Python pymongo.DESCENDING Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pymongo.DESCENDING().
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Example #1
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def pop(self, symbol): """ Delete current metadata of `symbol` Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name to delete Returns ------- Deleted metadata """ last_metadata = self.find_one({'symbol': symbol}, sort=[('start_time', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) if last_metadata is None: raise NoDataFoundException('No metadata found for symbol {}'.format(symbol)) self.find_one_and_delete({'symbol': symbol}, sort=[('start_time', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) mongo_retry(self.find_one_and_update)({'symbol': symbol}, {'$unset': {'end_time': ''}}, sort=[('start_time', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) return last_metadata
Example #2
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_restore_append_overlapping_corrupts_last(library, library_name): large_ts = create_test_data(size=2000, cols=100, index=True, multiindex=False, random_data=True, random_ids=True) library.write(symbol, large_ts[0:1000]) library.snapshot('snap_write_a') library.append(symbol, large_ts[1000:1010]) library.restore_version(symbol, as_of='snap_write_a', prune_previous_version=True) library.append(symbol, large_ts[1000:1012]) last_v = library._versions.find_one(sort=[('version', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) vsu.analyze_symbol(library, symbol, 0, last_v['version'] + 1) # Verify no versions have been corrupted for v in library._versions.find(sort=[('version', pymongo.DESCENDING)]):, as_of=v['version']) # This is not necessary to fix, but the Exception thrown is quite confusing.
Example #3
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_restore_append_overlapping_corrupts_old(library, library_name): large_ts = create_test_data(size=2000, cols=100, index=True, multiindex=False, random_data=True, random_ids=True) library.write(symbol, large_ts[0:1000]) library.snapshot('snap_write_a') library.append(symbol, large_ts[1000:1010]) library.restore_version(symbol, as_of='snap_write_a', prune_previous_version=True) library.append(symbol, large_ts[1000:1009]) last_v = library._versions.find_one(sort=[('version', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) vsu.analyze_symbol(library, symbol, 0, last_v['version'] + 1) # Verify no versions have been corrupted for v in library._versions.find(sort=[('version', pymongo.DESCENDING)]):, as_of=v['version'])
Example #4
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_append_fail_after_delete_noupsert(library, library_name): large_ts = create_test_data(size=2000, cols=100, index=True, multiindex=False, random_data=True, random_ids=True) library.write(symbol, large_ts[0:1000]) #v1 library.snapshot('snap_a') library.append(symbol, large_ts[1000:1010]) #v2 library.snapshot('snap_b') library.append(symbol, large_ts[1010:1020]) #v3 library.snapshot('snap_c') library.append(symbol, large_ts[1030:1040]) #v4 library.delete(symbol) #v5 library.append(symbol, large_ts[1040:1050], upsert=False) # v6 last_v = library._versions.find_one(sort=[('version', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) vsu.analyze_symbol(library, symbol, 0, last_v['version'] + 1) # Verify no versions have been corrupted for v in library._versions.find(sort=[('version', pymongo.DESCENDING)]):, as_of=v['version'])
Example #5
Source File: From picoCTF with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_api_exceptions(result_limit=50): """ Retrieve the most recent logged exceptions. Args: result_limit: the maximum number of exceptions to return. Returns: list of exception dicts """ db = api.db.get_conn() results = ( db.exceptions.find({"visible": True}, {"_id": 0}) .sort([("time", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) .limit(result_limit) ) return list(results)
Example #6
Source File: From fame with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def index(self): """Get the list of objects. .. :quickref: File; Get the list of objects Response is paginated and will only contain 25 results. The most recent objects appear first. :query page: page number. :type page: int :>json list files: list of files (see :http:get:`/files/(id)` for details on the format of a file). """ page = int(request.args.get('page', 1)) files = current_user.files.find().sort('_id', DESCENDING).limit(PER_PAGE).skip((page - 1) * PER_PAGE) pagination = Pagination(page=page, per_page=PER_PAGE, total=files.count(), css_framework='bootstrap3') files = {'files': clean_files(list(files))} return render(files, 'files/index.html', ctx={'data': files, 'pagination': pagination})
Example #7
Source File: From sacred with MIT License | 6 votes |
def insert(self): import pymongo.errors if self.overwrite: return autoinc_key = self.run_entry.get("_id") is None while True: if autoinc_key: c = self.runs.find({}, {"_id": 1}) c = c.sort("_id", pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1) self.run_entry["_id"] = (["_id"] + 1 if self.runs.count_documents({}, limit=1) else 1 ) try: self.runs.insert_one(self.run_entry) return except pymongo.errors.InvalidDocument as e: raise ObserverError( "Run contained an unserializable entry." "(most likely in the info)\n{}".format(e) ) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError: if not autoinc_key: raise
Example #8
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getAdjFactor(self, code, date, name=None): collection = self._getStockDaysDb()[code] dateEnd = datetime.strptime(date + ' 23:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') flt = {'datetime':{'$lt':dateEnd}} try: cursor = collection.find(flt).sort('datetime', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1) except Exception as ex: self._info.print("MongoDB 异常({0}): 获取{1}:{2}, {3}复权因子".format(str(ex) + ', ' + str(ex.details), code, name, date), DyLogData.error) return None # get adjust factor for d in cursor: return d['adjfactor'] return None
Example #9
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_append_corrupted_new_version(library, fw_pointers_cfg): with FwPointersCtx(fw_pointers_cfg): to_append = read_str_as_pandas(""" times | near 2012-11-09 17:06:11.040 | 30.0""") to_append_2 = read_str_as_pandas(""" times | near 2012-11-10 17:06:11.040 | 40.0""") library.write(symbol, ts1) # Append version library.append(symbol, to_append) # The append went wrong, and the new version document (written last), not available library._versions.find_one_and_delete({'symbol': symbol}, sort=[('version', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) # Should still be able to append new data library.append(symbol, to_append_2, upsert=True) assert['near'][-1] == 40. assert len( == len(ts1) + 1
Example #10
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _getCodeDay(self, code, baseDate, name=None): """ 得到个股的当日交易日, 向前贪婪 """ collection = self._getStockDaysDb()[code] date = datetime.strptime(baseDate + ' 23:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') flt = {'datetime': {'$lt': date}} sortMode = pymongo.DESCENDING try: cursor = collection.find(flt).sort('datetime', sortMode).limit(1) except Exception as ex: self._info.print("MongoDB Exception({0}): @_findOneCodeDaysByZeroRelative{1}:{2}, [{3}, {4}]日线数据".format(str(ex) + ', ' + str(ex.details), code, name, baseDate, n), DyLogData.error) return None for d in cursor: return d['datetime'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') return None
Example #11
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _getTradeDaysByRelativeZero(self, baseDate): """ 基准日期向前找到第一个交易日 """ baseDateSave = baseDate collection = self._getTradeDayTableCollection() baseDate = datetime.strptime(baseDate, '%Y-%m-%d') flt = {'datetime':{'$lte':baseDate}} try: cursor = collection.find(flt).sort('datetime', pymongo.DESCENDING) except Exception as ex: self._info.print("MongoDB Exception({0}): @_getTradeDaysByRelativeZero({1})".format(str(ex) + ', ' + str(ex.details), baseDateSave), DyLogData.error) return None for d in cursor: if d['tradeDay']: return [d] return None
Example #12
Source File: From distributed_framework with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def next(self): """ Get next job from queue """ return self._wrap_one(self.collection.find_and_modify( query={"locked_by": None, "locked_at": None, "attempts": {"$lt": self.max_attempts}, "status": { "$eq": JobStatus.QUEUED} }, update={ "$set": { "locked_by": self.consumer_id, "locked_at":, 'status': JobStatus.STARTED } }, sort=[('priority', pymongo.DESCENDING)], new=1, limit=1 ))
Example #13
Source File: From arctic with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def read(self, symbol, as_of=None): """ Return current metadata saved for `symbol` Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name for the item as_of : `datetime.datetime` return entry valid at given time Returns ------- metadata """ if as_of is not None: res = self.find_one({'symbol': symbol, 'start_time': {'$lte': as_of}}, sort=[('start_time', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) else: res = self.find_one({'symbol': symbol}, sort=[('start_time', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) return res['metadata'] if res is not None else None
Example #14
Source File: From mongodb_consistent_backup with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_mongos(self, force=False): if not force and self.mongos_db: return self.mongos_db elif self.db.is_mongos(): return self.db else: db = self.connection['config'] for doc in db.mongos.find().sort('ping', DESCENDING): try: mongos_uri = MongoUri(doc['_id']) logging.debug("Found cluster mongos: %s" % mongos_uri) self.mongos_db = DB(mongos_uri, self.config, False, 'nearest')"Connected to cluster mongos: %s" % mongos_uri) return self.mongos_db except DBConnectionError: logging.debug("Failed to connect to mongos: %s, trying next available mongos" % mongos_uri) raise OperationError('Could not connect to any mongos!')
Example #15
Source File: From counterblock with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_block_indexes_for_dates(start_dt=None, end_dt=None): """Returns a 2 tuple (start_block, end_block) result for the block range that encompasses the given start_date and end_date unix timestamps""" if start_dt is None: start_block_index = config.BLOCK_FIRST else: start_block = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one({"block_time": {"$lte": start_dt}}, sort=[("block_time", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) start_block_index = config.BLOCK_FIRST if not start_block else start_block['block_index'] if end_dt is None: end_block_index = config.state['my_latest_block']['block_index'] else: end_block = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one({"block_time": {"$gte": end_dt}}, sort=[("block_time", pymongo.ASCENDING)]) if not end_block: end_block_index = config.mongo_db.processed_blocks.find_one(sort=[("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING)])['block_index'] else: end_block_index = end_block['block_index'] return (start_block_index, end_block_index)
Example #16
Source File: From counterblock with MIT License | 6 votes |
def store_wallet_message(msg, msg_data, decorate=True): wallet_message = messages.decorate_message_for_feed(msg, msg_data=msg_data) if decorate else msg # use "optimistic loop" pattern to insert a new messages with an incrementing seq while True: last_seq = config.mongo_db.wallet_messages.find_one(sort=[("_id", pymongo.DESCENDING)])['_id'] new_seq = last_seq + 1 try: config.mongo_db.wallet_messages.insert({ '_id': new_seq, 'when': calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()), 'message': wallet_message, }) except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError: continue else: logger.debug("store_wallet_message: stored {}".format(new_seq)) if config.state['cw_last_message_seq'] < new_seq: config.state['cw_last_message_seq'] = new_seq break # every so often, trim up the table if new_seq % 20 == 0: # for performance, don't do this every iteration if config.mongo_db.wallet_messages.count() > FUZZY_MAX_WALLET_MESSAGES_STORED: config.mongo_db.wallet_messages.remove({'_id': {'$lte': new_seq - FUZZY_MAX_WALLET_MESSAGES_STORED}})
Example #17
Source File: From irwin with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def newestByUserId(self, userId): bson = self.playerReportColl.find_one( filter={'userId': userId}, sort=[('date', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) return None if bson is None else PlayerReportBSONHandler.reads(bson)
Example #18
Source File: From cryptotrader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_indexes(self): self.clients.create_index([("date", pm.DESCENDING)]) self.funds.create_index([("date", pm.DESCENDING)]) self.withdrawals.create_index([("date", pm.DESCENDING)]) self.deposits.create_index([("date", pm.DESCENDING)])
Example #19
Source File: From Bitcluster with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ensure_indexes(self): #Ensure index existence db = self.client.bitcoin collection = db.transactions collection.create_index([("source_n_id", ASCENDING)]) collection.create_index([("destination_n_id", ASCENDING)]) collection.create_index([("source", ASCENDING)]) collection.create_index([("destination", ASCENDING)]) collection.create_index([("block_id",DESCENDING)])
Example #20
Source File: From irwin with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def nextUnprocessed(self, name: AuthID) -> Opt[EngineQueue]: """find the next job to process against owner's name""" incompleteBSON = self.engineQueueColl.find_one({'owner': name, 'completed': {'$ne': True}}) if incompleteBSON is not None: # owner has unfinished business logging.debug(f'{name} is returning to complete {incompleteBSON}') return EngineQueueBSONHandler.reads(incompleteBSON) engineQueueBSON = self.engineQueueColl.find_one_and_update( filter={'owner': None, 'completed': False}, update={'$set': {'owner': name}}, sort=[("precedence", pymongo.DESCENDING), ("date", pymongo.ASCENDING)]) return None if engineQueueBSON is None else EngineQueueBSONHandler.reads(engineQueueBSON)
Example #21
Source File: From irwin with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def byPlayerId(self, userId): return [PlayerReportBSONHandler.reads(bson) for bson in self.playerReportColl.find( filter={'userId': userId}, sort=[('date', pymongo.DESCENDING)])]
Example #22
Source File: From irwin with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def top(self, amount: int = 20) -> List[EngineQueue]: """Return the top `amount` of players, ranked by precedence""" bsons = self.engineQueueColl.find( filter={'complete': False}, sort=[("precedence", pymongo.DESCENDING), ("date", pymongo.ASCENDING)]).limit(amount) return [EngineQueueBSONHandler.reads(b) for b in bsons]
Example #23
Source File: From counterblock with MIT License | 5 votes |
def init(): # init db and indexes # asset_extended_info config.mongo_db.asset_extended_info.ensure_index('asset', unique=True) config.mongo_db.asset_extended_info.ensure_index('info_status') # balance_changes config.mongo_db.balance_changes.ensure_index('block_index') config.mongo_db.balance_changes.ensure_index([ ("address", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("asset", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("block_index", pymongo.DESCENDING), ("_id", pymongo.DESCENDING) ]) #config.mongo_db.balance_changes.ensure_index([ # ("address", pymongo.ASCENDING), # ("asset_longname", pymongo.ASCENDING), #]) try: # drop unnecessary indexes if they exist config.mongo_db.balance_changes.drop_index('address_1_asset_1_block_time_1') except: pass # tracked_assets config.mongo_db.tracked_assets.ensure_index('asset', unique=True) config.mongo_db.tracked_assets.ensure_index('_at_block') # for tracked asset pruning config.mongo_db.tracked_assets.ensure_index([ ("owner", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("asset", pymongo.ASCENDING), ]) # feeds (also init in betting module) config.mongo_db.feeds.ensure_index('source') config.mongo_db.feeds.ensure_index('owner') config.mongo_db.feeds.ensure_index('category') config.mongo_db.feeds.ensure_index('info_url')
Example #24
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getDaysLatestTradeDay(self): """ 获取数据库里交易日数据的最新交易日 """ cursor = self._findTradeDays() if cursor is None: return None cursor = cursor.sort('datetime', pymongo.DESCENDING) for d in cursor: if d['tradeDay']: return d return None
Example #25
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _findOneCodeDaysByRelative(self, code, baseDate, n=0, name=None): """ 包含当日,也就是说offset 0总是被包含的 """ # 获取当日日期 baseDay = self._getCodeDay(code, baseDate, name) if baseDay is None: return None collection = self._getStockDaysDb()[code] if n <= 0: date = datetime.strptime(baseDay + ' 23:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') flt = {'datetime':{'$lt':date}} sortMode = pymongo.DESCENDING else: date = datetime.strptime(baseDay, '%Y-%m-%d') flt = {'datetime':{'$gte':date}} # ignore baseDate, no matter its in DB or not sortMode = pymongo.ASCENDING # 向前贪婪 n = abs(n) + 1 try: cursor = collection.find(flt).sort('datetime', sortMode).limit(n) except Exception as ex: self._info.print("MongoDB Exception({0}): @_findOneCodeDaysByRelative{1}:{2}, [{3}, {4}]日线数据".format(str(ex) + ', ' + str(ex.details), code, name, baseDate, n), DyLogData.error) return None # We don't check any thing about if we actually get n days data. # The reason is that we don't know future, as well as 何时股票上市 return cursor
Example #26
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _getTradeDaysByRelativeNegative(self, baseDate, n): baseDateSave = baseDate nSave = n # always get 0 offset trade day baseDate = self._getTradeDaysByRelativeZero(baseDate) if baseDate is None: return None # find forward n trade days collection = self._getTradeDayTableCollection() flt = {'datetime':{'$lt':baseDate[0]['datetime']}} try: cursor = collection.find(flt).sort('datetime', pymongo.DESCENDING) except Exception as ex: self._info.print("MongoDB Exception({0}): @_getTradeDaysByRelativeNegative({1}, {2})".format(str(ex) + ', ' + str(ex.details), baseDateSave, nSave), DyLogData.error) return None dates = [baseDate[0]] for d in cursor: if d['tradeDay']: dates.append(d) n += 1 if n == 0: return dates self._info.print("数据库里没有{0}向前{1}个交易日的日期数据".format(baseDateSave, abs(nSave)), DyLogData.error) return None
Example #27
Source File: From mongodb_consistent_backup with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_oplog_tail_ts(self): logging.debug("Gathering youngest 'ts' in %s oplog" % self.uri) return self.get_oplog_rs().find_one(sort=[('$natural', DESCENDING)])['ts']
Example #28
Source File: From counterblock with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decorate_message(message, for_txn_history=False): # insert custom fields in certain events... # even invalid actions need these extra fields for proper reporting to the client (as the reporting message # is produced via PendingActionViewModel.calcText) -- however make it able to deal with the queried data not existing in this case assert '_category' in message if for_txn_history: message['_command'] = 'insert' # history data doesn't include this block_index = message['block_index'] if 'block_index' in message else message['tx1_block_index'] message['_block_time'] = database.get_block_time(block_index) message['_tx_index'] = message['tx_index'] if 'tx_index' in message else message.get('tx1_index', None) if message['_category'] in ['bet_expirations', 'order_expirations', 'bet_match_expirations', 'order_match_expirations']: message['_tx_index'] = 0 # add tx_index to all entries (so we can sort on it secondarily in history view), since these lack it # include asset extended information (longname and divisible) for attr in ('asset', 'get_asset', 'give_asset', 'forward_asset', 'backward_asset', 'dividend_asset'): if attr not in message: continue asset_info = config.mongo_db.tracked_assets.find_one({'asset': message[attr]}) message['_{}_longname'.format(attr)] = asset_info['asset_longname'] if asset_info else None message['_{}_divisible'.format(attr)] = asset_info['divisible'] if asset_info else None if message['_category'] in ['credits', 'debits']: # find the last balance change on record bal_change = config.mongo_db.balance_changes.find_one( {'address': message['address'], 'asset': message['asset']}, sort=[("block_time", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) message['_quantity_normalized'] = abs(bal_change['quantity_normalized']) if bal_change else None message['_balance'] = bal_change['new_balance'] if bal_change else None message['_balance_normalized'] = bal_change['new_balance_normalized'] if bal_change else None if message['_category'] in ['orders', 'order_matches', ]: message['_btc_below_dust_limit'] = ( ('forward_asset' in message and message['forward_asset'] == config.BTC and message['forward_quantity'] <= config.ORDER_BTC_DUST_LIMIT_CUTOFF) or ('backward_asset' in message and message['backward_asset'] == config.BTC and message['backward_quantity'] <= config.ORDER_BTC_DUST_LIMIT_CUTOFF) ) if message['_category'] in ['issuances', ]: message['_quantity_normalized'] = blockchain.normalize_quantity(message['quantity'], message['divisible']) return message
Example #29
Source File: From counterblock with MIT License | 5 votes |
def init(): # init db and indexes # transaction_stats config.mongo_db.transaction_stats.ensure_index([ #, ("when", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("category", pymongo.DESCENDING) ]) config.mongo_db.transaction_stats.ensure_index('block_index')
Example #30
Source File: From iHealth_site with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def find_recommendArticle(self, labels): '''根据用户的兴趣label选择文章序列并返回''' #labels按照值降序排列,放在label_list中 label_list = sorted(labels.items(), key=lambda e:e[1], reverse=True) #只取前5个兴趣label if len(label_list) > 5: label_list = label_list[0:5] #返回用户感兴趣的所有文章 #article_C 为放置各个分类文章的容器 article_C = [] for category in label_list: article_C.append((self.articles.find({'category':category[0] }).sort('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING))) return article_C