_dx=inversion_gdir.grid.dx,
        for fl in fls:
            fl.is_rectangular = np.ones(fl.nx).astype(np.bool)
        mb = LinearMassBalance(2600.)

        model = FluxBasedModel(fls, mb_model=mb, y0=0.)
        fls = []
        for fl in model.fls:
            pg = np.where(fl.thick > 0)
            line = shpg.LineString([fl.line.coords[int(p)] for p in pg[0]])
            sh = fl.surface_h[pg]
            flo = centerlines.Centerline(line, dx=fl.dx,
            flo.widths = fl.widths[pg]
            flo.is_rectangular = np.ones(flo.nx).astype(np.bool)
        inversion_gdir.write_pickle(copy.deepcopy(fls), 'inversion_flowlines')

        v, _ = inversion.mass_conservation_inversion(inversion_gdir)

        assert_allclose(v, model.volume_m3, rtol=0.05)
        if do_plot:  # pragma: no cover
            self.simple_plot(model, inversion_gdir)

        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = old_model_sf
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = old_inversion_sf 
Example #17
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_inversion_noisy_sf_adhikari(self, inversion_gdir):
        old_model_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel']
        old_inversion_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion']
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = 'Adhikari'
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = 'Adhikari'

        fls = dummy_noisy_bed(map_dx=inversion_gdir.grid.dx)
        for fl in fls:
            fl.is_rectangular = np.ones(fl.nx).astype(np.bool)
        mb = LinearMassBalance(2600.)

        model = FluxBasedModel(fls, mb_model=mb, y0=0.)
        fls = []
        for fl in model.fls:
            pg = np.where(fl.thick > 0)
            line = shpg.LineString([fl.line.coords[int(p)] for p in pg[0]])
            sh = fl.surface_h[pg]
            flo = centerlines.Centerline(line, dx=fl.dx,
            flo.widths = fl.widths[pg]
            flo.is_rectangular = np.ones(flo.nx).astype(np.bool)
        inversion_gdir.write_pickle(copy.deepcopy(fls), 'inversion_flowlines')

        v, _ = inversion.mass_conservation_inversion(inversion_gdir)

        assert_allclose(v, model.volume_m3, rtol=0.05)
        if do_plot:  # pragma: no cover
            self.simple_plot(model, inversion_gdir)

        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = old_model_sf
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = old_inversion_sf 
Example #18
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_inversion_tributary(self, inversion_gdir):

        fls = dummy_width_bed_tributary(map_dx=inversion_gdir.grid.dx)
        mb = LinearMassBalance(2600.)

        model = FluxBasedModel(fls, mb_model=mb, y0=0.)

        fls = []
        for fl in model.fls:
            pg = np.where(fl.thick > 0)
            line = shpg.LineString([fl.line.coords[int(p)] for p in pg[0]])
            sh = fl.surface_h[pg]
            flo = centerlines.Centerline(line, dx=fl.dx,
            flo.widths = fl.widths[pg]
            flo.is_rectangular = np.ones(flo.nx).astype(np.bool)


        inversion_gdir.write_pickle(copy.deepcopy(fls), 'inversion_flowlines')

        v, _ = inversion.mass_conservation_inversion(inversion_gdir)

        assert_allclose(v, model.volume_m3, rtol=0.02)
        if do_plot:  # pragma: no cover
            self.double_plot(model, inversion_gdir) 
Example #19
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_inversion_noisy_sf_huss(self, inversion_gdir):
        old_model_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel']
        old_inversion_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion']
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = 'Huss'
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = 'Huss'

        fls = dummy_noisy_bed(map_dx=inversion_gdir.grid.dx)
        for fl in fls:
            fl.is_rectangular = np.ones(fl.nx).astype(np.bool)
        mb = LinearMassBalance(2600.)

        model = FluxBasedModel(fls, mb_model=mb, y0=0.)
        fls = []
        for fl in model.fls:
            pg = np.where(fl.thick > 0)
            line = shpg.LineString([fl.line.coords[int(p)] for p in pg[0]])
            sh = fl.surface_h[pg]
            flo = centerlines.Centerline(line, dx=fl.dx,
            flo.widths = fl.widths[pg]
            flo.is_rectangular = np.ones(flo.nx).astype(np.bool)
        inversion_gdir.write_pickle(copy.deepcopy(fls), 'inversion_flowlines')

        v, _ = inversion.mass_conservation_inversion(inversion_gdir)

        assert_allclose(v, model.volume_m3, rtol=0.05)
        if do_plot:  # pragma: no cover
            self.simple_plot(model, inversion_gdir)

        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = old_model_sf
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = old_inversion_sf 
Example #20
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_inversion_cliff_sf_adhikari(self, inversion_gdir):
        old_model_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel']
        old_inversion_sf = cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion']
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = 'Adhikari'
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = 'Adhikari'

        fls = dummy_constant_bed_cliff(map_dx=inversion_gdir.grid.dx,
        for fl in fls:
            fl.is_rectangular = np.ones(fl.nx).astype(np.bool)
        mb = LinearMassBalance(2600.)

        model = FluxBasedModel(fls, mb_model=mb, y0=0.)
        fls = []
        for fl in model.fls:
            pg = np.where(fl.thick > 0)
            line = shpg.LineString([fl.line.coords[int(p)] for p in pg[0]])
            sh = fl.surface_h[pg]
            flo = centerlines.Centerline(line, dx=fl.dx,
            flo.widths = fl.widths[pg]
            flo.is_rectangular = np.ones(flo.nx).astype(np.bool)
        inversion_gdir.write_pickle(copy.deepcopy(fls), 'inversion_flowlines')

        v, _ = inversion.mass_conservation_inversion(inversion_gdir)

        assert_allclose(v, model.volume_m3, rtol=0.05)
        if do_plot:  # pragma: no cover
            self.simple_plot(model, inversion_gdir)

        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_fluxbasedmodel'] = old_model_sf
        cfg.PARAMS['use_shape_factor_for_inversion'] = old_inversion_sf 
Example #21
Source File:    From centerline with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def linestring():
    return geometry.LineString([(0, 0), (0.8, 0.8), (1.8, 0.95), (2.6, 0.5)]) 
Example #22
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_trapezoidal_bed(hmax=3000., hmin=1000., nx=200):
    map_dx = 100.
    dx = 1.

    surface_h = np.linspace(hmax, hmin, nx)
    bed_h = surface_h
    widths = surface_h * 0. + 1.6

    lambdas = surface_h * 0. + 2

    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)

    return [flowline.TrapezoidalBedFlowline(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h,
                                            bed_h, widths, lambdas)] 
Example #23
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_mixed_bed(deflambdas=3.5, map_dx=100., mixslice=None):
    dx = 1.
    nx = 200

    surface_h = np.linspace(3000, 1000, nx)
    bed_h = surface_h
    shape = surface_h * 0. + 3.e-03
    if mixslice:
        shape[mixslice] = np.NaN
        shape[10:20] = np.NaN
    is_trapezoid = ~np.isfinite(shape)
    lambdas = shape * 0.
    lambdas[is_trapezoid] = deflambdas

    widths_m = bed_h * 0. + 10
    section = bed_h * 0.

    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)

    fls = flowline.MixedBedFlowline(line=line, dx=dx, map_dx=map_dx,
                                    surface_h=surface_h, bed_h=bed_h,
                                    section=section, bed_shape=shape,
                                    lambdas=lambdas, widths_m=widths_m)

    return [fls] 
Example #24
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_noisy_bed(map_dx=100.):
    dx = 1.
    nx = 200
    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    surface_h = np.linspace(3000, 1000, nx)
    surface_h += 100 * np.random.rand(nx) - 50.

    bed_h = surface_h
    widths = surface_h * 0. + 3.
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)
    return [flowline.RectangularBedFlowline(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h,
                                            bed_h, widths)] 
Example #25
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_bumpy_bed():
    map_dx = 100.
    dx = 1.
    nx = 200

    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    surface_h = np.linspace(3000, 1000, nx)
    surface_h += 170. * np.exp(-((coords - 30) / 5) ** 2)

    bed_h = surface_h
    widths = surface_h * 0. + 3.
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)
    return [flowline.RectangularBedFlowline(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h,
                                            bed_h, widths)] 
Example #26
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def dummy_constant_bed(hmax=3000., hmin=1000., nx=200, map_dx=100.,

    dx = 1.

    surface_h = np.linspace(hmax, hmin, nx)
    bed_h = surface_h
    widths = surface_h * 0. + widths
    coords = np.arange(0, nx - 0.5, 1)
    line = shpg.LineString(np.vstack([coords, coords * 0.]).T)
    return [flowline.RectangularBedFlowline(line, dx, map_dx, surface_h,
                                            bed_h, widths)] 
Example #27
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def set_line(self, line):
        """Update the Shapely LineString coordinate.

        line : :py:class`shapely.geometry.LineString`

        self.nx = len(line.coords)
        self.line = line
        dis = [line.project(shpg.Point(co)) for co in line.coords]
        self.dis_on_line = np.array(dis)
        xx, yy = line.xy
        self.head = shpg.Point(xx[0], yy[0])
        self.tail = shpg.Point(xx[-1], yy[-1]) 
Example #28
Source File:    From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _line_extend(uline, dline, dx):
    """Adds a downstream line to a flowline

    uline: a shapely.geometry.LineString instance
    dline: a shapely.geometry.LineString instance
    dx: the spacing

    (line, line) : two shapely.geometry.LineString instances. The first
    contains the newly created (long) line, the second only the interpolated
    downstream part (useful for other analyses)

    # First points is easy
    points = [shpg.Point(c) for c in uline.coords]
    dpoints = []

    # Continue as long as line is not finished
    while True:
        pref = points[-1]
        pbs = pref.buffer(dx).boundary.intersection(dline)
        if pbs.type == 'Point':
            pbs = [pbs]
        # Out of the point(s) that we get, take the one farthest from the top
        refdis = dline.project(pref)
        tdis = np.array([dline.project(pb) for pb in pbs])
        p = np.where(tdis > refdis)[0]
        if len(p) == 0:

    return shpg.LineString(points), shpg.LineString(dpoints) 
Example #29
Source File:    From centerline with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def geometry_collection():
    return geometry.GeometryCollection(
            geometry.Point(0, 0),
            geometry.LineString([(0, 0), (0.8, 0.8), (1.8, 0.95), (2.6, 0.5)]),
            geometry.Polygon([[0, 0], [0, 4], [4, 4], [4, 0]]),
Example #30
Source File:    From earthpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def two_line_gdf():
    """ Create Line Objects For Testing """
    linea = LineString([(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2), (5, 3)])
    lineb = LineString([(3, 4), (5, 7), (12, 2), (10, 5), (9, 7.5)])
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame([1, 2], geometry=[linea, lineb], crs="epsg:4326")
    return gdf