Python urllib.request.HTTPSHandler() Examples
The following are 27
code examples of urllib.request.HTTPSHandler().
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Example #1
Source File: From osint-scraper with MIT License | 7 votes |
def get_access_token(self, code, state=None): ''' In callback url: http://host/callback?code=123&state=xyz use code and state to get an access token. ''' kw = dict(client_id=self._client_id, client_secret=self._client_secret, code=code) if self._redirect_uri: kw['redirect_uri'] = self._redirect_uri if state: kw['state'] = state opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler) request = Request('', data=_encode_params(kw)) request.get_method = _METHOD_MAP['POST'] request.add_header('Accept', 'application/json') try: response =, timeout=TIMEOUT) r = _parse_json( if 'error' in r: raise ApiAuthError(str(r.error)) return str(r.access_token) except HTTPError as e: raise ApiAuthError('HTTPError when get access token')
Example #2
Source File: From services-to-wordcloud with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_access_token(self, code, state=None): ''' In callback url: http://host/callback?code=123&state=xyz use code and state to get an access token. ''' kw = dict(client_id=self._client_id, client_secret=self._client_secret, code=code) if self._redirect_uri: kw['redirect_uri'] = self._redirect_uri if state: kw['state'] = state opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler) request = Request('', data=_encode_params(kw)) request.get_method = _METHOD_MAP['POST'] request.add_header('Accept', 'application/json') try: response =, timeout=TIMEOUT) r = _parse_json( if 'error' in r: raise ApiAuthError(str(r.error)) return str(r.access_token) except HTTPError as e: raise ApiAuthError('HTTPError when get access token')
Example #3
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def debug(): """ Activate debugging on urllib2 """ handler = HTTPSHandler(debuglevel = 1) opener = build_opener(handler) install_opener(opener) # Store properties for all requests
Example #4
Source File: From pipstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hashed_download(url, temp, digest): """Download ``url`` to ``temp``, make sure it has the SHA-256 ``digest``, and return its path.""" # Based on pip 1.4.1's URLOpener but with cert verification removed. Python # >=2.7.9 verifies HTTPS certs itself, and, in any case, the cert # authenticity has only privacy (not arbitrary code execution) # implications, since we're checking hashes. def opener(using_https=True): opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler()) if using_https: # Strip out HTTPHandler to prevent MITM spoof: for handler in opener.handlers: if isinstance(handler, HTTPHandler): opener.handlers.remove(handler) return opener def read_chunks(response, chunk_size): while True: chunk = if not chunk: break yield chunk parsed_url = urlparse(url) response = opener(using_https=parsed_url.scheme == 'https').open(url) path = join(temp, parsed_url.path.split('/')[-1]) actual_hash = sha256() with open(path, 'wb') as file: for chunk in read_chunks(response, 4096): file.write(chunk) actual_hash.update(chunk) actual_digest = actual_hash.hexdigest() if actual_digest != digest: raise HashError(url, path, actual_digest, digest) return path
Example #5
Source File: From temboard-agent with PostgreSQL License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, connection_class=UnverifiedHTTPSConnection): self.specialized_conn_class = connection_class urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self)
Example #6
Source File: From temboard-agent with PostgreSQL License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, connection_class=VerifiedHTTPSConnection): self.specialized_conn_class = connection_class urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self)
Example #7
Source File: From BruteSploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_csrf(): """ get CSRF token from login page to use in POST requests """ global csrf_token print(bcolors.WARNING + "[+] Getting CSRF Token: " + bcolors.ENDC) try: opener = rq.build_opener(rq.HTTPHandler(), rq.HTTPSHandler()) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')] rq.install_opener(opener) request = rq.Request('') try: # python 2 headers = rq.urlopen(request).info().headers except Exception: # python 3 headers = rq.urlopen(request).info().get_all('Set-Cookie') for header in headers: if header.find('csrftoken') != -1: csrf_token = header.partition(';')[0].partition('=')[2] print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] CSRF Token :", csrf_token, "\n" + bcolors.ENDC) except Exception as err: print(bcolors.FAIL + "[!] Can't get CSRF token , please use -d for debug" + bcolors.ENDC) if _debug: logger.error(err) print(bcolors.FAIL + "[!] Exiting..." + bcolors.ENDC) exit(3)
Example #8
Source File: From BruteSploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_proxy(q): """ check proxy for and append to working proxies :param q: """ if not q.empty(): proxy = q.get(False) proxy = proxy.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") try: opener = rq.build_opener( rq.ProxyHandler({'https': 'https://' + proxy}), rq.HTTPHandler(), rq.HTTPSHandler() ) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')] rq.install_opener(opener) req = rq.Request('') if rq.urlopen(req).read().decode() == proxy.partition(':')[0]: proxys_working_list.update({proxy: proxy}) if _verbose: print(bcolors.OKGREEN + " --[+] ", proxy, " | PASS" + bcolors.ENDC) else: if _verbose: print(" --[!] ", proxy, " | FAILED") except Exception as err: if _verbose: print(" --[!] ", proxy, " | FAILED") if _debug: logger.error(err) pass
Example #9
Source File: From ansible-role-jenkins with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, client_cert=None, client_key=None, unix_socket=None, **kwargs): urllib_request.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.client_cert = client_cert self.client_key = client_key self._unix_socket = unix_socket
Example #10
Source File: From Stock-Price-Trade-Analyzer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def GetProxiedOpener(): testURL = '' userName, password = 'mUser', 'SecureAccess' context = ssl._create_unverified_context() handler = webRequest.HTTPSHandler(context=context) i = -1 functioning = False global currentProxyServer while not functioning and i < len(proxyList): if i >=0 or currentProxyServer==None: currentProxyServer = proxyList[i] proxy = webRequest.ProxyHandler({'https': r'http://' + userName + ':' + password + '@' + currentProxyServer}) auth = webRequest.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() opener = webRequest.build_opener(proxy, auth, handler) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1 Safari/603.1.30')] #opener.addheaders = [('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.1 Safari/605.1.15')] #opener.addheaders = [('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.17763')] try: conn = print('Proxy ' + currentProxyServer + ' is functioning') functioning = True except: print('Proxy ' + currentProxyServer + ' is not responding') i+=1 return opener #-------------------------------------------- Classes -----------------------------------------------
Example #11
Source File: From services-to-wordcloud with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _http(self, _method, _path, **kw): data = None params = None if _method=='GET' and kw: _path = '%s?%s' % (_path, _encode_params(kw)) if _method in ['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT']: data = bytes(_encode_json(kw), 'utf-8') url = '%s%s' % (_URL, _path) opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler) request = Request(url, data=data) request.get_method = _METHOD_MAP[_method] if self._authorization: request.add_header('Authorization', self._authorization) if _method in ['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT']: request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') try: response =, timeout=TIMEOUT) is_json = self._process_resp(response.headers) if is_json: return _parse_json('utf-8')) except HTTPError as e: is_json = self._process_resp(e.headers) if is_json: json = _parse_json('utf-8')) else: json ='utf-8') req = JsonObject(method=_method, url=url) resp = JsonObject(code=e.code, json=json) if resp.code==404: raise ApiNotFoundError(url, req, resp) raise ApiError(url, req, resp)
Example #12
Source File: From opsbro with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(self, uri, params={}, headers={}, with_status_code=False, timeout=10, user=None, password=None): data = None # always none in GET if params: uri = "%s?%s" % (uri, urlencode(params)) # SSL, user/password and basic # NOTE: currently don't manage ssl & user/password if uri.startswith('https://'): handler = HTTPSHandler(context=self.ssl_context) elif user and password: passwordMgr = HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() passwordMgr.add_password(None, uri, user, password) handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passwordMgr) else: handler = HTTPHandler url_opener = build_opener(handler) req = Request(uri, data) req.get_method = lambda: 'GET' for (k, v) in headers.items(): req.add_header(k, v) request =, timeout=timeout) response = status_code = request.code request.close() if not with_status_code: return response else: return (status_code, response)
Example #13
Source File: From python-mysql-pool with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, ssl_config): # pylint: disable=E1002 """Initialize""" if PY2: urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self) else: super().__init__() # pylint: disable=W0104 self._ssl_config = ssl_config
Example #14
Source File: From googleads-python-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def GetHandlers(self): """Retrieve the appropriate urllib handlers for the given configuration. Returns: A list of urllib.request.BaseHandler subclasses to be used when making calls with proxy. """ handlers = [] if self.ssl_context: handlers.append(HTTPSHandler(context=self.ssl_context)) if self.proxies: handlers.append(ProxyHandler(self.proxies)) return handlers
Example #15
Source File: From googleads-python-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, http_proxy=None, https_proxy=None, cafile=None, disable_certificate_validation=False): self._http_proxy = http_proxy self._https_proxy = https_proxy self.proxies = {} if self._https_proxy: self.proxies['https'] = str(self._https_proxy) if self._http_proxy: self.proxies['http'] = str(self._http_proxy) self.disable_certificate_validation = disable_certificate_validation self.cafile = None if disable_certificate_validation else cafile # Initialize the context used to generate the HTTPSHandler. self.ssl_context = self._InitSSLContext( self.cafile, self.disable_certificate_validation)
Example #16
Source File: From instabrute with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_proxy(q): """ check proxy for and append to working proxies :param q: """ if not q.empty(): proxy = q.get(False) proxy = proxy.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") try: opener = rq.build_opener( rq.ProxyHandler({'https': 'https://' + proxy}), rq.HTTPHandler(), rq.HTTPSHandler() ) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')] rq.install_opener(opener) req = rq.Request('') if rq.urlopen(req).read().decode() == proxy.partition(':')[0]: proxys_working_list.update({proxy: proxy}) if _verbose: print(bcolors.OKGREEN + " --[+] ", proxy, " | PASS" + bcolors.ENDC) else: if _verbose: print(" --[!] ", proxy, " | FAILED") except Exception as err: if _verbose: print(" --[!] ", proxy, " | FAILED") if _debug: logger.error(err) pass
Example #17
Source File: From exactonline with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, cacert_file): self.cacert_file = cacert_file request.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self)
Example #18
Source File: From humblebundle with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, base_url="", tag="", cookiejar=None, debug=False): self.tag = tag hh = urllib2.HTTPHandler( debuglevel=1 if debug else 0) hsh = urllib2.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=1 if debug else 0) cp = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar) self._opener = urllib2.build_opener(hh, hsh, cp) scheme, netloc, path, q, f = urlparse.urlsplit(base_url, "http") if not netloc: netloc, _, path = path.partition('/') self.base_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, q, f))
Example #19
Source File: From sugardough with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def hashed_download(url, temp, digest): """Download ``url`` to ``temp``, make sure it has the SHA-256 ``digest``, and return its path.""" # Based on pip 1.4.1's URLOpener but with cert verification removed def opener(): opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler()) # Strip out HTTPHandler to prevent MITM spoof: for handler in opener.handlers: if isinstance(handler, HTTPHandler): opener.handlers.remove(handler) return opener def read_chunks(response, chunk_size): while True: chunk = if not chunk: break yield chunk response = opener().open(url) path = join(temp, urlparse(url).path.split('/')[-1]) actual_hash = sha256() with open(path, 'wb') as file: for chunk in read_chunks(response, 4096): file.write(chunk) actual_hash.update(chunk) actual_digest = actual_hash.hexdigest() if actual_digest != digest: raise HashError(url, path, actual_digest, digest) return path
Example #20
Source File: From loghub with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _http(self, _method, _path, **kw): data = None params = None if _method == 'GET' and kw: _path = '%s?%s' % (_path, _encode_params(kw)) if _method in ['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT']: data = bytes(_encode_json(kw), 'utf-8') url = '%s%s' % (_URL, _path) opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler) request = Request(url, data=data) request.get_method = _METHOD_MAP[_method] if self._authorization: request.add_header('Authorization', self._authorization) if _method in ['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT']: request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') class Resp(): code = None resp = Resp() req = None try: response =, timeout=TIMEOUT) is_json = self._process_resp(response.headers) if is_json: return _parse_json('utf-8')) except HTTPError as e: is_json = self._process_resp(e.headers) if is_json: json = _parse_json('utf-8')) else: json ='utf-8') req = JsonObject(method=_method, url=url) resp = JsonObject(code=e.code, json=json) finally: if resp.code == 404: raise ApiNotFoundError(url, req, resp) elif req: raise ApiError(url, req, resp)
Example #21
Source File: From loghub with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_access_token(self, code, state=None): ''' In callback url: http://host/callback?code=123&state=xyz use code and state to get an access token. ''' kw = dict( client_id=self._client_id, client_secret=self._client_secret, code=code) if self._redirect_uri: kw['redirect_uri'] = self._redirect_uri if state: kw['state'] = state opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler) request = Request( '', data=_encode_params(kw)) request.get_method = _METHOD_MAP['POST'] request.add_header('Accept', 'application/json') try: response =, timeout=TIMEOUT) r = _parse_json( if 'error' in r: raise ApiAuthError(str(r.error)) return str(r.access_token) except HTTPError as e: raise ApiAuthError('HTTPError when get access token')
Example #22
Source File: From osint-scraper with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _http(self, _method, _path, **kw): data = None params = None if _method=='GET' and kw: _path = '%s?%s' % (_path, _encode_params(kw)) if _method in ['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT']: data = bytes(_encode_json(kw), 'utf-8') url = '%s%s' % (_URL, _path) opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler) request = Request(url, data=data) request.get_method = _METHOD_MAP[_method] if self._authorization: request.add_header('Authorization', self._authorization) if _method in ['POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT']: request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') try: response =, timeout=TIMEOUT) is_json = self._process_resp(response.headers) if is_json: return _parse_json('utf-8')) except HTTPError as e: is_json = self._process_resp(e.headers) if is_json: json = _parse_json('utf-8')) else: json ='utf-8') req = JsonObject(method=_method, url=url) resp = JsonObject(code=e.code, json=json) if resp.code==404: raise ApiNotFoundError(url, req, resp) raise ApiError(url, req, resp)
Example #23
Source File: From instabrute with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_csrf(): """ get CSRF token from login page to use in POST requests """ global csrf_token print(bcolors.WARNING + "[+] Getting CSRF Token: " + bcolors.ENDC) try: opener = rq.build_opener(rq.HTTPHandler(), rq.HTTPSHandler()) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')] rq.install_opener(opener) request = rq.Request('') try: # python 2 headers = rq.urlopen(request).info().headers except Exception: # python 3 headers = rq.urlopen(request).info().get_all('Set-Cookie') for header in headers: if header.find('csrftoken') != -1: csrf_token = header.partition(';')[0].partition('=')[2] print(bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] CSRF Token :", csrf_token, "\n" + bcolors.ENDC) except Exception as err: print(bcolors.FAIL + "[!] Can't get CSRF token , please use -d for debug" + bcolors.ENDC) if _debug: logger.error(err) print(bcolors.FAIL + "[!] Exiting..." + bcolors.ENDC) exit(3)
Example #24
Source File: From esa_sentinel with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_new_cookie(self): # Start by prompting user to input their credentials # Another Python2/3 workaround try: new_username = raw_input("Username: ") except NameError: new_username = input("Username: ") new_password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password (will not be displayed): ") # Build URS4 Cookie request auth_cookie_url = self.asf_urs4['url'] + '?client_id=' + self.asf_urs4['client'] + '&redirect_uri=' + \ self.asf_urs4['redir'] + '&response_type=code&state=' try: # python2 user_pass = base64.b64encode(bytes(new_username + ":" + new_password)) except TypeError: # python3 user_pass = base64.b64encode(bytes(new_username + ":" + new_password, "utf-8")) user_pass = user_pass.decode("utf-8") # Authenticate against URS, grab all the cookies self.cookie_jar = MozillaCookieJar() opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie_jar), HTTPHandler(), HTTPSHandler(**self.context)) request = Request(auth_cookie_url, headers={"Authorization": "Basic {0}".format(user_pass)}) # Watch out cookie rejection! try: response = except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 401: print(" > Username and Password combo was not successful. Please try again.") return False else: # If an error happens here, the user most likely has not confirmed EULA. print("\nIMPORTANT: There was an error obtaining a download cookie!") print("Your user appears to lack permission to download data from the ASF Datapool.") print( "\n\nNew users: you must first log into Vertex and accept the EULA. In addition, your Study Area must be set at Earthdata") exit(-1) except URLError as e: print("\nIMPORTANT: There was a problem communicating with URS, unable to obtain cookie. ") print("Try cookie generation later.") exit(-1) # Did we get a cookie? if self.check_cookie_is_logged_in(self.cookie_jar): # COOKIE SUCCESS! return True # if we aren't successful generating the cookie, nothing will work. Stop here! print("WARNING: Could not generate new cookie! Cannot proceed. Please try Username and Password again.") print("Response was {0}.".format(response.getcode())) print( "\n\nNew users: you must first log into Vertex and accept the EULA. In addition, your Study Area must be set at Earthdata") exit(-1) # make sure we're logged into URS
Example #25
Source File: From esa_sentinel with MIT License | 4 votes |
def check_cookie(self): if self.cookie_jar is None: print(" > Cookiejar is bunk: {0}".format(self.cookie_jar)) return False # File we know is valid, used to validate cookie file_check = '' # Apply custom Redirect Hanlder opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie_jar), HTTPHandler(), HTTPSHandler(**self.context)) install_opener(opener) # Attempt a HEAD request request = Request(file_check) request.get_method = lambda: 'HEAD' try: print(" > attempting to download {0}".format(file_check)) response = urlopen(request, timeout=30) resp_code = response.getcode() # Make sure we're logged in if not self.check_cookie_is_logged_in(self.cookie_jar): return False # Save cookiejar except HTTPError: # If we ge this error, again, it likely means the user has not agreed to current EULA print("\nIMPORTANT: ") print("Your user appears to lack permissions to download data from the ASF Datapool.") print( "\n\nNew users: you must first log into Vertex and accept the EULA. In addition, your Study Area must be set at Earthdata") exit(-1) # This return codes indicate the USER has not been approved to download the data if resp_code in (300, 301, 302, 303): try: redir_url ='Location') except AttributeError: redir_url = response.getheader('Location') # Funky Test env: if ("" in redir_url and "test" in self.asf_urs4['redir']): print("Cough, cough. It's dusty in this test env!") return True print("Redirect ({0}) occured, invalid cookie value!".format(resp_code)) return False # These are successes! if resp_code in (200, 307): return True return False
Example #26
Source File: From Atlas with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def send(self,url,method='GET',data=None,headers={}): agent = self.kwargs['agent'] proxy = self.kwargs['proxy'] cookie = self.kwargs['cookie'] timeout = self.kwargs['timeout'] headers_ = self.kwargs['headers'] if self.kwargs['headers'] == headers else headers redirect = self.kwargs['allow-redirect'] # -- process -- # if method:method = method.upper() if data is None: data = {} # -- disable ssl check -- * ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # -- add headers -- # headers = {} headers['User-Agent'] = agent for header in headers_.items(): headers[header[0]] = header[1] # -- // if cookie:headers['Cookie'] = cookie # -- socket timeout -- # if timeout:socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) # -- handled http and https -- # handlers = [urllib2.HTTPHandler(),urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx)] # -- process redirect -- # if redirect is False:handlers.append(NoRedirectHandler) # -- process proxies -- # if proxy: handlers.append(urllib2.ProxyHandler({ 'http' : proxy, 'https': proxy }) ) # -- install opener -- # opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) urllib2.install_opener(opener) # -- process request -- # if method.lower() == "get": if data: url = get_params(url,data) req = urllib2.Request(url,headers=headers) elif method.lower() == "post": req = urllib2.Request(url,data=data,headers=headers) # -- urlopen -- # try: resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: resp = e return Resp(resp)
Example #27
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def cfcookie(netloc, ua, timeout): try: headers = {'User-Agent': ua} req = urllib2.Request(netloc, headers=headers) try: urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=int(timeout)) except urllib2.HTTPError as response: result = jschl = re.findall('name="jschl_vc" value="(.+?)"/>', result)[0] init = re.findall('setTimeout\(function\(\){\s*.*?.*:(.*?)};', result)[-1] builder = re.findall(r"challenge-form\'\);\s*(.*)a.v", result)[0] decryptVal = parseJSString(init) lines = builder.split(';') for line in lines: if len(line) > 0 and '=' in line: sections = line.split('=') line_val = parseJSString(sections[1]) decryptVal = int(eval(str(decryptVal) + str(sections[0][-1]) + str(line_val))) answer = decryptVal + len(urlparse.urlparse(netloc).netloc) query = '%s/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl?jschl_vc=%s&jschl_answer=%s' % (netloc, jschl, answer) if 'type="hidden" name="pass"' in result: passval = re.findall('name="pass" value="(.*?)"', result)[0] query = '%s/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl?pass=%s&jschl_vc=%s&jschl_answer=%s' % ( netloc, quote_plus(passval), jschl, answer ) time.sleep(5) cookies = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() handlers = [urllib2.HTTPHandler(), urllib2.HTTPSHandler(), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies)] opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers) urllib2.install_opener(opener) try: req = urllib2.Request(query, headers=headers) urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=int(timeout)) except BaseException: pass cookie = '; '.join(['%s=%s' % (, i.value) for i in cookies]) return cookie except BaseException: pass