Python numpy.iscomplex() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of numpy.iscomplex().
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Example #1
Source File: From pylops with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_eigs(par): """Eigenvalues and condition number estimate with ARPACK """ # explicit=True diag = np.arange(par['nx'], 0, -1) +\ par['imag'] * np.arange(par['nx'], 0, -1) Op = MatrixMult(np.vstack((np.diag(diag), np.zeros((par['ny'] - par['nx'], par['nx']))))) eigs = Op.eigs() assert_array_almost_equal(diag[:eigs.size], eigs, decimal=3) cond = Op.cond() assert_array_almost_equal(np.real(cond), par['nx'], decimal=3) # explicit=False Op = Diagonal(diag, dtype=par['dtype']) if par['ny'] > par['nx']: Op = VStack([Op, Zero(par['ny'] - par['nx'], par['nx'])]) eigs = Op.eigs() assert_array_almost_equal(diag[:eigs.size], eigs, decimal=3) # uselobpcg cannot be used for square non-symmetric complex matrices if np.iscomplex(Op): eigs1 = Op.eigs(uselobpcg=True) assert_array_almost_equal(eigs, eigs1, decimal=3) cond = Op.cond() assert_array_almost_equal(np.real(cond), par['nx'], decimal=3) # uselobpcg cannot be used for square non-symmetric complex matrices if np.iscomplex(Op): cond1 = Op.cond(uselobpcg=True, niter=100) assert_array_almost_equal(np.real(cond), np.real(cond1), decimal=3)
Example #2
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _ll_nbin(self, params, alpha, Q=0): if np.any(np.iscomplex(params)) or np.iscomplex(alpha): gamma_ln = loggamma else: gamma_ln = gammaln endog = self.endog mu = self.predict(params) size = 1/alpha * mu**Q prob = size/(size+mu) coeff = (gamma_ln(size+endog) - gamma_ln(endog+1) - gamma_ln(size)) llf = coeff + size*np.log(prob) + endog*np.log(1-prob) return llf
Example #3
Source File: From trax with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def iscomplex(x): return array_ops.imag(x) != 0
Example #4
Source File: From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def t_REAL(self, t): r'(([0-9]+|([0-9]+)?\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.)[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)|(([0-9]+)?\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.)' if np.iscomplex(t): return t.real else: return t
Example #5
Source File: From cupy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def iscomplex(x): """Returns a bool array, where True if input element is complex. What is tested is whether the input has a non-zero imaginary part, not if the input type is complex. Args: x (cupy.ndarray): Input array. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Boolean array of the same shape as ``x``. .. seealso:: :func:`isreal`, :func:`iscomplexobj` Examples -------- >>> cupy.iscomplex(cupy.array([1+1j, 1+0j, 4.5, 3, 2, 2j])) array([ True, False, False, False, False, True]) """ if numpy.isscalar(x): return numpy.iscomplex(x) if not isinstance(x, cupy.ndarray): return cupy.asarray(numpy.iscomplex(x)) if x.dtype.kind == 'c': return x.imag != 0 return cupy.zeros(x.shape, bool)
Example #6
Source File: From cupy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def iscomplexobj(x): """Check for a complex type or an array of complex numbers. The type of the input is checked, not the value. Even if the input has an imaginary part equal to zero, `iscomplexobj` evaluates to True. Args: x (cupy.ndarray): Input array. Returns: bool: The return value, True if ``x`` is of a complex type or has at least one complex element. .. seealso:: :func:`isrealobj`, :func:`iscomplex` Examples -------- >>> cupy.iscomplexobj(cupy.array([3, 1+0j, True])) True >>> cupy.iscomplexobj(cupy.array([3, 1, True])) False """ if not isinstance(x, cupy.ndarray): return numpy.iscomplexobj(x) return x.dtype.kind == 'c'
Example #7
Source File: From cupy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def isreal(x): """Returns a bool array, where True if input element is real. If element has complex type with zero complex part, the return value for that element is True. Args: x (cupy.ndarray): Input array. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Boolean array of same shape as ``x``. .. seealso:: :func:`iscomplex`, :func:`isrealobj` Examples -------- >>> cupy.isreal(cp.array([1+1j, 1+0j, 4.5, 3, 2, 2j])) array([False, True, True, True, True, False]) """ if numpy.isscalar(x): return numpy.isreal(x) if not isinstance(x, cupy.ndarray): return cupy.asarray(numpy.isreal(x)) if x.dtype.kind == 'c': return x.imag == 0 return cupy.ones(x.shape, bool)
Example #8
Source File: From thewalrus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_outer_product(self, n, dtype): r"""Check that hafnian(x \otimes x) = hafnian(J_2n)*prod(x)""" x = np.random.rand(2 * n) + 1j * np.random.rand(2 * n) if not np.iscomplex(dtype()): x = x.real x = dtype(x) A = np.outer(x, x) rpt = np.ones([2 * n], dtype=np.int32) haf = hafnian_repeated(A, rpt) expected = * fac(2 * n) / (fac(n) * (2 ** n)) assert np.allclose(haf, expected)
Example #9
Source File: From PyTorchWavelets with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_filters(self, filters, padding_type='SAME'): """ Given a list of temporal 1D filters of variable size, this method creates a list of nn.conv1d objects that collectively form the filter bank. :param filters: list, collection of filters each a np.ndarray :param padding_type: str, should be SAME or VALID :return: """ assert isinstance(filters, list) assert padding_type in ['SAME', 'VALID'] self._filters = [None]*len(filters) for ind, filt in enumerate(filters): assert filt.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128) if np.iscomplex(filt).any(): chn_out = 2 filt_weights = np.asarray([np.real(filt), np.imag(filt)], np.float32) else: chn_out = 1 filt_weights = filt.astype(np.float32)[None,:] filt_weights = np.expand_dims(filt_weights, 1) # append chn_in dimension filt_size = filt_weights.shape[-1] # filter length padding = self._get_padding(padding_type, filt_size) conv = nn.Conv1d(1, chn_out, kernel_size=filt_size, padding=padding, bias=False) = torch.from_numpy(filt_weights) conv.weight.requires_grad_(False) if self._cuda: conv.cuda() self._filters[ind] = conv
Example #10
Source File: From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_iscomplex(self): self.check(np.iscomplex) assert np.iscomplex([1. + 1j]*u.m)
Example #11
Source File: From PointNetGPD with MIT License | 4 votes |
def find_zero_crossing_quadratic(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, eps=1.0): """ Find zero crossing using quadratic approximation along 1d line""" # compute coords along 1d line v = x2 - x1 v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) if v[v != 0].shape[0] == 0: logging.error('Difference is 0. Probably a bug') t1 = 0 t2 = (x2 - x1)[v != 0] / v[v != 0] t2 = t2[0] t3 = (x3 - x1)[v != 0] / v[v != 0] t3 = t3[0] # solve for quad approx x1_row = np.array([t1 ** 2, t1, 1]) x2_row = np.array([t2 ** 2, t2, 1]) x3_row = np.array([t3 ** 2, t3, 1]) X = np.array([x1_row, x2_row, x3_row]) y_vec = np.array([y1, y2, y3]) try: w = np.linalg.solve(X, y_vec) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: logging.error('Singular matrix. Probably a bug') return None # get positive roots possible_t = np.roots(w) t_zc = None for i in range(possible_t.shape[0]): if 0 <= possible_t[i] <= 10 and not np.iscomplex(possible_t[i]): t_zc = possible_t[i] # if no positive roots find min if np.abs(w[0]) < 1e-10: return None if t_zc is None: t_zc = -w[1] / (2 * w[0]) if t_zc < -eps or t_zc > eps: return None x_zc = x1 + t_zc * v return x_zc
Example #12
Source File: From meshpy with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def find_zero_crossing_quadratic(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, eps = 1.0): """ Find zero crossing using quadratic approximation along 1d line""" # compute coords along 1d line v = x2 - x1 v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) if v[v!=0].shape[0] == 0: logging.error('Difference is 0. Probably a bug') t1 = 0 t2 = (x2 - x1)[v!=0] / v[v!=0] t2 = t2[0] t3 = (x3 - x1)[v!=0] / v[v!=0] t3 = t3[0] # solve for quad approx x1_row = np.array([t1**2, t1, 1]) x2_row = np.array([t2**2, t2, 1]) x3_row = np.array([t3**2, t3, 1]) X = np.array([x1_row, x2_row, x3_row]) y_vec = np.array([y1, y2, y3]) try: w = np.linalg.solve(X, y_vec) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: logging.error('Singular matrix. Probably a bug') return None # get positive roots possible_t = np.roots(w) t_zc = None for i in range(possible_t.shape[0]): if possible_t[i] >= 0 and possible_t[i] <= 10 and not np.iscomplex(possible_t[i]): t_zc = possible_t[i] # if no positive roots find min if np.abs(w[0]) < 1e-10: return None if t_zc is None: t_zc = -w[1] / (2 * w[0]) if t_zc < -eps or t_zc > eps: return None x_zc = x1 + t_zc * v return x_zc
Example #13
Source File: From PyRAT with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def filter(self, array, *args, **kwargs): arr1 = array[0] arr2 = array[1] ny, nx = arr1.shape dy, dx = 2 ** (int(np.log(min(ny, 4096)) / np.log(2))), 2 ** (int(np.log(min(nx, 4096)) / np.log(2))) offset = coreg(arr1[(ny - dy) / 2:(ny + dy) / 2, (nx - dx) / 2:(nx + dx) / 2], arr2[(ny - dy) / 2:(ny + dy) / 2, (nx - dx) / 2:(nx + dx) / 2])'Global offset : ' + str(int(offset[0])) + ' / ' + str(int(offset[1]))) paty = np.arange(12) * ny / 12 patx = np.arange(12) * nx / 12 dy = 2 ** (int(np.log(ny / 12) / np.log(2))) dx = 2 ** (int(np.log(nx / 12) / np.log(2))) offy = np.zeros((10, 10)) offx = np.zeros((10, 10)) for y, yp in enumerate(paty[1:11]): for x, xp in enumerate(patx[1:11]): amp1 = np.abs(arr1[yp:yp + dy, xp:xp + dx]) amp2 = np.abs( arr2[yp - int(offset[0]):yp + dy - int(offset[0]), xp - int(offset[1]):xp + dx - int(offset[1])]) foo = coreg(amp1, amp2, sub=True) offy[y, x] = foo[0] + offset[0] offx[y, x] = foo[1] + offset[1] # pdb.set_trace() xx, yy = np.meshgrid(patx[1:11], paty[1:11]) cx = polyfit2d(yy.flatten(), xx.flatten(), offx.flatten(), order=2) cy = polyfit2d(yy.flatten(), xx.flatten(), offy.flatten(), order=2) #cx = polyfit2d(xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), offx.flatten(), order=3) #cy = polyfit2d(xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), offy.flatten(), order=3) ny, nx = arr2.shape xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)) px = polyval2d(yy, xx, cx) py = polyval2d(yy, xx, cy) #px = polyval2d(xx, yy, cx) #py = polyval2d(xx, yy, cy) if np.iscomplex(arr2): arr2 = ndimage.map_coordinates(arr2.real, np.rollaxis(np.dstack([yy - py, xx - px]), 2)) + \ 1j * ndimage.map_coordinates(arr2.imag, np.rollaxis(np.dstack([yy - py, xx - px]), 2)) else: arr2 = ndimage.map_coordinates(arr2, np.rollaxis(np.dstack([yy - py, xx - px]), 2)) #pdb.set_trace() #arr2 = np.roll(np.roll(arr2, int(offset[0]), axis=0), int(offset[1]), axis=1) return arr2
Example #14
Source File: From piradar with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def cwplot(fb_est, rx, t, fs: int, fn) -> None: #%% time fg, axs = subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = axs[0] ax.plot(t, rx.T.real) ax.set_xlabel("time [sec]") ax.set_ylabel("amplitude") ax.set_title("Noisy, jammed receive signal") #%% periodogram if DTPG >= (t[-1] - t[0]): dt = (t[-1] - t[0]) / 4 else: dt = DTPG dtw = 2 * dt # seconds to window tstep = ceil(dt * fs) wind = ceil(dtw * fs) Nfft = zeropadfactor * wind f, Sraw = signal.welch( rx.ravel(), fs, nperseg=wind, noverlap=tstep, nfft=Nfft, return_onesided=False ) if np.iscomplex(rx).any(): f = np.fft.fftshift(f) Sraw = np.fft.fftshift(Sraw) ax = axs[1] ax.plot(f, Sraw, "r", label="raw signal") fc_est = f[Sraw.argmax()] # ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim([fc_est - 200, fc_est + 200]) ax.set_xlabel("frequency [Hz]") ax.set_ylabel("amplitude") ax.legend() esttxt = "" if fn is None: # simulation ax.axvline(ft + fb0, color="red", linestyle="--", label="true freq.") esttxt += f"true: {ft+fb0} Hz " for e in fb_est: ax.axvline(e, color="blue", linestyle="--", label="est. freq.") esttxt += " est: " + str(fb_est) + " Hz" ax.set_title(esttxt)
Example #15
Source File: From piradar with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def cw_est(rx, fs: int, Ntone: int, method: str = "esprit", usepython=False, useall=False): """ estimate beat frequency using subspace frequency estimation techniques. This is much faster in Fortran, but to start using Python alone doesn't require compiling Fortran. ESPRIT and RootMUSIC are two popular subspace techniques. Matlab's rootmusic is a far inferior FFT-based method with very poor accuracy vs. my implementation. """ assert isinstance(method, str) method = method.lower() tic = time() if method == "esprit": #%% ESPRIT if rx.ndim == 2: assert usepython, "Fortran not yet configured for multi-pulse case" Ntone *= 2 if usepython or (Sc is None and Sr is None): print("Python ESPRIT") fb_est, sigma = esprit(rx, Ntone, Nblockest, fs) elif np.iscomplex(rx).any(): print("Fortran complex64 ESPRIT") fb_est, sigma = Sc.subspace.esprit(rx, Ntone, Nblockest, fs) else: # real signal print("Fortran float32 ESPRIT") fb_est, sigma = Sr.subspace.esprit(rx, Ntone, Nblockest, fs) fb_est = abs(fb_est) #%% ROOTMUSIC elif method == "rootmusic": fb_est, sigma = rootmusic(rx, Ntone, Nblockest, fs) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown estimation method: {method}") print(f"computed via {method} in {time()-tic:.1f} seconds.") #%% improvised process for CW only without notch filter # assumes first two results have largest singular values (from SVD) if not useall: i = sigma > 0.001 # arbitrary fb_est = fb_est[i] sigma = sigma[i] # if fb_est.size>1: # ii = np.argpartition(sigma, Ntone-1)[:Ntone-1] # fb_est = fb_est[ii] # sigma = sigma[ii] return fb_est, sigma