Python sqlalchemy.Sequence() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sqlalchemy.Sequence().
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Example #1
Source File: From open-raadsinformatie with MIT License | 7 votes |
def generate_ori_identifier(self, iri): """ Generates a Resource with an ORI identifier and adds the IRI as a Source if it does not already exist. """ session = self.Session() new_id = self.engine.execute(Sequence('ori_id_seq')) new_identifier = Uri(Ori, new_id) try: # If the resource already exists, create the source as a child of the resource resource = session.query(Source).filter(Source.iri == iri).one().resource resource.sources.append(Source(iri=iri)) session.flush() except NoResultFound: # If the resource does not exist, create resource and source together resource = Resource(ori_id=new_id, iri=new_identifier, sources=[Source(iri=iri)]) session.add(resource) session.commit() finally: session.close() return new_identifier
Example #2
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def dataset_no_autoinc(self, metadata): # plain autoincrement/PK table in the actual schema Table("x", metadata, Column("set_id", Integer, primary_key=True)) # for the INSERT use a table with a Sequence # and autoincrement=False. Using a ForeignKey # would have the same effect some_seq = Sequence("some_seq") dataset_no_autoinc = Table( "x", MetaData(), Column( "set_id", Integer, some_seq, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, ), ) return dataset_no_autoinc
Example #3
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_pickle_metadata_sequence_restated(self): m1 = MetaData() Table( "a", m1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer, Sequence("x_seq")), ) m2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m1)) s2 = Sequence("x_seq") t2 = Table( "a", m2, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer, s2), extend_existing=True, ) assert m2._sequences["x_seq"] is t2.c.x.default assert m2._sequences["x_seq"] is s2
Example #4
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_schema_translate_map_sequence(self): s1 = schema.Sequence("s1") s2 = schema.Sequence("s2", schema="foo") s3 = schema.Sequence("s3", schema="bar") schema_translate_map = {None: "z", "bar": None, "foo": "bat"} self.assert_compile( schema.CreateSequence(s1), "CREATE SEQUENCE [SCHEMA__none].s1 START WITH 1", schema_translate_map=schema_translate_map, ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateSequence(s2), "CREATE SEQUENCE [SCHEMA_foo].s2 START WITH 1", schema_translate_map=schema_translate_map, ) self.assert_compile( schema.CreateSequence(s3), "CREATE SEQUENCE [SCHEMA_bar].s3 START WITH 1", schema_translate_map=schema_translate_map, )
Example #5
Source File: From AnyBlok with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_sequence(cls, values): """Create the database sequence for an instance of Sequence Model. :return: suitable field values for insertion of the Model instance :rtype: dict """ seq_name = values.get('seq_name') if seq_name is None: seq_id = cls.registry.execute(SQLASequence(cls._cls_seq_name)) seq_name = '%s_%d' % (cls.__tablename__, seq_id) values['seq_name'] = seq_name number = values.setdefault('number', 0) if number: seq = SQLASequence(seq_name, number) else: seq = SQLASequence(seq_name) seq.create(cls.registry.bind) return values
Example #6
Source File: From AnyBlok with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def initialize_model(cls): """ Create the sequence to determine name """ super(Sequence, cls).initialize_model() seq = SQLASequence(cls._cls_seq_name) seq.create(cls.registry.bind) to_create = getattr(cls.registry, '_need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist', ()) if to_create is None: return for vals in to_create: if cls.query().filter(cls.code == vals['code']).count(): continue formatter = vals.get('formater') if formatter is None: del vals['formater'] cls.insert(**vals)
Example #7
Source File: From snowflake-sqlalchemy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _create_users_addresses_tables(engine_testaccount, metadata): users = Table('users', metadata, Column('id', Integer, Sequence('user_id_seq'), primary_key=True), Column('name', String), Column('fullname', String), ) addresses = Table('addresses', metadata, Column('id', Integer, Sequence('address_id_seq'), primary_key=True), Column('user_id', None, ForeignKey('')), Column('email_address', String, nullable=False) ) metadata.create_all(engine_testaccount) return users, addresses
Example #8
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_freestanding_sequence_via_autoinc(self, connection): t = Table( "some_table", self.metadata, Column( "id", Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True, default=Sequence( "my_sequence", metadata=self.metadata ).next_value(), ), ) self.metadata.create_all(connection) result = connection.execute(t.insert()) eq_(result.inserted_primary_key, (1,))
Example #9
Source File: From rasa-for-botfront with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _create_sequence(table_name: Text) -> "Sequence": """Creates a sequence object for a specific table name. If using Oracle you will need to create a sequence in your database, as described here: Args: table_name: The name of the table, which gets a Sequence assigned Returns: A `Sequence` object """ from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base sequence_name = f"{table_name}_seq" Base = declarative_base() return sa.Sequence(sequence_name, metadata=Base.metadata, optional=True)
Example #10
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sequence_not_duped(self): engine, buf = self._engine_fixture() metadata = MetaData() t = Table( "testtable", metadata, Column( "pk", Integer, Sequence("testtable_pk_seq"), primary_key=True, ), ) t.create(engine) t.drop(engine) eq_(re.findall(r"CREATE (\w+)", buf.getvalue()), ["SEQUENCE", "TABLE"]) eq_(re.findall(r"DROP (\w+)", buf.getvalue()), ["TABLE", "SEQUENCE"])
Example #11
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_strlen(self): metadata = self.metadata # On FB the length() function is implemented by an external UDF, # strlen(). Various SA tests fail because they pass a parameter # to it, and that does not work (it always results the maximum # string length the UDF was declared to accept). This test # checks that at least it works ok in other cases. t = Table( "t1", metadata, Column("id", Integer, Sequence("t1idseq"), primary_key=True), Column("name", String(10)), ) metadata.create_all() t.insert(values=dict(name="dante")).execute() t.insert(values=dict(name="alighieri")).execute() select( [func.count(], func.length( == 5 ).execute().first()[0] == 1
Example #12
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_format(self): seq = Sequence("my_seq_no_schema") dialect = postgresql.dialect() assert ( dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq) == "my_seq_no_schema" ) seq = Sequence("my_seq", schema="some_schema") assert ( dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq) == "some_schema.my_seq" ) seq = Sequence("My_Seq", schema="Some_Schema") assert ( dialect.identifier_preparer.format_sequence(seq) == '"Some_Schema"."My_Seq"' )
Example #13
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_lastrow_accessor_four(self): metadata = MetaData() self._test_lastrow_accessor( Table( "t4", metadata, Column( "id", Integer, Sequence("t4_id_seq", optional=True), primary_key=True, ), Column("foo", String(30), primary_key=True), Column("bar", String(30), server_default="hi"), ), {"foo": "hi", "id": 1}, {"id": 1, "foo": "hi", "bar": "hi"}, )
Example #14
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_insert_from_select_seq(self): m = MetaData() t1 = Table( "t", m, Column("id", Integer, Sequence("id_seq"), primary_key=True), Column("data", String), ) stmt = t1.insert().from_select(("data",), select([])) self.assert_compile( stmt, "INSERT INTO t (data, id) SELECT, " "nextval('id_seq') AS next_value_1 FROM t", dialect=postgresql.dialect(), )
Example #15
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_col_w_optional_sequence_non_autoinc_no_firing( self, dataset_no_autoinc, connection ): """this is testing that a Table which includes a Sequence, when run against a DB that does not support sequences, the Sequence does not get in the way. """ dataset_no_autoinc.c.set_id.default.optional = True connection.execute(dataset_no_autoinc.insert()) eq_( connection.scalar( select([func.count("*")]).select_from(dataset_no_autoinc) ), 1, )
Example #16
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_func_embedded_select(self): """test can use next_value() in select column expr""" s = Sequence("my_sequence") self._assert_seq_result(testing.db.scalar(select([s.next_value()])))
Example #17
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_func_implicit_connectionless_scalar(self): """test func.next_value().execute()/.scalar() works. """ s = Sequence("my_sequence", metadata=MetaData(testing.db)) self._assert_seq_result(s.next_value().scalar())
Example #18
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_inserted_pk_implicit_returning(self): """test inserted_primary_key contains the result when pk_col=next_value(), when implicit returning is used.""" metadata = self.metadata s = Sequence("my_sequence") t1 = Table("t", metadata, Column("x", Integer, primary_key=True,),) t1.create(testing.db) e = engines.testing_engine(options={"implicit_returning": True}) with e.connect() as conn: r = conn.execute(t1.insert().values(x=s.next_value())) self._assert_seq_result(r.inserted_primary_key[0])
Example #19
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_func_explicit(self): s = Sequence("my_sequence") self._assert_seq_result(testing.db.scalar(s.next_value()))
Example #20
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_func_implicit_connectionless_execute(self): """test func.next_value().execute()/.scalar() works with connectionless execution. """ s = Sequence("my_sequence", metadata=MetaData(testing.db)) self._assert_seq_result(s.next_value().execute().scalar())
Example #21
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_explicit_optional(self): """test dialect executes a Sequence, returns nextval, whether or not "optional" is set """ s = Sequence("my_sequence", optional=True) self._assert_seq_result(s.execute(testing.db))
Example #22
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_implicit_connectionless(self): s = Sequence("my_sequence", metadata=MetaData(testing.db)) self._assert_seq_result(s.execute())
Example #23
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup_class(cls): cls.seq = Sequence("my_sequence") cls.seq.create(testing.db)
Example #24
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_explicit_sequence(self): t = self._fixture() self._test( t.insert().values( id=func.next_value(Sequence("t_id_seq")), data="data", x=5 ), (testing.db.dialect.default_sequence_base, "data", 5), )
Example #25
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_sequence_restated_replaced(self): """Test restatement of Sequence replaces.""" m1 = MetaData() s1 = Sequence("x_seq") t = Table("a", m1, Column("x", Integer, s1)) assert m1._sequences["x_seq"] is s1 s2 = Sequence("x_seq") Table("a", m1, Column("x", Integer, s2), extend_existing=True) assert t.c.x.default is s2 assert m1._sequences["x_seq"] is s2
Example #26
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "foo", metadata, Column( "id", testing.db.dialect.sequence_default_column_type, Sequence("t_id_seq"), primary_key=True, ), Column("data", String(50)), Column("x", Integer), )
Example #27
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_sequence_attach_to_existing_table(self): m1 = MetaData() s1 = Sequence("s") t = Table("a", m1, Column("x", Integer)) t.c.x._init_items(s1) assert s1.metadata is m1
Example #28
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _run_test(self, *arg, **kw): metadata = self.metadata implicit_returning = kw.pop("implicit_returning", True) kw["primary_key"] = True if kw.get("autoincrement", True): kw["test_needs_autoincrement"] = True t = Table( "x", metadata, Column("y", self.MyInteger, *arg, **kw), Column("data", Integer), implicit_returning=implicit_returning, ) with testing.db.connect() as conn: t.create(conn) r = conn.execute(t.insert().values(data=5)) expected_result = "INT_" + str( testing.db.dialect.default_sequence_base if (arg and isinstance(arg[0], Sequence)) else 1 ) # we don't pre-fetch 'server_default'. if "server_default" in kw and ( not testing.db.dialect.implicit_returning or not implicit_returning ): eq_(r.inserted_primary_key, (None,)) else: eq_( r.inserted_primary_key, (expected_result,), ) eq_( conn.execute(, (expected_result, 5), )
Example #29
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_pickle_metadata_sequence_implicit(self): m1 = MetaData() Table( "a", m1, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("x", Integer, Sequence("x_seq")), ) m2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m1)) t2 = Table("a", m2, extend_existing=True) eq_(m2._sequences, {"x_seq": t2.c.x.default})
Example #30
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_uninitialized_column_copy(self): for col in [ Column("foo", String(), nullable=False), Column("baz", String(), unique=True), Column(Integer(), primary_key=True), Column( "bar", Integer(), Sequence("foo_seq"), primary_key=True, key="bar", ), Column(Integer(), ForeignKey("bat.blah"), doc="this is a col"), Column( "bar", Integer(), ForeignKey("bat.blah"), primary_key=True, key="bar", ), Column("bar", Integer(), info={"foo": "bar"}), ]: c2 = col.copy() for attr in ( "name", "type", "nullable", "primary_key", "key", "unique", "info", "doc", ): eq_(getattr(col, attr), getattr(c2, attr)) eq_(len(col.foreign_keys), len(c2.foreign_keys)) if col.default: eq_(, "foo_seq") for a1, a2 in zip(col.foreign_keys, c2.foreign_keys): assert a1 is not a2 eq_(a2._colspec, "bat.blah")