Python reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle() Examples
The following are 28
code examples of reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle().
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Example #1
Source File: From multiscanner with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def __init__(self, pdf_components): = getSampleStyleSheet()['Normal'].leading = 16'centered', alignment=TA_CENTER))'centered_wide', alignment=TA_CENTER, leading=18))'section_body',['Normal'], spaceAfter=inch * .05, fontSize=11))'bullet_list',['Normal'], fontSize=11)) if six.PY3: self.buffer = six.BytesIO() else: self.buffer = six.StringIO() self.firstPage = True self.document = SimpleDocTemplate(self.buffer, pagesize=letter, rightMargin=12.7 * mm, leftMargin=12.7 * mm, topMargin=120, bottomMargin=80) self.tlp_color = pdf_components.get('tlp_color', '') self.pdf_components = pdf_components self.pdf_list = []
Example #2
Source File: From multiscanner with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def add_banner(self, canvas, doc): height_adjust = 1 if self.tlp_color: if self.tlp_color == 'WHITE': text_color = white elif self.tlp_color == 'RED': text_color = red elif self.tlp_color == 'AMBER': text_color = orange else: text_color = lawngreen self.tlp_color = 'GREEN' if 'banner_style' not in'banner_style', textColor=text_color, textTransform='uppercase', alignment=TA_RIGHT)) banner = Paragraph( self.span_text(self.bold_text('TLP:' + self.tlp_color), bgcolor='black'),['banner_style']) w, h = banner.wrap(doc.width, doc.topMargin) banner.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, doc.height + doc.topMargin + (h + 12 * mm)) w, h = banner.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) banner.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, h + 12 * mm) height_adjust = 3 return height_adjust
Example #3
Source File: From flask-restful-example with MIT License | 6 votes |
def paragraph_model(msg): """ 添加一段文字 :param msg: :return: """ # 设置文字样式 style = ParagraphStyle( name='Normal', fontName='SimSun', fontSize=50, ) return Paragraph(msg, style=style)
Example #4
Source File: From tia with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def run(self): cp = rlab.CoverPage(self.title, self.pdf = pdf = rlab.PdfBuilder(self.path, coverpage=cp) # Setup stylesheet tb = ParagraphStyle('TitleBar', parent=pdf.stylesheet['Normal'], fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=10, leading=10, alignment=TA_CENTER) 'TitleBar' not in pdf.stylesheet and pdf.stylesheet.add(tb) # define templates self.define_portfolio_summary_template() self.define_position_summary_template() self.define_summary_template() # Show the summary page self.add_summary_page() # Build the portfolio and position details for each result for r in self.results: self.add_portfolio_page(r) self.add_position_page(r)
Example #5
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test2(canv,testpara): #print test_program; return from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle from reportlab.lib import rparsexml parsedpara = rparsexml.parsexmlSimple(testpara,entityReplacer=None) S = ParagraphStyle("Normal", None) P = Para(S, parsedpara) (w, h) = P.wrap(5*inch, 10*inch) print("wrapped as", (h,w)) canv.saveState() canv.translate(1*inch, 1*inch) canv.rect(0,0,5*inch,10*inch, fill=0, stroke=1) P.canv = canv canv.saveState() P.draw() canv.restoreState() canv.setStrokeColorRGB(1, 0, 0) #canv.translate(0, 3*inch) canv.rect(0,0,w,h, fill=0, stroke=1) canv.restoreState() canv.showPage()
Example #6
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(): objects_to_draw = [] from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle #from paragraph import Paragraph from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import SimpleDocTemplate #need a style normal = ParagraphStyle('normal') normal.firstLineIndent = 18 normal.spaceBefore = 6 from reportlab.lib.randomtext import randomText import random for i in range(15): height = 0.5 + (2*random.random()) box = XBox(6 * inch, height * inch, 'Box Number %d' % i) objects_to_draw.append(box) para = Paragraph(randomText(), normal) objects_to_draw.append(para) SimpleDocTemplate('doctemplate.pdf').build(objects_to_draw, onFirstPage=myFirstPage,onLaterPages=myLaterPages)
Example #7
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def demo1(canvas): frame = Frame( 2*inch, # x 4*inch, # y at bottom 4*inch, # width 5*inch, # height showBoundary = 1 # helps us see what's going on ) bodyStyle = ParagraphStyle('Body', fontName=_baseFontName, fontSize=24, leading=28, spaceBefore=6) para1 = Paragraph('Spam spam spam spam. ' * 5, bodyStyle) para2 = Paragraph('Eggs eggs eggs. ' * 5, bodyStyle) mydata = [para1, para2] #this does the packing and drawing. The frame will consume #items from the front of the list as it prints them frame.addFromList(mydata,canvas)
Example #8
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _getCaptionPara(self): caption = self.caption captionFont = self.captionFont captionSize = self.captionSize captionTextColor = self.captionTextColor captionBackColor = self.captionBackColor if self._captionData!=(caption,captionFont,captionSize,captionTextColor,captionBackColor): self._captionData = (caption,captionFont,captionSize,captionTextColor,captionBackColor) self.captionStyle = ParagraphStyle( 'Caption', fontName=captionFont, fontSize=captionSize, leading=1.2*captionSize, textColor = captionTextColor, backColor = captionBackColor, #seems to be getting ignored spaceBefore=self.captionGap or 0.5*captionSize, alignment=TA_CENTER) #must build paragraph now to get sequencing in synch with rest of story self.captionPara = Paragraph(self.caption, self.captionStyle)
Example #9
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def run(): objects_to_draw = [] from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle #from paragraph import Paragraph from doctemplate import SimpleDocTemplate #need a style normal = ParagraphStyle('normal') normal.firstLineIndent = 18 normal.spaceBefore = 6 from reportlab.lib.randomtext import randomText import random for i in range(15): height = 0.5 + (2*random.random()) box = XBox(6 * inch, height * inch, 'Box Number %d' % i) objects_to_draw.append(box) para = Paragraph(randomText(), normal) objects_to_draw.append(para) SimpleDocTemplate('doctemplate.pdf').build(objects_to_draw, onFirstPage=myFirstPage,onLaterPages=myLaterPages)
Example #10
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test2(canv,testpara): #print test_program; return from reportlab.lib.units import inch from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle from reportlab.lib import rparsexml parsedpara = rparsexml.parsexmlSimple(testpara,entityReplacer=None) S = ParagraphStyle("Normal", None) P = Para(S, parsedpara) (w, h) = P.wrap(5*inch, 10*inch) print "wrapped as", (h,w) canv.saveState() canv.translate(1*inch, 1*inch) canv.rect(0,0,5*inch,10*inch, fill=0, stroke=1) P.canv = canv canv.saveState() P.draw() canv.restoreState() canv.setStrokeColorRGB(1, 0, 0) #canv.translate(0, 3*inch) canv.rect(0,0,w,h, fill=0, stroke=1) canv.restoreState() canv.showPage()
Example #11
Source File: From intake with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Style(name, font='Helvetica', size=12, leading=None, return ParagraphStyle( name, fontName=font, fontSize=size, leading=leading or size * LEADING_FACTOR, textColor=color )
Example #12
Source File: From tia with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def new_title_bar(self, title, color=None): """Return an array of Pdf Objects which constitute a Header""" # Build a title bar for top of page w, t, c = '100%', 2, color or HexColor('#404040') title = '<b>{0}</b>'.format(title) if 'TitleBar' not in self.stylesheet: tb = ParagraphStyle('TitleBar', parent=self.stylesheet['Normal'], fontName='Helvetica-Bold', fontSize=10, leading=10, alignment=TA_CENTER) self.stylesheet.add(tb) return [HRFlowable(width=w, thickness=t, color=c, spaceAfter=2, vAlign='MIDDLE', lineCap='square'), self.new_paragraph(title, 'TitleBar'), HRFlowable(width=w, thickness=t, color=c, spaceBefore=2, vAlign='MIDDLE', lineCap='square')]
Example #13
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getLevelStyle(self, n): '''Returns the style for level n, generating and caching styles on demand if not present.''' if not hasattr(self.textStyle, '__iter__'): self.textStyle = [self.textStyle] try: return self.textStyle[n] except IndexError: self.textStyle = list(self.textStyle) prevstyle = self.getLevelStyle(n-1) self.textStyle.append(ParagraphStyle( name='%s-%d-indented' % (, n), parent=prevstyle, firstLineIndent = prevstyle.firstLineIndent+.2*cm, leftIndent = prevstyle.leftIndent+.2*cm)) return self.textStyle[n]
Example #14
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setup(self, style=None, dot=None, tableStyle=None, headers=True, name=None, format='123', offset=0): """ This method makes it possible to change styling and other parameters on an existing object. style is the paragraph style to use for index entries. dot can either be None or a string. If it's None, entries are immediatly followed by their corresponding page numbers. If it's a string, page numbers are aligned on the right side of the document and the gap filled with a repeating sequence of the string. tableStyle is the style used by the table which the index uses to draw itself. Use this to change properties like spacing between elements. headers is a boolean. If it is True, alphabetic headers are displayed in the Index when the first letter changes. If False, we just output some extra space before the next item name makes it possible to use several indexes in one document. If you want this use this parameter to give each index a unique name. You can then index a term by refering to the name of the index which it should appear in: <index item="term" name="myindex" /> format can be 'I', 'i', '123', 'ABC', 'abc' """ if style is None: style = ParagraphStyle(name='index', fontName=_baseFontName, fontSize=11) self.textStyle = style self.tableStyle = tableStyle or defaultTableStyle = dot self.headers = headers if name is None: from reportlab.platypus.paraparser import DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME as name = name self.formatFunc = self.getFormatFunc(format) self.offset = offset
Example #15
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getLevelStyle(self, n): '''Returns the style for level n, generating and caching styles on demand if not present.''' try: return self.levelStyles[n] except IndexError: prevstyle = self.getLevelStyle(n-1) self.levelStyles.append(ParagraphStyle( name='%s-%d-indented' % (, n), parent=prevstyle, firstLineIndent = prevstyle.firstLineIndent+delta, leftIndent = prevstyle.leftIndent+delta)) return self.levelStyles[n]
Example #16
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def create_img_table(self, dir): item_tbl_data = [] item_tbl_row = [] for i, file in enumerate(os.listdir(dir)): last_item = len(os.listdir(dir)) - 1 if ".png" in file: img = Image(os.path.join(dir, file), inch, inch) img_name = file.replace(".png", "") if len(item_tbl_row) == 4: item_tbl_data.append(item_tbl_row) item_tbl_row = [] elif i == last_item: item_tbl_data.append(item_tbl_row) i_tbl = Table([[img], [Paragraph(img_name, ParagraphStyle("item name style", wordWrap='CJK'))]]) item_tbl_row.append(i_tbl) if len(item_tbl_data) > 0: item_tbl = Table(item_tbl_data, colWidths=125) self.elements.append(item_tbl) self.elements.append(Spacer(1, inch * 0.5))
Example #17
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def demo1(canvas): frame = Frame( 2*inch, # x 4*inch, # y at bottom 4*inch, # width 5*inch, # height showBoundary = 1 # helps us see what's going on ) bodyStyle = ParagraphStyle('Body', fontName=_baseFontName, fontSize=24, leading=28, spaceBefore=6) para1 = Paragraph('Spam spam spam spam. ' * 5, bodyStyle) para2 = Paragraph('Eggs eggs eggs. ' * 5, bodyStyle) mydata = [para1, para2] #this does the packing and drawing. The frame will consume #items from the front of the list as it prints them frame.addFromList(mydata,canvas)
Example #18
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _getCaptionPara(self): caption = self.caption captionFont = self.captionFont captionSize = self.captionSize captionTextColor = self.captionTextColor captionBackColor = self.captionBackColor captionAlign = self.captionAlign captionPosition = self.captionPosition if self._captionData!=(caption,captionFont,captionSize,captionTextColor,captionBackColor,captionAlign,captionPosition): self._captionData = (caption,captionFont,captionSize,captionTextColor,captionBackColor,captionAlign,captionPosition) if isinstance(caption,Paragraph): self.captionPara = caption elif isinstance(caption,strTypes): self.captionStyle = ParagraphStyle( 'Caption', fontName=captionFont, fontSize=captionSize, leading=1.2*captionSize, textColor = captionTextColor, backColor = captionBackColor, #seems to be getting ignored spaceBefore=self.captionGap, alignment=TA_LEFT if captionAlign=='left' else TA_RIGHT if captionAlign=='right' else TA_CENTER, ) #must build paragraph now to get sequencing in synch with rest of story self.captionPara = Paragraph(self.caption, self.captionStyle) else: raise ValueError('Figure caption of type %r is not a string or Paragraph' % type(caption))
Example #19
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getLevelStyle(self, n): '''Returns the style for level n, generating and caching styles on demand if not present.''' if not hasattr(self.textStyle, '__iter__'): self.textStyle = [self.textStyle] try: return self.textStyle[n] except IndexError: self.textStyle = list(self.textStyle) prevstyle = self.getLevelStyle(n-1) self.textStyle.append(ParagraphStyle( name='%s-%d-indented' % (, n), parent=prevstyle, firstLineIndent = prevstyle.firstLineIndent+.2*cm, leftIndent = prevstyle.leftIndent+.2*cm)) return self.textStyle[n]
Example #20
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setup(self, style=None, dot=None, tableStyle=None, headers=True, name=None, format='123', offset=0): """ This method makes it possible to change styling and other parameters on an existing object. style is the paragraph style to use for index entries. dot can either be None or a string. If it's None, entries are immediatly followed by their corresponding page numbers. If it's a string, page numbers are aligned on the right side of the document and the gap filled with a repeating sequence of the string. tableStyle is the style used by the table which the index uses to draw itself. Use this to change properties like spacing between elements. headers is a boolean. If it is True, alphabetic headers are displayed in the Index when the first letter changes. If False, we just output some extra space before the next item name makes it possible to use several indexes in one document. If you want this use this parameter to give each index a unique name. You can then index a term by refering to the name of the index which it should appear in: <index item="term" name="myindex" /> format can be 'I', 'i', '123', 'ABC', 'abc' """ if style is None: style = ParagraphStyle(name='index', fontName=_baseFontName, fontSize=11) self.textStyle = style self.tableStyle = tableStyle or defaultTableStyle = dot self.headers = headers if name is None: from reportlab.platypus.paraparser import DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME as name = name self.formatFunc = self.getFormatFunc(format) self.offset = offset
Example #21
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getLevelStyle(self, n): '''Returns the style for level n, generating and caching styles on demand if not present.''' try: return self.levelStyles[n] except IndexError: prevstyle = self.getLevelStyle(n-1) self.levelStyles.append(ParagraphStyle( name='%s-%d-indented' % (, n), parent=prevstyle, firstLineIndent = prevstyle.firstLineIndent+delta, leftIndent = prevstyle.leftIndent+delta)) return self.levelStyles[n]
Example #22
Source File: From flask-restful-example with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pdf_write(generated_pdf_path): """ 生成pdf :return: """ # 增加的字体,支持中文显示,需要自行下载支持中文的字体 font_path = current_app.config.get("SIM_SUN") pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('SimSun', os.path.join(font_path, 'SimSun.ttf'))) styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styles.add(ParagraphStyle(fontName='SimSun', name='SimSun', leading=20, fontSize=12)) data = list() # 添加一段文字 paragraph = paragraph_model("测试添加一段文字") data.append(paragraph) data.append(PageBreak()) # 分页标识 # 添加table和图片 table = table_model() data.append(table) data.append(PageBreak()) # 分页标识 img = image_model() data.append(img) # 设置生成pdf的名字和编剧 pdf = SimpleDocTemplate(generated_pdf_path, rightMargin=0, leftMargin=0, topMargin=40, bottomMargin=0, ) # 设置pdf每页的大小 pdf.pagesize = (9 * inch, 10 * inch) pdf.multiBuild(data) return generated_pdf_path
Example #23
Source File: From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, to_addr_lines, from_name_lines, date=None, closing="Yours truly", signer=None, paragraphs=None, cosigner_lines=None, use_sig=True, body_font_size=None, cc_lines=None): = date or self.closing = closing self.flowables = [] self.to_addr_lines = to_addr_lines self.from_name_lines = from_name_lines self.cosigner_lines = cosigner_lines self.signer = signer self.use_sig = use_sig if cc_lines: self.cc_lines = [cc for cc in cc_lines if cc.strip()] else: self.cc_lines = None if paragraphs: self.add_paragraphs(paragraphs) # styles self.line_height = (body_font_size or 12) + 1 self.content_style = ParagraphStyle(name='Normal', fontName='BemboMTPro', fontSize=body_font_size or 12, leading=self.line_height, allowWidows=0, allowOrphans=0, alignment=TA_JUSTIFY, textColor=black) self.table_style = TableStyle([ ('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'BemboMTPro', 12, self.line_height), ('TOPPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0), ])
Example #24
Source File: From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _draw_header(self, c, doc): """ Draw the top-of-page part of the letterhead (used only on first page of letter) """ # SFU logo c.drawImage(logofile, x=self.lr_margin + 6, y=self.pg_h-self.top_margin-0.5*inch, width=1*inch, height=0.5*inch) # unit text c.setFont('BemboMTPro', 12) c.setFillColor(doc.sfu_blue) parent = self.unit.parent if not parent or parent.label == 'UNIV': # faculty-level unit: just the unit name self._drawStringLeading(c, 2*inch, self.pg_h - self.top_margin - 0.375*inch,, charspace=1.2) else: # department with faculty above it: display both self._drawStringLeading(c, 2*inch, self.pg_h - self.top_margin - 0.325*inch,, charspace=1.2) c.setFillColor(doc.sfu_grey) c.setFont('BemboMTPro', 8.5) self._drawStringLeading(c, 2*inch, self.pg_h - self.top_margin - 0.48*inch,, charspace=0.3) # address block addr_style = ParagraphStyle(name='Normal', fontName='BemboMTPro', fontSize=10, leading=10, textColor=doc.sfu_grey) self._put_lines(doc, c, self.unit.address(), 2*inch, self.pg_h - self.top_margin - 0.75*inch, 2.25*inch, addr_style, 8, 1.5) # phone numbers block lines = ['Tel'.translate(doc.sc_trans_bembo) + ' ' +'-', '.')] if self.unit.fax(): lines.append('Fax'.translate(doc.sc_trans_bembo) + ' ' + self.unit.fax().replace('-', '.')) self._put_lines(doc, c, lines, 4.5*inch, self.pg_h - self.top_margin - 0.75*inch, 1.5*inch, addr_style, 8, 1.5) # web and email block lines = [] if lines.append( web = self.unit.web() if web.startswith("http://"): web = web[7:] if web.endswith("/"): web = web[:-1] lines.append(web) self._put_lines(doc, c, lines, 6.25*inch, self.pg_h - self.top_margin - 0.75*inch, 1.5*inch, addr_style, 8, 1.5)
Example #25
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def create_hdr(self, name, font_size): hdr_style = TableStyle([('TEXTCOLOR', (0, 0), (-1, -1),, ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 15), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 15), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 8), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'LEFT'), ('LINEBELOW', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2,, ('BACKGROUND', (0, 1), (-1, -1), colors.white)]) name_p = Paragraph(name, ParagraphStyle("Category name style", fontSize=font_size)) hdr_tbl = Table([[name_p]], colWidths = 500, rowHeights = None, repeatRows = 1) hdr_tbl.setStyle(hdr_style) self.elements.append(hdr_tbl)
Example #26
Source File: From attack_monitor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def pdf_initalize_styles(self): self.load_font() self.styles = getSampleStyleSheet() # ADD CUSTOM STYLES self.styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='subtitle', parent=self.styles['Normal'], fontSize=12, leading=22, alignment=TA_CENTER, spaceAfter=6), alias='subtitle', ) self.styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='bigtitle', parent=self.styles['title'], fontSize=30, leading=22, alignment=TA_CENTER, spaceAfter=6), alias='bigtitle') self.styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='italictitle', parent=self.styles['Italic'], fontSize=12, leading=22, alignment=TA_CENTER, spaceAfter=6), alias='italictitle') self.styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name="commandline", parent=self.styles['Italic'], fontName="freeserif", fontSize=8, leading=12, leftIndent=0, alignment=TA_RIGHT, spaceAfter=6), alias="commandline") for i in range(0,9): style_name = "dynamicindent" + str(i) power_factor = 6 self.styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name=style_name, parent=self.styles['Normal'], fontName="freeserif", fontSize=12, leading=12, leftIndent=i*power_factor, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceAfter=6), alias=style_name)
Example #27
Source File: From rst2pdf with MIT License | 4 votes |
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): """Adds hyperlink to toc entry.""" widths = (availWidth - self.rightColumnWidth, self.rightColumnWidth) # makes an internal table which does all the work. # we draw the LAST RUN's entries! If there are # none, we make some dummy data to keep the table # from complaining if len(self._lastEntries) == 0: if reportlab.Version <= '2.3': _tempEntries = [(0, 'Placeholder for table of contents', 0)] else: _tempEntries = [(0, 'Placeholder for table of contents', 0, None)] else: _tempEntries = self._lastEntries if _tempEntries: base_level = _tempEntries[0][0] else: base_level = 0 tableData = [] for entry in _tempEntries: level, text, pageNum = entry[:3] left_col_level = level - base_level if reportlab.Version > '2.3': # For ReportLab post-2.3 leftColStyle = self.getLevelStyle(left_col_level) else: # For ReportLab <= 2.3 leftColStyle = self.levelStyles[left_col_level] label = self.refid_lut.get((level, text, pageNum), None) if label: pre = u'<a href="#%s" color="%s">' % (label, self.linkColor) post = u'</a>' if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode('utf-8') text = pre + text + post else: pre = '' post = '' # right col style is right aligned rightColStyle = ParagraphStyle( name='leftColLevel%d' % left_col_level, parent=leftColStyle, leftIndent=0, alignment=TA_RIGHT, ) leftPara = Paragraph(text, leftColStyle) rightPara = Paragraph(pre + str(pageNum) + post, rightColStyle) tableData.append([leftPara, rightPara]) self._table = Table(tableData, colWidths=widths, style=self.tableStyle) self.width, self.height = self._table.wrapOn(self.canv, availWidth, availHeight) return self.width, self.height
Example #28
Source File: From rst2pdf with MIT License | 4 votes |
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight): """Adds hyperlink to toc entry.""" widths = (availWidth - self.rightColumnWidth, self.rightColumnWidth) # makes an internal table which does all the work. # we draw the LAST RUN's entries! If there are # none, we make some dummy data to keep the table # from complaining if len(self._lastEntries) == 0: if reportlab.Version <= '2.3': _tempEntries = [(0, 'Placeholder for table of contents', 0)] else: _tempEntries = [(0, 'Placeholder for table of contents', 0, None)] else: _tempEntries = self._lastEntries if _tempEntries: base_level = _tempEntries[0][0] else: base_level = 0 tableData = [] for entry in _tempEntries: level, text, pageNum = entry[:3] left_col_level = level - base_level if reportlab.Version > '2.3': # For ReportLab post-2.3 leftColStyle = self.getLevelStyle(left_col_level) else: # For ReportLab <= 2.3 leftColStyle = self.levelStyles[left_col_level] label = self.refid_lut.get((level, text, pageNum), None) if label: pre = u'<a href="#%s" color="%s">' % (label, self.linkColor) post = u'</a>' if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode('utf-8') text = pre + text + post else: pre = '' post = '' # right col style is right aligned rightColStyle = ParagraphStyle( name='leftColLevel%d' % left_col_level, parent=leftColStyle, leftIndent=0, alignment=TA_RIGHT, ) leftPara = Paragraph(text, leftColStyle) rightPara = Paragraph(pre + str(pageNum) + post, rightColStyle) tableData.append([leftPara, rightPara]) self._table = Table(tableData, colWidths=widths, style=self.tableStyle) self.width, self.height = self._table.wrapOn(self.canv, availWidth, availHeight) return self.width, self.height