Python numpy.require() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.require().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def gw_comp_veff(self, vext, comega=1j*0.0): """ This computes an effective field (scalar potential) given the external scalar potential as follows: (1-v\chi_{0})V_{eff} = V_{ext} = X_{a}^{n}V_{\mu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} * v\chi_{0}v * X_{a}^{n}V_{nu}^{ab}X_{b}^{m} returns V_{eff} as list for all n states(self.nn[s]). """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator self.comega_current = comega veff_op = LinearOperator((self.nprod,self.nprod), matvec=self.gw_vext2veffmatvec, dtype=self.dtypeComplex) from scipy.sparse.linalg import lgmres resgm, info = lgmres(veff_op, np.require(vext, dtype=self.dtypeComplex, requirements='C'), atol=self.gw_iter_tol, maxiter=self.maxiter) if info != 0: print("LGMRES has not achieved convergence: exitCode = {}".format(info)) return resgm
Example #2
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_ac_vertex_array(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array (dense table) """ atom2so = nfap = self.c2s[-1] n =[-1] pab2v = np.require( zeros((nfap,n,n), dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') for atom,[sd,fd,pt,spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s,f = atom2so[atom:atom+2] pab2v[sd:fd,s:f,s:f] = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp] for sd,fd,pt,spp in zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf= self.bp2info[spp] lab = einsum('dl,dab->lab',, inf.vrtx) a,b = inf.atoms sa,fa,sb,fb = atom2so[a],atom2so[a+1],atom2so[b],atom2so[b+1] for c,ls,lf in zip(inf.cc2a, inf.cc2s, inf.cc2s[1:]): pab2v[self.c2s[c]:self.c2s[c+1],sa:fa,sb:fb] = lab[ls:lf,:,:] pab2v[self.c2s[c]:self.c2s[c+1],sb:fb,sa:fa] = einsum('pab->pba', lab[ls:lf,:,:]) return pab2v
Example #3
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_dp_vertex_array(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array for dominant products """ atom2so = nfdp = self.dpc2s[-1] n =[-1] pab2v = np.require(np.zeros((nfdp,n,n), dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') for atom,[sd,fd,pt,spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s,f = atom2so[atom:atom+2] pab2v[sd:fd,s:f,s:f] = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp] for sd,fd,pt,spp in zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf= self.bp2info[spp] a,b = inf.atoms sa,fa,sb,fb = atom2so[a],atom2so[a+1],atom2so[b],atom2so[b+1] pab2v[sd:fd,sa:fa,sb:fb] = inf.vrtx pab2v[sd:fd,sb:fb,sa:fa] = einsum('pab->pba', inf.vrtx) return pab2v
Example #4
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_ac_vertex_array(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array (dense table) """ atom2so = nfap = self.c2s[-1] n =[-1] pab2v = np.require( np.zeros((nfap,n,n), dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') for atom,[sd,fd,pt,spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s,f = atom2so[atom:atom+2] pab2v[sd:fd,s:f,s:f] = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp] for sd,fd,pt,spp in zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf= self.bp2info[spp] lab = einsum('dl,dab->lab',, inf.vrtx) a,b = inf.atoms sa,fa,sb,fb = atom2so[a],atom2so[a+1],atom2so[b],atom2so[b+1] for c,ls,lf in zip(inf.cc2a, inf.cc2s, inf.cc2s[1:]): pab2v[self.c2s[c]:self.c2s[c+1],sa:fa,sb:fb] = lab[ls:lf,:,:] pab2v[self.c2s[c]:self.c2s[c+1],sb:fb,sa:fa] = einsum('pab->pba', lab[ls:lf,:,:]) return pab2v
Example #5
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assign(self, coords, mask=None, output=None): try: passed_coord_dtype = coords.dtype except AttributeError: coords = numpy.require(coords, dtype=coord_dtype) else: if passed_coord_dtype != coord_dtype: coords = numpy.require(coords, dtype=coord_dtype) if coords.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('coords must be 2-dimensional') if mask is None: mask = numpy.ones((len(coords),), dtype=numpy.bool_) elif len(mask) != len(coords): raise TypeError('mask [shape {}] has different length than coords [shape {}]'.format(mask.shape, coords.shape)) if output is None: output = numpy.empty((len(coords),), dtype=index_dtype) elif len(output) != len(coords): raise TypeError('output has different length than coords') apply_down(self.func, self.args, self.kwargs, coords, mask, output) return output
Example #6
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assign(self, coords, mask=None, output=None): try: passed_coord_dtype = coords.dtype except AttributeError: coords = numpy.require(coords, dtype=coord_dtype) else: if passed_coord_dtype != coord_dtype: coords = numpy.require(coords, dtype=coord_dtype) if coords.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('coords must be 2-dimensional') if mask is None: mask = numpy.ones((len(coords),), dtype=numpy.bool_) elif len(mask) != len(coords): raise TypeError('mask [shape {}] has different length than coords [shape {}]'.format(mask.shape, coords.shape)) if output is None: output = numpy.empty((len(coords),), dtype=index_dtype) elif len(output) != len(coords): raise TypeError('output has different length than coords') self.func(coords, mask, output, *self.args, **self.kwargs) return output
Example #7
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def dens_libnao(crds, nspin): """ Compute the electronic density using library call """ assert crds.ndim==2 assert crds.shape[-1]==3 nc = crds.shape[0] crds_cp = require(crds, dtype=c_double, requirements='C') dens = require( zeros((nc, nspin)), dtype=c_double, requirements='CW') libnao.dens_libnao( crds_cp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(nc), dens.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(nspin)) return dens
Example #8
Source File: From hdidx with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_sumidxtab_core(self): nsq = 8 ksub = 256 cur_num = 10 for iround in range(10): raw_D = np.random.random((nsq, ksub)) raw_blk = np.random.random_integers(0, ksub-1, (cur_num, nsq)) D = np.require(raw_D, np.float32, "C") blk = np.require(raw_blk, np.uint8, "C") self.assertLessEqual(np.abs(raw_D - D).sum(), 1e-4) self.assertEqual(np.abs(raw_blk - blk).sum(), 0) py_res = self.sumidxtab_core(D, blk) c_res = cext.sumidxtab_core(D, blk) self.assertLessEqual(np.abs(py_res - c_res).sum(), 1e-4)
Example #9
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def init_mo_from_pyscf(self, **kw): """ Initializing from a previous pySCF mean-field calc. """ from pyscf.nao.m_fermi_energy import fermi_energy as comput_fermi_energy from pyscf.nao.m_color import color as tc self.telec = kw['telec'] if 'telec' in kw else 0.0000317 # 10K = mf = kw['mf'] self.xc_code = mf.xc if hasattr(mf, 'xc') else 'HF' self.k2xyzw = np.array([[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]]) self.mo_energy = np.asarray(mf.mo_energy) self.nspin = self.mo_energy.ndim assert self.nspin in [1,2] nspin,n=self.nspin,self.norbs self.mo_energy = require( self.mo_energy.reshape((1, nspin, n)), requirements='CW') self.mo_occ = require( mf.mo_occ.reshape((1,nspin,n)), requirements='CW') self.mo_coeff = require(zeros((1,nspin,n,n,1), dtype=self.dtype), requirements='CW') conv = conv_yzx2xyz_c(kw['gto']) aaux = np.asarray(mf.mo_coeff).reshape((nspin,n,n)) for s in range(nspin): self.mo_coeff[0,s,:,:,0] = conv.conv_yzx2xyz_1d(aaux[s], conv.m_xyz2m_yzx).T self.nelec = kw['nelec'] if 'nelec' in kw else np.array([int(s2o.sum()) for s2o in self.mo_occ[0]]) fermi = comput_fermi_energy(self.mo_energy, sum(self.nelec), self.telec) self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] if 'fermi_energy' in kw else fermi
Example #10
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def init_mo_coeff_fireball(self, **kw): """ Constructor a mean-field class from the preceeding FIREBALL calculation """ from pyscf.nao.m_fermi_dirac import fermi_dirac_occupations from pyscf.nao.m_fireball_get_eigen_dat import fireball_get_eigen_dat from pyscf.nao.m_fireball_hsx import fireball_hsx self.telec = kw['telec'] if 'telec' in kw else self.telec self.fermi_energy = kw['fermi_energy'] if 'fermi_energy' in kw else self.fermi_energy self.mo_energy = require(fireball_get_eigen_dat(, dtype=self.dtype, requirements='CW') ksn2fd = fermi_dirac_occupations(self.telec, self.mo_energy, self.fermi_energy) self.mo_occ = (3-self.nspin)*ksn2fd if abs(self.nelectron-self.mo_occ.sum())>1e-6: raise RuntimeError("mo_occ wrong?" ) #print(__name__, ' self.nspecies ', self.nspecies) #print(self.sp_mu2j) self.hsx = fireball_hsx(self, **kw) #print(self.telec) #print(self.mo_energy) #print(self.fermi_energy) #print(__name__, ' sum(self.mo_occ)', sum(self.mo_occ)) #print(self.mo_occ)
Example #11
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assign(self, coords, mask=None, output=None): try: passed_coord_dtype = coords.dtype except AttributeError: coords = numpy.require(coords, dtype=coord_dtype) else: if passed_coord_dtype != coord_dtype: coords = numpy.require(coords, dtype=coord_dtype) if coords.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('coords must be 2-dimensional') if mask is None: mask = numpy.ones((len(coords),), dtype=numpy.bool_) elif len(mask) != len(coords): raise TypeError('mask [shape {}] has different length than coords [shape {}]'.format(mask.shape, coords.shape)) if output is None: output = numpy.empty((len(coords),), dtype=index_dtype) elif len(output) != len(coords): raise TypeError('output has different length than coords') rectilinear_assign(coords, mask, output, self.boundaries, self._boundlens) return output
Example #12
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def aos_libnao(coords, norbs): assert len(coords.shape) == 2 assert coords.shape[1] == 3 assert norbs>0 ncoords = coords.shape[0] co2val = np.require( np.zeros((ncoords,norbs)), dtype=c_double, requirements='CW') crd_copy = np.require(coords, dtype=c_double, requirements='C') libnao.aos_libnao( c_int64(ncoords), crd_copy.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(norbs), co2val.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(norbs)) return co2val
Example #13
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assign(self, coords, mask=None, output=None): if output is None: output = numpy.zeros((len(coords),), dtype=index_dtype) if mask is None: mask = numpy.ones((len(coords),), dtype=numpy.bool_) else: mask = numpy.require(mask, dtype=numpy.bool_) coord_subset = coords[mask] fnvals = numpy.empty((len(coord_subset), len(self.functions)), dtype=index_dtype) for ifn, fn in enumerate(self.functions): rsl = numpy.apply_along_axis(fn,0,coord_subset) if rsl.ndim > 1: # this should work like a squeeze, unless the function returned something truly # stupid (e.g., a 3d array with at least two dimensions greater than 1), in which # case a broadcast error will occur fnvals[:,ifn] = rsl.flat else: fnvals[:,ifn] = rsl amask = numpy.require(fnvals.argmax(axis=1), dtype=index_dtype) output[mask] = amask return output
Example #14
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_dp_vertex_array(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Returns the product vertex coefficients as 3d array for dominant products """ atom2so = nfdp = self.dpc2s[-1] n =[-1] pab2v = np.require(zeros((nfdp,n,n), dtype=dtype), requirements='CW') for atom,[sd,fd,pt,spp] in enumerate(zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp)): if pt!=1: continue s,f = atom2so[atom:atom+2] pab2v[sd:fd,s:f,s:f] = self.prod_log.sp2vertex[spp] for sd,fd,pt,spp in zip(self.dpc2s,self.dpc2s[1:],self.dpc2t,self.dpc2sp): if pt!=2: continue inf= self.bp2info[spp] a,b = inf.atoms sa,fa,sb,fb = atom2so[a],atom2so[a+1],atom2so[b],atom2so[b+1] pab2v[sd:fd,sa:fa,sb:fb] = inf.vrtx pab2v[sd:fd,sb:fb,sa:fa] = einsum('pab->pba', inf.vrtx) return pab2v
Example #15
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def rsphar_exp_vec(rvs,lmax): """ Computes (all) real spherical harmonics up to the angular momentum lmax Args: rvs : Cartesian coordinates defining correct theta and phi angles for spherical harmonic lmax : Integer, maximal angular momentum Result: 1-d numpy array of float64 elements with all spherical harmonics stored in order 0,0; 1,-1; 1,0; 1,+1 ... lmax,lmax, althogether 0 : (lmax+1)**2 elements. """ assert rvs.shape[0]==3 r_cp = np.require(rvs, dtype=np.float64, requirements='C') nc = rvs[0,...].size res = np.require( np.zeros(((lmax+1)**2,nc)), dtype=np.float64, requirements='CW') libnao.rsphar_exp_vec(r_cp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(nc), c_int64(lmax), res.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) #for irv,rvec in enumerate(rvs): rsphar(rvec,lmax,res[irv,:]) return res
Example #16
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def rsphar_vec(rvs,lmax): """ Computes (all) real spherical harmonics up to the angular momentum lmax Args: rvs : Cartesian coordinates defining correct theta and phi angles for spherical harmonic lmax : Integer, maximal angular momentum Result: 1-d numpy array of float64 elements with all spherical harmonics stored in order 0,0; 1,-1; 1,0; 1,+1 ... lmax,lmax, althogether 0 : (lmax+1)**2 elements. """ assert rvs.shape[-1]==3 r_cp = np.require(rvs, dtype=float, requirements='C') nc = len(rvs) res = np.require( np.zeros((nc, (lmax+1)**2)), dtype=float, requirements='CW') libnao.rsphar_vec(r_cp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(nc), c_int64(lmax), res.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) #for irv,rvec in enumerate(rvs): rsphar(rvec,lmax,res[irv,:]) return res # # #
Example #17
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def rsphar(r,lmax,res): """ Computes (all) real spherical harmonics up to the angular momentum lmax Args: r : Cartesian coordinates defining correct theta and phi angles for spherical harmonic lmax : Integer, maximal angular momentum Result: 1-d numpy array of float64 elements with all spherical harmonics stored in order 0,0; 1,-1; 1,0; 1,+1 ... lmax,lmax, althogether 0 : (lmax+1)**2 elements. """ assert r.shape[-1]==3 r_cp = np.require(r, dtype=float, requirements='C') res = np.require(res, dtype=float, requirements='CW') libnao.rsphar(r_cp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int64(lmax), res.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) return 0 # # #
Example #18
Source File: From hdidx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build(self, pardic=None): # training data vals = pardic['vals'] # the number of subquantizers nsubq = pardic['nsubq'] # the number bits of each subquantizer nsubqbits = pardic.get('nsubqbits', 8) # the number of items in one block blksize = pardic.get('blksize', 16384) # vector dimension dim = vals.shape[1] # dimension of the subvectors to quantize dsub = dim / nsubq # number of centroids per subquantizer ksub = 2 ** nsubqbits """ Initializing indexer data """ ecdat = dict() ecdat['nsubq'] = nsubq ecdat['ksub'] = ksub ecdat['dsub'] = dsub ecdat['blksize'] = blksize ecdat['centroids'] = [None for q in range(nsubq)]"Building codebooks in subspaces - BEGIN") for q in range(nsubq):"\tsubspace %d/%d" % (q, nsubq)) vs = np.require(vals[:, q*dsub:(q+1)*dsub], requirements='C', dtype=np.float32) ecdat['centroids'][q] = kmeans(vs, ksub, niter=100)"Building codebooks in subspaces - DONE") self.ecdat = ecdat
Example #19
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def construct_histogram(self): '''Construct a histogram using bins previously constructed with ``construct_bins()``. The time series of histogram values is stored in ``histograms``. Each histogram in the time series is normalized.''' self.scan_data_shape() iter_count = self.iter_stop - self.iter_start histograms_ds = self.output_file.create_dataset('histograms', dtype=numpy.float64, shape=((iter_count,) + tuple(len(bounds)-1 for bounds in self.binbounds)), compression=9 if self.compress_output else None) binbounds = [numpy.require(boundset, self.dset_dtype, 'C') for boundset in self.binbounds] self.progress.indicator.new_operation('Constructing histograms',self.iter_stop-self.iter_start) task_gen = ((_remote_bin_iter, (iiter, n_iter, self.duration_dsspec, self.wt_dsspec, 0, binbounds, self.ignore_out_of_range), {}) for (iiter,n_iter) in enumerate(range(self.iter_start, self.iter_stop))) #futures = set() #for iiter, n_iter in enumerate(xrange(self.iter_start, self.iter_stop)): # initpoint = 1 if iiter > 0 else 0 # futures.add(self.work_manager.submit(_remote_bin_iter, # args=(iiter, n_iter, self.dsspec, self.wt_dsspec, initpoint, binbounds))) #for future in self.work_manager.as_completed(futures): #future = self.work_manager.wait_any(futures) #for future in self.work_manager.submit_as_completed(task_gen, self.queue_size): log.debug('max queue length: {!r}'.format(self.max_queue_len)) for future in self.work_manager.submit_as_completed(task_gen, self.max_queue_len): iiter, n_iter, iter_hist = future.get_result(discard=True) self.progress.indicator.progress += 1 # store histogram histograms_ds[iiter] = iter_hist del iter_hist, future
Example #20
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ascontiguousarray(a, dtype=None): """ Return a contiguous array (ndim >= 1) in memory (C order). Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input array. dtype : str or dtype object, optional Data-type of returned array. Returns ------- out : ndarray Contiguous array of same shape and content as `a`, with type `dtype` if specified. See Also -------- asfortranarray : Convert input to an ndarray with column-major memory order. require : Return an ndarray that satisfies requirements. ndarray.flags : Information about the memory layout of the array. Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3) >>> np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=np.float32) array([[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 3., 4., 5.]], dtype=float32) >>> x.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] True Note: This function returns an array with at least one-dimension (1-d) so it will not preserve 0-d arrays. """ return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order='C', ndmin=1)
Example #21
Source File: From hdidx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hamming_core(cls, D, blk): return np.require([sum([D[j, blk[i, j]] for j in range(D.shape[0])]) for i in range(blk.shape[0])], np.float32)
Example #22
Source File: From hdidx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def encode(self, vals): X = vals if X.ndim == 1: X = X.reshape((1, -1)) Nsamples, Ndim = X.shape nbits = self.ecdat['nbits'] mn = self.ecdat['mn'] mx = self.ecdat['mx'] pc = self.ecdat['pc'] modes = self.ecdat['modes'] X = X = X - mn.reshape((1, -1)) omega0 = 0.5 / (mx - mn) omegas = modes * omega0.reshape((1, -1)) U = np.zeros((Nsamples, nbits)) for i in range(nbits): omegai = omegas[i, :] ys = X * omegai + 0.25 ys -= np.floor(ys) yi = np.sum(ys < 0.5, 1) U[:, i] = yi b = np.require(U % 2 == 0, B = self.compactbit(b) return B
Example #23
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_non_array_input(self): a = np.require([1, 2, 3, 4], 'i4', ['C', 'A', 'O']) assert_(a.flags['O']) assert_(a.flags['C']) assert_(a.flags['A']) assert_(a.dtype == 'i4') assert_equal(a, [1, 2, 3, 4])
Example #24
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_unknown_requirement(self): a = self.generate_all_false('f8') assert_raises(KeyError, np.require, a, None, 'Q')
Example #25
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_and_check_flag(self, flag, dtype, arr): if dtype is None: dtype = arr.dtype b = np.require(arr, dtype, [flag]) assert_(b.flags[flag]) assert_(b.dtype == dtype) # a further call to np.require ought to return the same array # unless OWNDATA is specified. c = np.require(b, None, [flag]) if flag[0] != 'O': assert_(c is b) else: assert_(c.flags[flag])
Example #26
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def asfortranarray(a, dtype=None): """ Return an array (ndim >= 1) laid out in Fortran order in memory. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input array. dtype : str or dtype object, optional By default, the data-type is inferred from the input data. Returns ------- out : ndarray The input `a` in Fortran, or column-major, order. See Also -------- ascontiguousarray : Convert input to a contiguous (C order) array. asanyarray : Convert input to an ndarray with either row or column-major memory order. require : Return an ndarray that satisfies requirements. ndarray.flags : Information about the memory layout of the array. Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3) >>> y = np.asfortranarray(x) >>> x.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] False >>> y.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] True Note: This function returns an array with at least one-dimension (1-d) so it will not preserve 0-d arrays. """ return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order='F', ndmin=1)
Example #27
Source File: From pyGSTi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, data, reducefix=0): assert(data.dtype == _np.dtype('d')) if reducefix == 0: self.base = data else: # because serialization of numpy array flags is borked (around Numpy v1.16), we need to copy data # (so self.base *owns* it's data) and manually convey the writeable flag. self.base = _np.require(data.copy(), requirements=['OWNDATA', 'C_CONTIGUOUS']) self.base.flags.writeable = True if reducefix == 1 else False
Example #28
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ensure_array(self): class ArraySubclass(np.ndarray): pass a = ArraySubclass((2, 2)) b = np.require(a, None, ['E']) assert_(type(b) is np.ndarray)
Example #29
Source File: From hdidx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sumidxtab_core(cls, D, blk): return np.require([sum([D[j, blk[i, j]] for j in range(D.shape[0])]) for i in range(blk.shape[0])], np.float32)
Example #30
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_parent_ids(n_iter, iter_group): seg_index = iter_group['seg_index'] try: return seg_index['parent_id'][:] except ValueError: # field not found offsets = seg_index['parents_offset'][:] all_parents = iter_group['parents'][...] return numpy.require(all_parents.take(offsets),dtype=numpy.int64) else: return seg_index['parent_id']