Python IPython.display.Javascript() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of IPython.display.Javascript().
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Example #1
Source File: From paramnb with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def run_next_cells(n): if n=='all': n = 'NaN' elif n<1: return js_code = """ var num = {0}; var run = false; var current = $(this)[0]; $.each(IPython.notebook.get_cells(), function (idx, cell) {{ if ((cell.output_area === current) && !run) {{ run = true; }} else if ((cell.cell_type == 'code') && !(num < 1) && run) {{ cell.execute(); num = num - 1; }} }}); """.format(n) display(Javascript(js_code))
Example #2
Source File: From SlicerJupyter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def notebookSaveCheckpoint(): """Save a checkpoint of current notebook. Returns True on success.""" try: from IPython.display import Javascript from IPython.display import display except ModuleNotFoundError: import logging logging.error("notebookSaveCheckpoint requires ipywidgets. It can be installed by running this command:\n\n pip_install('ipywidgets')\n") return False script = ''' require(["base/js/namespace"],function(Jupyter) { Jupyter.notebook.save_checkpoint(); }); ''' display(Javascript(script)) return True
Example #3
Source File: From gbdxtools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def inject(self): try: from IPython.display import HTML, display, Javascript except: print("IPython is required to produce maps.") return display(HTML(Template(''' <div id="$map_id"/> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' /> <style>body{margin:0;padding:0;}#$map_id{position:relative;top:0;bottom:0;width:100%;height:400px;}</style> <style> #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl-icon.screencap-icon .download-btn {background-image: url('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%0D%0ANXoiLz4KPC9zdmc+'); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; cursor: default; padding: 5px; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal { height: 30px; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button { min-width: 30px; width: auto; height: 30px; display: inline-block !important; box-sizing: none; border-top: none; border-left: 1px solid #ddd; border-right: 1px solid #ddd; vertical-align: top; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button > a { color: #6e6e6e; text-decoration: none; font: 12px/20px 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button:first-child, #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button:last-child { border: none; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button:not(:first-child) { padding: 0 4px 0 4px; } .mapboxgl-popup-content table tr { border: 1px solid #efefef; } .mapboxgl-popup-content table, td, tr { border: none; } <style> ''').substitute({"map_id": self.map_id}))) display(Javascript(self.template))
Example #4
Source File: From metakernel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def cell_javascript(self): """ %%javascript - send contents of cell as JavaScript This cell magic will execute the contents of the cell as JavaScript in the browser. Example: %%javascript element.html("Hello this is <b>bold</b>!") """ if self.code.strip(): jscode = Javascript(self.code) self.kernel.Display(jscode) self.evaluate = False
Example #5
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def autosave(self, arg_s): """Set the autosave interval in the notebook (in seconds). The default value is 120, or two minutes. ``%autosave 0`` will disable autosave. This magic only has an effect when called from the notebook interface. It has no effect when called in a startup file. """ try: interval = int(arg_s) except ValueError: raise UsageError("%%autosave requires an integer, got %r" % arg_s) # javascript wants milliseconds milliseconds = 1000 * interval display(Javascript("IPython.notebook.set_autosave_interval(%i)" % milliseconds), include=['application/javascript'] ) if interval: print("Autosaving every %i seconds" % interval) else: print("Autosave disabled")
Example #6
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def auto(self, enabled=True, clear=False, **kwargs): """ Method to enable or disable automatic capture, allowing you to simultaneously set the instance parameters. """ self.namespace = self.get_namespace() self.notebook_name = "{notebook}" self._timestamp = tuple(time.localtime()) kernel = r'var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel; ' nbname = r"var nbname = IPython.notebook.get_notebook_name(); " nbcmd = (r"var name_cmd = '%s.notebook_name = \"' + nbname + '\"'; " % self.namespace) cmd = (kernel + nbname + nbcmd + "kernel.execute(name_cmd); ") display(Javascript(cmd)) time.sleep(0.5) self._auto=enabled self.param.set_param(**kwargs) tstamp = time.strftime(" [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]", self._timestamp) # When clear == True, it clears the archive, in order to start a new auto capture in a clean archive if clear: FileArchive.clear(self) print("Automatic capture is now %s.%s" % ('enabled' if enabled else 'disabled', tstamp if enabled else ''))
Example #7
Source File: From pylustrator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def setJupyterCellText(text: str): """ the function replaces the text in the current jupyter cell with the given text """ from IPython.display import Javascript, display text = text.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("'", "\\'") js = """ var output_area = this; // find my cell element var cell_element = output_area.element.parents('.cell'); // which cell is it? var cell_idx = Jupyter.notebook.get_cell_elements().index(cell_element); // get the cell object var cell = Jupyter.notebook.get_cell(cell_idx); cell.get_text(); cell.set_text('"""+text+"""'); console.log('"""+text+"""'); """ display(Javascript(js))
Example #8
Source File: From jupyter-notify with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def display_notification(self, options=None, notification_uuid=None): if options is None: options = self.options if notification_uuid is None: notification_uuid = uuid.uuid4() # display our browser notification using javascript with open(resource_filename("jupyternotify", "js/notify.js")) as jsFile: jsString = display(Javascript(jsString % { "notification_uuid": notification_uuid, "options": json.dumps(options), }))
Example #9
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, max_it, name = 'Progress:',est_cycle_time=None,dummy=False): if debug: print("old style progress bar") #create HTML progress bar self._dummy = dummy if self._dummy: return self.divid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.max_it = max_it = name self.progr = 0 #delete existing progress bar with same name display(Javascript("if(document.getElementById('%st') !== null) document.getElementById('%st').parentNode.remove()"%(, #display(Javascript("if(document.getElementById('%s') !== null) document.getElementById('%s').remove()"%(, outp = "<table style='width:100%%;border:none'><tr style='border:none'><td style='border:none'>%s (%i/%i) </td><td style='border:none'>✈ %s </td><td style='border:none'>🕐 %s (estimated)</td><td style='border:none'>✚ %s (elapsed) </td><td style='border:none'>⚊ %s (remaining)</td></tr></table>"%("", 0, self.max_it, "-?-" if est_cycle_time==None else time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d (%a) %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + est_cycle_time * self.max_it )), "--:--:--" if est_cycle_time==None else hourformat(est_cycle_time*self.max_it), "00:00:00", "--:--:--" if est_cycle_time==None else hourformat(est_cycle_time*self.max_it)) self.pb = HTML( """ <div id="%s_title"> %s</div> <div id="%s1" style="border: 1px solid black; width:900px"> <div id="%s0" style="text-align: center; color:white; background-color:blue; width:0%%"> </div> </div> <div id="%s_text">%s</div> """ % (self.divid,,self.divid,self.divid,self.divid,outp)) display(self.pb) display(Javascript("$('div#%s').width('%i%%')" % (self.divid, 100*self.progr/self.max_it))) sys.stdout.flush() self.starttime = time.time() self.start_eta_time = time.time()
Example #10
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _update(self,param=""): if self._dummy: return display(Javascript("$('div#%s0').width('%i%%');" % (self.divid, 100*self.progr/self.max_it))) outp = "<table style='width:100%%;border:none'><tr style='border:none'><td style='border:none'>%s (%i/%i) </td><td style='border:none'>✈ %s </td><td style='border:none'>🕐 %s (estimated)</td><td style='border:none'>✚ %s (elapsed) </td><td style='border:none'>⚊ %s (remaining)</td></tr></table>"%(param, #"%s (%i/%i) ➤ ETA: %s ➤ Time elapsed: %s" %(param, self.progr, self.max_it, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d (%a) %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + float(time.time()-self.start_eta_time)/(self.progr-(0 if self.progr == 1 else 1)) * (self.max_it - self.progr))), #ETA hourformat(self.start_eta_time-self.starttime+float(time.time()-self.start_eta_time)/(self.progr-(0 if self.progr == 1 else 1)) * (self.max_it )), #estimated hourformat(time.time()-self.starttime), #elapsed hourformat(float(time.time()-self.start_eta_time)/(self.progr-(0 if self.progr == 1 else 1)) * (self.max_it - self.progr))) #remaining if self.progr == 1: "this is a little academic, but the time between the first and the second iteration has usually a time lag." self.start_eta_time = time.time() #outp = "%s (%i/%i) ➤ ETA: %s ➤ Time elapsed: %s"%(param,self.progr,self.max_it,time.ctime(time.time() + float(time.time()-self.starttime)/self.progr * (self.max_it - self.progr)),time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',time.gmtime(time.time()-self.starttime))) display(Javascript("document.getElementById('%s_text').innerHTML = \"%s\";"%(self.divid,outp))) if self.progr == self.max_it: #end of progress bar #Turn the status bar into green #Delete all <div> containers outp = "%s (%i/%i) ✈ %s ✚ %s "%(param, #"%s (%i/%i) ➤ ETA: %s ➤ Time elapsed: %s" %(param, self.progr, self.max_it, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d (%a) %H:%M:%S'), hourformat(time.time()-self.starttime)) display(Javascript("document.getElementById('%s_title').parentNode.remove();"%self.divid)) #title self.pb = HTML( """ <div id="%st"> %s</div> <div id="%s" style="border: 1px solid black; width:900px;text-align: center; color:white; background-color:green;">%s </div> """ % (,,, outp)) display(self.pb)
Example #11
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def abort(self): if self._dummy: return display(Javascript("$('div#%s0').css('background-color', 'red');" % (self.divid)))
Example #12
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_js(self): # XXX How to do this just once? It has to deal with multiple # browser instances using the same kernel (require.js - but the # file isn't static?). display(Javascript(FigureManagerNbAgg.get_javascript()))
Example #13
Source File: From nb_black with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __set_cell(self, unformatted_cell, cell, cell_id=None): if self.is_lab:, replace=True) else: js_code = """ setTimeout(function() { var nbb_cell_id = %d; var nbb_unformatted_code = %s; var nbb_formatted_code = %s; var nbb_cells = Jupyter.notebook.get_cells(); for (var i = 0; i < nbb_cells.length; ++i) { if (nbb_cells[i].input_prompt_number == nbb_cell_id) { if (nbb_cells[i].get_text() == nbb_unformatted_code) { nbb_cells[i].set_text(nbb_formatted_code); } break; } } }, 500); """ js_code = js_code % ( cell_id, json.dumps(unformatted_cell), json.dumps(cell), ) display(Javascript(js_code))
Example #14
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def export(self, timestamp=None): """ Get the current notebook data and export. """ if self._timestamp is None: raise Exception("No timestamp set. Has the archive been initialized?") if self.skip_notebook_export: super(NotebookArchive, self).export(timestamp=self._timestamp, info={'notebook':self.notebook_name}) return self.export_success = None name = self.get_namespace() # Unfortunate javascript hacks to get at notebook data capture_cmd = ((r"var capture = '%s._notebook_data=r\"\"\"'" % name) + r"+json_string+'\"\"\"'; ") cmd = (r'var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel; ' + r'var json_data = IPython.notebook.toJSON(); ' + r'var json_string = JSON.stringify(json_data); ' + capture_cmd + "var pycmd = capture + ';%s._export_with_html()'; " % name + r"kernel.execute(pycmd)") tstamp = time.strftime(self.timestamp_format, self._timestamp) export_name = self._format(self.export_name, {'timestamp':tstamp, 'notebook':self.notebook_name}) print(('Export name: %r\nDirectory %r' % (export_name, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.root)))) + '\n\nIf no output appears, please check holoviews.archive.last_export_status()') display(Javascript(cmd))
Example #15
Source File: From jupyter-notify with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, shell, require_interaction=False): super(JupyterNotifyMagics, self).__init__(shell) with open(resource_filename("jupyternotify", "js/init.js")) as jsFile: jsString = display(Javascript(jsString)) self.options = { "requireInteraction": require_interaction, "icon": "/static/base/images/favicon.ico", }
Example #16
Source File: From colabtools with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _history_with_cells_as_json(self): """Utility accessor to allow frontends an expression to fetch history. Returns: A Javascript display object with the execution history. """ # To be able to access the raw string as an expression we need to transfer # the plain string rather than the quoted string representation. The # Javascript display wrapper is used for that. return display.Javascript(json.dumps(self._input_hist_cells))
Example #17
Source File: From ppci with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def run_wasm_in_notebook(wasm): """ Load a WASM module in the Jupyter notebook. """ from .components import Module from IPython.display import display, HTML, Javascript if isinstance(wasm, Module): wasm = wasm.to_bytes() elif isinstance(wasm, bytes): if not wasm.startswith(b"\x00asm"): raise ValueError("given bytes do not look like a wasm module.") else: raise TypeError("expects a wasm module or bytes.") wasm_text = str(list(wasm)) # [0, 1, 12, ...] # Read templates src_filename_js = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "template.js") with open(src_filename_js, "rb") as f: js = # Get id global _nb_output _nb_output += 1 id = "wasm_output_%u" % _nb_output # Produce JS js = js.replace("wasm_output", id) js = js.replace("MAIN_JS_PLACEHOLDER", "") js = js.replace( "WASM_PLACEHOLDER", "var wasm_data = new Uint8Array(" + wasm_text + ");", ) js = "(function() {\n%s;\ncompile_my_wasm();\n})();" % js # Output in current cell display(HTML("<div style='border: 2px solid blue;' id='%s'></div>" % id)) display(Javascript(js))
Example #18
Source File: From metakernel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def line_javascript(self, code): """ %javascript CODE - send code as JavaScript This line magic will execute the CODE on the line as JavaScript in the browser. Example: %javascript console.log("Print in the browser console") """ jscode = Javascript(code) self.kernel.Display(jscode)
Example #19
Source File: From coffeegrindsize with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_js(self): # XXX How to do this just once? It has to deal with multiple # browser instances using the same kernel (require.js - but the # file isn't static?). display(Javascript(FigureManagerNbAgg.get_javascript()))
Example #20
Source File: From CogAlg with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_js(self): # XXX How to do this just once? It has to deal with multiple # browser instances using the same kernel (require.js - but the # file isn't static?). display(Javascript(FigureManagerNbAgg.get_javascript()))
Example #21
Source File: From ok-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def save_notebook(self): """ Saves the current notebook by injecting JavaScript to save to .ipynb file. """ try: from IPython.display import display, Javascript except ImportError: log.warning("Could not import IPython Display Function") print("Make sure to save your notebook before sending it to OK!") return if self.mode == "jupyter": display(Javascript('IPython.notebook.save_checkpoint();')) display(Javascript('IPython.notebook.save_notebook();')) elif self.mode == "jupyterlab": display(Javascript('document.querySelector(\'[data-command="docmanager:save"]\').click();')) print('Saving notebook...', end=' ') ipynbs = [path for path in self.assignment.src if os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.ipynb'] # Wait for first .ipynb to save if ipynbs: if wait_for_save(ipynbs[0]): print("Saved '{}'.".format(ipynbs[0])) else: log.warning("Timed out waiting for IPython save") print("Could not automatically save \'{}\'".format(ipynbs[0])) print("Make sure your notebook" " is correctly named and saved before submitting to OK!".format(ipynbs[0])) return False else: print("No valid file sources found") return True
Example #22
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_js(self): # XXX How to do this just once? It has to deal with multiple # browser instances using the same kernel (require.js - but the # file isn't static?). display(Javascript(FigureManagerNbAgg.get_javascript()))
Example #23
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display_js(self): # XXX How to do this just once? It has to deal with multiple # browser instances using the same kernel (require.js - but the # file isn't static?). display(Javascript(FigureManagerNbAgg.get_javascript()))
Example #24
Source File: From gated-graph-transformer-network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def noninteractive_next(): return Javascript("window.nonint_next()")
Example #25
Source File: From gated-graph-transformer-network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setup_graph_display(): with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "display_graph.js"), 'r') as f: JS_SETUP_STRING = return Javascript(JS_SETUP_STRING)
Example #26
Source File: From pytreebank with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_dict(self, index=0): """ Dict format for use in Javascript / Jason Chuang's display technology. """ index += 1 rep = {} rep["index"] = index rep["leaf"] = len(self.children) == 0 rep["depth"] = self.udepth rep["scoreDistr"] = [0.0] * len(LabeledTree.SCORE_MAPPING) # dirac distribution at correct label if self.label is not None: rep["scoreDistr"][self.label] = 1.0 mapping = LabeledTree.SCORE_MAPPING[:] rep["rating"] = mapping[self.label] - min(mapping) # if you are using this method for printing predictions # from a model, the the dot product with the model's output # distribution should be taken with this list: rep["numChildren"] = len(self.children) text = self.text if self.text != None else "" seen_tokens = 0 witnessed_pixels = 0 for i, child in enumerate(self.children): if i > 0: text += " " child_key = "child%d" % (i) (rep[child_key], index) = child.to_dict(index) text += rep[child_key]["text"] seen_tokens += rep[child_key]["tokens"] witnessed_pixels += rep[child_key]["pixels"] rep["text"] = text rep["tokens"] = 1 if (self.text != None and len(self.text) > 0) else seen_tokens rep["pixels"] = witnessed_pixels + 3 if len(self.children) > 0 else text_size(self.text) return (rep, index)
Example #27
Source File: From pytreebank with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display(self): from IPython.display import Javascript, display display(Javascript("createTrees(["+self.to_json()+"])")) display(Javascript("updateTrees()"))
Example #28
Source File: From pytreebank with MIT License | 5 votes |
def inject_visualization_javascript(tree_width=1200, tree_height=400, tree_node_radius=10): """ In an Ipython notebook, show SST trees using the same Javascript code as used by Jason Chuang's visualisations. """ from .javascript import insert_sentiment_markup insert_sentiment_markup(tree_width=tree_width, tree_height=tree_height, tree_node_radius=tree_node_radius)
Example #29
Source File: From pybel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_jupyter( graph: BELGraph, width: int = DEFAULT_WIDTH, height: int = DEFAULT_HEIGHT, color_map: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ): """Display a BEL graph inline in a Jupyter notebook. To use successfully, make run as the last statement in a cell inside a Jupyter notebook. :param graph: A BEL graph :param width: The width of the visualization window to render :param height: The height of the visualization window to render :param color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :return: An IPython notebook Javascript object :rtype: :class:`IPython.display.Javascript` """ from IPython.display import Javascript return Javascript(to_jupyter_str( graph, width=width, height=height, color_map=color_map, ))
Example #30
Source File: From pybel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_jupyter_str( graph: BELGraph, width: int = DEFAULT_WIDTH, height: int = DEFAULT_HEIGHT, color_map: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> str: """Return the string to be javascript-ified by the Jupyter notebook function :class:`IPython.display.Javascript`. :param graph: A BEL graph :param width: The width of the visualization window to render :param height: The height of the visualization window to render :param color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :return: The javascript string to turn into magic """ gjson = to_nodelink_jsons(graph) chart_id = _generate_id() #: Renders templates from folder render_template = build_template_renderer(__file__) return render_template( 'pybel_jupyter.js', graph=gjson, chart=chart_id, width=width, height=height, color_map=(color_map or DEFAULT_COLOR_MAP), )