Python mutagen.File() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of mutagen.File().
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Example #1
Source File: From Mash-Cogs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def add_metadata(self, file, sound): # "sound" requires a "freesound_client.get_sound" object # try: # Write it audio = FLAC(file) audio["title"] = audio["Artist"] = sound.username audio["Comment"] = sound.description audio["Publisher"] = "" audio["File"] = sound.url # Save it audio.pprint() # Read it file_info = mutagen.File(file) log.debug("Result metadata update:") log.debug(file_info) return file_info except Exception as e: log.debug(e) return False
Example #2
Source File: From bard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def removeAllTags(filelike, recurse=True): try: id3 = mutagen.id3.ID3(filelike) except mutagen.id3._util.ID3NoHeaderError: pass else: id3.delete(filelike) mutagenFile = mutagen.File(filelike) # print(type(mutagenFile), if isinstance(mutagenFile, mutagen.flac.FLAC) and mutagenFile.clear_pictures(), padding=lambda x: 0) if mutagenFile: mutagenFile.delete(filelike)
Example #3
Source File: From bard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def removeAllTagsFromPath(path): # subprocess.check_output(['id3v2', '--delete-all', path]) mutagenFile = mutagen.File(path) print(type(mutagenFile), path) if isinstance(mutagenFile, mutagen.flac.FLAC): mutagenFile.clear_pictures() mutagenFile.delete(path) #, deleteid3=True, padding=lambda x: 0) return elif isinstance(mutagenFile, mutagen.id3.ID3FileType): mutagenFile.delete(path) return elif isinstance(mutagenFile, mutagen.apev2.APEv2File): mutagenFile.delete(path) return mutagenFile.delete(path)
Example #4
Source File: From bard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def getCoverImage(self): path = self.path() directory = os.path.dirname(path) for cover in ['cover.jpg', 'cover.png']: coverfilename = os.path.join(directory, cover) if os.path.exists(coverfilename): return coverfilename try: metadata = self.metadata except AttributeError: try: metadata = mutagen.File(path) except mutagen.mp3.HeaderNotFoundError as e: print("Error reading %s:" % path, e) return None try: image = extractFrontCover(metadata) except OSError: print('Error extracting image from %s' % path) return None return image
Example #5
Source File: From sacad with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def embed_album_art(cover_filepath, audio_filepaths): """ Embed album art into audio files. """ with open(cover_filepath, "rb") as f: cover_data = for filepath in audio_filepaths: mf = mutagen.File(filepath) if (isinstance(mf.tags, mutagen._vorbis.VComment) or isinstance(mf, mutagen.ogg.OggFileType)): picture = mutagen.flac.Picture() = cover_data picture.type = mutagen.id3.PictureType.COVER_FRONT picture.mime = "image/jpeg" encoded_data = base64.b64encode(picture.write()) mf["metadata_block_picture"] = encoded_data.decode("ascii") elif (isinstance(mf.tags, mutagen.id3.ID3) or isinstance(mf, mutagen.id3.ID3FileType)): mf.tags.add(mutagen.id3.APIC(mime="image/jpeg", type=mutagen.id3.PictureType.COVER_FRONT, data=cover_data)) elif (isinstance(mf.tags, mutagen.mp4.MP4Tags) or isinstance(mf, mutagen.mp4.MP4)): mf["covr"] = [mutagen.mp4.MP4Cover(cover_data, imageformat=mutagen.mp4.AtomDataType.JPEG)]
Example #6
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def main(argv): from mutagen import File parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--no-flac", help="Compatibility; does nothing.") parser.add_option("--no-mp3", help="Compatibility; does nothing.") parser.add_option("--no-apev2", help="Compatibility; does nothing.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if not args: raise SystemExit(parser.print_help() or 1) for filename in args: print_(u"--", filename) try: print_(u"-", File(filename).pprint()) except AttributeError: print_(u"- Unknown file type") except Exception as err: print_(text_type(err)) print_(u"")
Example #7
Source File: From spotify-ripper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def is_partial(audio_file, track): args = get_args() if (args.partial_check == "none"): return False def audio_file_duration(audio_file): if (path_exists(audio_file)): _file = mutagen.File(audio_file) if _file is not None and is not None: return return None audio_file_dur = audio_file_duration(audio_file) # for 'weak', give a ~1.5 second wiggle-room if (args.partial_check == "strict"): return (audio_file_dur is None or track.duration > (audio_file_dur * 1000)) else: return (audio_file_dur is not None and (track.duration - 1500) > (audio_file_dur * 1000)) # borrowed from eyeD3
Example #8
Source File: From bard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def fixMtime(self): collection = getMusic() count = 0 for song in collection: if not song.mtime(): try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(song.path()) except os.FileNotFoundError: print('File %s not found: removing from db' % song.path()) MusicDatabase.removeSong(song) continue if not config['immutableDatabase']: c = MusicDatabase.getCursor() sql = text('UPDATE songs set mtime = :mtime ' 'WHERE id = :id') c.execute(sql.bindparams(mtime=mtime, count += 1 if count % 10: MusicDatabase.commit() print('Fixed %s' % song.path()) else: print('%s already fixed' % song.path()) MusicDatabase.commit()
Example #9
Source File: From bard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def checkSongsExistenceInPath(self, song, callback=None): if not os.path.exists(song.path()): if os.path.lexists(song.path()): print('Broken symlink at %s' % song.path()) else: print('File not found: %s' % song.path()) if callback: callback(song)
Example #10
Source File: From rnn-speech with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _add_audio_length_on_file(audio_file, text, _length): file = mutagen.File(audio_file) try: length = except AttributeError: # In case the type was not recognized by mutagen logging.warning("Audio file incorrect : %s", audio_file) length = 0 return [audio_file, text, length]
Example #11
Source File: From bard with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fixTags(self, args): for path in args: if not os.path.isfile(path): print('"%s" is not a file. Skipping.' % path) continue mutagenFile = mutagen.File(path) fixTags(mutagenFile) if (MusicDatabase.isSongInDatabase(path) and not path.startswith('/tmp/')): self.addSong(path)
Example #12
Source File: From MusicTools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_add_album_art(): musictools.add_album_art(location, albumart) tags = File(location) assert 'APIC:Cover' in tags.keys() != None
Example #13
Source File: From Mash-Cogs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def copy_move_tree(self, source, destination): ex = False # Copy to new path try: await"`Moving File: {} to {}`".format(source, destination)) dir = DIR_TMP+"\\"+n #print(dir) shutil.copytree(d, dir) cp = True except OSError as e: if sys.platform.startswith('win'): if isinstance(e, WindowsError) and e.winerror == 103: await"WinError during copy code: {}".format(str(n))) log.debug('uses Windows special name (%s)' % e) if isinstance(e, WindowsError) and e.winerror == 183: await"WinError during copy code file/dir already exist: {}".format(str(n))) log.debug('uses Windows special name file/dir exist (%s)' % n) # etc... ex = True # Burn the old folder if cp: try: await"`Delete {} from Import`".format(source)) shutil.rmtree(source) except OSError as e: if sys.platform.startswith('win'): log.debug(e) if isinstance(e, WindowsError) and e.winerror == 3: await" File/dir Not found: {}".format(str(n))) log.debug('uses Windows special name (%s)' % e) # etc.... ex = True if ex: print(":(") return
Example #14
Source File: From BilibiliTools with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize(file): audio = mutagen.File(file) if (isinstance(audio, MP4)): return mp4Editor(file) if (isinstance(audio, MP3)): return mp3Editor(file)
Example #15
Source File: From QMusic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def get_audio_length(path): try: audio = MutagenFile(path, FORMATS) if audio is not None: return int( * 1000 return 0 except: return 0
Example #16
Source File: From QMusic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def get_audio_length(path): try: audio = MutagenFile(path, FORMATS) if audio is not None: return int( * 1000 return 0 except: return 0
Example #17
Source File: From sacad with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_file_metadata(audio_filepath): """ Get a Metadata object for this file or None. """ try: mf = mutagen.File(audio_filepath) except Exception: return if mf is None: return # artist for key in ("albumartist", "artist", # ogg "TPE1", "TPE2", # mp3 "aART", "\xa9ART"): # mp4 try: val = mf.get(key, None) except ValueError: val = None if val is not None: artist = val[-1] break else: return # album for key in ("_album", "album", # ogg "TALB", # mp3 "\xa9alb"): # mp4 try: val = mf.get(key, None) except ValueError: val = None if val is not None: album = val[-1] break else: return # album art if isinstance(mf.tags, mutagen._vorbis.VComment): has_embedded_cover = "metadata_block_picture" in mf elif isinstance(mf.tags, mutagen.id3.ID3): has_embedded_cover = any(map(operator.methodcaller("startswith", "APIC:"), mf.keys())) elif isinstance(mf.tags, mutagen.mp4.MP4Tags): has_embedded_cover = "covr" in mf else: return return Metadata(artist, album, has_embedded_cover)
Example #18
Source File: From zynthian-ui with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_filelist(self, src_dir): res = {} for f in sorted(os.listdir(src_dir)): fpath = join(src_dir, f) fname = f[:-4] fext = f[-4:].lower() if isfile(fpath) and fext in ('.wav', '.mp3', '.ogg'): if fname in res: if fext=='.wav': res[fname]['ext'] = fext elif fext=='.ogg' and res[fname]['ext']!='.wav': res[fname]['ext'] = fext else: res[fname] = { 'fpath': fpath, 'ext': fext } for fname in res: try: res[fname]['length'] = mutagen.File(res[fname]['fpath']).info.length except Exception as e: res[fname]['length'] = 0 logging.warning(e) return res
Example #19
Source File: From botamusique with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _get_info_from_tag(self): match ="(.+)\.(.+)", self.uri()) assert match is not None file_no_ext = match[1] ext = match[2] try: im = None path_thumbnail = file_no_ext + ".jpg" if os.path.isfile(path_thumbnail): im = if ext == "mp3": # title: TIT2 # artist: TPE1, TPE2 # album: TALB # cover artwork: APIC: tags = mutagen.File(self.uri()) if 'TIT2' in tags: self.title = tags['TIT2'].text[0] if 'TPE1' in tags: # artist self.artist = tags['TPE1'].text[0] if im is None: if "APIC:" in tags: im =["APIC:"].data)) elif ext == "m4a" or ext == "m4b" or ext == "mp4" or ext == "m4p": # title: ©nam (\xa9nam) # artist: ©ART # album: ©alb # cover artwork: covr tags = mutagen.File(self.uri()) if '©nam' in tags: self.title = tags['©nam'][0] if '©ART' in tags: # artist self.artist = tags['©ART'][0] if im is None: if "covr" in tags: im =["covr"][0])) if im: self.thumbnail = self._prepare_thumbnail(im) except: pass if not self.title: self.title = os.path.basename(file_no_ext)
Example #20
Source File: From MusicNow with MIT License | 4 votes |
def fix_music(file_name): ''' Searches for '.mp3' files in directory (optionally recursive) and checks whether they already contain album art and album name tags or not. ''' setup() if not Py3: file_name = file_name.encode('utf-8') tags = File(file_name) log.log(file_name) log.log('> Adding metadata') try: artist, album, song_name, lyrics, match_bool, score = get_details_spotify( file_name) # Try finding details through spotify except Exception: artist, album, song_name, lyrics, match_bool, score = get_details_letssingit( file_name) # Use bad scraping method as last resort try: log.log_indented('* Trying to extract album art from') albumart = albumsearch.img_search_google(artist+' '+album) except Exception: log.log_indented('* Trying to extract album art from') albumart = albumsearch.img_search_bing(artist+' '+album) if match_bool: add_albumart(albumart, file_name) add_details(file_name, song_name, artist, album, lyrics) try: rename(file_name, artist+' - '+song_name+'.mp3') except Exception: log.log_error("Couldn't rename file") pass else: log.log_error( "* Couldn't find appropriate details of your song", indented=True) log.log("Match score: %s/10.0" % round(score * 10, 1)) log.log(LOG_LINE_SEPERATOR) log.log_success()
Example #21
Source File: From soundcloud-page-downloader with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def download_file(download_url, artist_name, artist_friendlyname, song_name, song_genre): directory = os.path.join('soundcloud-downloads', artist_friendlyname) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) file_name = "soundcloud-downloads/{}/{}.mp3".format(artist_friendlyname, song_name) # urllib2 file download implementation by PabloG @ StackOverflow - # u = urllib2.urlopen(download_url) f = open(file_name, 'wb') meta = file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) print "Downloading: {} (Bytes: {})".format(song_name, file_size) file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 8192 while True: buffer = if not buffer: break file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) status = r"%10d [%3.2f%%]" % ( file_size_dl, file_size_dl * 100. / file_size) status = status + chr(8) * (len(status) + 1) print status, f.close() try: meta = EasyID3(file_name) except mutagen.id3.ID3NoHeaderError: meta = mutagen.File(file_name, easy=True) meta.add_tags() meta['title'] = song_name meta['artist'] = artist_name meta['genre'] = song_genre
Example #22
Source File: From kawaii-player with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def update_on_start_music_db(self, music_db, music_file, music_file_bak, update_progress_show=None): m_files = self.import_music(music_file, music_file_bak) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(music_db) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT Path, Modified FROM Music') rows = cur.fetchall() conn.commit() conn.close() except Exception as e: print(e, '--database-corrupted--21369---') return 0 m_files_old = [] for i in rows: j = i[0]+' '+(str(i[1])).split('.')[0] m_files_old.append(str(j)) l1 = len(m_files) l2 = len(m_files_old) m = list(set(m_files)-set(m_files_old))+list(set(m_files_old)-set(m_files)) m_files.sort() m_files_old.sort() print("************") print("_______________") conn = sqlite3.connect(music_db) cur = conn.cursor() for k in m: j = k.split(' ') i = str(j[0]) cur.execute('SELECT Path FROM Music Where Path=?', (i, )) rows = cur.fetchall() if os.path.exists(i) and (k in m_files) and not rows: w = self.get_tag_lib(i) cur.execute('INSERT INTO Music VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', w) elif os.path.exists(i) and rows and (k in m_files): print("File Modified") cur.execute('Delete FROM Music Where Path=?', (i, ))'Deleting File From Database : '+i) w = self.get_tag_lib(i) cur.execute('INSERT INTO Music VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', w) elif not os.path.exists(i) and rows: cur.execute('Delete FROM Music Where Path=?', (i, ))'Deleting File From Database : '+i) elif os.path.exists(i) and not rows: cur.execute('Delete FROM Music Where Path=?', (i, ))'Deleting File From Database : '+i) conn.commit() conn.close()
Example #23
Source File: From mediafile with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, path, id3v23=False): """Constructs a new `MediaFile` reflecting the file at path. May throw `UnreadableFileError`. By default, MP3 files are saved with ID3v2.4 tags. You can use the older ID3v2.3 standard by specifying the `id3v23` option. """ self.path = path self.mgfile = mutagen_call('open', path, mutagen.File, path) if self.mgfile is None: # Mutagen couldn't guess the type raise FileTypeError(path) elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ in ['M4A', 'MP4']: info = if info.codec and info.codec.startswith('alac'): self.type = 'alac' else: self.type = 'aac' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ in ['ID3', 'MP3']: self.type = 'mp3' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'FLAC': self.type = 'flac' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'OggOpus': self.type = 'opus' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'OggVorbis': self.type = 'ogg' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'MonkeysAudio': self.type = 'ape' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'WavPack': self.type = 'wv' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'Musepack': self.type = 'mpc' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'ASF': self.type = 'asf' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'AIFF': self.type = 'aiff' elif type(self.mgfile).__name__ == 'DSF': self.type = 'dsf' else: raise FileTypeError(path, type(self.mgfile).__name__) # Add a set of tags if it's missing. if self.mgfile.tags is None: self.mgfile.add_tags() # Set the ID3v2.3 flag only for MP3s. self.id3v23 = id3v23 and self.type == 'mp3'