Python numpy.bincount() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.bincount().
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Example #1
Source File: From Deep-Feature-Flow-Segmentation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_confusion_matrix(self, gt_label, pred_label, class_num): """ Calcute the confusion matrix by given label and pred :param gt_label: the ground truth label :param pred_label: the pred label :param class_num: the nunber of class :return: the confusion matrix """ index = (gt_label * class_num + pred_label).astype('int32') label_count = np.bincount(index) confusion_matrix = np.zeros((class_num, class_num)) for i_label in range(class_num): for i_pred_label in range(class_num): cur_index = i_label * class_num + i_pred_label if cur_index < len(label_count): confusion_matrix[i_label, i_pred_label] = label_count[cur_index] return confusion_matrix
Example #2
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_crp_decrement(N, alpha, seed): A = gu.simulate_crp(N, alpha, rng=gu.gen_rng(seed)) Nk = list(np.bincount(A)) # Decrement all counts by 1. Nk = [n-1 if n > 1 else n for n in Nk] # Decrement rowids. crp = simulate_crp_gpm(N, alpha, rng=gu.gen_rng(seed)) targets = [c for c in crp.counts if crp.counts[c] > 1] seen = set([]) for r, c in if c in targets and c not in seen: seen.add(c) crp.unincorporate(r) if seen == len(targets): break assert_crp_equality(alpha, Nk, crp)
Example #3
Source File: From discomll with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def reduce_fit(interface, state, label, inp): import numpy as np out = interface.output(0) out.add("X_names", state["X_names"]) forest = [] group_fillins = [] for i, (k, value) in enumerate(inp): if k == "tree": forest.append(value) elif len(value) > 0: group_fillins.append(value) out.add("forest", forest) fill_in_values = [] if len(group_fillins) > 0: for i, type in enumerate(state["X_meta"]): if type == "c": fill_in_values.append(np.average([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins])) else: fill_in_values.append(np.bincount([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins]).argmax()) out.add("fill_in_values", fill_in_values)
Example #4
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def plot_dist_discrete(X, output, clusters, ax=None, Y=None, hist=True): # Create a new axis? if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() # Set up x axis. X = np.asarray(X, dtype=int) x_max = max(X) Y = range(int(x_max)+1) X_hist = np.bincount(X) / float(len(X)), X_hist, color='gray', edgecolor='none') # Compute weighted pdfs pdf = np.zeros((len(clusters), len(Y))) W = [log(clusters[k].N) - log(float(len(X))) for k in clusters] for i, k in enumerate(clusters): pdf[i,:] = np.exp( [W[i] + clusters[k].logpdf(None, {output:y}) for y in Y]) color, alpha = gu.curve_color(i), pdf[i,:], color=color, edgecolor='none', alpha=alpha) # Plot the sum of pdfs. Y, np.sum(pdf, axis=0), color='none', edgecolor='black', linewidth=3) ax.set_xlim([0, x_max+1]) # Title. ax.set_title(clusters.values()[0].name()) return ax
Example #5
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_crp_increment(N, alpha, seed): A = gu.simulate_crp(N, alpha, rng=gu.gen_rng(seed)) Nk = list(np.bincount(A)) # Add 3 new classes. Nk.extend([2, 3, 1]) crp = simulate_crp_gpm(N, alpha, rng=gu.gen_rng(seed)) # Increment rowids. rowid = max( clust = max( crp.incorporate(rowid+1, {0:clust+1}, None) crp.incorporate(rowid+2, {0:clust+1}, None) crp.incorporate(rowid+3, {0:clust+2}, None) crp.incorporate(rowid+4, {0:clust+2}, None) crp.incorporate(rowid+5, {0:clust+2}, None) crp.incorporate(rowid+6, {0:clust+3}, None) assert_crp_equality(alpha, Nk, crp)
Example #6
Source File: From discomll with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def reduce_fit(interface, state, label, inp): import numpy as np out = interface.output(0) out.add("X_names", state["X_names"]) forest = [] group_fillins = [] for i, (k, value) in enumerate(inp): if k == "tree": forest.append(value) elif len(value) > 0: group_fillins.append(value) out.add("forest", forest) fill_in_values = [] if len(group_fillins) > 0: for i, type in enumerate(state["X_meta"]): if type == "c": fill_in_values.append(np.average([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins])) else: fill_in_values.append(np.bincount([sample[i] for sample in group_fillins]).argmax()) out.add("fill_in_values", fill_in_values)
Example #7
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_conditional_real(state): # Simulate from the conditional Z|X fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3) fig.suptitle('Conditional Simulation Of Indicator Z Given Data X') # Compute representative data sample for each indicator. means = [np.mean(DATA[DATA[:,1]==t], axis=0)[0] for t in INDICATORS] for mean, indicator, ax in zip(means, INDICATORS, axes.ravel('F')): samples_subpop = [s[1] for s in state.simulate(-1, [1], {0:mean}, None, N_SAMPLES)] ax.hist(samples_subpop, color='g', alpha=.4) ax.set_title('True Indicator %d' % indicator) ax.set_xlabel('Simulated Indicator') ax.set_xticks(INDICATORS) ax.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylim([0, ax.get_ylim()[1]+10]) ax.grid() # Check that the simulated indicator agrees with true indicator. true_ind_a = indicator true_ind_b = indicator-1 if indicator % 2 else indicator+1 counts = np.bincount(samples_subpop) frac = sum(counts[[true_ind_a, true_ind_b]])/float(sum(counts)) assert .8 < frac
Example #8
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_univariate_categorical(): # This test generates univariate data from a nominal variable with 6 levels # and probability vector p_theory, and performs a chi-square test on # posterior samples from MvKde. rng = gu.gen_rng(2) N_SAMPLES = 1000 p_theory = [.3, .1, .2, .15, .15, .1] samples_test = rng.choice(range(6), p=p_theory, size=N_SAMPLES) kde = MultivariateKde( [7], None, distargs={O: {ST: [C], SA:[{'k': 6}]}}, rng=rng) # Incorporate observations. for rowid, x in enumerate(samples_test): kde.incorporate(rowid, {7: x}) kde.transition() # Posterior samples. samples_gen = kde.simulate(-1, [7], N=N_SAMPLES) f_obs = np.bincount([s[7] for s in samples_gen]) f_exp = np.bincount(samples_test) _, pval = chisquare(f_obs, f_exp) assert 0.05 < pval # Get some coverage on logpdf_score. assert kde.logpdf_score() < 0
Example #9
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _likelihood_weighted_resample(self, samples, rowid, constraints=None, inputs=None, statenos=None, multiprocess=1): assert len(samples) == \ len(self.states) if statenos is None else len(statenos) assert all(len(s) == len(samples[0]) for s in samples[1:]) N = len(samples[0]) weights = np.zeros(len(samples)) if not constraints else \ self.logpdf(rowid, constraints, inputs, statenos=statenos, multiprocess=multiprocess) n_model = np.bincount(gu.log_pflip(weights, size=N, rng=self.rng)) indexes = [self.rng.choice(N, size=n, replace=False) for n in n_model] resamples = [ [s[i] for i in index] for s, index in zip(samples, indexes) if len(index) > 0 ] return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(resamples)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Serialize
Example #10
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_with_incorrect_minlength(self): x = np.array([], dtype=int) assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "'str' object cannot be interpreted", lambda: np.bincount(x, minlength="foobar")) assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "must not be negative", lambda: np.bincount(x, minlength=-1)) x = np.arange(5) assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "'str' object cannot be interpreted", lambda: np.bincount(x, minlength="foobar")) assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "must not be negative", lambda: np.bincount(x, minlength=-1))
Example #11
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _optimize_2D(nodes, triangles, stay=[]): ''' Optimize the locations of the points by moving them towards the center of their patch. This is done iterativally for all points for a number of iterations and using a .05 step length''' edges, tr_edges, adjacency_list = _edge_list(triangles) boundary = edges[adjacency_list[:, 1] == -1].reshape(-1) stay = np.union1d(boundary, stay) stay = stay.astype(int) n_iter = 5 step_length = .05 mean_bar = np.zeros_like(nodes) new_nodes = np.copy(nodes) k = np.bincount(triangles.reshape(-1), minlength=len(nodes)) for n in range(n_iter): bar = np.mean(new_nodes[triangles], axis=1) for i in range(2): mean_bar[:, i] = np.bincount(triangles.reshape(-1), weights=np.repeat(bar[:, i], 3), minlength=len(nodes)) mean_bar /= k[:, None] new_nodes += step_length * (mean_bar - new_nodes) new_nodes[stay] = nodes[stay] return new_nodes
Example #12
Source File: From simnibs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def nodes_areas(self): ''' Areas for all nodes in a surface Returns --------- nd: NodeData NodeData structure with normals for each node ''' areas = self.elements_volumes_and_areas()[self.elm.triangles] triangle_nodes = self.elm[self.elm.triangles, :3] - 1 nd = np.bincount( triangle_nodes.reshape(-1), np.repeat(areas/3., 3), ) return NodeData(nd, 'areas')
Example #13
Source File: From pytorch-segmentation-toolbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_confusion_matrix(gt_label, pred_label, class_num): """ Calcute the confusion matrix by given label and pred :param gt_label: the ground truth label :param pred_label: the pred label :param class_num: the nunber of class :return: the confusion matrix """ index = (gt_label * class_num + pred_label).astype('int32') label_count = np.bincount(index) confusion_matrix = np.zeros((class_num, class_num)) for i_label in range(class_num): for i_pred_label in range(class_num): cur_index = i_label * class_num + i_pred_label if cur_index < len(label_count): confusion_matrix[i_label, i_pred_label] = label_count[cur_index] return confusion_matrix
Example #14
Source File: From License-Plate-Recognition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def preprocess_hog(digits): samples = [] for img in digits: gx = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0) gy = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1) mag, ang = cv2.cartToPolar(gx, gy) bin_n = 16 bin = np.int32(bin_n*ang/(2*np.pi)) bin_cells = bin[:10,:10], bin[10:,:10], bin[:10,10:], bin[10:,10:] mag_cells = mag[:10,:10], mag[10:,:10], mag[:10,10:], mag[10:,10:] hists = [np.bincount(b.ravel(), m.ravel(), bin_n) for b, m in zip(bin_cells, mag_cells)] hist = np.hstack(hists) # transform to Hellinger kernel eps = 1e-7 hist /= hist.sum() + eps hist = np.sqrt(hist) hist /= norm(hist) + eps samples.append(hist) return np.float32(samples) #不能保证包括所有省份
Example #15
Source File: From Fast_Seg with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_confusion_matrix(gt_label, pred_label, class_num): """ Calcute the confusion matrix by given label and pred :param gt_label: the ground truth label :param pred_label: the pred label :param class_num: the nunber of class :return: the confusion matrix """ index = (gt_label * class_num + pred_label).astype('int32') label_count = np.bincount(index) confusion_matrix = np.zeros((class_num, class_num)) for i_label in range(class_num): for i_pred_label in range(class_num): cur_index = i_label * class_num + i_pred_label if cur_index < len(label_count): confusion_matrix[i_label, i_pred_label] = label_count[cur_index] return confusion_matrix
Example #16
Source File: From xrft with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _radial_wvnum(k, l, N, nfactor): """ Creates a radial wavenumber based on two horizontal wavenumbers along with the appropriate index map """ # compute target wavenumbers k = k.values l = l.values K = np.sqrt(k[np.newaxis,:]**2 + l[:,np.newaxis]**2) nbins = int(N/nfactor) if k.max() > l.max(): ki = np.linspace(0., l.max(), nbins) else: ki = np.linspace(0., k.max(), nbins) # compute bin index kidx = np.digitize(np.ravel(K), ki) # compute number of points for each wavenumber area = np.bincount(kidx) # compute the average radial wavenumber for each bin kr = (np.bincount(kidx, weights=K.ravel()) /, area)) return ki, kr[1:-1]
Example #17
Source File: From AerialDetection with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, dataset, samples_per_gpu=1, num_replicas=None, rank=None): if num_replicas is None: num_replicas = get_world_size() if rank is None: rank = get_rank() self.dataset = dataset self.samples_per_gpu = samples_per_gpu self.num_replicas = num_replicas self.rank = rank self.epoch = 0 assert hasattr(self.dataset, 'flag') self.flag = self.dataset.flag self.group_sizes = np.bincount(self.flag) self.num_samples = 0 for i, j in enumerate(self.group_sizes): self.num_samples += int( math.ceil(self.group_sizes[i] * 1.0 / self.samples_per_gpu / self.num_replicas)) * self.samples_per_gpu self.total_size = self.num_samples * self.num_replicas
Example #18
Source File: From Deep-Feature-Flow-Segmentation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_confusion_matrix(self, gt_label, pred_label, class_num): """ Calcute the confusion matrix by given label and pred :param gt_label: the ground truth label :param pred_label: the pred label :param class_num: the nunber of class :return: the confusion matrix """ index = (gt_label * class_num + pred_label).astype('int32') label_count = np.bincount(index) confusion_matrix = np.zeros((class_num, class_num)) for i_label in range(class_num): for i_pred_label in range(class_num): cur_index = i_label * class_num + i_pred_label if cur_index < len(label_count): confusion_matrix[i_label, i_pred_label] = label_count[cur_index] return confusion_matrix
Example #19
Source File: From Deep-Feature-Flow-Segmentation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_confusion_matrix(self, gt_label, pred_label, class_num): """ Calcute the confusion matrix by given label and pred :param gt_label: the ground truth label :param pred_label: the pred label :param class_num: the nunber of class :return: the confusion matrix """ index = (gt_label * class_num + pred_label).astype('int32') label_count = np.bincount(index) confusion_matrix = np.zeros((class_num, class_num)) for i_label in range(class_num): for i_pred_label in range(class_num): cur_index = i_label * class_num + i_pred_label if cur_index < len(label_count): confusion_matrix[i_label, i_pred_label] = label_count[cur_index] return confusion_matrix
Example #20
Source File: From overhaul-distillation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def calculate_weigths_labels(dataset, dataloader, num_classes): # Create an instance from the data loader z = np.zeros((num_classes,)) # Initialize tqdm tqdm_batch = tqdm(dataloader) print('Calculating classes weights') for sample in tqdm_batch: y = sample['label'] y = y.detach().cpu().numpy() mask = (y >= 0) & (y < num_classes) labels = y[mask].astype(np.uint8) count_l = np.bincount(labels, minlength=num_classes) z += count_l tqdm_batch.close() total_frequency = np.sum(z) class_weights = [] for frequency in z: class_weight = 1 / (np.log(1.02 + (frequency / total_frequency))) class_weights.append(class_weight) ret = np.array(class_weights) classes_weights_path = os.path.join(Path.db_root_dir(dataset), dataset+'_classes_weights.npy'), ret) return ret
Example #21
Source File: From Parsing-R-CNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fast_hist(a, b, n): k = (a >= 0) & (a < n) return np.bincount(n * a[k].astype(int) + b[k], minlength=n ** 2).reshape(n, n)
Example #22
Source File: From Parsing-R-CNN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fast_hist(a, b, n): k = (a >= 0) & (a < n) return np.bincount(n * a[k].astype(int) + b[k], minlength=n ** 2).reshape(n, n)
Example #23
Source File: From isic2019 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def evalEnsemble(currComb,eval_auc=False): currWacc = np.zeros([cvSize]) currAUC = np.zeros([cvSize]) for i in range(cvSize): if evaluate_method == 'vote': pred_argmax = np.argmax(accum_preds[i][currComb,:,:],2) pred_eval = np.zeros([pred_argmax.shape[1],numClasses]) for j in range(pred_eval.shape[0]): pred_eval[j,:] = np.bincount(pred_argmax[:,j],minlength=numClasses) else: pred_eval = np.mean(accum_preds[i][currComb,:,:],0) # Confusion matrix conf = confusion_matrix(np.argmax(final_targets[i],1),np.argmax(pred_eval,1)) # Class weighted accuracy currWacc[i] = np.mean(conf.diagonal()/conf.sum(axis=1)) if eval_auc: currAUC_ = np.zeros([numClasses]) for j in range(numClasses): fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(final_targets[i][:,j], pred_eval[:, j]) currAUC_[j] = auc(fpr, tpr) currAUC[i] = np.mean(currAUC_) if eval_auc: currAUCstd = np.std(currAUC) currAUC = np.mean(currAUC) else: currAUCstd = currAUC currWaccStd = np.std(currWacc) currWacc = np.mean(currWacc) if eval_auc: return currWacc, currWaccStd, currAUC, currAUCstd else: return currWacc
Example #24
Source File: From PLARD with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _fast_hist(self, label_true, label_pred, n_class): mask = (label_true >= 0) & (label_true < n_class) hist = np.bincount( n_class * label_true[mask].astype(int) + label_pred[mask], minlength=n_class**2).reshape(n_class, n_class) return hist
Example #25
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def aligned_bincount(arrays): bincounts = [np.bincount(a.astype(int)) for a in arrays] longest = max(len(b) for b in bincounts) return [np.append(b, np.zeros(longest-len(b))) for b in bincounts]
Example #26
Source File: From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_conditional_real(knn_xz): # Simulate from the conditional distribution of z|x (see # generate_real_nominal_data) and plot the frequencies of the simulated # values. data = np.asarray( indicators = sorted(set(data[:,1].astype(int))) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,3) fig.suptitle('Conditional Simulation Of Indicator Z Given X', size=20) # Compute representative data sample for each indicator. means = [np.mean(data[data[:,1]==t], axis=0)[0] for t in indicators] for mean, indicator, ax in zip(means, indicators, axes.ravel('F')): samples_subpop = [s[1] for s in knn_xz.simulate(-1, [1], constraints={0:mean}, N=len(data))] # Plot a histogram of the simulated indicator. ax.hist(samples_subpop, color='g', alpha=.4) ax.set_title('True Indicator Z %d' % indicator) ax.set_xlabel('Simulated Indicator Z') ax.set_xticks(indicators) ax.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylim([0, ax.get_ylim()[1]+10]) ax.grid() # Check that the simulated indicator agrees with true indicator. true_ind_a = indicator true_ind_b = indicator-1 if indicator % 2 else indicator+1 counts = np.bincount(samples_subpop) frac = sum(counts[[true_ind_a, true_ind_b]])/float(sum(counts)) assert .8 < frac
Example #27
Source File: From ext_portrait_segmentation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fast_hist(self, a, b): k = (a >= 0) & (a < self.nClasses) & (b < self.nClasses) # print(np.unique(a[k])) # print(np.unique(b[k])) return np.bincount(self.nClasses * a[k].astype(int) + b[k], minlength=self.nClasses ** 2).reshape(self.nClasses, self.nClasses)
Example #28
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_simple(self): y = np.bincount(np.arange(4)) assert_array_equal(y, np.ones(4))
Example #29
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_simple_weight2(self): x = np.array([1, 2, 4, 5, 2]) w = np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2]) y = np.bincount(x, w) assert_array_equal(y, np.array([0, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.1]))
Example #30
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_simple2(self): y = np.bincount(np.array([1, 5, 2, 4, 1])) assert_array_equal(y, np.array([0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1]))