Python Tkinter.PhotoImage() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of Tkinter.PhotoImage().
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Example #1
Source File: From luscan-devel with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, image, initialField, initialText): frm = tk.Frame(root) frm.config(background="white") self.image = tk.PhotoImage(format='gif',data=images[image.upper()]) self.imageDimmed = tk.PhotoImage(format='gif',data=images[image]) self.img = tk.Label(frm) self.img.config(borderwidth=0) self.img.pack(side = "left") self.fld = tk.Text(frm, **fieldParams) self.initScrollText(frm,self.fld,initialField) frm = tk.Frame(root) self.txt = tk.Text(frm, **textParams) self.initScrollText(frm,self.txt,initialText) for i in range(2): self.txt.tag_config(colors[i], background = colors[i]) self.txt.tag_config("emph"+colors[i], foreground = emphColors[i])
Example #2
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_create_from_data(self, ext): testfile = support.findfile('python.' + ext, subdir='imghdrdata') with open(testfile, 'rb') as f: data = image = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test', master=self.root, data=data) self.assertEqual(str(image), '::img::test') self.assertEqual(image.type(), 'photo') self.assertEqual(image.width(), 16) self.assertEqual(image.height(), 16) self.assertEqual(image['data'], data if self.wantobjects else data.decode('latin1')) self.assertEqual(image['file'], '') self.assertIn('::img::test', self.root.image_names()) del image self.assertNotIn('::img::test', self.root.image_names())
Example #3
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _show(image, title): """Helper for the method.""" class UI(tkinter.Label): def __init__(self, master, im): if im.mode == "1": self.image = BitmapImage(im, foreground="white", master=master) else: self.image = PhotoImage(im, master=master) tkinter.Label.__init__(self, master, image=self.image, bg="black", bd=0) if not tkinter._default_root: raise IOError("tkinter not initialized") top = tkinter.Toplevel() if title: top.title(title) UI(top, image).pack()
Example #4
Source File: From CNCGToolKit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _show(image, title): class UI(Tkinter.Label): def __init__(self, master, im): if im.mode == "1": self.image = BitmapImage(im, foreground="white", master=master) else: self.image = PhotoImage(im, master=master) Tkinter.Label.__init__(self, master, image=self.image, bg="black", bd=0) if not Tkinter._default_root: raise IOError, "tkinter not initialized" top = Tkinter.Toplevel() if title: top.title(title) UI(top, image).pack()
Example #5
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _show(image, title): """Helper for the method.""" class UI(tkinter.Label): def __init__(self, master, im): if im.mode == "1": self.image = BitmapImage(im, foreground="white", master=master) else: self.image = PhotoImage(im, master=master) tkinter.Label.__init__(self, master, image=self.image, bg="black", bd=0) if not tkinter._default_root: raise IOError("tkinter not initialized") top = tkinter.Toplevel() if title: top.title(title) UI(top, image).pack()
Example #6
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_write(self): image = self.create() self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN) image.write(support.TESTFN) image2 = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test2', master=self.root, format='ppm', file=support.TESTFN) self.assertEqual(str(image2), '::img::test2') self.assertEqual(image2.type(), 'photo') self.assertEqual(image2.width(), 16) self.assertEqual(image2.height(), 16) self.assertEqual(image2.get(0, 0), image.get(0, 0)) self.assertEqual(image2.get(15, 8), image.get(15, 8)) image.write(support.TESTFN, format='gif', from_coords=(4, 6, 6, 9)) image3 = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test3', master=self.root, format='gif', file=support.TESTFN) self.assertEqual(str(image3), '::img::test3') self.assertEqual(image3.type(), 'photo') self.assertEqual(image3.width(), 2) self.assertEqual(image3.height(), 3) self.assertEqual(image3.get(0, 0), image.get(4, 6)) self.assertEqual(image3.get(1, 2), image.get(5, 8))
Example #7
Source File: From teleport with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _show(image, title): """Helper for the method.""" class UI(tkinter.Label): def __init__(self, master, im): if im.mode == "1": self.image = BitmapImage(im, foreground="white", master=master) else: self.image = PhotoImage(im, master=master) tkinter.Label.__init__(self, master, image=self.image, bg="black", bd=0) if not tkinter._default_root: raise IOError("tkinter not initialized") top = tkinter.Toplevel() if title: top.title(title) UI(top, image).pack()
Example #8
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_create_from_data(self, ext): testfile = support.findfile('python.' + ext, subdir='imghdrdata') with open(testfile, 'rb') as f: data = image = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test', master=self.root, data=data) self.assertEqual(str(image), '::img::test') self.assertEqual(image.type(), 'photo') self.assertEqual(image.width(), 16) self.assertEqual(image.height(), 16) self.assertEqual(image['data'], data if self.wantobjects else data.decode('latin1')) self.assertEqual(image['file'], '') self.assertIn('::img::test', self.root.image_names()) del image self.assertNotIn('::img::test', self.root.image_names())
Example #9
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _show(image, title): """Helper for the method.""" class UI(tkinter.Label): def __init__(self, master, im): if im.mode == "1": self.image = BitmapImage(im, foreground="white", master=master) else: self.image = PhotoImage(im, master=master) tkinter.Label.__init__(self, master, image=self.image, bg="black", bd=0) if not tkinter._default_root: raise IOError("tkinter not initialized") top = tkinter.Toplevel() if title: top.title(title) UI(top, image).pack()
Example #10
Source File: From SEM with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, root, main_window, button_opt): ttk.Frame.__init__(self, root) self.root = root self.main_window = main_window self.current_files = None self.button_opt = button_opt # define options for opening or saving a file self.file_opt = options = {} options['defaultextension'] = '.txt' options['filetypes'] = [('all files', '.*'), ('text files', '.txt')] options['initialdir'] = os.path.expanduser("~") options['parent'] = root options['title'] = 'Select files to annotate.' self.file_selector_button = ttk.Button(self.root, text=u"select file(s)", command=self.filenames) self.label = ttk.Label(self.root, text=u"selected file(s):") self.fa_search = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(self.main_window.resource_dir, "images", "fa_search_24_24.gif")) self.file_selector_button.config(image=self.fa_search, compound=tkinter.LEFT) self.scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.root) self.selected_files = tkinter.Listbox(self.root, yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.scrollbar.config(command=self.selected_files.yview)
Example #11
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create(self): return tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test', master=self.root, file=self.testfile)
Example #12
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_image(self): widget = self.create() image = tkinter.PhotoImage(master=self.root, name='image1') self.checkParam(widget, 'image', image, conv=str) errmsg = 'image "spam" doesn\'t exist' with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError) as cm: widget['image'] = 'spam' if errmsg is not None: self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), errmsg) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError) as cm: widget.configure({'image': 'spam'}) if errmsg is not None: self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), errmsg)
Example #13
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_configure_file(self): image = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test', master=self.root) self.assertEqual(image['file'], '') image.configure(file=self.testfile) self.assertEqual(image['file'], self.testfile) self.assertEqual(image.width(), 16) self.assertEqual(image.height(), 16)
Example #14
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_create_from_file(self, ext): testfile = support.findfile('python.' + ext, subdir='imghdrdata') image = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test', master=self.root, file=testfile) self.assertEqual(str(image), '::img::test') self.assertEqual(image.type(), 'photo') self.assertEqual(image.width(), 16) self.assertEqual(image.height(), 16) self.assertEqual(image['data'], '') self.assertEqual(image['file'], testfile) self.assertIn('::img::test', self.root.image_names()) del image self.assertNotIn('::img::test', self.root.image_names())
Example #15
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_configure_format(self): image = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test', master=self.root) self.assertEqual(image['format'], '') image.configure(file=self.testfile, format='gif') self.assertEqual(image['format'], ('gif',) if self.wantobjects else 'gif') self.assertEqual(image.width(), 16) self.assertEqual(image.height(), 16)
Example #16
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __str__(self): """ Get the Tkinter photo image identifier. This method is automatically called by Tkinter whenever a PhotoImage object is passed to a Tkinter method. :return: A Tkinter photo image identifier (a string). """ return str(self.__photo)
Example #17
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, image=None, size=None, **kw): # Tk compatibility: file or data if image is None: image = _get_image_from_kw(kw) if hasattr(image, "mode") and hasattr(image, "size"): # got an image instead of a mode mode = image.mode if mode == "P": # palette mapped data image.load() try: mode = image.palette.mode except AttributeError: mode = "RGB" # default size = image.size kw["width"], kw["height"] = size else: mode = image image = None if mode not in ["1", "L", "RGB", "RGBA"]: mode = Image.getmodebase(mode) self.__mode = mode self.__size = size self.__photo = tkinter.PhotoImage(**kw) = if image: self.paste(image)
Example #18
Source File: From lambda-text-extractor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, image=None, size=None, **kw): # Tk compatibility: file or data if image is None: image = _get_image_from_kw(kw) if hasattr(image, "mode") and hasattr(image, "size"): # got an image instead of a mode mode = image.mode if mode == "P": # palette mapped data image.load() try: mode = image.palette.mode except AttributeError: mode = "RGB" # default size = image.size kw["width"], kw["height"] = size else: mode = image image = None if mode not in ["1", "L", "RGB", "RGBA"]: mode = Image.getmodebase(mode) self.__mode = mode self.__size = size self.__photo = tkinter.PhotoImage(**kw) = if image: self.paste(image)
Example #19
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_configure_width_height(self): image = tkinter.PhotoImage('::img::test', master=self.root) self.assertEqual(image['width'], '0') self.assertEqual(image['height'], '0') image.configure(width=20) image.configure(height=10) self.assertEqual(image['width'], '20') self.assertEqual(image['height'], '10') self.assertEqual(image.width(), 20) self.assertEqual(image.height(), 10)
Example #20
Source File: From Scoary with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize_logo(self): """ Initialize logo """ photo=Tkinter.PhotoImage(data=self.Photobase64()) self.logocanvas.img = photo self.logocanvas.create_image(0,0,anchor='nw',image=photo)
Example #21
Source File: From CNCGToolKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __str__(self): return str(self.__photo) ## # Copies the contents of a PhotoImage to a PIL image memory.
Example #22
Source File: From CNCGToolKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __del__(self): name = = None try:"image", "delete", name) except: pass # ignore internal errors ## # Get the Tkinter photo image identifier. This method is # automatically called by Tkinter whenever a PhotoImage object is # passed to a Tkinter method. # # @return A Tkinter photo image identifier (a string).
Example #23
Source File: From CNCGToolKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, image=None, size=None, **kw): # Tk compatibility: file or data if image is None: if kw.has_key("file"): image =["file"]) del kw["file"] elif kw.has_key("data"): from StringIO import StringIO image =["data"])) del kw["data"] if hasattr(image, "mode") and hasattr(image, "size"): # got an image instead of a mode mode = image.mode if mode == "P": # palette mapped data image.load() try: mode = image.palette.mode except AttributeError: mode = "RGB" # default size = image.size kw["width"], kw["height"] = size else: mode = image image = None if mode not in ["1", "L", "RGB", "RGBA"]: mode = Image.getmodebase(mode) self.__mode = mode self.__size = size self.__photo = apply(Tkinter.PhotoImage, (), kw) = if image: self.paste(image)
Example #24
Source File: From CNCGToolKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _pilbitmap_check(): global _pilbitmap_ok if _pilbitmap_ok is None: try: im ="1", (1,1)) Tkinter.BitmapImage(data="PIL:%d" % _pilbitmap_ok = 1 except Tkinter.TclError: _pilbitmap_ok = 0 return _pilbitmap_ok # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # PhotoImage ## # Creates a Tkinter-compatible photo image. This can be used # everywhere Tkinter expects an image object. If the image is an RGBA # image, pixels having alpha 0 are treated as transparent.
Example #25
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _image(filename): """return an image object containing the imagedata from a gif-file named filename. """ return TK.PhotoImage(file=filename)
Example #26
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _blankimage(): """return a blank image object """ img = TK.PhotoImage(width=1, height=1) img.blank() return img
Example #27
Source File: From Python-Media-Player with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_control_panel(self): frame=Tkinter.LabelFrame(self.root) frame.pack(expand='yes',fill='x',side='top') add_fileicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/add_file.gif") add_directoryicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/add_directory.gif") exiticon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/exit.gif") playicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/play.gif") pauseicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/pause.gif") stopicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/stop.gif") rewindicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/rewind.gif") fast_forwardicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/fast_forward.gif") previous_trackicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/previous_track.gif") next_trackicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/next_track.gif") self.muteicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/mute.gif") self.unmuteicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/unmute.gif") delete_selectedicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/delete_selected.gif") list_file=[ (playicon,''), (pauseicon,'self.pause'), (stopicon,'self.stop'), (previous_trackicon,'self.previous'), (rewindicon,'self.rewind'), (fast_forwardicon,''), (next_trackicon,'self.Next'),] for i,j in list_file: storeobj=ttk.Button(frame, image=i,command=eval(j)) storeobj.pack(side='left') storeobj.image=i self.volume_label=Tkinter.Button(frame,image=self.unmuteicon) self.volume_label.image=self.unmuteicon volume=ttk.Scale(frame,from_=Volume_lowest_value, to=Volume_highest_value ,variable=self.var, command=self.update_volume) volume.pack(side='right', padx=10, ) self.volume_label.pack(side='right') return
Example #28
Source File: From Python-Media-Player with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_song_list_panel(self): # Creating Picture Canvas as Background background=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/background.gif") mainframe=Tkinter.Canvas(self.root) mainframe.pack(side='top', expand='yes', fill='both') mainframe.image=background mainframe.create_image(0, 0, anchor="nw", image=background) frame0=Tkinter.Frame(mainframe) frame0.pack(side='top') Tkinter.Label(frame0, text='Search : ', bg='skyblue').pack(side='left', expand='yes', fill='x') Tkinter.Entry(frame0, textvariable=self.var1).pack(side='left', expand='yes', fill='x') frame0.bind_all('<Any-KeyPress>',self.search_song_trigger) frame=Tkinter.Frame(mainframe, bg='skyblue') frame.pack(side='top') self.list_box=Tkinter.Listbox(frame, bg='powderblue', font=list_box_song_list_font, width=list_box_width, height=list_box_height) scrollbar=Tkinter.Scrollbar(frame, bg='skyblue') scrollbar.pack(side='right',expand='yes',fill='y') scrollbar.config(command=self.list_box.yview) self.list_box.config(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) self.list_box.pack(expand='yes',fill='both',side='right') frame1=Tkinter.Frame(mainframe, bg='blue') frame1.pack(side='top', expand='yes',fill='x') add_fileicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/add_file.gif") add_directoryicon=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/add_directory.gif") list_file=[ (add_fileicon,'self.ask_for_play_song_direct'), (add_directoryicon,'self.ask_for_directory'), ] for i,j in list_file: storeobj=Tkinter.Button(frame1, image=i, command=eval(j), bg='blue') storeobj.pack(side='left') storeobj.image=i self.list_box.bind('<Double-Button-1>',self.play_on_click) return self.update_list_box_songs()
Example #29
Source File: From Python-Media-Player with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_console(self): self.back_time_label=Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="../Icons/background.gif") # consoleframe=Tkinter.LabelFrame(self.root, text='Display Panel', bg='aqua') # consoleframe.pack(side='top', expand='yes', fill='x') self.canvas=Tkinter.Canvas(self.root, width=400, height=100, bg='skyblue') self.canvas.pack() self.canvas.image=self.back_time_label self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor="nw", image=self.back_time_label) self.time_display=self.canvas.create_text(10, 25, anchor="nw", fill='cornsilk', font=Digital_Clock_Font_Setting, text='0:00:00') self.song_display=self.canvas.create_text(220,40, anchor="nw", fill='cornsilk', font=Songs_playing_Font_Setting, text='Nothing For Playing') self.song_duration=self.canvas.create_text(220,65, anchor="nw", fill='cornsilk', font=duration_time_Font_Setting, text='[0:00:00]') return
Example #30
Source File: From Tutoriales_juegos_Python with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, parent): self.imagen_fondo = PhotoImage(file="Jungle_small_2.gif") self.imagen_choza = PhotoImage(file="Hut_small_2.gif") self.ancho_choza = 60 self.alto_choza = 140 self.container = parent self.Chozas = [] self.result = "" self.ocupar_chozas() self.setup()