Python pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of pygments.lexers.get_lexer_for_filename().
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Example #1
Source File: From chaquopy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def view_source(context, web_view, filename): from base64 import b64encode from os.path import join from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename from import BufferedReader, InputStreamReader stream = context.getAssets().open(join(ASSET_SOURCE_DIR, filename)) reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(stream)) text = "\n".join(iter(reader.readLine, None)) formatter = HtmlFormatter() body = highlight(text, get_lexer_for_filename(filename), formatter) html = ("<html><head><style>{}\n{}</style></head><body>{}</body></html>" .format(formatter.get_style_defs(), EXTRA_CSS, body)).encode() web_view.loadData(b64encode(html).decode(), "text/html", "base64")
Example #2
Source File: From Turing with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set_lexer_from_filename(self, filename): """ Change the lexer based on the filename (actually only the extension is needed) :param filename: Filename or extension """ self._lexer = None if filename.endswith("~"): filename = filename[0:len(filename) - 1] try: self._lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(filename) except (ClassNotFound, ImportError): print('class not found for url', filename) try: m = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) print(m) self._lexer = get_lexer_for_mimetype(m[0]) except (ClassNotFound, IndexError, ImportError): self._lexer = get_lexer_for_mimetype('text/plain') if self._lexer is None: _logger().warning('failed to get lexer from filename: %s, using ' 'plain text instead...', filename) self._lexer = TextLexer()
Example #3
Source File: From python-prompt-toolkit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def from_filename( cls, filename: str, sync_from_start: FilterOrBool = True ) -> "Lexer": """ Create a `Lexer` from a filename. """ # Inline imports: the Pygments dependency is optional! from pygments.util import ClassNotFound from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename try: pygments_lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(filename) except ClassNotFound: return SimpleLexer() else: return cls(pygments_lexer.__class__, sync_from_start=sync_from_start)
Example #4
Source File: From code2pdf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def highlight_file(self, linenos=True, style='default'): """ Highlight the input file, and return HTML as a string. """ try: lexer = lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(self.input_file) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: # Try guessing the lexer (file type) later. lexer = None try: formatter = formatters.HtmlFormatter( linenos=linenos, style=style, full=True) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: logging.error("\nInvalid style name: {}\nExpecting one of:\n \ {}".format(style, "\n ".join(sorted(styles.STYLE_MAP)))) sys.exit(1) try: with open(self.input_file, "r") as f: content = try: lexer = lexer or lexers.guess_lexer(content) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: # No lexer could be guessed. lexer = lexers.get_lexer_by_name("text") except EnvironmentError as exread: fmt = "\nUnable to read file: {}\n{}" logging.error(fmt.format(self.input_file, exread)) sys.exit(2) return pygments.highlight(content, lexer, formatter)
Example #5
Source File: From vy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_lexer(self): """ Try to detect the lexer by filename if it fails then try to guess the lex by shebang statement. The shebang statement should be placed in the first 20 lines of the file. """ try: self.lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(self.area.filename, '') except Exception as e: self.lexer = guess_lexer(self.area.get('1.0', '20.0'))
Example #6
Source File: From kivystudio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_lexer_for_file(filename): ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] try: lexer = lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(filename) except lexers.ClassNotFound: if ext == '.kv': lexer = KivyLexer() else: lexer = lexers.TextLexer() # print('found {} for {}'.format(lexer, filename)) return lexer
Example #7
Source File: From aeon-ztps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def view_file(filename): """ Views file with syntax highlighting (if applicable) Args: filename (str): Full path to filename to render view response for. """ folder = filename.split(_AEON_TOPDIR).pop().strip('/') filename = os.path.join(_AEON_TOPDIR, filename) try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: data = # lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(filename, data) formatter = HtmlFormatter(linenos=True) try: lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(filename) code = highlight(data, lexer, formatter) except ClassNotFound: lexer = TextLexer() code = highlight(data, lexer, formatter) stat = os.stat(filename) return render_template('view.html', content=code, folder=folder, stat=stat, filename=filename) except (OSError, IOError) as e: code = e[0] reason = e[1] flash('Error: Could not view file {filename}: {reason} ({code})'.format(filename=filename, reason=reason, code=code), 'danger') return render_template('view.html')
Example #8
Source File: From python-automation-scripts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def highlight_file(self, linenos=True, style='default'): """ Highlight the input file, and return HTML as a string. """ try: lexer = lexers.get_lexer_for_filename(self.input_file) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: # Try guessing the lexer (file type) later. lexer = None try: formatter = formatters.HtmlFormatter( linenos=linenos, style=style, full=True) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: logging.error("\nInvalid style name: {}\nExpecting one of:\n \ {}".format(style, "\n ".join(sorted(styles.STYLE_MAP)))) sys.exit(1) try: with open(self.input_file, "r") as f: content = try: lexer = lexer or lexers.guess_lexer(content) except pygments.util.ClassNotFound: # No lexer could be guessed. lexer = lexers.get_lexer_by_name("text") except EnvironmentError as exread: fmt = "\nUnable to read file: {}\n{}" logging.error(fmt.format(self.input_file, exread)) sys.exit(2) return pygments.highlight(content, lexer, formatter)
Example #9
Source File: From pygments with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, raw, request, **kw): self.raw = raw self.req = request if "format_args" in kw: # called from a {{{ }}} block try: self.lexer = get_lexer_by_name(kw['format_args'].strip()) except ClassNotFound: self.lexer = textlexer return if "filename" in kw: # called for an attachment filename = kw['filename'] else: # called for an attachment by an older moin # HACK: find out the filename by peeking into the execution # frame which might not always work try: frame = sys._getframe(1) filename = frame.f_locals['filename'] except: filename = 'x.txt' try: self.lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(filename) except ClassNotFound: self.lexer = textlexer
Example #10
Source File: From pygments with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_get_lexers(): # test that the lexers functions work for func, args in [(lexers.get_lexer_by_name, ("python",)), (lexers.get_lexer_for_filename, ("",)), (lexers.get_lexer_for_mimetype, ("text/x-python",)), (lexers.guess_lexer, ("#!/usr/bin/python3 -O\nprint",)), (lexers.guess_lexer_for_filename, ("", "<%= @foo %>")) ]: x = func(opt='val', *args) assert isinstance(x, lexers.PythonLexer) assert x.options["opt"] == "val" for cls, (_, lname, aliases, _, mimetypes) in lexers.LEXERS.items(): assert cls == lexers.find_lexer_class(lname).__name__ for alias in aliases: assert cls == lexers.get_lexer_by_name(alias).__class__.__name__ for mimetype in mimetypes: assert cls == lexers.get_lexer_for_mimetype(mimetype).__class__.__name__ try: lexers.get_lexer_by_name(None) except ClassNotFound: pass else: raise Exception
Example #11
Source File: From allura with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_render(self): code = '#!/usr/bin/env python\n'\ 'print "Hello, world!"' formatter = utils.LineAnchorCodeHtmlFormatter(cssclass='codehilite', linenos='inline') lexer = get_lexer_for_filename("", encoding='chardet') hl_code = highlight(code, lexer, formatter) assert '<div class="codehilite">' in hl_code assert '<div id="l1" class="code_block">' in hl_code assert_in('<span class="lineno">1 </span>', hl_code)
Example #12
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_filename(cls, filename, sync_from_start=True): """ Create a `Lexer` from a filename. """ # Inline imports: the Pygments dependency is optional! from pygments.util import ClassNotFound from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_filename try: pygments_lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(filename) except ClassNotFound: return SimpleLexer() else: return cls(pygments_lexer.__class__, sync_from_start=sync_from_start)
Example #13
Source File: From cauldron with MIT License | 4 votes |
def fetch_lexer( source: str, language: str = None, filename: str = None, mime_type: str = None ) -> Lexer: """ :param source: :param language: :param filename: :param mime_type: :return: """ environ.abort_thread() try: if language: return get_lexer_by_name(language, stripall=True) except ClassNotFound: pass if filename: try: return get_lexer_for_filename(filename, stripall=True) except ClassNotFound: pass try: return guess_lexer_for_filename(filename, source, stripall=True) except ClassNotFound: pass try: if mime_type: return get_lexer_for_mimetype(mime_type, stripall=True) except ClassNotFound: pass try: return guess_lexer(source, stripall=True) except ClassNotFound: return TextLexer()
Example #14
Source File: From coala with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def print_lines(console_printer, file_dict, sourcerange): """ Prints the lines between the current and the result line. If needed they will be shortened. :param console_printer: Object to print messages on the console. :param file_dict: A dictionary containing all files as values with filenames as key. :param sourcerange: The SourceRange object referring to the related lines to print. """ no_color = not console_printer.print_colored for i in range(sourcerange.start.line, sourcerange.end.line + 1): # Print affected file's line number in the sidebar. console_printer.print(format_lines(lines='', line_nr=i, symbol='['), color=FILE_LINES_COLOR, end='') line = file_dict[sourcerange.file][i - 1].rstrip('\n') try: lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(sourcerange.file) except ClassNotFound: lexer = TextLexer() lexer.add_filter(VisibleWhitespaceFilter( spaces=True, tabs=True, tabsize=SpacingHelper.DEFAULT_TAB_WIDTH)) # highlight() combines lexer and formatter to output a ``str`` # object. printed_chars = 0 if i == sourcerange.start.line and sourcerange.start.column: console_printer.print(highlight_text( no_color, line[:sourcerange.start.column - 1], BackgroundMessageStyle, lexer), end='') printed_chars = sourcerange.start.column - 1 if i == sourcerange.end.line and sourcerange.end.column: console_printer.print(highlight_text( no_color, line[printed_chars:sourcerange.end.column - 1], BackgroundSourceRangeStyle, lexer), end='') console_printer.print(highlight_text( no_color, line[sourcerange.end.column - 1:], BackgroundSourceRangeStyle, lexer), end='') console_printer.print('') else: console_printer.print(highlight_text( no_color, line[printed_chars:], BackgroundMessageStyle, lexer), end='') console_printer.print('')