Python Config.Config() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of Config.Config().
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Example #1
Source File: From pcocc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def __init__(self, connect_info): self._vmid = connect_info[0] self._host = connect_info[1] self._port = connect_info[2] self._stub = None self._channel = None client_cert = Config().batch.client_cert credential = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( root_certificates=client_cert.ca_cert, private_key=client_cert.key, certificate_chain=client_cert.cert ) self._channel = grpc.secure_channel( self._host + ":" + self._port, credential) self._stub = agent_pb2_grpc.pcoccNodeStub(self._channel)
Example #2
Source File: From pcocc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, vmid=0, tree_width=16): self._vmid = vmid self._tree_width = tree_width self._tree_size = Config().batch.vm_count() self._parent_id = -1 self._children_ids = [] self._parent_chan = None self._children_chans = {} self._parent_stub = None self._children_stubs = {} self._routes = {} self._endpoints = {} self._endpoints_lock = threading.Lock() self._gen_children_list() self._connect() logging.debug("Rank %d: routes: %s",self._vmid, str(self._routes))
Example #3
Source File: From p2pool-n with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, wsdlsource, config=Config, **kw ): reader = wstools.WSDLTools.WSDLReader() self.wsdl = None # From Mark Pilgrim's "Dive Into Python" anything. if self.wsdl is None and hasattr(wsdlsource, "read"): print 'stream:', wsdlsource try: self.wsdl = reader.loadFromStream(wsdlsource) except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, e: newstream = urllib.URLopener(key_file=config.SSL.key_file, cert_file=config.SSL.cert_file).open(wsdlsource) buf = newstream.readlines() raise Error, "Unable to parse WSDL file at %s: \n\t%s" % \ (wsdlsource, "\t".join(buf)) # NOT TESTED (as of April 17, 2003) #if self.wsdl is None and wsdlsource == '-': # import sys # self.wsdl = reader.loadFromStream(sys.stdin) # print 'stdin'
Example #4
Source File: From gofed with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def runPhase(self, phase): if phase == STEP_SCRATCH_BUILD: return if phase == STEP_PUSH: return if phase == STEP_BUILD: return if phase == STEP_UPDATE: branches = Config().getUpdates() branches = list(set(branches) & set(self.branches)) return, if phase == STEP_OVERRIDE: branches = Config().getUpdates() branches = list(set(branches) & set(self.branches)) return return 1
Example #5
Source File: From pcocc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_endpoint(self, target): self._endpoints_lock.acquire() if not target in self._endpoints: endp = Config().batch.read_key( "cluster/user", "hostagent/vms/{0}".format(target), blocking=True) self._endpoints[target]= endp.split(":") self._endpoints_lock.release() return self._endpoints[target]
Example #6
Source File: From pcocc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _connect(self): me = self._vmid parent_id = (me + self._tree_width - 1) // self._tree_width - 1 children_ids = [] for i in range(self._tree_width): child = me * self._tree_width + i + 1 if child < self._tree_size: children_ids.append(child) self._parent_id = parent_id self._children_ids = children_ids client_cert = Config().batch.ca_cert credential = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( root_certificates=client_cert.ca_cert, private_key=client_cert.key, certificate_chain=client_cert.cert ) if parent_id >= 0: pinfo = self._get_endpoint(parent_id) self._parent_chan = grpc.secure_channel(pinfo[1] + ":" + pinfo[2], credential) self._parent_stub = agent_pb2_grpc.pcoccNodeStub(self._parent_chan) for child in children_ids: pinfo = self._get_endpoint(child) self._children_chans[child] = grpc.secure_channel(pinfo[1] + ":" + pinfo[2], credential) self._children_stubs[child] = agent_pb2_grpc.pcoccNodeStub(self._children_chans[child])
Example #7
Source File: From AIOPS_PLATFORM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): ## set priviate values self.config = Config(workpath) = os.getpid() self.pname = '' ## logger initial self.loggerInit() ## lock initial self.lockObj = Lock( self.pname,, self.config.LOCK_DIR, self.config.LOCK_FILE, self.logger) ## debug output self.logger.debug('ETL Initial Start') self.logger.debug('[SYS_BUFFER_SIZE][%s]' % (self.config.SYS_BUFFER_SIZE)) self.logger.debug('[SYS_BUFFER_WAIT][%s]' % (self.config.SYS_BUFFER_WAIT)) self.logger.debug('[MQ_SERVER][%s]' % (self.config.MQ_SERVER)) self.logger.debug('[MQ_PORT][%s]' % (self.config.MQ_PORT)) self.logger.debug('[MQ_QUEUE][%s]' % (self.config.MQ_QUEUE)) self.logger.debug('[MARIADB_HOST][%s]' % (self.config.MARIADB_HOST)) self.logger.debug('[MARIADB_PORT][%s]' % (self.config.MARIADB_PORT)) self.logger.debug('[MARIADB_USER][%s]' % (self.config.MARIADB_USER)) self.logger.debug('[MARIADB_PASSWORD][%s]' % (self.config.MARIADB_PASSWORD)) self.logger.debug('[MARIADB_DATABASE][%s]' % (self.config.MARIADB_DATABASE)) self.logger.debug('[LOCK_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.LOCK_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[LOCK_FILE][%s]' % (self.config.LOCK_FILE)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_FILE][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_FILE)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_LEVEL][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_LEVEL)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_MAX_SIZE][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_MAX_SIZE)) self.logger.debug( '[LOG_BACKUP_COUNT][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_BACKUP_COUNT)) self.logger.debug('ETL Initial Done') ## initial logger
Example #8
Source File: From AIOPS_PLATFORM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): ## set priviate values self.config = Config(workpath) = os.getpid() self.pname = '' ## logger initial self.loggerInit() ## lock initial self.lockObj = Lock( self.pname,, self.config.LOCK_DIR, self.config.LOCK_FILE, self.logger) ## debug output self.logger.debug('Asset Initial Start') self.logger.debug('[SYS_CIS][%s]' % (self.config.SYS_CIS)) self.logger.debug('[SYS_SAVE_CSV][%s]' % (self.config.SYS_SAVE_CSV)) self.logger.debug('[SYS_CSV_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.SYS_CSV_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[MQ_SERVERS][%s]' % (self.config.MQ_SERVERS)) self.logger.debug('[MQ_PORT][%s]' % (self.config.MQ_PORT)) self.logger.debug('[MQ_QUEUE][%s]' % (self.config.MQ_QUEUE)) self.logger.debug('[SUBPROC_SCRIPTSDIR][%s]' % (self.config.SUBPROC_SCRIPTSDIR)) self.logger.debug('[SUBPROC_TIMEOUT][%s]' % (self.config.SUBPROC_TIMEOUT)) self.logger.debug('[LOCK_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.LOCK_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[LOCK_FILE][%s]' % (self.config.LOCK_FILE)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_FILE][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_FILE)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_LEVEL][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_LEVEL)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_MAX_SIZE][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_MAX_SIZE)) self.logger.debug( '[LOG_BACKUP_COUNT][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_BACKUP_COUNT)) self.logger.debug('Asset Initial Done') ## initial logger
Example #9
Source File: From AIOPS_PLATFORM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): ## set priviate values self.config = Config(workpath) = os.getpid() self.pname = '' ## logger initial self.loggerInit() ## lock initial self.lockObj = Lock( self.pname,, self.config.LOCK_DIR, self.config.LOCK_FILE, self.logger) ## debug output self.logger.debug('Scheduler Initial Start') self.logger.debug('[SYS_CFG_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.SYS_CFG_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[LOCK_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.LOCK_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[LOCK_FILE][%s]' % (self.config.LOCK_FILE)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_DIR][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_DIR)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_FILE][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_FILE)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_LEVEL][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_LEVEL)) self.logger.debug('[LOG_MAX_SIZE][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_MAX_SIZE)) self.logger.debug( '[LOG_BACKUP_COUNT][%s]' % (self.config.LOG_BACKUP_COUNT)) self.logger.debug('Scheduler Initial Done') ## initial logger
Example #10
Source File: From gofed with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def loadCommonProviderPrefixes(self): golang_mapping_path = Config().getGolangCommonProviderPrefixes() try: with open(golang_mapping_path, 'r') as file: prefixes = [] content = for line in content.split('\n'): if line == "" or line[0] == '#': continue prefixes.append( line.strip() ) return True, prefixes except IOError, e: self.err = "Unable to read from %s: %s" % (golang_mapping_path, e)
Example #11
Source File: From gofed with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, dry=False, debug=False, new=False): self.phase = STEP_END self.endphase = STEP_END = MultiCommand(dry=dry, debug=debug) self.branches = Config().getBranches() = new
Example #12
Source File: From RentCrawer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): this_file_dir = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] config_file_path = os.path.join(this_file_dir, 'config.ini') self.config = Config.Config(config_file_path)
Example #13
Source File: From EventGhost with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def Start(self): from Tasks import TASKS self.tasks = [task(self) for task in TASKS] from Config import Config self.config = Config(self, join(self.outputDir, "Build.ini")) for task in self.tasks: task.Setup() (self.appVersion, self.appVersionInfo) = GetVersion(self) if self.showGui: import Gui Gui.Main(self) else: builder.Tasks.Main(self)
Example #14
Source File: From pcocc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, vmid, handler, stream_init_handler, port=0): self._relay = None self._vmid = int(vmid) self._port = port self._handler = handler self._stream_init_handler = stream_init_handler self._server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=25)) self._ready = threading.Event() agent_pb2_grpc.add_pcoccNodeServicer_to_server(self, self._server) server_cert = Config().batch.ca_cert.gen_cert(socket.gethostname()) credential = grpc.ssl_server_credentials( ((server_cert.key, server_cert.cert), ), server_cert.ca_cert, True ) self._port = self._server.add_secure_port( "[::]:{0}".format(port), credential ) self._server.start() logging.debug("Tree node listening on port %s", self._port) Config().batch.write_key('cluster/user', "hostagent/vms/{0}".format(self._vmid), "{0}:{1}:{2}".format( self._vmid, socket.gethostname(), self._port)) # Establish connections to adjacent nodes in the tree for relaying # messages self._relay = TreeNodeRelay(self._vmid) self._ready.set()
Example #15
Source File: From self_driving_pi_car with MIT License | 4 votes |
def records_generator(height, width, channels, data_path, label_path, name, flip=False, augmentation=False, gray=False, green=False, binary=False): """ Generates tfrecords. :param height: image height :type heights: int :param width: image width :type width: int :param channels: image channels :type channels: int :param data_path: path to load data np.array :type data_path: str :param record_path: path to load labels np.array :type label_path: str :param name: path to save tfrecord :type name: str :param flip: param to control if the data will be flipped :type flip: boolean :param augmentation: param to control if the data will augmented :type augmentation: boolean :param gray: param to control if the data will be grayscale images :type gray: boolean :param green: param to control if the data will use only the green channel :type green: boolean :param binary: param to control if the data will be binarized :type binary: boolean """ config = Config(height=height, width=width, channels=channels) data = DataHolder(config, data_path=data_path, label_path=label_path, record_path=name, flip=flip, augmentation=augmentation, gray=gray, green=green, binary=binary, records=None) data.create_records()