Python sphinx.roles.XRefRole() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of sphinx.roles.XRefRole().
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Example #1
Source File: From factor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def setup(app): app.add_config_value('number_figures', True, True) app.add_config_value('figure_caption_prefix', "Figure", True) app.add_node(page_ref, text=(skip_page_ref, None), html=(skip_page_ref, None), latex=(latex_visit_page_ref, None)) app.add_role('page', XRefRole(nodeclass=page_ref)) app.add_node(num_ref, latex=(latex_visit_num_ref, None)) app.add_role('num', XRefRole(nodeclass=num_ref)) app.connect("builder-inited", clean_env) app.connect('doctree-read', doctree_read) app.connect('doctree-resolved', doctree_resolved)
Example #2
Source File: From brian2genn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def brianobj_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]): ''' A Sphinx role, used as a wrapper for the default `py:obj` role, allowing us to use the simple backtick syntax for brian classes/functions without having to qualify the package for classes/functions that are available after a `from brian2 import *`, e.g `NeuronGroup`. Also allows to directly link to preference names using the same syntax. ''' if text in prefs: linktext = text.replace('_', '-').replace('.', '-') text = '%s <brian-pref-%s>' % (text, linktext) # Use sphinx's cross-reference role xref = XRefRole(warn_dangling=True) return xref('std:ref', rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options, content) else: if text and (not '~' in text): try: # A simple class or function name if not '.' in text: module = __import__('brian2genn', fromlist=[str(text)]) imported = getattr(module, str(text), None) if hasattr(imported, '__module__'): text = '~' + imported.__module__ + '.' + text if inspect.isfunction(imported): text += '()' # Possibly a method/classmethod/attribute name elif len(text.split('.')) == 2: classname, attrname = text.split('.') # Remove trailing parentheses (will be readded for display) if attrname.endswith('()'): attrname = attrname[:-2] module = __import__('brian2genn', fromlist=[str(classname)]) imported = getattr(module, str(classname), None) if hasattr(imported, '__module__'): # Add trailing parentheses only for methods not for # attributes if inspect.ismethod(getattr(imported, str(attrname), None)): parentheses = '()' else: parentheses = '' text = ('{classname}.{attrname}{parentheses} ' '<{modname}.{classname}.{attrname}>').format(classname=classname, attrname=attrname, modname=imported.__module__, parentheses=parentheses) except ImportError: pass role = 'py:obj' py_role = PyXRefRole() return py_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options, content)