Python sqlalchemy.sql() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sqlalchemy.sql().
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Example #1
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_join_conds(left_sel, right_sel, on): left_cols = left_sel.columns #lift_inner_cols(left_sel) right_cols = right_sel.columns #lift_inner_cols(right_sel) if callable(on): # callable, like with sql_on arg conds = [on(left_cols, right_cols)] else: # dict-like of form {left: right} conds = [] for l, r in on.items(): col_expr = left_cols[l] == right_cols[r] conds.append(col_expr) return sql.and_(*conds) # Head ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #2
Source File: From PyAthena with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_contain_percents_character_query_with_parameter(self, engine, conn): query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT date_parse('20191030', '%Y%m%d'), :word """ ) result = engine.execute(query, word="cat") self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [(datetime(2019, 10, 30), "cat")]) query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT col_string FROM one_row_complex WHERE col_string LIKE 'a%' OR col_string LIKE :param """ ) result = engine.execute(query, param="b%") self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [("a string",)])
Example #3
Source File: From CloudBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def add_note(db, server, user, text): id_query = select([sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func.max(table.c.note_id).label("maxid")]) \ .where(table.c.user == user.lower()) max_id = db.execute(id_query).scalar() if max_id is None: note_id = 1 else: note_id = max_id + 1 query = table.insert().values( note_id=note_id, connection=server, user=user.lower(), text=text, deleted=False, ) db.execute(query) db.commit()
Example #4
Source File: From content with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generate_default_port_by_dialect(dialect: str) -> str: """ In case no port was chosen, a default port will be chosen according to the SQL db type :param dialect: sql db type :return: default port needed for connection """ if dialect == "MySQL": return "3306" elif dialect == "PostgreSQL": return "5432" elif dialect == "Oracle": return "1521" elif dialect == "Microsoft SQL Server": return "1433" else: # set default to mysql return "3306"
Example #5
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _validate_join_arg_on(on, sql_on = None): # handle sql on case if sql_on is not None: if on is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both on and sql_on") return sql_on # handle general cases if on is None: raise NotImplementedError("on arg currently cannot be None (default) for SQL") elif isinstance(on, str): on = {on: on} elif isinstance(on, (list, tuple)): on = dict(zip(on, on)) if not isinstance(on, Mapping): raise TypeError("on must be a Mapping (e.g. dict)") return on
Example #6
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _anti_join(left, right = None, on = None, *args, sql_on = None): _raise_if_args(args) left_sel = left.last_op.alias() right_sel = right.last_op.alias() # handle arguments ---- on = _validate_join_arg_on(on, sql_on) # create join conditions ---- bool_clause = _create_join_conds(left_sel, right_sel, on) # create inner join ---- not_exists = ~sql.exists([1], from_obj = right_sel).where(bool_clause) sel =, from_obj = left_sel).where(not_exists) return left.append_op(sel)
Example #7
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def col_expr_requires_cte(call, sel, is_mutate = False): """Return whether a variable assignment needs a CTE""" call_vars = set(call.op_vars(attr_calls = False)) columns = lift_inner_cols(sel) sel_labs = set(k for k,v in columns.items() if isinstance(v, sql.elements.Label)) # I use the acronym fwg sol (frog soul) to remember sql clause eval order # from, where, group by, select, order by, limit # group clause evaluated before select clause, so not issue for mutate group_needs_cte = not is_mutate and len(sel._group_by_clause) return ( group_needs_cte or len(sel._order_by_clause) or not sel_labs.isdisjoint(call_vars) )
Example #8
Source File: From PyAthenaJDBC with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_contain_percents_character_query_with_parameter(self, engine, conn): query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT date_parse('20191030', '%Y%m%d'), :word """ ) result = engine.execute(query, word="cat") self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [(datetime(2019, 10, 30), "cat")]) query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT col_string FROM one_row_complex WHERE col_string LIKE 'a%' OR col_string LIKE :param """ ) result = engine.execute(query, param="b%") self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [("a string",)])
Example #9
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _group_by(__data, *args, add = False, **kwargs): if kwargs: data = mutate(__data, **kwargs) else: data = __data cols = data.last_op.columns # put kwarg grouping vars last, so similar order to function call groups = tuple(simple_varname(arg) for arg in args) + tuple(kwargs) if None in groups: raise NotImplementedError("Complex expressions not supported in sql group_by") unmatched = set(groups) - set(cols.keys()) if unmatched: raise KeyError("group_by specifies columns missing from table: %s" %unmatched) if add: groups = ordered_union(data.group_by, groups) return data.copy(group_by = groups)
Example #10
Source File: From CloudBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def add_note(db, server, user, text): id_query = select([sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func.max(table.c.note_id).label("maxid")]) \ .where(table.c.user == user.lower()) max_id = db.execute(id_query).scalar() if max_id is None: note_id = 1 else: note_id = max_id + 1 query = table.insert().values( note_id=note_id, connection=server, user=user.lower(), text=text, deleted=False, ) db.execute(query) db.commit()
Example #11
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _mutate(__data, **kwargs): # Cases # - work with group by # - window functions # TODO: verify it can follow a renaming select # track labeled columns in set sel = __data.last_op # evaluate each call for colname, func in kwargs.items(): # keep set of columns labeled (aliased) in this select statement # need to use inner cols, since sel.columns uses ColumnClause, not Label labs = set(k for k,v in lift_inner_cols(sel).items() if isinstance(v, sql.elements.Label)) new_call = __data.shape_call(func, verb_name = "Mutate", arg_name = colname) sel = _mutate_select(sel, colname, new_call, labs, __data) return __data.append_op(sel)
Example #12
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def lift_inner_cols(tbl): cols = list(tbl.inner_columns) data = {col.key: col for col in cols} return sql.base.ImmutableColumnCollection(data, cols)
Example #13
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def exit(self, node): col_expr = node(self.columns) if not isinstance(col_expr, sql.elements.ClauseElement): return col_expr over_clauses = [x for x in sa_get_over_clauses(col_expr) if isinstance(x, CustomOverClause)] # put groupings and orderings onto custom over clauses for over in over_clauses: # TODO: shouldn't mutate these over clauses group_by = sql.elements.ClauseList( *[self.columns[name] for name in self.group_by] ) order_by = sql.elements.ClauseList( *_create_order_by_clause(self.columns, *self.order_by) ) over.set_over(group_by, order_by) if len(over_clauses) and self.window_cte is not None: label = col_expr.label(None) # optionally put into CTE, and return its resulting column self.window_cte.append_column(label) win_col = self.window_cte.c.values()[-1] return win_col return col_expr
Example #14
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _repr_grouped_df_html_(self): return "<div><p>(grouped data frame)</p>" + self._selected_obj._repr_html_() + "</div>" # Main Funcs # ============================================================================= # sql raw --------------
Example #15
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def use_simple_names(): get_col_name = lambda el, *args, **kwargs: str( try: yield compiles(sql.compiler._CompileLabel)(get_col_name) except: pass finally: deregister(sql.compiler._CompileLabel)
Example #16
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _collect(__data, as_df = True): # TODO: maybe remove as_df options, always return dataframe # normally can just pass the sql objects to execute, but for some reason # psycopg2 completes about incomplete template. # see query = __data.last_op compiled = query.compile( dialect = __data.source.dialect, compile_kwargs = {"literal_binds": True} ) if as_df: return pd.read_sql(compiled, __data.source) return __data.source.execute(compiled).fetchall()
Example #17
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _filter(__data, *args): # TODO: aggregate funcs # Note: currently always produces 2 additional select statements, # 1 for window/aggs, and 1 for the where clause sel = __data.last_op.alias() # original select win_sel =[sel], from_obj = sel) # first cte conds = [] windows = [] for ii, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, Call): new_call = __data.shape_call(arg, verb_name = "Filter", arg_name = ii) #var_cols = new_call.op_vars(attr_calls = False) col_expr, win_cols = __data.track_call_windows( new_call, sel.columns, window_cte = win_sel ) conds.append(col_expr) else: conds.append(arg) bool_clause = sql.and_(*conds) # move non-window functions to refer to win_sel clause (not the innermost) --- win_alias = win_sel.alias() bool_clause = sql.util.ClauseAdapter(win_alias).traverse(bool_clause) # create second cte ---- orig_cols = [win_alias.columns[k] for k in sel.columns.keys()] filt_sel =, from_obj = win_alias, whereclause = bool_clause) return __data.append_op(filt_sel)
Example #18
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _case_when(__data, cases): # TODO: will need listener to enter case statements, to handle when they use windows if isinstance(cases, Call): cases = cases(__data) whens = [] case_items = list(cases.items()) n_items = len(case_items) else_val = None for ii, (expr, val) in enumerate(case_items): # handle where val is a column expr if callable(val): val = val(__data) # handle when expressions if ii+1 == n_items and expr is True: else_val = val elif callable(expr): whens.append((expr(__data), val)) else: whens.append((expr, val)) return, else_ = else_val) # Join ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #19
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _joined_cols(left_cols, right_cols, on_keys, full = False): """Return labeled columns, according to selection rules for joins. Rules: 1. For join keys, keep left table's column 2. When keys have the same labels, add suffix """ # TODO: remove sets, so uses stable ordering # when left and right cols have same name, suffix with _x / _y keep_right = set(right_cols.keys()) - set(on_keys.values()) shared_labs = set(left_cols.keys()).intersection(keep_right) right_cols_no_keys = {k: right_cols[k] for k in keep_right} # for an outer join, have key columns coalesce values if full: left_cols = {**left_cols} for lk, rk in on_keys.items(): col = sql.functions.coalesce(left_cols[lk], right_cols[rk]) left_cols[lk] = col.label(lk) # create labels ---- l_labs = _relabeled_cols(left_cols, shared_labs, "_x") r_labs = _relabeled_cols(right_cols_no_keys, shared_labs, "_y") return l_labs + r_labs
Example #20
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _semi_join(left, right = None, on = None, *args, sql_on = None): _raise_if_args(args) left_sel = left.last_op.alias() right_sel = right.last_op.alias() # handle arguments ---- on = _validate_join_arg_on(on, sql_on) # create join conditions ---- bool_clause = _create_join_conds(left_sel, right_sel, on) # create inner join ---- exists_clause = [sql.literal(1)], from_obj = right_sel, whereclause = bool_clause ) # only keep left hand select's columns ---- sel = left_sel.columns, from_obj = left_sel, whereclause = sql.exists(exists_clause) ) return left.append_op(sel)
Example #21
Source File: From siuba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _distinct(__data, *args, _keep_all = False, **kwargs): if (args or kwargs) and _keep_all: raise NotImplementedError("Distinct with variables specified in sql requires _keep_all = False") inner_sel = mutate(__data, **kwargs).last_op if kwargs else __data.last_op # TODO: this is copied from the df distinct version # cols dict below is used as ordered set cols = {simple_varname(x): True for x in args} cols.update(kwargs) if None in cols: raise KeyError("positional arguments must be simple column, " "e.g. _.colname or _['colname']" ) # use all columns by default if not cols: cols = list(inner_sel.columns.keys()) if not len(inner_sel._order_by_clause): # select distinct has to include any columns in the order by clause, # so can only safely modify existing statement when there's no order by sel_cols = lift_inner_cols(inner_sel) distinct_cols = [sel_cols[k] for k in cols] sel = inner_sel.with_only_columns(distinct_cols).distinct() else: # fallback to cte cte = inner_sel.alias() distinct_cols = [cte.columns[k] for k in cols] sel =, from_obj = cte).distinct() return __data.append_op(sel) # if_else ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #22
Source File: From koschei with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_ddl(): for script in ('triggers.sql', 'rpmvercmp.sql'): with open(os.path.join(get_config('directories.datadir'), script)) as ddl_script: ddl = DDL( listen(Base.metadata, 'after_create', ddl.execute_if(dialect='postgresql'))
Example #23
Source File: From PyAthena with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_contain_percents_character_query(self, engine, conn): query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT date_parse('20191030', '%Y%m%d') """ ) result = engine.execute(query) self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [(datetime(2019, 10, 30),)])
Example #24
Source File: From PyAthena with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_query_with_parameter(self, engine, conn): query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT :word """ ) result = engine.execute(query, word="cat") self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [("cat",)])
Example #25
Source File: From content with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sql_query_execute(client: Client, args: dict, *_) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Executes the sql query with the connection that was configured in the client :param client: the client object with the db connection :param args: demisto.args() including the sql query :return: Demisto outputs """ try: sql_query = str(args.get('query')) limit = int(args.get('limit', 50)) skip = int(args.get('skip', 0)) bind_variables_names = args.get('bind_variables_names', "") bind_variables_values = args.get('bind_variables_values', "") bind_variables = generate_bind_vars(bind_variables_names, bind_variables_values) result, headers = client.sql_query_execute_request(sql_query, bind_variables) # converting an sqlalchemy object to a table converted_table = [dict(row) for row in result] # converting b'' and datetime objects to readable ones table = [{str(key): str(value) for key, value in dictionary.items()} for dictionary in converted_table] table = table[skip:skip + limit] human_readable = tableToMarkdown(name="Query result:", t=table, headers=headers, removeNull=True) context = { 'Result': table, 'Query': sql_query, 'InstanceName': f'{client.dialect}_{client.dbname}' } entry_context: Dict = {'GenericSQL(val.Query && val.Query === obj.Query)': {'GenericSQL': context}} return human_readable, entry_context, table except Exception as err: # In case there is no query executed and only an action e.g - insert, delete, update # the result will raise an exception when we try to read the data from it if str(err) == "This result object does not return rows. It has been closed automatically.": human_readable = "Command executed" return human_readable, {}, [] raise err
Example #26
Source File: From content with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): params = demisto.params() dialect = params.get('dialect') port = params.get('port') if port is None: port = generate_default_port_by_dialect(dialect) user = params.get("credentials").get("identifier") password = params.get("credentials").get("password") host = params.get('host') database = params.get('dbname') ssl_connect = params.get('ssl_connect') connect_parameters = params.get('connect_parameters') try: command = demisto.command() LOG(f'Command being called in SQL is: {command}') client = Client(dialect=dialect, host=host, username=user, password=password, port=port, database=database, connect_parameters=connect_parameters, ssl_connect=ssl_connect) commands: Dict[str, Callable[[Client, Dict[str, str], str], Tuple[str, Dict[Any, Any], List[Any]]]] = { 'test-module': test_module, 'query': sql_query_execute, 'sql-command': sql_query_execute } if command in commands: return_outputs(*commands[command](client, demisto.args(), command)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'{command} is not an existing Generic SQL command') client.connection.close() except Exception as err: return_error(f'Unexpected error: {str(err)} \nquery: {demisto.args().get("query")} \n{traceback.format_exc()}')
Example #27
Source File: From PyAthenaJDBC with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_contain_percents_character_query(self, engine, conn): query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT date_parse('20191030', '%Y%m%d') """ ) result = engine.execute(query) self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [(datetime(2019, 10, 30),)])
Example #28
Source File: From PyAthenaJDBC with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_query_with_parameter(self, engine, conn): query = sqlalchemy.sql.text( """ SELECT :word """ ) result = engine.execute(query, word="cat") self.assertEqual(result.fetchall(), [("cat",)])
Example #29
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_drop_dup_entries_in_file_conn(self): table_name = "__test_tmp_table__" tmp_db_file = self.create_tempfiles([['name', '']], ext='.sql')[0] in_file_engine = session.EngineFacade( 'sqlite:///%s' % tmp_db_file).get_engine() meta = MetaData() meta.bind = in_file_engine test_table, values = self._populate_db_for_drop_duplicate_entries( in_file_engine, meta, table_name) utils.drop_old_duplicate_entries_from_table( in_file_engine, table_name, False, 'b', 'c')
Example #30
Source File: From pyaf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getIntegerLiteral(self, iValue): return sqlalchemy.sql.expression.literal(iValue, sqlalchemy.types.Integer);