Python pylab.suptitle() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of pylab.suptitle().
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Example #1
Source File: From orbkit with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def contour_mult_mo(self,x,y,mo,xlabel='x',ylabel='y',title='',r0=0): '''Uses matplotlib to show slices of a molecular orbitals.''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plot slices f, pics = \ plt.subplots(len(mo),1,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(6,2+4*len(mo))) plt.suptitle(title) vmax = numpy.max(numpy.abs(mo)) for i,pic in enumerate(pics): pic.contour(y,x,mo[i],50,linewidths=0.5,colors='k') pic.contourf(\ y,x,mo[i],50,,vmax=vmax,vmin=-vmax) pic.set_ylabel(xlabel) pic.set_xlabel(ylabel) pic.set_title('Data Point %d' % (r0+i)) f.subplots_adjust(left=0.15,bottom=0.05,top=0.95,right=0.95) return f,pics
Example #2
Source File: From DEMUD with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_item(self, m, ind, x, r, k, label, U, rerr, feature_weights): if x == [] or r == []: print "Error: No data in x and/or r." return pylab.clf() # xvals, x, and r need to be column vectors # xvals represent bin end points, so we need to duplicate most of them x = np.repeat(x, 2, axis=0) r = np.repeat(r, 2, axis=0) pylab.subplot(2,1,1) pylab.semilogx(self.xvals, r[0:128], 'r-', label='Expected') pylab.semilogx(self.xvals, x[0:128], 'b.-', label='Observations') pylab.xlabel('CTN: ' + self.xlabel) pylab.ylabel(self.ylabel) pylab.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10) pylab.subplot(2,1,2) pylab.semilogx(self.xvals, r[128:], 'r-', label='Expected') pylab.semilogx(self.xvals, x[128:], 'b.-', label='Observations') pylab.xlabel('CETN: ' + self.xlabel) pylab.ylabel(self.ylabel) pylab.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10) pylab.suptitle('DEMUD selection %d (%s), item %d, using K=%d' % \ (m, label, ind, k)) outdir = os.path.join('results', if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) figfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'sel-%d-k-%d-(%s).pdf' % (m, k, label)) pylab.savefig(figfile) print 'Wrote plot to %s' % figfile pylab.close()
Example #3
Source File: From facade-segmentation with MIT License | 4 votes |
def process_files(files, basedir='./data', debug=False, rectify=False, outdir='./data/for-labelme', **kwargs): attempts = 0 n = len(files) print "Rectify is set to", rectify try: os.makedirs(outdir) except OSError as e: pass if debug: try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(outdir, 'debug')) except OSError as e: # Directory already exists pass for i, f in enumerate(files): try: newbasename = rename_file(f, basedir) newname = os.path.join(outdir, newbasename) print i + 1, 'of', n, newname image = imread(f) if rectify: try: meta = {} rectified = rectify_building(image, meta) if debug: import pylab as pl h = meta['homography'] pl.suptitle('u:{} d:{} l:{} r:{}'.format(h.du, h.dd, h.dl, h.dr)) pl.subplot(221) pl.imshow(image) pl.axis('off') pl.subplot(222) pl.imshow(meta['building']) pl.axis('off') pl.subplot(223) h.plot_original() pl.subplot(224) h.plot_rectified() pl.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'debug', newbasename)) imsave(newname, rectified) except Exception as e: print e pass else: imsave(newname, image) except Exception as e: print e