Python threading._get_ident() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of threading._get_ident().
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Example #1
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_os_tid(): """ Get the Linux process id associated with the current thread Returns: int: The process id """ if sys.platform.startswith(u'linux'): return ctypes.CDLL(u'').syscall(186) else: # TODO: This is hacky - we need to replace it with something that actually returns the OS thread ID if is_python_2(): return threading._get_ident() else: return threading.get_ident()
Example #2
Source File: From Comparative-Annotation-Toolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def log(self, *args): """log arguments as a message followed by a newline""" # build string and output, as this minimize interleaved messages # discard output on I/O errors try: msg = [] if self.inclPid: msg.append(str(os.getpid())) msg.append(": ") if self.inclThread: # can only include id, getting name will cause deadlock msg.append(str(threading._get_ident())) msg.append(": ") for a in args: msg.append(str(a)) msg.append("\n") self.fh.write("".join(msg)) self.fh.flush() except IOError as ex: pass
Example #3
Source File: From opsbro with MIT License | 6 votes |
def record_start(self): """Record the beginning of a request.""" request = cherrypy.serving.request if not hasattr(request.rfile, 'bytes_read'): request.rfile = ByteCountWrapper(request.rfile) request.body.fp = request.rfile r = request.remote appstats['Current Requests'] += 1 appstats['Total Requests'] += 1 appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()] = { 'Bytes Read': None, 'Bytes Written': None, # Use a lambda so the ip gets updated by tools.proxy later 'Client': lambda s: '%s:%s' % (r.ip, r.port), 'End Time': None, 'Processing Time': proc_time, 'Request-Line': request.request_line, 'Response Status': None, 'Start Time': time.time(), }
Example #4
Source File: From moviegrabber with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def record_start(self): """Record the beginning of a request.""" request = cherrypy.serving.request if not hasattr(request.rfile, 'bytes_read'): request.rfile = ByteCountWrapper(request.rfile) request.body.fp = request.rfile r = request.remote appstats['Current Requests'] += 1 appstats['Total Requests'] += 1 appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()] = { 'Bytes Read': None, 'Bytes Written': None, # Use a lambda so the ip gets updated by tools.proxy later 'Client': lambda s: '%s:%s' % (r.ip, r.port), 'End Time': None, 'Processing Time': proc_time, 'Request-Line': request.request_line, 'Response Status': None, 'Start Time': time.time(), }
Example #5
Source File: From trains with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _patched_call(original_fn, patched_fn): def _inner_patch(*args, **kwargs): # noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyUnresolvedReferences ident = threading._get_ident() if six.PY2 else threading.get_ident() if ident in _recursion_guard: return original_fn(*args, **kwargs) _recursion_guard[ident] = 1 ret = None try: ret = patched_fn(original_fn, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: raise ex finally: try: _recursion_guard.pop(ident) except KeyError: pass return ret return _inner_patch
Example #6
Source File: From trains with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def patched_show(*args, **kw): tid = threading._get_ident() if six.PY2 else threading.get_ident() PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard[tid] = True # noinspection PyBroadException try: figures = PatchedMatplotlib._get_output_figures(None, all_figures=True) for figure in figures: # if this is a stale figure (just updated) we should send it, the rest will not be stale if figure.canvas.figure.stale or (hasattr(figure, '_trains_is_imshow') and figure._trains_is_imshow): PatchedMatplotlib._report_figure(stored_figure=figure) except Exception: pass ret = PatchedMatplotlib._patched_original_plot(*args, **kw) if PatchedMatplotlib._current_task and sys.modules['matplotlib'].rcParams['backend'] == 'agg': # clear the current plot, because no one else will # noinspection PyBroadException try: if sys.modules['matplotlib'].rcParams['backend'] == 'agg': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() except Exception: pass PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard[tid] = False return ret
Example #7
Source File: From python-compat-runtime with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _recursive_repr(fillvalue='...'): 'Decorator to make a repr function return fillvalue for a recursive call' def decorating_function(user_function): repr_running = set() def wrapper(self): key = id(self), get_ident() if key in repr_running: return fillvalue repr_running.add(key) try: result = user_function(self) finally: repr_running.discard(key) return result # Can't use functools.wraps() here because of bootstrap issues wrapper.__module__ = getattr(user_function, '__module__') wrapper.__doc__ = getattr(user_function, '__doc__') wrapper.__name__ = getattr(user_function, '__name__') wrapper.__annotations__ = getattr(user_function, '__annotations__', {}) return wrapper return decorating_function
Example #8
Source File: From PhonePi_SampleServer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): #_DummyThread_.__init__(self) # pylint:disable=super-init-not-called # It'd be nice to use a pattern like "greenlet-%d", but maybe somebody out # there is checking thread names... self._name = self._Thread__name = __threading__._newname("DummyThread-%d") self._set_ident() g = getcurrent() gid = _get_ident(g) # same as id(g) __threading__._active[gid] = self rawlink = getattr(g, 'rawlink', None) if rawlink is not None: # raw greenlet.greenlet greenlets don't # have rawlink... rawlink(_cleanup) else: # ... so for them we use weakrefs. # See global _weakref if _weakref is None: _weakref = __import__('weakref') ref = _weakref.ref(g, _make_cleanup_id(gid)) self.__raw_ref = ref
Example #9
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): #_DummyThread_.__init__(self) # It'd be nice to use a pattern like "greenlet-%d", but maybe somebody out # there is checking thread names... self._name = self._Thread__name = __threading__._newname("DummyThread-%d") self._set_ident() __threading__._active[_get_ident()] = self g = getcurrent() rawlink = getattr(g, 'rawlink', None) if rawlink is not None: rawlink(_cleanup)
Example #10
Source File: From cherrypy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_threading_ident(): if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): return threading.get_ident() return threading._get_ident()
Example #11
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): #_DummyThread_.__init__(self) # It'd be nice to use a pattern like "greenlet-%d", but maybe somebody out # there is checking thread names... self._name = self._Thread__name = __threading__._newname("DummyThread-%d") self._set_ident() __threading__._active[_get_ident()] = self g = getcurrent() rawlink = getattr(g, 'rawlink', None) if rawlink is not None: rawlink(_cleanup)
Example #12
Source File: From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_threading_ident(): if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): return threading.get_ident() return threading._get_ident()
Example #13
Source File: From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_threading_ident(): if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): return threading.get_ident() return threading._get_ident()
Example #14
Source File: From trains with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def patched_figure_show(self, *args, **kw): tid = threading._get_ident() if six.PY2 else threading.get_ident() if PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard.get(tid): # we are inside a gaurd do nothing return PatchedMatplotlib._patched_original_figure(self, *args, **kw) PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard[tid] = True PatchedMatplotlib._report_figure(set_active=False, specific_fig=self) ret = PatchedMatplotlib._patched_original_figure(self, *args, **kw) PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard[tid] = False return ret
Example #15
Source File: From trains with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def patched_savefig(self, *args, **kw): ret = PatchedMatplotlib._patched_original_savefig(self, *args, **kw) # noinspection PyBroadException try: fname = kw.get('fname') or args[0] from pathlib2 import Path if six.PY3: from pathlib import Path as Path3 else: Path3 = Path # if we are not storing into a file (str/Path) do not log the matplotlib if not isinstance(fname, (str, Path, Path3)): return ret except Exception: pass tid = threading._get_ident() if six.PY2 else threading.get_ident() if not PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard.get(tid): PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard[tid] = True # noinspection PyBroadException try: PatchedMatplotlib._report_figure(specific_fig=self, set_active=False) except Exception: pass PatchedMatplotlib._recursion_guard[tid] = False return ret
Example #16
Source File: From satori with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): #_DummyThread_.__init__(self) # It'd be nice to use a pattern like "greenlet-%d", but maybe somebody out # there is checking thread names... self._name = self._Thread__name = __threading__._newname("DummyThread-%d") self._set_ident() __threading__._active[_get_ident()] = self g = getcurrent() rawlink = getattr(g, 'rawlink', None) if rawlink is not None: rawlink(_cleanup)
Example #17
Source File: From opsbro with MIT License | 4 votes |
def record_stop( self, uriset=None, slow_queries=1.0, slow_queries_count=100, debug=False, **kwargs): """Record the end of a request.""" resp = cherrypy.serving.response w = appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()] r = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read w['Bytes Read'] = r appstats['Total Bytes Read'] += r if w['Bytes Written'] = 'chunked' else: cl = int(resp.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) w['Bytes Written'] = cl appstats['Total Bytes Written'] += cl w['Response Status'] = getattr( resp, 'output_status', None) or resp.status w['End Time'] = time.time() p = w['End Time'] - w['Start Time'] w['Processing Time'] = p appstats['Total Time'] += p appstats['Current Requests'] -= 1 if debug: cherrypy.log('Stats recorded: %s' % repr(w), 'TOOLS.CPSTATS') if uriset: rs = appstats.setdefault('URI Set Tracking', {}) r = rs.setdefault(uriset, { 'Min': None, 'Max': None, 'Count': 0, 'Sum': 0, 'Avg': average_uriset_time}) if r['Min'] is None or p < r['Min']: r['Min'] = p if r['Max'] is None or p > r['Max']: r['Max'] = p r['Count'] += 1 r['Sum'] += p if slow_queries and p > slow_queries: sq = appstats.setdefault('Slow Queries', []) sq.append(w.copy()) if len(sq) > slow_queries_count: sq.pop(0)
Example #18
Source File: From moviegrabber with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def record_stop(self, uriset=None, slow_queries=1.0, slow_queries_count=100, debug=False, **kwargs): """Record the end of a request.""" resp = cherrypy.serving.response w = appstats['Requests'][threading._get_ident()] r = cherrypy.request.rfile.bytes_read w['Bytes Read'] = r appstats['Total Bytes Read'] += r if w['Bytes Written'] = 'chunked' else: cl = int(resp.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) w['Bytes Written'] = cl appstats['Total Bytes Written'] += cl w['Response Status'] = getattr(resp, 'output_status', None) or resp.status w['End Time'] = time.time() p = w['End Time'] - w['Start Time'] w['Processing Time'] = p appstats['Total Time'] += p appstats['Current Requests'] -= 1 if debug: cherrypy.log('Stats recorded: %s' % repr(w), 'TOOLS.CPSTATS') if uriset: rs = appstats.setdefault('URI Set Tracking', {}) r = rs.setdefault(uriset, { 'Min': None, 'Max': None, 'Count': 0, 'Sum': 0, 'Avg': average_uriset_time}) if r['Min'] is None or p < r['Min']: r['Min'] = p if r['Max'] is None or p > r['Max']: r['Max'] = p r['Count'] += 1 r['Sum'] += p if slow_queries and p > slow_queries: sq = appstats.setdefault('Slow Queries', []) sq.append(w.copy()) if len(sq) > slow_queries_count: sq.pop(0)
Example #19
Source File: From PyDev.Debugger with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
def fix_main_thread_id(on_warn=lambda msg:None, on_exception=lambda msg:None, on_critical=lambda msg:None): # This means that we weren't able to import threading in the main thread (which most # likely means that the main thread is paused or in some very long operation). # In this case we'll import threading here and hotfix what may be wrong in the threading # module (if we're on Windows where we create a thread to do the attach and on Linux # we are not certain on which thread we're executing this code). # # The code below is a workaround for import sys import threading try: with threading._active_limbo_lock: main_thread_instance = get_main_thread_instance(threading) if sys.platform == 'win32': # On windows this code would be called in a secondary thread, so, # the current thread is unlikely to be the main thread. if hasattr(threading, '_get_ident'): unlikely_thread_id = threading._get_ident() # py2 else: unlikely_thread_id = threading.get_ident() # py3 else: unlikely_thread_id = None main_thread_id, critical_warning = get_main_thread_id(unlikely_thread_id) if main_thread_id is not None: main_thread_id_attr = '_ident' if not hasattr(main_thread_instance, main_thread_id_attr): main_thread_id_attr = '_Thread__ident' assert hasattr(main_thread_instance, main_thread_id_attr) if main_thread_id != getattr(main_thread_instance, main_thread_id_attr): # Note that we also have to reset the '_tstack_lock' for a regular lock. # This is needed to avoid an error on shutdown because this lock is bound # to the thread state and will be released when the secondary thread # that initialized the lock is finished -- making an assert fail during # process shutdown. main_thread_instance._tstate_lock = threading._allocate_lock() main_thread_instance._tstate_lock.acquire() # Actually patch the thread ident as well as the threading._active dict # (we should have the _active_limbo_lock to do that). threading._active.pop(getattr(main_thread_instance, main_thread_id_attr), None) setattr(main_thread_instance, main_thread_id_attr, main_thread_id) threading._active[getattr(main_thread_instance, main_thread_id_attr)] = main_thread_instance # Note: only import from pydevd after the patching is done (we want to do the minimum # possible when doing that patching). on_warn('The threading module was not imported by user code in the main thread. The debugger will attempt to work around') if critical_warning: on_critical('Issue found when debugger was trying to work around\n%s' % (critical_warning,)) except: on_exception('Error patching main thread id.')