Python tree.Tree() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of tree.Tree().
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Example #1
Source File: From Greynir with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def all_matches(cls, criteria, pattern, enclosing_session=None): """ Generator of SimpleTree objects (see from articles matching the given criteria and the pattern """ with SessionContext( commit=True, read_only=True, session=enclosing_session ) as session: # t0 = time.time() mcnt = acnt = tcnt = 0 # print("Starting article loop") for a in cls.articles(criteria, enclosing_session=session): acnt += 1 tree = Tree(url=a.url, authority=a.authority) tree.load(a.tree) for ix, simple_tree in tree.simple_trees(): tcnt += 1 for match in simple_tree.all_matches(pattern): yield (a, ix, match) mcnt += 1 # t1 = time.time() # print("{0} articles with {1} trees examined, {2} matches in {3:.2f} seconds" # .format(acnt, tcnt, mcnt, t1-t0))
Example #2
Source File: From detection with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getDefaultObjectsTree(): """List of tuples (object, [children]). """ tree = Tree() tree[Detector.FACE][Detector.EYE] tree[Detector.FACE][Detector.NOSE] return tree
Example #3
Source File: From detection with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getObjectsTree(qTreeView, table, indexes, extract): """Create an object tree representation from QTreeView. """ tree = Tree() model = qTreeView.model() extracted = tree.fromQStandardItemModel(model, table, indexes, extract) return tree, extracted
Example #4
Source File: From xy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, shapes): self.shapes = shapes self.tree = tree.Tree(shapes)
Example #5
Source File: From neurocuts with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def reset(self): self.num_actions = 0 self.exceeded_max_depth = [] self.tree = Tree( self.rules, self.leaf_threshold, refinements={ "node_merging": True, "rule_overlay": True, "region_compaction": False, "rule_pushup": False, "equi_dense": False, }) self.node_map = { self.tree.root, } self.child_map = {} if self.force_partition: if self.force_partition == "cutsplit": self.tree.partition_cutsplit() elif self.force_partition == "efficuts": self.tree.partition_efficuts() else: assert False, self.force_partition for c in self.tree.root.children: self.node_map[] = c self.child_map[] = [ for c in self.tree.root.children ] start = self.tree.current_node return { self._encode_state(start)}
Example #6
Source File: From TreeLSTMSentiment with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_tree(self, line): parents = map(int,line.split()) trees = dict() root = None for i in xrange(1,len(parents)+1): #if not trees[i-1] and parents[i-1]!=-1: if i-1 not in trees.keys() and parents[i-1]!=-1: idx = i prev = None while True: parent = parents[idx-1] if parent == -1: break tree = Tree() if prev is not None: tree.add_child(prev) trees[idx-1] = tree tree.idx = idx-1 #if trees[parent-1] is not None: if parent-1 in trees.keys(): trees[parent-1].add_child(tree) break elif parent==0: root = tree break else: prev = tree idx = parent return root
Example #7
Source File: From TreeLSTMSentiment with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_tree(self, line, label_line): # FIXED: tree.idx, also tree dict() use base 1 as it was in dataset # parents is list base 0, keep idx-1 # labels is list base 0, keep idx-1 #parents = map(int,line.split()) # split each number and turn to int parents = list(map(int,line.split())) # split each number and turn to int trees = dict() # this is dict root = None #labels = map(self.parse_dlabel_token, label_line.split()) labels = list(map(self.parse_dlabel_token, label_line.split())) for i in range(1,len(parents)+1): #for i in range(1,len(list(parents))+1): #if not trees[i-1] and parents[i-1]!=-1: if i not in trees.keys() and parents[i-1]!=-1: idx = i prev = None while True: parent = parents[idx-1] if parent == -1: break tree = Tree() if prev is not None: tree.add_child(prev) trees[idx] = tree tree.idx = idx # -1 remove -1 here to prevent embs[tree.idx -1] = -1 while tree.idx = 0 tree.gold_label = labels[idx-1] # add node label #if trees[parent-1] is not None: if parent in trees.keys(): trees[parent].add_child(tree) break elif parent==0: root = tree break else: prev = tree idx = parent return root
Example #8
Source File: From Greynir with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def gen_simple_trees(criteria, stats): """ Generate simplified parse trees from articles matching the criteria """ for a in Article.articles(criteria): if not a.root_domain or "raduneyti" in a.root_domain: # Skip ministry websites due to amount of chaff found there continue tree = Tree(url = a.url, authority = a.authority) # Note the parse timestamp stats["parsed"] = a.parsed tree.load(a.tree) for ix, stree in tree.simple_trees(): yield stree, tree.score(ix), tree.length(ix)
Example #9
Source File: From Greynir with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def gen_simple_trees(criteria): """ Generate simplified parse trees from articles matching the criteria """ for a in Article.articles(criteria): # Skip articles from certain websites if ( not a.root_domain or "raduneyti" in a.root_domain or "lemurinn" in a.root_domain ): continue # Load tree from article try: tree = Tree(url=a.url, authority=a.authority) tree.load(a.tree) except Exception as e: print("Exception loading tree in {0}: {1}".format(a.url, e)) # Skip it continue # Yield simple trees for each article sentence for ix, stree in tree.simple_trees(): text = stree.text tokens = text.split() # Make sure it has enough tokens if not len(tokens) >= MIN_SENT_LENGTH: continue # Skip sentences containing something in our bag of English words wordset = set([t.lower() for t in tokens]) if wordset & ENGLISH_WORDS: continue yield stree, tree.score(ix), tree.length(ix), a.uuid, a.url, ix
Example #10
Source File: From detection with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def detect(self, img, tree, equalizeHist=True, debugTable=None, autoNeighbors=None, autoNeighborsParam=0): def detectTree(tree, parentRoi, parentName, parentHash, roiTree): """Recursive function to detect objects in the tree. """ x, y, w, h = parentRoi cropped = img[y:y+h, x:x+w] for node, children in tree.iteritems(): selected, param = incNeighbors = True while incNeighbors: if debugTable and not autoNeighbors and selected: col1 = '{} ({})'.format(param.classifier, col2 = 'detecting in {}x{} ({})...'.format(w, h, parentName) debugTable([(col1, 200), (col2, 300), ('', 200)]) start = time.time() rects = self.detectObject(cropped, param.classifier, param.scaleFactor, param.minNeighbors, param.minSize, cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE) if isinstance(rects, np.ndarray): rects = rects.tolist() self.globalizeCoords(rects, parentRoi) hashs = None tracking = None if not autoNeighbors: res = self.stabilize(param, parentHash, rects) if res: rects, hashs = zip(*res[-1]) if res[-1] else ([], []) tracking = res[:-1] if debugTable and not autoNeighbors and selected: end = time.time() col = '{} found in {:.2f} s'.format(len(rects), end - start) debugTable([(col, 0)], append=True) if autoNeighbors and node == autoNeighbors and len(rects) > autoNeighborsParam: param.minNeighbors += 1 else: incNeighbors = False for i, roi in enumerate(rects): hash = hashs[i] if hashs else None roiNode = Node(param.classifier, (roi, param, tracking)) roiTree[roiNode] name = parentName + ' > ' + detectTree(children, roi, name, hash, roiTree[roiNode]) img = self.preprocess(img, equalizeHist) self.preprocessed = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) h, w = img.shape[:2] roiTree = Tree() detectTree(tree, (0, 0, w, h), 'Root', None, roiTree) return roiTree
Example #11
Source File: From Machine_Learning with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, Mat, Tag, Discrete = None, Depth = None, W=None): """ @Mat: Inputed data points which represent as a matrix. Every column vector in @Mat is a feature of training set @Tag: Labels with training points. @Discrete: It's a bool vector of size @SamplesNumber Discrete[i] == 0 means the i-th feature is discrete feature, otherwise it's continuous In default, all feature is discrete """ self._Mat = numpy.array(Mat) self._Tag = numpy.array(Tag).flatten() """ @SamplesNum: how many sample points in inputed training set @SamplesDem: the demention of inputed point which **also** means how many features in inputed data. """ self.SamplesDem = self._Mat.shape[0] self.SamplesNum = self._Mat.shape[1] self.feature_dict = {} self.labels = numpy.unique(self._Tag) self.DT = Tree() if Discrete == None: self.Discrete = [True for i in range(self.SamplesDem)] else: self.Discrete = Discrete for i in range(self.SamplesDem): if self.Discrete[i] == True: self.feature_dict[i] = numpy.unique(self._Mat[i, :]) if self.SamplesNum != self._Tag.size: print "Error: Make sure that the number of tag ",\ "is same as points in inputed data" self.limitedDepth = Depth self.currentDepth = 0 assert Depth >= 1 if W == None: self.W = {} for i in range(self.SamplesNum): val = toHashableVal(self._Mat[:, i]) self.W[ val ] = 1.0/self.SamplesNum else: assert isinstance(W, dict) self.W = W
Example #12
Source File: From Greynir with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def go_single(self, url): """ Single article processor that will be called by a process within a multiprocessing pool """ print("Processing article {0}".format(url)) sys.stdout.flush() # If first article within a new process, import the processor modules if self.pmodules is None: self.pmodules = [ importlib.import_module(modname) for modname in self.processors ] # Load the article with closing(self._db.session) as session: try: article = session.query(Article).filter_by(url=url).one_or_none() if article is None: print("Article not found in scraper database") else: if article.tree and article.tokens: tree = Tree(url, article.authority) tree.load(article.tree) token_container = TokenContainer( article.tokens, url, article.authority ) # Run all processors in turn for p in self.pmodules: if p.PROCESSOR_TYPE == "tree": tree.process(session, p) elif p.PROCESSOR_TYPE == "token": token_container.process(session, p) else: assert False, ( "Unknown processor type '" + p.PROCESSOR_TYPE + "' (should be 'tree' or 'token')" ) # Mark the article as being processed article.processed = datetime.utcnow() # So far, so good: commit to the database session.commit() except Exception as e: # If an exception occurred, roll back the transaction session.rollback() print( "Exception in article {0}, transaction rolled back\nException: {1}".format( url, e ) ) raise sys.stdout.flush()