Python docutils.nodes.strong() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of docutils.nodes.strong().
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Example #1
Source File: From rst2pdf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visit_productionlist(self, node): replacement = nodes.literal_block(classes=["code"]) names = [] for production in node: names.append(production['tokenname']) maxlen = max(len(name) for name in names) for production in node: if production['tokenname']: lastname = production['tokenname'].ljust(maxlen) n = nodes.strong() n += nodes.Text(lastname) replacement += n replacement += nodes.Text(' ::= ') else: replacement += nodes.Text('%s ' % (' ' * len(lastname))) production.walkabout(self) replacement.children.extend(production.children) replacement += nodes.Text('\n') node.parent.replace(node, replacement) raise nodes.SkipNode
Example #2
Source File: From rucio with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _format_subcommands(self, parser_info): assert 'children' in parser_info items = [] for subcmd in parser_info['children']: subcmd_items = [] if subcmd['help']: subcmd_items.append(nodes.paragraph(text=subcmd['help'])) else: subcmd_items.append(nodes.paragraph(text='Undocumented')) items.append( nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term('', '', nodes.strong( text=subcmd['bare_usage'])), nodes.definition('', *subcmd_items))) return nodes.definition_list('', *items)
Example #3
Source File: From sphinx-swaggerdoc with MIT License | 6 votes |
def make_parameters(self, parameters): entries = [] head = ['Name', 'Position', 'Description', 'Type'] body = [] for param in parameters: row = [] row.append(param.get('name', '')) row.append(param.get('in', '')) row.append(param.get('description', '')) row.append(param.get('type', '')) body.append(row) table = self.create_table(head, body) paragraph = nodes.paragraph() paragraph += nodes.strong('', 'Parameters') entries.append(paragraph) entries.append(table) return entries
Example #4
Source File: From couchdb-documentation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def http_header_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=None): if options is None: options = {} if content is None: content = [] header = str(text) if header not in HEADER_REFS: header = header.title() if header not in HEADER_REFS: if header.startswith(("X-Couch-", "Couch-")): return [nodes.strong(header, header)], [] msg = inliner.reporter.error( "%s is not unknown HTTP header" % header, lineno=lineno ) prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg) return [prb], [msg] url = str(HEADER_REFS[header]) node = nodes.reference(rawtext, header, refuri=url, **options) return [node], []
Example #5
Source File: From safekit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _format_subcommands(self, parser_info): assert 'children' in parser_info items = [] for subcmd in parser_info['children']: subcmd_items = [] if subcmd['help']: subcmd_items.append(nodes.paragraph(text=subcmd['help'])) else: subcmd_items.append(nodes.paragraph(text='Undocumented')) items.append( nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term('', '', nodes.strong( text=subcmd['bare_usage'])), nodes.definition('', *subcmd_items))) return nodes.definition_list('', *items)
Example #6
Source File: From blockdiag with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_caption_option2(self): directives.setup(format='SVG', outputdir=self.tmpdir) text = (".. blockdiag::\n" " :caption: **hello** *world*\n" "\n" " A -> B") doctree = publish_doctree(text) self.assertEqual(1, len(doctree)) self.assertEqual(nodes.figure, type(doctree[0])) self.assertEqual(2, len(doctree[0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.image, type(doctree[0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.caption, type(doctree[0][1])) self.assertEqual(3, len(doctree[0][1])) self.assertEqual(nodes.strong, type(doctree[0][1][0])) self.assertEqual('hello', doctree[0][1][0][0]) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(doctree[0][1][1])) self.assertEqual(' ', doctree[0][1][1][0]) self.assertEqual(nodes.emphasis, type(doctree[0][1][2])) self.assertEqual('world', doctree[0][1][2][0])
Example #7
Source File: From safekit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _format_subcommands(self, parser_info): assert 'children' in parser_info items = [] for subcmd in parser_info['children']: subcmd_items = [] if subcmd['help']: subcmd_items.append(nodes.paragraph(text=subcmd['help'])) else: subcmd_items.append(nodes.paragraph(text='Undocumented')) items.append( nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term('', '', nodes.strong( text=subcmd['bare_usage'])), nodes.definition('', *subcmd_items))) return nodes.definition_list('', *items)
Example #8
Source File: From emva1288 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self): idb = nodes.make_id("emva1288-" + self.options['section']) section = nodes.section(ids=[idb]) section += nodes.rubric(text='Emva1288') lst = nodes.bullet_list() for k in self.option_spec.keys(): if k not in self.options: continue item = nodes.list_item() item += nodes.strong(text=k + ':') item += nodes.inline(text=' ' + self.options[k]) lst += item section += lst return [section]
Example #9
Source File: From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #10
Source File: From sphinx-swaggerdoc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_item(self, key, value): para = nodes.paragraph() para += nodes.strong('', key) para += nodes.Text(value) item = nodes.list_item() item += para return item
Example #11
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #12
Source File: From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #13
Source File: From sphinxcontrib-jupyter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def run(self): self.assert_has_content() num = self.env.new_serialno(self.node_class_str) target_id = f"{self.node_class_str}-{num:d}" targetnode ='', '', ids=[target_id]) _path = self.env.docname.replace("/", "-") node_id = f"{_path}-{num}" node = self.node_class("\n".join(self.content)) node["_id"] = node_id node["classes"] = [self.options.get("class", None)] node["label"] = self.options.get("label", None) title_root = self.options.get("title", self.title_root) node["title_root"] = title_root title = _(f"{title_root} {num + 1}") para = nodes.paragraph() para += nodes.strong(title, title) node += para self.state.nested_parse(self.content, self.content_offset, node) if not hasattr(self.env, self.env_attr): setattr(self.env, self.env_attr, dict()) getattr(self.env, self.env_attr)[node_id] = { 'docname': self.env.docname, 'lineno': self.lineno, 'node_copy': node.deepcopy(), 'target': targetnode, "number": num, "label": node["label"], "title_root": title_root, } return [targetnode, node]
Example #14
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #15
Source File: From aws-extender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #16
Source File: From sphinx-swaggerdoc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_item(self, key, value): para = nodes.paragraph() para += nodes.strong('', key) para += nodes.Text(value) item = nodes.list_item() item += para return item
Example #17
Source File: From sphinx-swaggerdoc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_responses(self, responses): # Create an entry with swagger responses and a table of the response properties entries = [] paragraph = nodes.paragraph() paragraph += nodes.strong('', 'Responses') entries.append(paragraph) head = ['Name', 'Description', 'Type'] for response_name, response in responses.items(): paragraph = nodes.paragraph() paragraph += nodes.emphasis('', '%s - %s' % (response_name, response.get('description', ''))) entries.append(paragraph) body = [] # if the optional field properties is in the schema, display the properties if isinstance(response.get('schema'), dict) and 'properties' in response.get('schema'): for property_name, property in response.get('schema').get('properties', {}).items(): row = [] row.append(property_name) row.append(property.get('description', '')) row.append(property.get('type', '')) body.append(row) table = self.create_table(head, body) entries.append(table) return entries
Example #18
Source File: From sphinx-swaggerdoc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): self.reporter = self.state.document.reporter api_url = self.content[0] if len(self.content) > 1: selected_tags = self.content[1:] else: selected_tags = [] try: api_desc = self.processSwaggerURL(api_url) groups = self.group_tags(api_desc) self.check_tags(selected_tags, groups.keys(), api_url) entries = [] for tag_name, methods in groups.items(): if tag_name in selected_tags or len(selected_tags) == 0: section = self.create_section(tag_name) for path, method_type, method in methods: section += self.make_method(path, method_type, method) entries.append(section) return entries except Exception as e: error_message = 'Unable to process URL: %s' % api_url print(error_message) traceback.print_exc() error = nodes.error('') para_error = nodes.paragraph() para_error += nodes.Text(error_message + '. Please check that the URL is a valid Swagger api-docs URL and it is accesible') para_error_detailed = nodes.paragraph() para_error_detailed = nodes.strong('Processing error. See console output for a more detailed error') error += para_error error += para_error_detailed return [error]
Example #19
Source File: From recommonmark with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visit_strong(self, _): n = nodes.strong() self.current_node.append(n) self.current_node = n
Example #20
Source File: From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #21
Source File: From senlin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _create_list_item(self, str): """Creates a new list item :returns: List item node """ para = nodes.paragraph() para += nodes.strong('', str) item = nodes.list_item() item += para return item
Example #22
Source File: From safekit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_subcommand_list(data, nested_content): definitions = map_nested_definitions(nested_content) items = [] if 'children' in data: for child in data['children']: my_def = [nodes.paragraph( text=child['help'])] if child['help'] else [] name = child['name'] my_def = apply_definition(definitions, my_def, name) if len(my_def) == 0: my_def.append(nodes.paragraph(text='Undocumented')) if 'description' in child: my_def.append(nodes.paragraph(text=child['description'])) my_def.append(nodes.literal_block(text=child['usage'])) my_def.append(print_command_args_and_opts( print_arg_list(child, nested_content), print_opt_list(child, nested_content), print_subcommand_list(child, nested_content) )) items.append( nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term('', '', nodes.strong(text=name)), nodes.definition('', *my_def) ) ) return nodes.definition_list('', *items)
Example #23
Source File: From safekit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_subcommand_list(data, nested_content): definitions = map_nested_definitions(nested_content) items = [] if 'children' in data: for child in data['children']: my_def = [nodes.paragraph( text=child['help'])] if child['help'] else [] name = child['name'] my_def = apply_definition(definitions, my_def, name) if len(my_def) == 0: my_def.append(nodes.paragraph(text='Undocumented')) if 'description' in child: my_def.append(nodes.paragraph(text=child['description'])) my_def.append(nodes.literal_block(text=child['usage'])) my_def.append(print_command_args_and_opts( print_arg_list(child, nested_content), print_opt_list(child, nested_content), print_subcommand_list(child, nested_content) )) items.append( nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term('', '', nodes.strong(text=name)), nodes.definition('', *my_def) ) ) return nodes.definition_list('', *items)
Example #24
Source File: From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #25
Source File: From landlab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def role_ftype(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options=None, content=()): options = options or {} node = nodes.strong(text, text) assert text.count('(') in (0, 1) assert text.count('(') == text.count(')') assert ')' not in text or text.endswith(')') match ='\((.*?)\)', text) node['ids'] = [ if match else text] return [node], []
Example #26
Source File: From faces with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #27
Source File: From faces with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #28
Source File: From aws-builders-fair-projects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def strong(self, match, lineno): before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages, endstring = self.inline_obj( match, lineno, self.patterns.strong, nodes.strong) return before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages
Example #29
Source File: From blockdiag with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_desctable_option_with_rest_markups(self): directives.setup(format='SVG', outputdir=self.tmpdir) text = (".. blockdiag::\n" " :desctable:\n" "\n" " A [description = \"foo *bar* **baz**\"]" " B [description = \"**foo** *bar* baz\"]") doctree = publish_doctree(text) self.assertEqual(2, len(doctree)) self.assertEqual(nodes.image, type(doctree[0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.table, type(doctree[1])) # tgroup self.assertEqual(4, len(doctree[1][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.colspec, type(doctree[1][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.colspec, type(doctree[1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(nodes.thead, type(doctree[1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(nodes.tbody, type(doctree[1][0][3])) # colspec self.assertEqual(50, doctree[1][0][0]['colwidth']) self.assertEqual(50, doctree[1][0][1]['colwidth']) # thead thead = doctree[1][0][2] self.assertEqual(2, len(thead[0])) self.assertEqual('Name', thead[0][0][0][0]) self.assertEqual('Description', thead[0][1][0][0]) # tbody tbody = doctree[1][0][3] self.assertEqual(2, len(tbody)) self.assertEqual('A', tbody[0][0][0][0]) self.assertEqual(4, len(tbody[0][1][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][0])) self.assertEqual('foo ', str(tbody[0][1][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.emphasis, type(tbody[0][1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][1][0])) self.assertEqual('bar', tbody[0][1][0][1][0]) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(' ', str(tbody[0][1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(nodes.strong, type(tbody[0][1][0][3])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][3][0])) self.assertEqual('baz', str(tbody[0][1][0][3][0])) self.assertEqual('B', tbody[1][0][0][0]) self.assertEqual(4, len(tbody[1][1][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.strong, type(tbody[1][1][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][0][0])) self.assertEqual('foo', str(tbody[1][1][0][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(' ', str(tbody[1][1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(nodes.emphasis, type(tbody[1][1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][2][0])) self.assertEqual('bar', str(tbody[1][1][0][2][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][3])) self.assertEqual(' baz', str(tbody[1][1][0][3]))
Example #30
Source File: From seqdiag with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_desctable_option_with_rest_markups(self): directives.setup(format='SVG', outputdir=self.tmpdir) text = (".. seqdiag::\n" " :desctable:\n" "\n" " A [description = \"foo *bar* **baz**\"]" " B [description = \"**foo** *bar* baz\"]") doctree = publish_doctree(text) self.assertEqual(2, len(doctree)) self.assertEqual(nodes.image, type(doctree[0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.table, type(doctree[1])) # tgroup self.assertEqual(4, len(doctree[1][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.colspec, type(doctree[1][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.colspec, type(doctree[1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(nodes.thead, type(doctree[1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(nodes.tbody, type(doctree[1][0][3])) # colspec self.assertEqual(50, doctree[1][0][0]['colwidth']) self.assertEqual(50, doctree[1][0][1]['colwidth']) # thead thead = doctree[1][0][2] self.assertEqual(2, len(thead[0])) self.assertEqual('Name', thead[0][0][0][0]) self.assertEqual('Description', thead[0][1][0][0]) # tbody tbody = doctree[1][0][3] self.assertEqual(2, len(tbody)) self.assertEqual('A', tbody[0][0][0][0]) self.assertEqual(4, len(tbody[0][1][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][0])) self.assertEqual('foo ', str(tbody[0][1][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.emphasis, type(tbody[0][1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][1][0])) self.assertEqual('bar', tbody[0][1][0][1][0]) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(' ', str(tbody[0][1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(nodes.strong, type(tbody[0][1][0][3])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[0][1][0][3][0])) self.assertEqual('baz', str(tbody[0][1][0][3][0])) self.assertEqual('B', tbody[1][0][0][0]) self.assertEqual(4, len(tbody[1][1][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.strong, type(tbody[1][1][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][0][0])) self.assertEqual('foo', str(tbody[1][1][0][0][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(' ', str(tbody[1][1][0][1])) self.assertEqual(nodes.emphasis, type(tbody[1][1][0][2])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][2][0])) self.assertEqual('bar', str(tbody[1][1][0][2][0])) self.assertEqual(nodes.Text, type(tbody[1][1][0][3])) self.assertEqual(' baz', str(tbody[1][1][0][3]))