Python agent.Agent() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of agent.Agent().
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Example #1
Source File: From D4PG with MIT License | 6 votes |
def play(): # Set random seeds for reproducability np.random.seed(play_params.RANDOM_SEED) tf.set_random_seed(play_params.RANDOM_SEED) # Create session config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) # Initialise agent agent = Agent(sess, play_params.ENV, play_params.RANDOM_SEED) # Build network agent.build_network(training=False) # Run network in environment sess.close()
Example #2
Source File: From D4PG with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test(): # Set random seeds for reproducability np.random.seed(test_params.RANDOM_SEED) tf.set_random_seed(test_params.RANDOM_SEED) # Create session config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) # Initialise agent agent = Agent(sess, test_params.ENV, test_params.RANDOM_SEED) # Build network agent.build_network(training=False) # Test network agent.test() sess.close()
Example #3
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def main(): args = parse_options() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO) store = ObjectStore() backend = MockBackend(store, in_out_iface=args.in_out_iface, in_out_stag=None if args.in_out_stag is None else int(args.in_out_stag)) agent = Agent(args.controller, int(args.datapath_id), store, backend) store.set_agent(agent) backend.set_agent(agent) try: except KeyboardInterrupt:"Ctrl-c received! Shutting down connection and exiting...") agent.stop() backend.stop()
Example #4
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def parse_options(): parser = ArgumentParser("pyofagent - Python-based Open Flow Agent") parser.add_argument("-c", "--controller", #dest="controller", help="Controller host:port to connect to", metavar="HOST:PORT", default="localhost:6633") parser.add_argument("-d", "--devid", dest="datapath_id", help="Device identified", metavar="DEVID", default=42) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true', #dest=verbose, default="enable verbose logging (log-level is DEBUG)") parser.add_argument("-I", "--in-out-iface", metavar="IN-OUT-IFACE", help="Local interface to receve/send in-out frames",) parser.add_argument("-S", "--in-out-stag", metavar="IN-OUT-STAG", help="Expect/Apply given s-tag when receiving/sending frames"+ "at the in-out interface") return parser.parse_args()
Example #5
Source File: From TFSegmentation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): args = get_params() args = create_exp_dirs(args) agent = Agent(args)
Example #6
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_agent(self, device): datapath_id = device.datapath_id device_id = for controller_endpoint in self.controller_endpoints: agent = Agent(controller_endpoint, datapath_id, device_id, self.grpc_client, self.enable_tls, self.key_file, self.cert_file) agent.start() self.agent_map[(datapath_id,controller_endpoint)] = agent self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map[device_id] = datapath_id
Example #7
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, consul_endpoint, vcore_endpoint, vcore_grpc_timeout, controller_endpoints, instance_id, enable_tls=False, key_file=None, cert_file=None, vcore_retry_interval=0.5, devices_refresh_interval=5, subscription_refresh_interval=5): self.log = get_logger()'init-connection-manager')'list-of-controllers', controller_endpoints=controller_endpoints) self.controller_endpoints = controller_endpoints self.consul_endpoint = consul_endpoint self.vcore_endpoint = vcore_endpoint self.grpc_timeout = vcore_grpc_timeout self.instance_id = instance_id self.enable_tls = enable_tls self.key_file = key_file self.cert_file = cert_file = None self.grpc_client = None # single, shared gRPC client to vcore self.agent_map = {} # (datapath_id, controller_endpoint) -> Agent() self.device_id_to_datapath_id_map = {} self.vcore_retry_interval = vcore_retry_interval self.devices_refresh_interval = devices_refresh_interval self.subscription_refresh_interval = subscription_refresh_interval self.subscription = None self.running = False
Example #8
Source File: From Hands-on-Neuroevolution-with-Python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def read_environment(file_path): """ The function to read maze environment configuration from provided file. Arguments: file_path: The path to the file to read maze configuration from. Returns: The initialized maze environment. """ num_lines, index = -1, 0 walls = [] maze_agent, maze_exit = None, None with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file.readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: # skip empty lines continue if index == 0: # read the number of line segments num_lines = int(line) elif index == 1: # read the agent's position loc = geometry.read_point(line) maze_agent = agent.Agent(location=loc) elif index == 2: # read the agent's initial heading maze_agent.heading = float(line) elif index == 3: # read the maze exit location maze_exit = geometry.read_point(line) else: # read the walls wall = geometry.read_line(line) walls.append(wall) # increment cursor index += 1 assert len(walls) == num_lines print("Maze environment configured successfully from the file: %s" % file_path) # create and return the maze environment return MazeEnvironment(agent=maze_agent, walls=walls, exit_point=maze_exit)
Example #9
Source File: From D4PG with MIT License | 4 votes |
def train(): tf.reset_default_graph() # Set random seeds for reproducability np.random.seed(train_params.RANDOM_SEED) random.seed(train_params.RANDOM_SEED) tf.set_random_seed(train_params.RANDOM_SEED) # Initialise prioritised experience replay memory PER_memory = PrioritizedReplayBuffer(train_params.REPLAY_MEM_SIZE, train_params.PRIORITY_ALPHA) # Initialise Gaussian noise generator gaussian_noise = GaussianNoiseGenerator(train_params.ACTION_DIMS, train_params.ACTION_BOUND_LOW, train_params.ACTION_BOUND_HIGH, train_params.NOISE_SCALE) # Create session config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) # Create threads for learner process and agent processes threads = [] # Create threading events for communication and synchronisation between the learner and agent threads run_agent_event = threading.Event() stop_agent_event = threading.Event() # with tf.device('/device:GPU:0'): # Initialise learner learner = Learner(sess, PER_memory, run_agent_event, stop_agent_event) # Build learner networks learner.build_network() # Build ops to update target networks learner.build_update_ops() # Initialise variables (either from ckpt file if given, or from random) learner.initialise_vars() # Get learner policy (actor) network params - agent needs these to copy latest policy params periodically learner_policy_params = learner.actor_net.network_params + learner.actor_net.bn_params threads.append(threading.Thread( for n_agent in range(train_params.NUM_AGENTS): # Initialise agent agent = Agent(sess, train_params.ENV, train_params.RANDOM_SEED, n_agent) # Build network agent.build_network(training=True) # Build op to periodically update agent network params from learner network agent.build_update_op(learner_policy_params) # Create Tensorboard summaries to save episode rewards if train_params.LOG_DIR is not None: agent.build_summaries(train_params.LOG_DIR + ('/agent_%02d' % n_agent)) threads.append(threading.Thread(, args=(PER_memory, gaussian_noise, run_agent_event, stop_agent_event))) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() sess.close()
Example #10
Source File: From Hands-on-Neuroevolution-with-Python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def update(self, control_signals): """ The function to update solver agent position within maze. After agent position updated it will be checked to find out if maze exit was reached afetr that. Arguments: control_signals: The control signals received from the control ANN Returns: The True if maze exit was found after update or maze exit was already found in previous simulation cycles. """ if self.exit_found: # Maze exit already found return True # Apply control signals self.apply_control_signals(control_signals) # get X and Y velocity components vx = math.cos(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed vy = math.sin(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed # Update current Agent's heading (we consider the simulation time step size equal to 1s # and the angular velocity as degrees per second) self.agent.heading += self.agent.angular_vel # Enforce angular velocity bounds by wrapping if self.agent.heading > 360: self.agent.heading -= 360 elif self.agent.heading < 0: self.agent.heading += 360 # find the next location of the agent new_loc = geometry.Point( x = self.agent.location.x + vx, y = self.agent.location.y + vy ) if not self.test_wall_collision(new_loc): self.agent.location = new_loc # update agent's sensors self.update_rangefinder_sensors() self.update_radars() # check if agent reached exit point distance = self.agent_distance_to_exit() self.exit_found = (distance < self.exit_range) return self.exit_found
Example #11
Source File: From KB-InfoBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def next(self, user_action, verbose=False): self._update_state(user_action['nl_sentence'], upd=self.upd, verbose=verbose) self.state['turn'] += 1 act = {} act['diaact'] = 'UNK' act['request_slots'] = {} act['target'] = [] db_probs = self._check_db() H_db = tools.entropy_p(db_probs) H_slots = calc_entropies(self.state['inform_slots'], db_probs, self.state['database']) if verbose: print 'Agent DB entropy = ', H_db print 'Agent slot belief entropies - ' print ' '.join(['%s:%.2f' %(k,v) for k,v in H_slots.iteritems()]) if H_db < # agent reasonable confident, inform act['diaact'] = 'inform' act['target'] = self._inform(db_probs) else: sorted_entropies = sorted(H_slots.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) req = False for (s,h) in sorted_entropies: if H_slots[s]<self.frac*self.state['init_entropy'][s] or H_slots[s]<self.ts or \ self.state['num_requests'][s] >= self.max_req: continue act['diaact'] = 'request' act['request_slots'][s] = 'UNK' self.state['prevact'] = 'request@%s' %s self.state['num_requests'][s] += 1 req = True break if not req: # agent confident about all slots, inform act['diaact'] = 'inform' act['target'] = self._inform(db_probs) self.state['prevact'] = 'inform@inform' act['probs'] = [np.concatenate([self.state['inform_slots'][s]/self.state['inform_slots'][s].sum(), \ np.asarray([float(self.state['database'].inv_counts[s][-1])/self.state['database'].N])]) \ for s in dialog_config.inform_slots] act['phis'] = [1. if s in self.state['dont_care'] else 0. for s in dialog_config.inform_slots] act['posterior'] = db_probs return act
Example #12
Source File: From Hands-on-Neuroevolution-with-Python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def update(self, control_signals): """ The function to update solver agent position within maze. After agent position updated it will be checked to find out if maze exit was reached afetr that. Arguments: control_signals: The control signals received from the control ANN Returns: The True if maze exit was found after update or maze exit was already found in previous simulation cycles. """ if self.exit_found: # Maze exit already found return True # Apply control signals self.apply_control_signals(control_signals) # get X and Y velocity components vx = math.cos(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed vy = math.sin(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed # Update current Agent's heading (we consider the simulation time step size equal to 1s # and the angular velocity as degrees per second) self.agent.heading += self.agent.angular_vel # Enforce angular velocity bounds by wrapping if self.agent.heading > 360: self.agent.heading -= 360 elif self.agent.heading < 0: self.agent.heading += 360 # find the next location of the agent new_loc = geometry.Point( x = self.agent.location.x + vx, y = self.agent.location.y + vy ) if not self.test_wall_collision(new_loc): self.agent.location = new_loc # update agent's sensors self.update_rangefinder_sensors() self.update_radars() # check if agent reached exit point distance = self.agent_distance_to_exit() self.exit_found = (distance < self.exit_range) return self.exit_found
Example #13
Source File: From Hands-on-Neuroevolution-with-Python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def read_environment(file_path): """ The function to read maze environment configuration from provided file. Arguments: file_path: The path to the file to read maze configuration from. Returns: The initialized maze environment. """ num_lines, index = -1, 0 walls = [] maze_agent, maze_exit = None, None with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file.readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: # skip empty lines continue if index == 0: # read the number of line segments num_lines = int(line) elif index == 1: # read the agent's position loc = geometry.read_point(line) maze_agent = agent.Agent(location=loc) elif index == 2: # read the agent's initial heading maze_agent.heading = float(line) elif index == 3: # read the maze exit location maze_exit = geometry.read_point(line) else: # read the walls wall = geometry.read_line(line) walls.append(wall) # increment cursor index += 1 assert len(walls) == num_lines print("Maze environment configured successfully from the file: %s" % file_path) # create and return the maze environment return MazeEnvironment(agent=maze_agent, walls=walls, exit_point=maze_exit)
Example #14
Source File: From Hands-on-Neuroevolution-with-Python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def update(self, control_signals): """ The function to update solver agent position within maze. After agent position updated it will be checked to find out if maze exit was reached afetr that. Arguments: control_signals: The control signals received from the control ANN Returns: The True if maze exit was found after update or maze exit was already found in previous simulation cycles. """ if self.exit_found: # Maze exit already found return True # Apply control signals self.apply_control_signals(control_signals) # get X and Y velocity components vx = math.cos(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed vy = math.sin(geometry.deg_to_rad(self.agent.heading)) * self.agent.speed # Update current Agent's heading (we consider the simulation time step size equal to 1s # and the angular velocity as degrees per second) self.agent.heading += self.agent.angular_vel # Enforce angular velocity bounds by wrapping if self.agent.heading > 360: self.agent.heading -= 360 elif self.agent.heading < 0: self.agent.heading += 360 # find the next location of the agent new_loc = geometry.Point( x = self.agent.location.x + vx, y = self.agent.location.y + vy ) if not self.test_wall_collision(new_loc): self.agent.location = new_loc # update agent's sensors self.update_rangefinder_sensors() self.update_radars() # check if agent reached exit point distance = self.agent_distance_to_exit() self.exit_found = (distance < self.exit_range) return self.exit_found
Example #15
Source File: From RL-Surgical-Gesture-Segmentation with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _get_state(self): if self.position >= self.episode_len: raise Exception('Agent out of environment') state = [] if self.mode == 'full': state.append(self.feature[self.position]) for g in self.glimpse: if self.position + g < self.episode_len: state.append(self.feature[self.position + g]) else: state.append(np.zeros(self.feature_num)) state.append(self.agent.get_state_vector()) state.append(self.agent.get_hints_vector()) elif self.mode == 'no_tcn': state.append(self.agent.get_state_vector()) state.append(self.agent.get_hints_vector()) elif self.mode == 'no_future': state.append(self.feature[self.position]) state.append(self.agent.get_state_vector()) state.append(self.agent.get_hints_vector()) elif self.mode == 'no_hint': state.append(self.feature[self.position]) for g in self.glimpse: if self.position + g < self.episode_len: state.append(self.feature[self.position + g]) else: state.append(np.zeros(self.feature_num)) else: raise Exception('Invalid Env Mode!') state = np.concatenate(state) return state
Example #16
Source File: From RL-Surgical-Gesture-Segmentation with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, dataset, statistical_model, class_num, feature_num, k_steps, glimpse, reward_alpha, mode): # glimpse should > 0 self.dataset = dataset self.k_steps = k_steps self.glimpse = glimpse self.reward_alpha = reward_alpha self.class_num = class_num self.feature_num = feature_num self.agent = Agent(name='CleverChang', state_num=self.class_num, **statistical_model) self.action_num = len(self.k_steps) * self.class_num self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.action_num) self.mode = mode if self.mode == 'full': self.observation_num = self.feature_num * (len(self.glimpse)+1) + \ 2 * self.class_num elif self.mode == 'no_tcn': self.observation_num = 2 * self.class_num elif self.mode == 'no_future': self.observation_num = self.feature_num + 2 * self.class_num elif self.mode == 'no_hint': self.observation_num = self.feature_num * (len(self.glimpse)+1) else: raise Exception('Invalid Env Mode!') bounds = np.ones(self.observation_num) * np.inf # To be improved self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-bounds, bounds) self.state = None
Example #17
Source File: From KB-InfoBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def next(self, user_action, verbose=False): self._update_state(user_action['nl_sentence'], upd=self.upd, verbose=verbose) self.state['turn'] += 1 act = {} act['diaact'] = 'UNK' act['request_slots'] = {} act['target'] = [] db_status, db_index = self._check_db() H_slots = {} for s in dialog_config.inform_slots: s_p = self.state['inform_slots'][s]/self.state['inform_slots'][s].sum() H_slots[s] = tools.entropy_p(s_p) sorted_entropies = sorted(H_slots.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if verbose: print 'Agent slot belief entropies - ' print ' '.join(['%s:%.2f' %(k,v) for k,v in H_slots.iteritems()]) if not db_status: # no match, some error, re-ask some slot act['diaact'] = 'request' request_slot = random.choice(self.state['inform_slots'].keys()) act['request_slots'][request_slot] = 'UNK' self.state['prevact'] = 'request@%s' %request_slot self.state['num_requests'][request_slot] += 1 elif len(db_status)==1: act['diaact'] = 'inform' act['target'] = self._inform(db_index) self.state['prevact'] = 'inform@inform' else: req = False for (s,h) in sorted_entropies: if H_slots[s]<self.frac*self.state['init_entropy'][s] or H_slots[s]<self.ts or \ self.state['num_requests'][s] >= self.max_req: continue act['diaact'] = 'request' act['request_slots'][s] = 'UNK' self.state['prevact'] = 'request@%s' %s self.state['num_requests'][s] += 1 req = True break if not req: # agent confident about all slots, inform act['diaact'] = 'inform' act['target'] = self._inform(db_index) self.state['prevact'] = 'inform@inform' act['posterior'] = np.zeros((len(self.database.labels),)) act['posterior'][db_index] = 1./len(db_index) return act
Example #18
Source File: From KB-InfoBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def next(self, user_action, verbose=False): self._update_state(user_action['nl_sentence'], upd=self.upd, verbose=verbose) self.state['turn'] += 1 act = {} act['diaact'] = 'UNK' act['request_slots'] = {} act['target'] = [] db_probs = self._check_db() H_slots = {} for s in dialog_config.inform_slots: s_p = self.state['inform_slots'][s]/self.state['inform_slots'][s].sum() H_slots[s] = tools.entropy_p(s_p) if verbose: print 'Agent slot belief entropies - ' print ' '.join(['%s:%.2f' %(k,v) for k,v in H_slots.iteritems()]) sorted_entropies = sorted(H_slots.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) req = False for (s,h) in sorted_entropies: if H_slots[s]<self.frac*self.state['init_entropy'][s] or H_slots[s]<self.ts or \ self.state['num_requests'][s] >= self.max_req: continue act['diaact'] = 'request' act['request_slots'][s] = 'UNK' self.state['prevact'] = 'request@%s' %s self.state['num_requests'][s] += 1 req = True break if not req: # agent confident about all slots, inform act['diaact'] = 'inform' act['target'] = self._inform(db_probs) self.state['prevact'] = 'inform@inform' act['probs'] = [np.concatenate([self.state['inform_slots'][s]/ \ self.state['inform_slots'][s].sum(), \ np.asarray([float(self.state['database'].inv_counts[s][-1])/ \ self.state['database'].N])]) \ for s in dialog_config.inform_slots] act['phis'] = [1. if s in self.state['dont_care'] else 0. for s in dialog_config.inform_slots] act['posterior'] = db_probs return act