Python twisted.application.service.IService() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of twisted.application.service.IService().
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Example #1
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_everythingThere(self): """ L{twisted.application.internet} dynamically defines a set of L{service.Service} subclasses that in general have corresponding reactor.listenXXX or reactor.connectXXX calls. """ trans = 'TCP UNIX SSL UDP UNIXDatagram Multicast'.split() for tran in trans[:]: if not getattr(interfaces, "IReactor" + tran)(reactor, None): trans.remove(tran) for tran in trans: for side in 'Server Client'.split(): if tran == "Multicast" and side == "Client": continue if tran == "UDP" and side == "Client": continue self.assertTrue(hasattr(internet, tran + side)) method = getattr(internet, tran + side).method prefix = {'Server': 'listen', 'Client': 'connect'}[side] self.assertTrue(hasattr(reactor, prefix + method) or (prefix == "connect" and method == "UDP")) o = getattr(internet, tran + side)() self.assertEqual(service.IService(o), o)
Example #2
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testLoadApplication(self): """ Test loading an application file in different dump format. """ a = service.Application("hello") baseconfig = {'file': None, 'source': None, 'python':None} for style in 'source pickle'.split(): config = baseconfig.copy() config[{'pickle': 'file'}.get(style, style)] = 'helloapplication' sob.IPersistable(a).setStyle(style) sob.IPersistable(a).save(filename='helloapplication') a1 = app.getApplication(config, None) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello") config = baseconfig.copy() config['python'] = 'helloapplication' with open("helloapplication", 'w') as f: f.writelines([ "from twisted.application import service\n", "application = service.Application('hello')\n", ]) a1 = app.getApplication(config, None) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello")
Example #3
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testLoadApplication(self): a = service.Application("hello") baseconfig = {'file': None, 'xml': None, 'source': None, 'python':None} for style in 'source xml pickle'.split(): if style == 'xml' and not gotMicrodom: continue config = baseconfig.copy() config[{'pickle': 'file'}.get(style, style)] = 'helloapplication' sob.IPersistable(a).setStyle(style) sob.IPersistable(a).save(filename='helloapplication') a1 = app.getApplication(config, None) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello") config = baseconfig.copy() config['python'] = 'helloapplication' open("helloapplication", 'w').writelines([ "from twisted.application import service\n", "application = service.Application('hello')\n", ]) a1 = app.getApplication(config, None) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello")
Example #4
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_everythingThere(self): """ L{twisted.application.internet} dynamically defines a set of L{service.Service} subclasses that in general have corresponding reactor.listenXXX or reactor.connectXXX calls. """ trans = 'TCP UNIX SSL UDP UNIXDatagram Multicast'.split() for tran in trans[:]: if not getattr(interfaces, "IReactor" + tran)(reactor, None): trans.remove(tran) for tran in trans: for side in 'Server Client'.split(): if tran == "Multicast" and side == "Client": continue if tran == "UDP" and side == "Client": continue self.assertTrue(hasattr(internet, tran + side)) method = getattr(internet, tran + side).method prefix = {'Server': 'listen', 'Client': 'connect'}[side] self.assertTrue(hasattr(reactor, prefix + method) or (prefix == "connect" and method == "UDP")) o = getattr(internet, tran + side)() self.assertEqual(service.IService(o), o)
Example #5
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testSimpleInternet(self): # XXX - replace this test with one that does the same thing, but # with no web dependencies. if not gotMicrodom: raise unittest.SkipTest("Need twisted.web to run this test.") s = "(dp0\nS'udpConnectors'\np1\n(lp2\nsS'unixConnectors'\np3\n(lp4\nsS''\np5\nI12\nsS'name'\np6\nS'web'\np7\nsS'sslConnectors'\np8\n(lp9\nsS'sslPorts'\np10\n(lp11\nsS'tcpPorts'\np12\n(lp13\n(I8080\n(itwisted.web.server\nSite\np14\n(dp16\nS'resource'\np17\n(itwisted.web.demo\nTest\np18\n(dp19\nS'files'\np20\n(lp21\nsS'paths'\np22\n(dp23\nsS'tmpl'\np24\n(lp25\nS'\\n Congratulations, twisted.web appears to work!\\n <ul>\\n <li>Funky Form:\\n '\np26\naS'self.funkyForm()'\np27\naS'\\n <li>Exception Handling:\\n '\np28\naS'self.raiseHell()'\np29\naS'\\n </ul>\\n '\np30\nasS'widgets'\np31\n(dp32\nsS'variables'\np33\n(dp34\nsS'modules'\np35\n(lp36\nsS'children'\np37\n(dp38\nsbsS'logPath'\np39\nNsS'timeOut'\np40\nI43200\nsS'sessions'\np41\n(dp42\nsbI5\nS''\np43\ntp44\nasS'unixPorts'\np45\n(lp46\nsS'services'\np47\n(dp48\nsS'gid'\np49\nI1000\nsS'tcpConnectors'\np50\n(lp51\nsS'extraConnectors'\np52\n(lp53\nsS'udpPorts'\np54\n(lp55\nsS'extraPorts'\np56\n(lp57\nsS'persistStyle'\np58\nS'pickle'\np59\nsS'uid'\np60\nI1000\ns." d = pickle.loads(s) a = Dummy() a.__dict__ = d appl = compat.convert(a) self.assertEqual(service.IProcess(appl).uid, 1000) self.assertEqual(service.IProcess(appl).gid, 1000) self.assertEqual(service.IService(appl).name, "web") services = list(service.IServiceCollection(appl)) self.assertEqual(len(services), 1) s = services[0] self.assertEqual(s.parent, service.IServiceCollection(appl)) self.assert_(s.privileged) self.assert_(isinstance(s, internet.TCPServer)) args = s.args self.assertEqual(args[0], 8080) self.assertEqual(args[3], '')
Example #6
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testEverythingThere(self): trans = 'TCP UNIX SSL UDP UNIXDatagram Multicast'.split() for tran in trans[:]: if not getattr(interfaces, "IReactor"+tran)(reactor, None): trans.remove(tran) if interfaces.IReactorArbitrary(reactor, None) is not None: trans.insert(0, "Generic") for tran in trans: for side in 'Server Client'.split(): if tran == "Multicast" and side == "Client": continue self.assert_(hasattr(internet, tran+side)) method = getattr(internet, tran+side).method prefix = {'Server': 'listen', 'Client': 'connect'}[side] self.assert_(hasattr(reactor, prefix+method) or (prefix == "connect" and method == "UDP")) o = getattr(internet, tran+side)() self.assertEqual(service.IService(o), o)
Example #7
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_applicationRunnerGetsCorrectApplication(self): """ Ensure that a twistd plugin gets used in appropriate ways: it is passed its Options instance, and the service it returns is added to the application. """ arunner = CrippledApplicationRunner(self.config) self.assertIs( self.serviceMaker.options, self.config.subOptions, "ServiceMaker.makeService needs to be passed the correct " "sub Command object.") self.assertIs( self.serviceMaker.service, service.IService(arunner.application).services[0], "ServiceMaker.makeService's result needs to be set as a child " "of the Application.")
Example #8
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def runApp(config): passphrase = app.getPassphrase(config['encrypted']) app.installReactor(config['reactor']) application = app.getApplication(config, passphrase) oldstdout = sys.stdout oldstderr = sys.stderr startLogging(config['logfile']) app.initialLog() os.chdir(config['rundir']) service.IService(application).privilegedStartService() app.startApplication(application, not config['no_save']) app.startApplication(internet.TimerService(0.1, lambda:None), 0) app.runReactorWithLogging(config, oldstdout, oldstderr) app.reportProfile(config['report-profile'], service.IProcess(application).processName) log.msg("Server Shut Down.")
Example #9
Source File: From ccs-calendarserver with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_defaultService(self): """ Test the value of a Slave service in it's simplest configuration. """ service = CalDAVServiceMaker().makeService(self.options) self.failUnless( IService(service), "%s does not provide IService" % (service,) ) self.failUnless(, "No services configured" ) self.failUnless( isinstance(service, CalDAVService), "%s is not a CalDAVService" % (service,) )
Example #10
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_everythingThere(self): """ L{twisted.application.internet} dynamically defines a set of L{service.Service} subclasses that in general have corresponding reactor.listenXXX or reactor.connectXXX calls. """ trans = 'TCP UNIX SSL UDP UNIXDatagram Multicast'.split() for tran in trans[:]: if not getattr(interfaces, "IReactor" + tran)(reactor, None): trans.remove(tran) if interfaces.IReactorArbitrary(reactor, None) is not None: trans.insert(0, "Generic") for tran in trans: for side in 'Server Client'.split(): if tran == "Multicast" and side == "Client": continue self.assertTrue(hasattr(internet, tran + side)) method = getattr(internet, tran + side).method prefix = {'Server': 'listen', 'Client': 'connect'}[side] self.assertTrue(hasattr(reactor, prefix + method) or (prefix == "connect" and method == "UDP")) o = getattr(internet, tran + side)() self.assertEquals(service.IService(o), o)
Example #11
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def testLoadApplication(self): """ Test loading an application file in different dump format. """ a = service.Application("hello") baseconfig = {'file': None, 'source': None, 'python':None} for style in 'source pickle'.split(): config = baseconfig.copy() config[{'pickle': 'file'}.get(style, style)] = 'helloapplication' sob.IPersistable(a).setStyle(style) sob.IPersistable(a).save(filename='helloapplication') a1 = app.getApplication(config, None) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello") config = baseconfig.copy() config['python'] = 'helloapplication' with open("helloapplication", 'w') as f: f.writelines([ "from twisted.application import service\n", "application = service.Application('hello')\n", ]) a1 = app.getApplication(config, None) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello")
Example #12
Source File: From learn_python3_spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_applicationRunnerGetsCorrectApplication(self): """ Ensure that a twistd plugin gets used in appropriate ways: it is passed its Options instance, and the service it returns is added to the application. """ arunner = CrippledApplicationRunner(self.config) self.assertIs( self.serviceMaker.options, self.config.subOptions, "ServiceMaker.makeService needs to be passed the correct " "sub Command object.") self.assertIs( self.serviceMaker.service, service.IService(arunner.application).services[0], "ServiceMaker.makeService's result needs to be set as a child " "of the Application.")
Example #13
Source File: From axiom with MIT License | 6 votes |
def storeBatchServiceSpecialCase(st, pups): """ Adapt a L{Store} to L{IBatchService}. If C{st} is a substore, return a simple wrapper that delegates to the site store's L{IBatchService} powerup. Return C{None} if C{st} has no L{BatchProcessingControllerService}. """ if st.parent is not None: try: return _SubStoreBatchChannel(st) except TypeError: return None storeService = service.IService(st) try: return storeService.getServiceNamed("Batch Processing Controller") except KeyError: return None
Example #14
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_simpleStoreAndLoad(self): a = service.Application("hello") p = sob.IPersistable(a) for style in 'source pickle'.split(): p.setStyle(style) a1 = service.loadApplication("hello.ta"+style[0], style) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello") f = open("hello.tac", 'w') f.writelines([ "from twisted.application import service\n", "application = service.Application('hello')\n", ]) f.close() a1 = service.loadApplication("hello.tac", 'python') self.assertEqual(service.IService(a1).name, "hello")
Example #15
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_startApplication(self): appl = service.Application("lala") app.startApplication(appl, 0) self.assert_(service.IService(appl).running)
Example #16
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def makeService(self, options): """ Take a L{usage.Options} instance and return a L{service.IService} provider. """ self.options = options self.service = service.Service() return self.service
Example #17
Source File: From axiom with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setServiceParent(self, parent): """ L{Scheduler} is no longer an L{IService}, but still provides this method as a no-op in case an instance which was still an L{IService} powerup is loaded (in which case it will be used like a service once). """
Example #18
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_createOrGetApplicationWithTapFile(self): """ Ensure that the createOrGetApplication call that 'twistd -f foo.tap' makes will load the Application out of foo.tap. """ config = twistd.ServerOptions() config.parseOptions(['-f', self.tapfile]) application = CrippledApplicationRunner(config).createOrGetApplication() self.assertEquals(service.IService(application).name, 'Hi!')
Example #19
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_convertStyle(self): appl = service.Application("lala") for instyle in 'xml source pickle'.split(): if instyle == 'xml' and not gotMicrodom: continue for outstyle in 'xml source pickle'.split(): if outstyle == 'xml' and not gotMicrodom: continue sob.IPersistable(appl).setStyle(instyle) sob.IPersistable(appl).save(filename="converttest") app.convertStyle("converttest", instyle, None, "converttest.out", outstyle, 0) appl2 = service.loadApplication("converttest.out", outstyle) self.assertEqual(service.IService(appl2).name, "lala")
Example #20
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def startApplication(config, application): process = service.IProcess(application, None) if not config['originalname']: launchWithName(process.processName) setupEnvironment(config) service.IService(application).privilegedStartService() uid, gid = mktap.getid(config['uid'], config['gid']) if uid is None: uid = process.uid if gid is None: gid = process.gid shedPrivileges(config['euid'], uid, gid) app.startApplication(application, not config['no_save'])
Example #21
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_startApplication(self): appl = service.Application("lala") app.startApplication(appl, 0) self.assert_(service.IService(appl).running)
Example #22
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def startApplication(application, save): from twisted.internet import reactor service.IService(application).startService() if save: p = sob.IPersistable(application) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown',, 'shutdown') reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', service.IService(application).stopService)
Example #23
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_convertStyle(self): appl = service.Application("lala") for instyle in 'source pickle'.split(): for outstyle in 'source pickle'.split(): sob.IPersistable(appl).setStyle(instyle) sob.IPersistable(appl).save(filename="converttest") app.convertStyle("converttest", instyle, None, "converttest.out", outstyle, 0) appl2 = service.loadApplication("converttest.out", outstyle) self.assertEqual(service.IService(appl2).name, "lala")
Example #24
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testServiceComponent(self): a = service.Application("hello") self.assert_(service.IService(a) is service.IServiceCollection(a)) self.assertEqual(service.IService(a).name, "hello") self.assertEqual(service.IService(a).parent, None)
Example #25
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testMultiService(self): self.assert_(service.IService.providedBy(service.MultiService())) self.assert_(service.IServiceCollection.providedBy(service.MultiService()))
Example #26
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testService(self): self.assert_(service.IService.providedBy(service.Service()))
Example #27
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def startApplication(application, save): from twisted.internet import reactor service.IService(application).startService() if save: p = sob.IPersistable(application) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown',, 'shutdown') reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', service.IService(application).stopService)
Example #28
Source File: From eliot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_stopServiceRunning(self): """ L{ThreadedWriter.stopService} stops the service as required by the L{IService} interface. """ writer = ThreadedWriter(FileDestination(file=BytesIO()), reactor) writer.startService() d = writer.stopService() d.addCallback(lambda _: self.assertFalse(writer.running)) return d
Example #29
Source File: From eliot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_startServiceRunning(self): """ L{ThreadedWriter.startService} starts the service as required by the L{IService} interface. """ writer = ThreadedWriter(FileDestination(file=BytesIO()), reactor) self.assertFalse(writer.running) writer.startService() self.addCleanup(writer.stopService) self.assertTrue(writer.running)
Example #30
Source File: From eliot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_interface(self): """ L{ThreadedWriter} provides L{IService}. """ verifyClass(IService, ThreadedWriter)