Python flask.send_file() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of flask.send_file().
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Example #1
Source File: From torc with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def get(self, job_id): con = sqlite3.connect(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/assets.db') con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT zip_file FROM tool_jobs WHERE id = ?",(job_id,)) data = dict(result=[dict(r) for r in cur.fetchall()]) zip_file = data['result'][0]['zip_file'] + '.zip' # Close connection if con: con.close() return send_file(zip_file, as_attachment=True) # Retrieve dependencies for tool
Example #2
Source File: From WebWhatsapp-Wrapper with MIT License | 7 votes |
def download_message_media(msg_id): """Download a media file""" message = g.driver.get_message_by_id(msg_id) if not message or not message.mime: abort(404) profile_path = create_static_profile_path(g.client_id) filename = message.save_media(profile_path, True) if os.path.exists(filename): return send_file(filename, mimetype=message.mime) abort(404) # --------------------------- Admin methods ----------------------------------
Example #3
Source File: From contentdb with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def make_thumbnail(img, level): if level > len(ALLOWED_RESOLUTIONS) or level <= 0: abort(403) w, h = ALLOWED_RESOLUTIONS[level - 1] upload_dir = current_app.config["UPLOAD_DIR"] thumbnail_dir = current_app.config["THUMBNAIL_DIR"] mkdir(thumbnail_dir) output_dir = os.path.join(thumbnail_dir, str(level)) mkdir(output_dir) cache_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, img) source_filepath = os.path.join(upload_dir, img) resize_and_crop(source_filepath, cache_filepath, (w, h)) return send_file(cache_filepath)
Example #4
Source File: From c3nav-32c3 with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def qr_code(path): if os.environ.get('WIFIONLY'): return '' qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) qr.add_data(short_base+path) qr.make(fit=True) img = io.BytesIO() qr.make_image().save(img, 'PNG') return send_file(img, mimetype='image/png')
Example #5
Source File: From PyOne with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def redirect_file(user,fileid): filename=GetName(fileid) downloadUrl,play_url=GetDownloadUrl(fileid,user) req = browser.get(play_url, stream = True) headers = dict([(name, value) for (name, value) in req.raw.headers.items()]) cache_root=os.path.join(GetConfig('config_dir'),'cache') if not os.path.exists(cache_root): os.mkdir(cache_root) filepath=os.path.join(cache_root,filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): with open(filepath,'wb') as f: for chunk in req.iter_content(1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush() resp=send_file(filepath,conditional=True) return resp
Example #6
Source File: From figma-linux-font-helper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def font_file(): file_name = request.args.get("file") if file_name: if file_name in FONT_FILES: with open(file_name, 'rb') as bites: response = make_response(send_file( io.BytesIO(, attachment_filename=os.path.basename(file_name), mimetype='application/octet-stream' )) if request.referrer: response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = \ request.referrer[:-1] if request.referrer.endswith("/") else \ request.referrer[:-1] response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return response return ('', 404)
Example #7
Source File: From LuckyCAT with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def jobs_download(job_id): # FIXME may crash if no crashes available if job_id is None: flask.flash("Invalid job ID") return flask.redirect('/jobs/show') job = Job.objects.get(id=job_id) if not can_do_stuff_with_job(current_user, job.owner): flask.flash('User is not allowed to download job.') return flask.redirect('/jobs/show') job_crashes = Crash.objects(job_id=job_id) if job_crashes: imz = InMemoryZip() summary = {} for c in job_crashes: summary[str(] = _get_summary_for_crash(c) imz.append("%s" % str(, c.test_case) imz.append("summary.json", json.dumps(summary, indent=4)) filename = os.path.join('/tmp', '' % job_id) if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) imz.writetofile(filename) return flask.send_file(filename, as_attachment=True)
Example #8
Source File: From incepiton-mysql with MIT License | 6 votes |
def audit_work_rollback(id): """ Roll back sql. :param id: :return: """ sql_roll = get_sql_roll(id) base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) roll_back_dir = base_dir + '/tmp' if not os.path.exists(roll_back_dir): os.makedirs(roll_back_dir) fp = open(roll_back_dir + '/roll_back.sql', 'w') for i in range(len(sql_roll)): fp.write(sql_roll[i] + '\n') fp.close() response = make_response(send_file(roll_back_dir + '/roll_back.sql')) response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=ex.sql" return response
Example #9
Source File: From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def download(hash_id): paste = Paste.objects.get_or_404(hash_id=hash_id) str = StringIO.StringIO() zf = zipfile.ZipFile(str, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, False) for i, code in enumerate( zf.writestr("code-%s.txt" % i, code.content.encode('utf-8')) for f in zf.filelist: f.create_system = 0 zf.close() return send_file(str, mimetype="application/octet-stream", as_attachment=True, attachment_filename="" % hash_id)
Example #10
Source File: From ReadableWebProxy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def ebook_file_content(fpath=None): if fpath is None: fpath = "" fpath = os.path.join(settings.EBOOK_STORAGE_DIR, fpath) fpath = os.path.abspath(fpath) assert fpath.startswith(settings.EBOOK_STORAGE_DIR) print("Fpath request:", fpath) if not os.path.exists(fpath): return render_ebook_error(fpath) if os.path.isfile(fpath): return send_file(fpath) else: return render_ebook_error(fpath)
Example #11
Source File: From zou with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get(self, attachment_file_id): attachment_file = comments_service.get_attachment_file( attachment_file_id ) comment = tasks_service.get_comment(attachment_file["comment_id"]) task = tasks_service.get_task(comment["object_id"]) user_service.check_project_access(task["project_id"]) user_service.check_entity_access(task["entity_id"]) file_path = comments_service.get_attachment_file_path(attachment_file) try: return flask_send_file( file_path, conditional=True, mimetype=attachment_file["mimetype"], as_attachment=False, attachment_filename=attachment_file["name"], ) except: abort(404)
Example #12
Source File: From recon-ng with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def xlsx(): '''Returns an xlsx file containing the entire dataset for the current workspace.''' sfp = BytesIO() with xlsxwriter.Workbook(sfp) as workbook: # create a worksheet for each table in the current workspace for table in recon.get_tables(): rows = recon.query(f"SELECT * FROM {table}", include_header=True) columns = rows.pop(0) rows = columnize(columns, rows) add_worksheet(workbook, table, rows) return send_file( sfp, mimetype='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=f"{current_app.config['WORKSPACE']}.xlsx" )
Example #13
Source File: From notifications-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_pdf_for_notification(notification_id): _data = {"notification_id": notification_id} validate(_data, notification_by_id) notification = notifications_dao.get_notification_by_id( notification_id,, _raise=True ) if notification.notification_type != LETTER_TYPE: raise BadRequestError(message="Notification is not a letter") if notification.status == NOTIFICATION_VIRUS_SCAN_FAILED: raise BadRequestError(message='File did not pass the virus scan') if notification.status == NOTIFICATION_TECHNICAL_FAILURE: raise BadRequestError(message='PDF not available for letters in status {}'.format(notification.status)) if notification.status == NOTIFICATION_PENDING_VIRUS_CHECK: raise PDFNotReadyError() try: pdf_data, metadata = get_letter_pdf_and_metadata(notification) except Exception: raise PDFNotReadyError() return send_file(filename_or_fp=BytesIO(pdf_data), mimetype='application/pdf')
Example #14
Source File: From udata with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def internal(identifier, size): ''' Internal provider Use pydenticon to generate an identicon. ''' identicon = generate_pydenticon(identifier, size) response = send_file(io.BytesIO(identicon), mimetype='image/png') etag = hashlib.sha1(identicon).hexdigest() response.set_etag(etag) return response
Example #15
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def operate_model(model_operation): request_config = request.json or request.form.to_dict() job_id = generate_job_id() required_arguments = ["model_id", "model_version"] if model_operation not in [ModelOperation.STORE, ModelOperation.RESTORE, ModelOperation.EXPORT, ModelOperation.IMPORT]: raise Exception('Can not support this operating now: {}'.format(model_operation)) check_config(request_config, required_arguments=required_arguments) if model_operation in [ModelOperation.EXPORT, ModelOperation.IMPORT]: if model_operation == ModelOperation.IMPORT: file = request.files.get('file') file_path = os.path.join(TEMP_DIRECTORY, file.filename) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: shutil.rmtree(file_path) raise e request_config['file'] = file_path model = pipelined_model.PipelinedModel(model_id=request_config["model_id"], model_version=request_config["model_version"]) model.unpack_model(file_path) return get_json_result() else: model = pipelined_model.PipelinedModel(model_id=request_config["model_id"], model_version=request_config["model_version"]) archive_file_path = model.packaging_model() return send_file(archive_file_path, attachment_filename=os.path.basename(archive_file_path), as_attachment=True) else: data = {} job_dsl, job_runtime_conf = gen_model_operation_job_config(request_config, model_operation) job_id, job_dsl_path, job_runtime_conf_path, logs_directory, model_info, board_url = JobController.submit_job( {'job_dsl': job_dsl, 'job_runtime_conf': job_runtime_conf}, job_id=job_id) data.update({'job_dsl_path': job_dsl_path, 'job_runtime_conf_path': job_runtime_conf_path, 'board_url': board_url, 'logs_directory': logs_directory}) return get_json_result(job_id=job_id, data=data)
Example #16
Source File: From LiSa with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def download_json(id): """Download json report (serve file).""" json_file = f'{storage_path}/{id}/report.json' if not os.path.isfile(json_file): res = ErrorAPIResponse(1004).to_dict() return jsonify(res), 404 return send_file(json_file, as_attachment=True)
Example #17
Source File: From LiSa with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def download_pcap(id): """Get analysis pcap.""" pcaps = glob.glob(f'{storage_path}/{id}/*.pcap') if len(pcaps) == 0: res = ErrorAPIResponse(1003).to_dict() return jsonify(res), 404 return send_file(pcaps[0], as_attachment=True)
Example #18
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def job_log(): job_id = request.json.get('job_id', '') memory_file = io.BytesIO() tar =, mode='w:gz') job_log_dir = job_utils.get_job_log_directory(job_id=job_id) for root, dir, files in os.walk(job_log_dir): for file in files: full_path = os.path.join(root, file) rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, job_log_dir) tar.add(full_path, rel_path) tar.close() return send_file(memory_file, attachment_filename='job_{}_log.tar.gz'.format(job_id), as_attachment=True)
Example #19
Source File: From WebWhatsapp-Wrapper with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_screen(): """Capture chrome screen image and send it back. If the screen is currently at qr scanning phase, return the image of qr only, else return image of full screen""" img_title = "screen_" + g.client_id + ".png" image_path = STATIC_FILES_PATH + img_title if g.driver_status != WhatsAPIDriverStatus.LoggedIn: try: g.driver.get_qr(image_path) return send_file(image_path, mimetype="image/png") except Exception as err: pass g.driver.screenshot(image_path) return send_file(image_path, mimetype="image/png")
Example #20
Source File: From openvpn-admin-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def process_error(): url = current_app.config['SCHEDULER_ERROR']; if os.path.exists(url): respnse = make_response(send_file(url)) respnse.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attament; filename=scheduler.error" return respnse else: flash('Log file does not exist', 'danger') return render_template('status.html')
Example #21
Source File: From rtkbase with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def downloadLog(log_name): """ Route for downloading raw gnss data""" try: full_log_path = rtk.logm.log_path + "/" + log_name return send_file(full_log_path, as_attachment = True) except FileNotFoundError: abort(404)
Example #22
Source File: From LiSa with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_report(id): """Get task report endpoint.""" task = celery_app.AsyncResult(id) if task.state != 'SUCCESS': res = ErrorAPIResponse(1000).to_dict() return jsonify(res), 404 return send_file(f'{storage_path}/{id}/report.json')
Example #23
Source File: From BotListBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def thumbnail(username): if username[0] != '@': username = '@' + username try: item = Bot.by_username(username) except Bot.DoesNotExist: item = None if not item: return _error("There is no bot in the BotList with the username {}.".format(username)) if not os.path.exists(item.thumbnail_file): return _error("Sorry, we don't have a thumbnail for this bot.") return send_file(item.thumbnail_file, mimetype='image/jpeg')
Example #24
Source File: From robotreviewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_pdf(report_uuid, pdf_uuid): # returns PDF binary from database by pdf_uuid # where the report_uuid also matches c = rr_sql_conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT pdf_file FROM article WHERE report_uuid=? AND pdf_uuid=?", (report_uuid, pdf_uuid)) pdf_file = c.fetchone() strIO = StringIO() strIO.write(pdf_file[0]) return send_file(strIO, attachment_filename="%s.pdf" % pdf_uuid, as_attachment=False)
Example #25
Source File: From robotreviewer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def download_report(report_uuid, format): report = produce_report(report_uuid, format, download=True) strIO = StringIO() strIO.write(report.encode('utf-8')) # need to send as a bytestring return send_file(strIO, attachment_filename="robotreviewer_report_%s.%s" % (report_uuid, format), as_attachment=True)
Example #26
Source File: From honeyku with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def catch_all(path): # Load the config file config=load_config() # Honeytoken alerts if request.path in config['traps'] and request.path != "/favicon.ico": # Preparing the alert message alertMessage = alert_msg(request, config) # Slack alert if config['alert']['slack']['enabled'] == "true": WEBHOOK_URL = config['alert']['slack']['webhook-url'] slack_alerter(alertMessage, WEBHOOK_URL) # Email alert if config['alert']['email']['enabled'] == "true": email_alerter(alertMessage, config) # SMS alert #TODO: Complete and test the SMS alert #if config['alert']['sms']['enabled'] == "true": # sms_alerter(alertMessage, config) #TODO: HTTP Endpoint Support # Honeypot event logs if request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For"): source_ip = request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For")[0] else: source_ip = request.remote_addr'{{"sourceip":"{}","host":"{}","request":"{}","http_method":"{}","body":"{}","user_agent":"{}"}}'.format( source_ip, request.url_root, request.full_path, request.method,, request.user_agent.string)) # Prepare and send the custom HTTP response contype, body = generate_http_response(request, config) # Customize the response using a template (in case you want to return a dynamic response, etc.) # You can comment the next 2 lines if you don't want to use this. /Just an example/ if body == "custom.html": return (render_template(body, browser = request.user_agent.browser, ua = request.user_agent.string)) return (send_file(body, mimetype=contype) if "image" in contype else render_template(body))
Example #27
Source File: From gordo with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get(self): """ Responds with a serialized copy of the current model being served. Returns ------- bytes Results from ``gordo.serializer.dumps()`` """ serialized_model = serializer.dumps(g.model) buff = io.BytesIO(serialized_model) return send_file(buff, attachment_filename="model.tar.gz")
Example #28
Source File: From flyingcloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def canny(): # adapted from img = cv2.imread('static/img/ship.jpg', 0) edges = cv2.Canny(img, 100, 200) im = Image.fromarray(edges) img2 = StringIO(), format="png") return send_file(img2, mimetype='image/png')
Example #29
Source File: From onion-expose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def serve_info(self, path): return send_file("infopage_status.html")
Example #30
Source File: From onion-expose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def serve_info(self, path): return send_file("infopage_file.html")