Python bottle.request() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of bottle.request().
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Example #1
Source File: From pi-power with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def switchoff(): socket = int(request.query.socket) # If single socket requested if (socket > 0 and socket <= 4) : #print 'Switching off {}'.format(socket) sockets[socket].off() return 'Requested switch off {}'.format(socket) # If all sockets requested elif (socket == 0) : for i in range (1, 5): sockets[i].off() return 'Requested switch off ALL' else: return 'Invalid request' # Serve up the default index.html page
Example #2
Source File: From server-bottle with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test(): """ Tests the server capabilities to handle POST requests. """ answer = validate_password(request, True) if answer: return answer if not os.path.exists(config['MediaRoot']): return end(500, "'MediaRoot' directory does not exist!") testfile = os.path.join(config['MediaRoot'], '.test_file_to_write') try: with open(testfile, 'w') as tf: tf.write('')"Test succeeded \o/") return {'uploaded_files': get_files() } except EnvironmentError: return end(500, "Can't write to 'MediaRoot' directory!") finally: os.remove(testfile) # variables
Example #3
Source File: From server-bottle with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def save_image(): """ Saves the given image to the parameterized directory. """ answer = validate_password(request) if answer: return answer upfile = request.files.get('upfile') if not upfile: return end(401, "no file in the request!") filesize = -1 try: filesize = int(request.forms.get('filesize')) return save_file(upfile, filesize) except TypeError: return end(400, "Missing file size in the request!")
Example #4
Source File: From server-bottle with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def validate_password(request, isTest=False): """ Validates the password given in the request against the stored Bcrypted one. """ password = None try: password = request.forms.get('password').encode('utf-8') except AttributeError: return end(403, "No password in request") if 'PasswordBcrypt' in config: passcrypt = config['PasswordBcrypt'].encode('utf-8') if bcrypt.hashpw(password, passcrypt) != passcrypt: return end(403, "wrong password!") elif 'Password' in config and config['Password'] != password: return end(403, "wrong password!") elif isTest: return end(401, "There's no password in server configuration!")
Example #5
Source File: From PaperCutExamples with MIT License | 6 votes |
def topUp(user): if request.GET.get('cancel','').strip(): return "Refund cancelled by {}".format(user) refundAmount = float(request.GET.get('amount','').strip()) userCredit = proxy.api.getUserAccountBalance(auth, user) if userCredit != refundAmount: return "Error: User Credit Balance and Refund Requested do not match for user: {}".format(user) proxy.api.adjustUserAccountBalance(auth, user, -1 * refundAmount, "Money refunded by the Simple Refund Page") return "<p>Updated balance is now {}</p><p>Please close this tab/window and return to PaperCut</p><p>We would email you at {}, but email it not currently configured</p>".format( "{0:.2f}".format(proxy.api.getUserAccountBalance(auth, user)),proxy.api.getUserProperty(auth, user, "email")) # now transfer the value to the external student system
Example #6
Source File: From dwarf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _route_flavors_id(flavor_id): """ Route: /compute/v2.0/flavors/<flavor_id> Method: GET, DELETE """ utils.show_request(bottle.request) # nova flavor-delete <flavor_id> if bottle.request.method == 'DELETE': FLAVORS.delete(flavor_id) return # nova flavor-list if flavor_id == 'detail': return api_response.list_flavors(FLAVORS.list(), details=True) # nova flavor-show <flavor_id> return api_response.show_flavor(
Example #7
Source File: From dwarf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _route_flavors(): """ Route: /compute/v2.0/flavors Method: GET, POST """ utils.show_request(bottle.request) # nova flavor-create if bottle.request.method == 'POST': body = json.load(bottle.request.body) return api_response.create_flavor(FLAVORS.create(body['flavor'])) # nova flavor-list (no details) return api_response.list_flavors(FLAVORS.list(), details=False) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bottle Keypair API routes
Example #8
Source File: From dwarf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _route_servers_id(server_id): """ Route: /compute/v2.0/servers/<server_id> Method: GET, DELETE """ utils.show_request(bottle.request) # nova delete <server_id> if bottle.request.method == 'DELETE': SERVERS.delete(server_id) return # nova list if server_id == 'detail': return api_response.list_servers(SERVERS.list(), details=True) # nova show <server_id> return api_response.show_server(
Example #9
Source File: From glim with MIT License | 6 votes |
def register_routes(self): """ Function creates instances of controllers, adds into bottle routes """ routes = self.flatten_urls(self.urls) self.controllers = {} controller_names = set() for route in routes: cname = route['endpoint'].split('.')[0] controller_names.add(cname) for cname in controller_names: attr = getattr(self.mcontrollers, cname) instance = attr(request, response) self.controllers[cname] = instance for route in routes: cname, aname = route['endpoint'].split('.') action = getattr(self.controllers[cname], aname) self.wsgi.route(route['url'], route['methods'], action)
Example #10
Source File: From bottle-jwt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def bottle_app(backend): """pytest fixture for `bottle.Bottle` instance. """ app = bottle.Bottle() jwt_plugin = JWTProviderPlugin( keyword='jwt', auth_endpoint='/auth', backend=backend, fields=('username', 'password'), secret='my_secret', ttl=3 ) app.install(jwt_plugin) @app.get('/') @jwt_auth_required def private_resource(): return {'user': bottle.request.get_user()} return webtest.TestApp(app)
Example #11
Source File: From bottle-jwt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def request(): """Fixture for `bottle.request` instance. """ class MockRequest(object): content_type = 'x-www-form-urlencoded' def __init__(self, data): self.forms = data self.query = data self.__get_header = {} def get_header(self, header, default=None): return self.__get_header.get(header) or default def set_header(self, header, value): self.__get_header[header] = value return MockRequest
Example #12
Source File: From dwarf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _route_images(): """ Route: /image/v2/images Method: GET, POST """ utils.show_request(bottle.request) # glance image-create if bottle.request.method == 'POST': bottle.response.status = 201 image_md = json.load(bottle.request.body) return api_response.create_image(IMAGES.create(image_md)) # glance image-list if (bottle.request.query.get('marker', None) is not None): # When the client wants more, tell it we're done return api_response.list_images([]) else: # We don't 'do' marker, so return it all on the first call return api_response.list_images(IMAGES.list())
Example #13
Source File: From bottle-jwt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def authorize(self, request): """Checks if incoming request is authenticated. Args: request (instance): bottle.request instance. Returns: Request JWT decrypted payload, if request is authenticated else False. Raises: JWTProvider, if no auth header if present or invalid/expired token is provided. """ user_token = request.get_header("Authorization", '') return self.validate_token(user_token) or False
Example #14
Source File: From nematus with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def translate(self): """ Processes a translation request. """ translation_request = request_provider(self._style, request) logging.debug("REQUEST - " + repr(translation_request)) translations = self._translator.translate( translation_request.segments, translation_request.settings ) response_data = { 'status': TranslationResponse.STATUS_OK, 'segments': [translation.target_words for translation in translations], } translation_response = response_provider(self._style, **response_data) logging.debug("RESPONSE - " + repr(translation_response)) response.content_type = translation_response.get_content_type() return repr(translation_response)
Example #15
Source File: From aws-xray-sdk-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_custom_client_error(): path = '/client_error' try: app.get(path) except Exception: pass segment = recorder.emitter.pop() assert not segment.in_progress assert segment.error response = segment.http['response'] assert response['status'] == 400 exception = segment.cause['exceptions'][0] assert exception.type == 'CustomError' request = segment.http['request'] assert request['method'] == 'GET' assert request['url'] == BASE_URL.format(path)
Example #16
Source File: From aws-xray-sdk-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_error(): path = '/error' try: app.get(path, extra_environ={'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR': ''}) except Exception: pass segment = recorder.emitter.pop() assert not segment.in_progress assert segment.error request = segment.http['request'] response = segment.http['response'] assert request['method'] == 'GET' assert request['url'] == BASE_URL.format(path) assert request['client_ip'] == '' assert response['status'] == 404
Example #17
Source File: From demobuilder with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def static(path): def copy(src, dst, n): while n > 0: d =, 4096)) if d == "": raise Exception() dst.write(d) n -= len(d) length = int(bottle.request.headers.get("Content-Length", "0")) if length <= 0 or bottle.request.headers.get("Content-Type", "") != "application/octet-stream": bottle.abort(400) path = "./" + path.strip("/") if os.path.dirname(path) and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.dirname(path)) as f: copy(bottle.request["wsgi.input"], f, length) os.rename(, path) f.delete = False return bottle.HTTPResponse(status=201, headers={"Location": path[2:]})
Example #18
Source File: From bottle-oauthlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def create_userinfo_response(self): def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): assert self._oauthlib, "BottleOAuth2 not initialized with OAuthLib" uri, http_method, body, headers = extract_params(bottle.request) try: resp_headers, resp_body, resp_status = self._oauthlib.create_userinfo_response( uri, http_method=http_method, body=body, headers=headers ) except OAuth2Error as e: resp_headers, resp_body, resp_status = e.headers, e.json, e.status_code set_response(bottle.request, bottle.response, resp_status, resp_headers, resp_body, force_json=True) func_response = f(*args, **kwargs) if func_response: return func_response return bottle.response return wrapper return decorator
Example #19
Source File: From bottle-oauthlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def create_revocation_response(self): def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): assert self._oauthlib, "BottleOAuth2 not initialized with OAuthLib" uri, http_method, body, headers = extract_params(bottle.request) try: resp_headers, resp_body, resp_status = self._oauthlib.create_revocation_response( uri, http_method=http_method, body=body, headers=headers ) except OAuth2Error as e: resp_headers, resp_body, resp_status = e.headers, e.json, e.status_code set_response(bottle.request, bottle.response, resp_status, resp_headers, resp_body) func_response = f(*args, **kwargs) if func_response: return func_response return bottle.response return wrapper return decorator
Example #20
Source File: From NearlyPurePythonWebAppDemo with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getJSON(url, f): """ JS version of jQuery.getJSON see url must return a JSON string f(data) handles an object parsed from the return JSON string Uses JS: XMLHttpRequest, JSON.parse """ request = __new__ (XMLHttpRequest())'GET', url, True) def onload(): if 200 <= request.status < 400: data = JSON.parse(request.responseText) f(data) ## call handler with object created from JSON string else: _ = "Server returned {} for getJSON request on {}".format(request.status, url) console.log(_) def onerror(): _ = "Connection error for getJSON request on {}".format(url) console.log(_) request.onload = onload request.onerror = onerror request.send()
Example #21
Source File: From NearlyPurePythonWebAppDemo with MIT License | 6 votes |
def handle_stepchange(event): """ Check that the request for a new step size is a number between 0 and 10 before allowing the submit action to proceed. Uses JS: .getElementById, alert, parseFloat, isNaN """ fail_msg = "Step size must be a number between 0 and 10" v = document.getElementById('stepinput').value # Transcrypt float() is buggy, so use some inline JS. # See #__pragma__('js','{}','var vj = parseFloat(v); var isfloat = !isNaN(vj);') if isfloat and (0.0 <= vj <= 10.0): ## It's valid. Send it. post('/setstepsize', { 'stepsize': v }) return False else: alert(fail_msg) return False
Example #22
Source File: From bottle-oauthlib with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def create_metadata_response(self): def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(): assert self._oauthlib, "BottleOAuth2 not initialized with OAuthLib" uri, http_method, body, headers = extract_params(bottle.request) try: resp_headers, resp_body, resp_status = self._oauthlib.create_metadata_response( uri, http_method, body, headers ) except OAuth2Error as e: resp_headers, resp_body, resp_status = e.headers, e.json, e.status_code set_response(bottle.request, bottle.response, resp_status, resp_headers, resp_body, force_json=True) func_response = f() if func_response: return func_response return bottle.response return wrapper return decorator
Example #23
Source File: From dwarf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _route_images_id(image_id): """ Route: /image/v2/images/<image_id> Method: GET, DELETE, PATCH """ utils.show_request(bottle.request) # glance image-delete if bottle.request.method == 'DELETE': bottle.response.status = 204 IMAGES.delete(image_id) return # glance image-update if bottle.request.method == 'PATCH': image_ops = json.load(bottle.request.body) return api_response.update_image(IMAGES.update(image_id, image_ops)) # glance image-show return api_response.show_image(
Example #24
Source File: From bii-server with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __set_bson_content(self, data): bottle.request.environ['wsgi.input'] = str(BSON.encode(data)) bottle.request.environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = len(bottle.request.environ['wsgi.input']) bottle.request.body = Mock = Mock(return_value=bottle.request.environ['wsgi.input'])
Example #25
Source File: From boddle with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def testExtraStuff(self): with boddle(extra='woot'): self.assertEqual(bottle.request.extra, 'woot') with boddle(extra='woot2'): self.assertEqual(bottle.request.extra, 'woot2') self.assertFalse(hasattr(bottle.request,'extra'))
Example #26
Source File: From conifer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def do_upload(self, upload_key, filename, stream, user, coll, rec, offset, length): """Send PUT request to upload recording. :param str upload_key: upload Redis key :param str filename: WARC archive filename :param stream: file object :param User user: user :param str coll: collection ID :param str rec: record ID :param int offset: offset to start of stream :param int length: length of recording """ logger.debug('do_upload(): {0} offset: {1}: len: {2}'.format(rec, offset, length)) stream = LimitReader(stream, length) headers = {'Content-Length': str(length)} upload_url = self.upload_path.format(record_host=self.record_host, user=user, coll=coll, rec=rec, upid=upload_key) r = requests.put(upload_url, headers=headers, data=stream)
Example #27
Source File: From boddle with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def testJSON(self): with boddle(json={'name':'derek'}): self.assertEqual(bottle.request.json['name'], 'derek')
Example #28
Source File: From pi-power with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def switchon(): socket = int(request.query.socket) # If single socket requested if (socket > 0 and socket <= 4) : #print 'Switching on {}'.format(socket) sockets[socket].on() return 'Requested switch on {}'.format(socket) # If all sockets requested elif (socket == 0) : for i in range (1, 5): sockets[i].on() return 'Requested switch on ALL' else : return 'Invalid request'
Example #29
Source File: From script.tubecast with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _register_listener(self): self.has_client = True pairing_code = request.forms.get("pairingCode") self._pair(pairing_code) response.status = 201 return ""
Example #30
Source File: From script.tubecast with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __post_bind(self, sc, postdata): # type: (str, dict) -> None self.ofs += 1 post_data = {"count": "1", "ofs": str(self.ofs), "req0__sc": sc} for key in list(postdata.keys()): post_data["req0_" + key] = postdata[key] if get_setting_as_bool("debug-http"): logger.debug("POST %s:\n%r", sc, post_data) bind_vals = self.bind_vals bind_vals["RID"] = "1337" url = "{}/api/lounge/bc/bind?{}".format(self.base_url, urlencode(bind_vals)) verify_ssl = get_setting_as_bool("verify-ssl") last_exc = None for i in range(MAX_SEND_RETRIES): try:, data=post_data, verify=verify_ssl) except requests.ConnectionError as e:"failed to send data on attempt %s/%s", i + 1, MAX_SEND_RETRIES) last_exc = e continue except Exception: logger.exception("error sending %s", sc) break else: # request successful break else: # MAX_SEND_RETRIES exceeded logger.exception("failed to send data to client", exc_info=last_exc)