Python docutils.nodes.label() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of docutils.nodes.label().
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Example #1
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def citation(self, match): src, srcline = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line() indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \ self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end()) label = name = normalize_name(label) citation = nodes.citation('\n'.join(indented)) citation.source = src citation.line = srcline citation += nodes.label('', label) citation['names'].append(name) self.document.note_citation(citation) self.document.note_explicit_target(citation, citation) if indented: self.nested_parse(indented, input_offset=offset, node=citation) return [citation], blank_finish
Example #2
Source File: From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def citation(self, match): src, srcline = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line() indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \ self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end()) label = name = normalize_name(label) citation = nodes.citation('\n'.join(indented)) citation.source = src citation.line = srcline citation += nodes.label('', label) citation['names'].append(name) self.document.note_citation(citation) self.document.note_explicit_target(citation, citation) if indented: self.nested_parse(indented, input_offset=offset, node=citation) return [citation], blank_finish
Example #3
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def citation(self, match): src, srcline = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line() indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \ self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end()) label = name = normalize_name(label) citation = nodes.citation('\n'.join(indented)) citation.source = src citation.line = srcline citation += nodes.label('', label) citation['names'].append(name) self.document.note_citation(citation) self.document.note_explicit_target(citation, citation) if indented: self.nested_parse(indented, input_offset=offset, node=citation) return [citation], blank_finish
Example #4
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 6 votes |
def citation(self, match): src, srcline = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line() indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \ self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end()) label = name = normalize_name(label) citation = nodes.citation('\n'.join(indented)) citation.source = src citation.line = srcline citation += nodes.label('', label) citation['names'].append(name) self.document.note_citation(citation) self.document.note_explicit_target(citation, citation) if indented: self.nested_parse(indented, input_offset=offset, node=citation) return [citation], blank_finish
Example #5
Source File: From faces with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def citation(self, match): src, srcline = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line() indented, indent, offset, blank_finish = \ self.state_machine.get_first_known_indented(match.end()) label = name = normalize_name(label) citation = nodes.citation('\n'.join(indented)) citation.source = src citation.line = srcline citation += nodes.label('', label) citation['names'].append(name) self.document.note_citation(citation) self.document.note_explicit_target(citation, citation) if indented: self.nested_parse(indented, input_offset=offset, node=citation) return [citation], blank_finish
Example #6
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visit_label(self, node): # footnote and citation if (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.footnote) or isinstance(node.parent, nodes.citation)): raise nodes.SkipNode self.document.reporter.warning('"unsupported "label"', base_node=node) self.body.append('[')
Example #7
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def number_footnote_references(self, startnum): """Assign numbers to autonumbered footnote references.""" i = 0 for ref in self.document.autofootnote_refs: if ref.resolved or ref.hasattr('refid'): continue try: label = self.autofootnote_labels[i] except IndexError: msg = self.document.reporter.error( 'Too many autonumbered footnote references: only %s ' 'corresponding footnotes available.' % len(self.autofootnote_labels), base_node=ref) msgid = self.document.set_id(msg) for ref in self.document.autofootnote_refs[i:]: if ref.resolved or ref.hasattr('refname'): continue prb = nodes.problematic( ref.rawsource, ref.rawsource, refid=msgid) prbid = self.document.set_id(prb) msg.add_backref(prbid) ref.replace_self(prb) break ref += nodes.Text(label) id = self.document.nameids[label] footnote = self.document.ids[id] ref['refid'] = id self.document.note_refid(ref) assert len(ref['ids']) == 1 footnote.add_backref(ref['ids'][0]) ref.resolved = 1 i += 1
Example #8
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def depart_document(self, node): if self._docinfo['author']: self.body.append('.SH AUTHOR\n%s\n' % ', '.join(self._docinfo['author'])) skip = ('author', 'copyright', 'date', 'manual_group', 'manual_section', 'subtitle', 'title', 'title_upper', 'version') for name in self._docinfo_keys: if name == 'address': self.body.append("\n%s:\\n%s\\n%s%s" % ( self.language.labels.get(name, name), self.defs['indent'][0] % 0, self.defs['indent'][0] % BLOCKQOUTE_INDENT, self._docinfo[name], self.defs['indent'][1], self.defs['indent'][1])) elif not name in skip: if name in self._docinfo_names: label = self._docinfo_names[name] else: label = self.language.labels.get(name, name) self.body.append("\n%s: %s\n" % (label, self._docinfo[name])) if self._docinfo['copyright']: self.body.append('.SH COPYRIGHT\n%s\n' % self._docinfo['copyright']) self.body.append(self.comment( 'Generated by docutils manpage writer.'))
Example #9
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def should_be_compact_paragraph(self, node): """ Determine if the <p> tags around paragraph ``node`` can be omitted. """ if (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.document) or isinstance(node.parent, nodes.compound)): # Never compact paragraphs in document or compound. return False for key, value in node.attlist(): if (node.is_not_default(key) and not (key == 'classes' and value in ([], ['first'], ['last'], ['first', 'last']))): # Attribute which needs to survive. return False first = isinstance(node.parent[0], nodes.label) # skip label for child in node.parent.children[first:]: # only first paragraph can be compact if isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible): continue if child is node: break return False parent_length = len([n for n in node.parent if not isinstance( n, (nodes.Invisible, nodes.label))]) if ( self.compact_simple or self.compact_field_list or self.compact_p and parent_length == 1): return True return False
Example #10
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def footnote_backrefs(self, node): backlinks = [] backrefs = node['backrefs'] if self.settings.footnote_backlinks and backrefs: if len(backrefs) == 1: self.context.append('') self.context.append('</a>') self.context.append('<a class="fn-backref" href="#%s">' % backrefs[0]) else: # Python 2.4 fails with enumerate(backrefs, 1) for (i, backref) in enumerate(backrefs): backlinks.append('<a class="fn-backref" href="#%s">%s</a>' % (backref, i+1)) self.context.append('<em>(%s)</em> ' % ', '.join(backlinks)) self.context += ['', ''] else: self.context.append('') self.context += ['', ''] # If the node does not only consist of a label. if len(node) > 1: # If there are preceding backlinks, we do not set class # 'first', because we need to retain the top-margin. if not backlinks: node[1]['classes'].append('first') node[-1]['classes'].append('last')
Example #11
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def first_child(self, node): first = isinstance(node.parent[0], nodes.label) # skip label for child in node.parent.children[first:]: if isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible): continue if child is node: return 1 break return 0
Example #12
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_label(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'td', '%s[' % self.context.pop(), CLASS='label'))
Example #13
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def footnote_backrefs(self, node): backlinks = [] backrefs = node['backrefs'] if self.settings.footnote_backlinks and backrefs: if len(backrefs) == 1: self.context.append('') self.context.append('</a>') self.context.append('<a class="fn-backref" href="#%s">' % backrefs[0]) else: # Python 2.4 fails with enumerate(backrefs, 1) for (i, backref) in enumerate(backrefs): backlinks.append('<a class="fn-backref" href="#%s">%s</a>' % (backref, i+1)) self.context.append('<em>(%s)</em> ' % ', '.join(backlinks)) self.context += ['', ''] else: self.context.append('') self.context += ['', ''] # If the node does not only consist of a label. if len(node) > 1: # If there are preceding backlinks, we do not set class # 'first', because we need to retain the top-margin. if not backlinks: node[1]['classes'].append('first') node[-1]['classes'].append('last')
Example #14
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def resolve_footnotes_and_citations(self): """ Link manually-labeled footnotes and citations to/from their references. """ for footnote in self.document.footnotes: for label in footnote['names']: if label in self.document.footnote_refs: reflist = self.document.footnote_refs[label] self.resolve_references(footnote, reflist) for citation in self.document.citations: for label in citation['names']: if label in self.document.citation_refs: reflist = self.document.citation_refs[label] self.resolve_references(citation, reflist)
Example #15
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_footnote(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS='docutils footnote', frame="void", rules="none")) self.body.append('<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>\n' '<tbody valign="top">\n' '<tr>') self.footnote_backrefs(node)
Example #16
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_citation(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS='docutils citation', frame="void", rules="none")) self.body.append('<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>\n' '<tbody valign="top">\n' '<tr>') self.footnote_backrefs(node)
Example #17
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def visit_label(self, node): # footnote and citation if (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.footnote) or isinstance(node.parent, nodes.citation)): raise nodes.SkipNode self.document.reporter.warning('"unsupported "label"', base_node=node) self.body.append('[')
Example #18
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def symbolize_footnotes(self): """Add symbols indexes to "[*]"-style footnotes and references.""" labels = [] for footnote in self.document.symbol_footnotes: reps, index = divmod(self.document.symbol_footnote_start, len(self.symbols)) labeltext = self.symbols[index] * (reps + 1) labels.append(labeltext) footnote.insert(0, nodes.label('', labeltext)) self.document.symbol_footnote_start += 1 self.document.set_id(footnote) i = 0 for ref in self.document.symbol_footnote_refs: try: ref += nodes.Text(labels[i]) except IndexError: msg = self.document.reporter.error( 'Too many symbol footnote references: only %s ' 'corresponding footnotes available.' % len(labels), base_node=ref) msgid = self.document.set_id(msg) for ref in self.document.symbol_footnote_refs[i:]: if ref.resolved or ref.hasattr('refid'): continue prb = nodes.problematic( ref.rawsource, ref.rawsource, refid=msgid) prbid = self.document.set_id(prb) msg.add_backref(prbid) ref.replace_self(prb) break footnote = self.document.symbol_footnotes[i] assert len(footnote['ids']) == 1 ref['refid'] = footnote['ids'][0] self.document.note_refid(ref) footnote.add_backref(ref['ids'][0]) i += 1
Example #19
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def footnote_reference(self, match, lineno): """ Handles `nodes.footnote_reference` and `nodes.citation_reference` elements. """ label ='footnotelabel') refname = normalize_name(label) string = match.string before = string[:match.start('whole')] remaining = string[match.end('whole'):] if'citationlabel'): refnode = nodes.citation_reference('[%s]_' % label, refname=refname) refnode += nodes.Text(label) self.document.note_citation_ref(refnode) else: refnode = nodes.footnote_reference('[%s]_' % label) if refname[0] == '#': refname = refname[1:] refnode['auto'] = 1 self.document.note_autofootnote_ref(refnode) elif refname == '*': refname = '' refnode['auto'] = '*' self.document.note_symbol_footnote_ref( refnode) else: refnode += nodes.Text(label) if refname: refnode['refname'] = refname self.document.note_footnote_ref(refnode) if utils.get_trim_footnote_ref_space(self.document.settings): before = before.rstrip() return (before, [refnode], remaining, [])
Example #20
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def resolve_footnotes_and_citations(self): """ Link manually-labeled footnotes and citations to/from their references. """ for footnote in self.document.footnotes: for label in footnote['names']: if label in self.document.footnote_refs: reflist = self.document.footnote_refs[label] self.resolve_references(footnote, reflist) for citation in self.document.citations: for label in citation['names']: if label in self.document.citation_refs: reflist = self.document.citation_refs[label] self.resolve_references(citation, reflist)
Example #21
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def symbolize_footnotes(self): """Add symbols indexes to "[*]"-style footnotes and references.""" labels = [] for footnote in self.document.symbol_footnotes: reps, index = divmod(self.document.symbol_footnote_start, len(self.symbols)) labeltext = self.symbols[index] * (reps + 1) labels.append(labeltext) footnote.insert(0, nodes.label('', labeltext)) self.document.symbol_footnote_start += 1 self.document.set_id(footnote) i = 0 for ref in self.document.symbol_footnote_refs: try: ref += nodes.Text(labels[i]) except IndexError: msg = self.document.reporter.error( 'Too many symbol footnote references: only %s ' 'corresponding footnotes available.' % len(labels), base_node=ref) msgid = self.document.set_id(msg) for ref in self.document.symbol_footnote_refs[i:]: if ref.resolved or ref.hasattr('refid'): continue prb = nodes.problematic( ref.rawsource, ref.rawsource, refid=msgid) prbid = self.document.set_id(prb) msg.add_backref(prbid) ref.replace_self(prb) break footnote = self.document.symbol_footnotes[i] assert len(footnote['ids']) == 1 ref['refid'] = footnote['ids'][0] self.document.note_refid(ref) footnote.add_backref(ref['ids'][0]) i += 1
Example #22
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def number_footnote_references(self, startnum): """Assign numbers to autonumbered footnote references.""" i = 0 for ref in self.document.autofootnote_refs: if ref.resolved or ref.hasattr('refid'): continue try: label = self.autofootnote_labels[i] except IndexError: msg = self.document.reporter.error( 'Too many autonumbered footnote references: only %s ' 'corresponding footnotes available.' % len(self.autofootnote_labels), base_node=ref) msgid = self.document.set_id(msg) for ref in self.document.autofootnote_refs[i:]: if ref.resolved or ref.hasattr('refname'): continue prb = nodes.problematic( ref.rawsource, ref.rawsource, refid=msgid) prbid = self.document.set_id(prb) msg.add_backref(prbid) ref.replace_self(prb) break ref += nodes.Text(label) id = self.document.nameids[label] footnote = self.document.ids[id] ref['refid'] = id self.document.note_refid(ref) assert len(ref['ids']) == 1 footnote.add_backref(ref['ids'][0]) ref.resolved = 1 i += 1
Example #23
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def number_footnotes(self, startnum): """ Assign numbers to autonumbered footnotes. For labeled autonumbered footnotes, copy the number over to corresponding footnote references. """ for footnote in self.document.autofootnotes: while True: label = str(startnum) startnum += 1 if label not in self.document.nameids: break footnote.insert(0, nodes.label('', label)) for name in footnote['names']: for ref in self.document.footnote_refs.get(name, []): ref += nodes.Text(label) ref.delattr('refname') assert len(footnote['ids']) == len(ref['ids']) == 1 ref['refid'] = footnote['ids'][0] footnote.add_backref(ref['ids'][0]) self.document.note_refid(ref) ref.resolved = 1 if not footnote['names'] and not footnote['dupnames']: footnote['names'].append(label) self.document.note_explicit_target(footnote, footnote) self.autofootnote_labels.append(label) return startnum
Example #24
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def first_child(self, node): first = isinstance(node.parent[0], nodes.label) # skip label for child in node.parent.children[first:]: if isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible): continue if child is node: return 1 break return 0
Example #25
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visit_label(self, node): # footnote and citation if (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.footnote) or isinstance(node.parent, nodes.citation)): raise nodes.SkipNode self.document.reporter.warning('"unsupported "label"', base_node=node) self.body.append('[')
Example #26
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def depart_document(self, node): if self._docinfo['author']: self.body.append('.SH AUTHOR\n%s\n' % ', '.join(self._docinfo['author'])) skip = ('author', 'copyright', 'date', 'manual_group', 'manual_section', 'subtitle', 'title', 'title_upper', 'version') for name in self._docinfo_keys: if name == 'address': self.body.append("\n%s:\\n%s\\n%s%s" % ( self.language.labels.get(name, name), self.defs['indent'][0] % 0, self.defs['indent'][0] % BLOCKQOUTE_INDENT, self._docinfo[name], self.defs['indent'][1], self.defs['indent'][1])) elif not name in skip: if name in self._docinfo_names: label = self._docinfo_names[name] else: label = self.language.labels.get(name, name) self.body.append("\n%s: %s\n" % (label, self._docinfo[name])) if self._docinfo['copyright']: self.body.append('.SH COPYRIGHT\n%s\n' % self._docinfo['copyright']) self.body.append(self.comment( 'Generated by docutils manpage writer.'))
Example #27
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def should_be_compact_paragraph(self, node): """ Determine if the <p> tags around paragraph ``node`` can be omitted. """ if (isinstance(node.parent, nodes.document) or isinstance(node.parent, nodes.compound)): # Never compact paragraphs in document or compound. return False for key, value in node.attlist(): if (node.is_not_default(key) and not (key == 'classes' and value in ([], ['first'], ['last'], ['first', 'last']))): # Attribute which needs to survive. return False first = isinstance(node.parent[0], nodes.label) # skip label for child in node.parent.children[first:]: # only first paragraph can be compact if isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible): continue if child is node: break return False parent_length = len([n for n in node.parent if not isinstance( n, (nodes.Invisible, nodes.label))]) if ( self.compact_simple or self.compact_field_list or self.compact_p and parent_length == 1): return True return False
Example #28
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def footnote_backrefs(self, node): backlinks = [] backrefs = node['backrefs'] if self.settings.footnote_backlinks and backrefs: if len(backrefs) == 1: self.context.append('') self.context.append('</a>') self.context.append('<a class="fn-backref" href="#%s">' % backrefs[0]) else: # Python 2.4 fails with enumerate(backrefs, 1) for (i, backref) in enumerate(backrefs): backlinks.append('<a class="fn-backref" href="#%s">%s</a>' % (backref, i+1)) self.context.append('<em>(%s)</em> ' % ', '.join(backlinks)) self.context += ['', ''] else: self.context.append('') self.context += ['', ''] # If the node does not only consist of a label. if len(node) > 1: # If there are preceding backlinks, we do not set class # 'first', because we need to retain the top-margin. if not backlinks: node[1]['classes'].append('first') node[-1]['classes'].append('last')
Example #29
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visit_footnote(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS='docutils footnote', frame="void", rules="none")) self.body.append('<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>\n' '<tbody valign="top">\n' '<tr>') self.footnote_backrefs(node)
Example #30
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visit_citation(self, node): self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS='docutils citation', frame="void", rules="none")) self.body.append('<colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>\n' '<tbody valign="top">\n' '<tr>') self.footnote_backrefs(node)