Python redis.WatchError() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of redis.WatchError().
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Example #1
Source File: From evolution-strategies-starter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_current_task(self): with self.local_redis.pipeline() as pipe: while True: try: task_id = int(retry_get(pipe, TASK_ID_KEY)) if task_id == self.cached_task_id: logger.debug('[worker] Returning cached task {}'.format(task_id)) break pipe.multi() pipe.get(TASK_DATA_KEY)'[worker] Getting new task {}. Cached task was {}'.format(task_id, self.cached_task_id)) self.cached_task_id, self.cached_task_data = task_id, deserialize(pipe.execute()[0]) break except redis.WatchError: continue return self.cached_task_id, self.cached_task_data
Example #2
Source File: From learning2run with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_current_task(self): with self.local_redis.pipeline() as pipe: while True: try: task_id = int(retry_get(pipe, TASK_ID_KEY)) if task_id == self.cached_task_id: logger.debug('[worker] Returning cached task {}'.format(task_id)) break pipe.multi() pipe.get(TASK_DATA_KEY)'[worker] Getting new task {}. Cached task was {}'.format(task_id, self.cached_task_id)) self.cached_task_id, self.cached_task_data = task_id, deserialize(pipe.execute()[0]) break except redis.WatchError: continue return self.cached_task_id, self.cached_task_data
Example #3
Source File: From tasktiger with MIT License | 6 votes |
def do_renew(self, new_timeout): pipe = self.redis.pipeline() lock_value = pipe.get( if lock_value != self.local.token: raise LockError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned") pipe.multi() pipe.pexpire(, int(new_timeout * 1000)) try: response = pipe.execute() except WatchError: # someone else acquired the lock raise LockError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned") if not response[0]: # pexpire returns False if the key doesn't exist raise LockError("Cannot extend a lock that's no longer owned") return True
Example #4
Source File: From nidaba with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _redis_set_atomically(batch_id, subtask, key, val): """ Atomically sets a field in the Redis batch object to a value. """ with Redis.pipeline() as pipe: while 1: try: batch_struct = json.loads(pipe.get(batch_id)) pipe.multi() batch_struct[subtask][key] = val pipe.set(batch_id, json.dumps(batch_struct)) pipe.execute() break except WatchError: continue
Example #5
Source File: From rpaas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def try_lock(self): interval_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.interval) with self.conn.pipeline() as pipe: try: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() last_run = pipe.get(self.last_run_key) if last_run: last_run_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_run, DATETIME_FORMAT) if now - last_run_date < interval_delta: pipe.unwatch() return False pipe.multi() pipe.set(self.last_run_key, now.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT)) pipe.execute() return True except redis.WatchError: return False
Example #6
Source File: From oadoi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def begin_rate_limit(page, interval_seconds=None): if page.endpoint_id == publisher_equivalent_endpoint_id: return True interval_seconds = interval_seconds or scrape_interval_seconds(page) r = redis.from_url(os.environ.get("REDIS_URL")) started_key = redis_key(page, 'started') finished_key = redis_key(page, 'finished') with r.pipeline() as pipe: try: scrape_started = unpickle(r.get(started_key)) scrape_finished = unpickle(r.get(finished_key)) if (scrape_started and scrape_started >= datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=1)) or ( scrape_finished and scrape_finished >= datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=interval_seconds) ): return False pipe.multi() pipe.set(started_key, pickle.dumps(datetime.utcnow())) pipe.set(finished_key, pickle.dumps(None)) pipe.execute() return True except WatchError: return False
Example #7
Source File: From zing with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def save_enqueued(self, pipe): """ Preparing job to enqueue. Works via pipeline. Nothing done if WatchError happens while next `pipeline.execute()`. """ job = self.create_job(status=JobStatus.QUEUED) self.set_job_params(pipeline=pipe) job.origin = self.origin job.enqueued_at = utcnow() if job.timeout is None: job.timeout = self.timeout self.job = job
Example #8
Source File: From zing with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def save_deferred(self, depends_on, pipe): """ Preparing job to defer (add as dependent). Works via pipeline. Nothing done if WatchError happens while next `pipeline.execute()`. """ job = self.create_job(depends_on=depends_on, status=JobStatus.DEFERRED) self.set_job_params(pipeline=pipe) job.register_dependency(pipeline=pipe) return job
Example #9
Source File: From nidaba with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_document(self, doc): """Add a document to the batch. Adds a document tuple to the batch and checks if it exists. Args: doc (tuple): A standard document tuple. Raises: NidabaInputException: The document tuple does not refer to a file. """ if self.lock: raise NidabaInputException('Executed batch may not be modified') if not*doc): raise NidabaInputException('Input document is not a file.') with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe: while(1): try: self._restore_and_create_scratchpad(pipe) self.scratchpad['scratchpad']['docs'] = pipe.set(, json.dumps(self.scratchpad)) pipe.execute() break except WatchError: continue
Example #10
Source File: From nidaba with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def rm_document(self, doc): """Removes a document from the (unexecuted) batch. Removes a document tuple from the batch. Args: doc (tuple): A standard document tuple. Raises: NidabaInputException: The document tuple does not refer to a file. """ if self.lock: raise NidabaInputException('Executed batch may not be modified') with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe: while(1): try: self._restore_and_create_scratchpad(pipe) self.scratchpad['scratchpad']['docs'] = pipe.set(, json.dumps(self.scratchpad)) pipe.execute() break except WatchError: continue except ValueError: raise NidabaInputException('Document not part of the batch')
Example #11
Source File: From zulip with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def incr_ratelimit(cls, entity_key: str, max_api_calls: int, max_api_window: int) -> None: """Increases the rate-limit for the specified entity""" list_key, set_key, _ = cls.get_keys(entity_key) now = time.time() # Start redis transaction with client.pipeline() as pipe: count = 0 while True: try: # To avoid a race condition between getting the element we might trim from our list # and removing it from our associated set, we abort this whole transaction if # another agent manages to change our list out from under us # When watching a value, the pipeline is set to Immediate mode # Get the last elem that we'll trim (so we can remove it from our sorted set) last_val = pipe.lindex(list_key, max_api_calls - 1) # Restart buffered execution pipe.multi() # Add this timestamp to our list pipe.lpush(list_key, now) # Trim our list to the oldest rule we have pipe.ltrim(list_key, 0, max_api_calls - 1) # Add our new value to the sorted set that we keep # We need to put the score and val both as timestamp, # as we sort by score but remove by value pipe.zadd(set_key, {str(now): now}) # Remove the trimmed value from our sorted set, if there was one if last_val is not None: pipe.zrem(set_key, last_val) # Set the TTL for our keys as well api_window = max_api_window pipe.expire(list_key, api_window) pipe.expire(set_key, api_window) pipe.execute() # If no exception was raised in the execution, there were no transaction conflicts break except redis.WatchError: # nocoverage # Ideally we'd have a test for this. if count > 10: raise RateLimiterLockingException() count += 1 continue
Example #12
Source File: From nidaba with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, id=None): # stuff depending on a valid configuration from nidaba import storage from nidaba import config = storage # slowly importing stuff from nidaba import tasks from nidaba import plugins from nidaba import celery self.task_reg = tasks self.celery = celery = id if is None: = uuid.uuid4().get_hex() if not raise NidabaInputException('Storage not prepared for task') = [] self.scratchpad = {} self.redis = config.Redis self.tasks = OrderedDict([('img', []), ('binarize', []), ('segmentation', []), ('ocr', []), ('stats', []), ('postprocessing', []), ('output', []), ('archive', [])]) # defines if tasks in a group are run in parallel or in sequence and their merge mode self.order = {'img': ('sequence', False), 'binarize': ('parallel', False), 'segmentation': ('parallel', False), 'ocr': ('parallel', False), 'stats': ('parallel', False), 'postprocessing': ('sequence', 'doc'), 'output': ('sequence', False), 'archive': ('parallel', True)} self.lock = False with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe: while(1): try: self._restore_and_create_scratchpad(pipe) if 'scratchpad' not in self.scratchpad: self.lock = True pipe.execute() break except WatchError: continue
Example #13
Source File: From nidaba with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def add_task(self, group, method, **kwargs): """Add a task. Adds a ``task``, a single executable task gathering one or more input documents and returning a single output document, to the current tick. Multiple jobs are run in parallel. Args: group (unicode): A task group identifier method (unicode): A task identifier **kwargs: Arguments to the task Raises: NidabaInputException: Trying to modify executed task. NidabaNoSuchAlgorithmException: Invalid method given. """ if self.lock: raise NidabaInputException('Executed batch may not be modified') # validate that the task exists if group not in self.tasks: raise NidabaNoSuchAlgorithmException('Unknown task group {}'.format(group)) if u'nidaba.{}.{}'.format(group, method) not in raise NidabaNoSuchAlgorithmException('Unknown task {} {}'.format(group, method)) task =[u'nidaba.{}.{}'.format(group, method)] # validate arguments first against getcallargs try: getcallargs(, ('', ''), **kwargs) except TypeError as e: raise NidabaInputException(str(e)) # validate against arg_values field of the task task_arg_validator(task.get_valid_args(), **kwargs) with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe: while(1): try: self._restore_and_create_scratchpad(pipe) self.tasks[group].append((method, kwargs)) self.scratchpad['scratchpad']['simple_tasks'] = self.tasks pipe.set(, json.dumps(self.scratchpad)) pipe.execute() break except WatchError: continue