Python colorama.Style.RESET_ALL Examples
The following are 30
code examples of colorama.Style.RESET_ALL().
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Example #1
Source File: From shellpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def sreadline(self): line = self._file.readline() if sys.version_info[0] == 3: line = line.decode(self._encoding) if line == '': raise StopIteration else: line = line.rstrip(os.linesep) if self._print_out_stream: if self._color is None: _print_stdout(line) else: _print_stdout(self._color + line + Style.RESET_ALL) return line
Example #2
Source File: From drydock with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def print_results(self,results): try: if results['status'] == 'Pass': print ("Status: " + Fore.GREEN + 'Pass' + Fore.RESET) elif results['status'] == 'Fail': print ("Status: " + Fore.RED + 'Fail' + Fore.RESET) except KeyError: pass except TypeError: pass print "Description: " + results['descr'] try: res = str(results['output']) print "Output: " print(Style.DIM + res + Style.RESET_ALL) except KeyError: pass print "\n"
Example #3
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def print_body_state(self, jarvis, bmi): """ According the bmi number, print_body_state finds out the state of the body and prints it to the user using colorama library for some coloring """ print("BMI:", str(bmi)) if bmi < 16: print(Back.RED, " " * 2, Style.RESET_ALL) jarvis.say('Severe thinness') elif bmi < 18.5: print(Back.YELLOW, " " * 2, Style.RESET_ALL) jarvis.say('Mild thinness') elif bmi < 25: print(Back.GREEN, " " * 2, Style.RESET_ALL) jarvis.say('Healthy') elif bmi < 30: print(Back.YELLOW, " " * 2, Style.RESET_ALL) jarvis.say('Pre-obese') else: print(Back.RED, " " * 2, Style.RESET_ALL) jarvis.say('Obese')
Example #4
Source File: From munin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def print_highlighted(line, hl_color=Back.WHITE): """ Print a highlighted line """ try: # Highlight positives colorer = re.compile(r'([^\s]+) POSITIVES: ([1-9]) ') line = colorer.sub(Fore.YELLOW + r'\1 ' + 'POSITIVES: ' + Fore.YELLOW + r'\2 ' + Style.RESET_ALL, line) colorer = re.compile(r'([^\s]+) POSITIVES: ([0-9]+) ') line = colorer.sub(Fore.RED + r'\1 ' + 'POSITIVES: ' + Fore.RED + r'\2 ' + Style.RESET_ALL, line) # Keyword highlight colorer = re.compile(r'([A-Z_]{2,}:)\s', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + hl_color + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' ', line) print(line) except Exception as e: pass
Example #5
Source File: From munin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def printHighlighted(line, hl_color=Back.WHITE, tag_color=False): """ Print a highlighted line """ if tag_color: # Tags colorer = re.compile('(HARMLESS|SIGNED|MS_SOFTWARE_CATALOGUE|MSSOFT|SUCCESSFULLY\sCOMMENTED)', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.GREEN + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + '', line) colorer = re.compile('(REVOKED|EXPLOIT|CVE-[0-9\-]+|OBFUSCATED|RUN\-FILE)', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.RED + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + '', line) colorer = re.compile('(EXPIRED|VIA\-TOR|OLE\-EMBEDDED|RTF|ATTACHMENT|ASPACK|UPX|AUTO\-OPEN|MACROS)', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.YELLOW + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + '', line) # Extras colorer = re.compile('(\[!\])', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + '', line) # Add line breaks colorer = re.compile('(ORIGNAME:)', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(r'\n\1', line) # Standard colorer = re.compile('([A-Z_]{2,}:)\s', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + hl_color + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' ', line) print(line)
Example #6
Source File: From shellpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def exe(cmd, params): """This function runs after preprocessing of code. It actually executes commands with subprocess :param cmd: command to be executed with subprocess :param params: parameters passed before ` character, i.e. p`echo 1 which means print result of execution :return: result of execution. It may be either Result or InteractiveResult """ global _colorama_intialized if _is_colorama_enabled() and not _colorama_intialized: _colorama_intialized = True colorama.init() if config.PRINT_ALL_COMMANDS: if _is_colorama_enabled(): _print_stdout(Fore.GREEN + '>>> ' + cmd + Style.RESET_ALL) else: _print_stdout('>>> ' + cmd) if _is_param_set(params, _PARAM_INTERACTIVE): return _create_interactive_result(cmd, params) else: return _create_result(cmd, params)
Example #7
Source File: From with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _colorize(self, text): palette = PALETTES[self.palette] palette_reverse = PALETTES_REVERSE[self.palette] def _colorize_curlies_block(text): text =[1:-1] stripped = text.lstrip('0123456789-') color_number = int(text[:len(text)-len(stripped)]) reverse = False if color_number < 0: color_number = -color_number reverse = True if reverse: stripped = palette_reverse[color_number] + stripped + Style.RESET_ALL else: stripped = palette[color_number] + stripped + Style.RESET_ALL return stripped return re.sub("{.*?}", _colorize_curlies_block, text)
Example #8
Source File: From colloide with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def check_names(infile): #Checking the path to the wordlist if os.path.exists(infile): if status_method: banner() #calls the banner function checkasciiwolf() #calls the sexy ASCII wolf wallpaper scan_start() statusfindAdmin() #calls the function that basically does the job print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "\n[+] Rock bottom;\n" + Style.RESET_ALL) elif error_method: banner() checkasciiwolf() scan_start() findAdmin() print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "\n[+] Rock bottom;\n" + Style.RESET_ALL) else: #in case wordlist cant be found banner() opts() print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[-] Invalid path to the wordlist. File could not be found.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL) # THIS IS THE STATUS CODE METHOD
Example #9
Source File: From URS with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_settings(self, master, subs): for sub in subs: while True: try: cat_i = int(input((Style.BRIGHT + """ Select a category to display for r/%s ------------------- 0: Hot 1: New 2: Controversial 3: Top 4: Rising 5: Search ------------------- """ + Style.RESET_ALL) % sub)) if cat_i == 5: print("\nSelected search") self._get_search(cat_i, master, sub) else: print("\nSelected category: %s" % self._categories[cat_i]) self._get_n_results(cat_i, master, sub) break except (IndexError, ValueError): print("Not an option! Try again.")
Example #10
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): self.Q = read_questions() self.answers = {} self.instruction = Back.YELLOW + "There are a total of " +\ "32 pairs of descriptions. For each pair, choose on a scale of " +\ "1-5. Choose 1 if you are all the way to the left, and choose " +\ "3 if you are in the middle, etc." + Style.RESET_ALL self.types = ['IE', 'SN', 'FT', 'JP'] self.scoring_scheme = ((30, (15, 23, 27), (3, 7, 11, 19, 31)), (12, (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32), (24, 28)), (30, (6, 10, 22), (2, 14, 18, 26, 30)), (18, (1, 5, 13, 21, 29), (9, 17, 25))) self.scores = [] self.type = []
Example #11
Source File: From URS with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_subreddits(self, parser, reddit): subreddit_prompt = Style.BRIGHT + """ Enter Subreddit or a list of Subreddits (separated by a space) to scrape: """ + Style.RESET_ALL while True: try: search_for = str(input(subreddit_prompt)) if not search_for: raise ValueError return PrintSubs().print_subreddits(parser, reddit, search_for) except ValueError: print("No Subreddits were specified! Try again.") ### Update Subreddit settings in master dictionary.
Example #12
Source File: From h2t with MIT License | 6 votes |
def print_line(message, level=1, category = None, title = None, status=False): sts = get_status(category, status) if sts == 'applied': color = Fore.GREEN pre = '[+] ' elif sts == 'touse': color = Fore.YELLOW pre = '[+] ' elif sts == 'toremove': color = Fore.RED pre = '[-] ' else: color = '' pre = '' if title: print(' '*4*level + Style.BRIGHT + title + ': ' + Style.RESET_ALL + message) else: print(' '*4*level + color + Style.BRIGHT + pre + Fore.RESET + message)
Example #13
Source File: From Phoneinfoga with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def scanNumber(InputNumber): print(code_title + "[!] ---- Fetching informations for {} ---- [!]".format(formatNumber(InputNumber))) localScan(InputNumber) global number global localNumber global internationalNumber global numberCountryCode global numberCountry if not number: print((code_error + "Error: number {} is not valid. Skipping.".format(formatNumber(InputNumber)))) sys.exit() numverifyScan() ovhScan() osintScan() print(code_info + "Scan finished.") print('\n' + Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #14
Source File: From colloide with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_names(infile): #Checking the path to the wordlist if os.path.exists(infile): banner() #calls the banner function wolf() #calls the sexy ASCII wolf wallpaper findAdmin() #calls the function that basically does the job else: #in case wordlist cant be found banner() opts() print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[-] Invalid path to the wordlist. File could not be found.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #15
Source File: From drone with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bright_foreground(self): color = { 'red' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.RED, Style.BRIGHT), 'cyan' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.CYAN, Style.BRIGHT), 'green' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.GREEN, Style.BRIGHT), 'yellow' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.YELLOW, Style.BRIGHT), 'blue' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.BLUE, Style.BRIGHT), 'magenta' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.MAGENTA, Style.BRIGHT), 'white' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.WHITE, Style.BRIGHT), 'grey' : '{0}{1}'.format(Fore.WHITE, Style.RESET_ALL) } return color
Example #16
Source File: From colloide with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_names(infile): #Checking the path to the wordlist if os.path.exists(infile): if status_method: banner() #calls the banner function wolf() #calls the sexy ASCII wolf wallpaper statusfindAdmin() #calls the function that basically does the job elif error_method: banner() wolf() findAdmin() else: #in case wordlist cant be found banner() opts() print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[-] Invalid path to the wordlist. File could not be found.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL) # THIS IS THE STATUS CODE METHOD
Example #17
Source File: From Phoneinfoga with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def resetColors(): if not args.output: print(Style.RESET_ALL) # Reset text color at exit
Example #18
Source File: From munin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def printSeparator(count, total, color, rating): """ Print a separator line status infos :param count: :param total: :return: """ print(Fore.BLACK + color) print(" {0} / {1} > {2}".format(count+1, total, rating.title()).ljust(80) + Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #19
Source File: From munin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def printKeyLine(line): """ Print a given string as a separator line :param line: :return: """ print(Fore.BLACK + Back.WHITE) print("{0}".format(line).ljust(80) + Style.RESET_ALL) print("")
Example #20
Source File: From clove with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def print_section(*args): print(Fore.GREEN, '▶', ' '.join(map(str, args)), Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #21
Source File: From clove with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def print_error(*args): print(Fore.RED, '●', ' '.join(map(str, args)), Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #22
Source File: From onshape-to-robot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def configGet(name, default=None): global config if name in config: return config[name] else: if default is None: print(Fore.RED + 'ERROR: missing key "'+name+'" in config' + Style.RESET_ALL) exit() else: return default
Example #23
Source File: From colloide with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_names(infile): #Checking the path to the wordlist if os.path.exists(infile): if status_method: banner() #calls the banner function checkasciiwolf() #calls the sexy ASCII wolf wallpaper statusfindAdmin() #calls the function that basically does the job elif error_method: banner() checkasciiwolf() findAdmin() else: #in case wordlist cant be found banner() opts() print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[-] Invalid path to the wordlist. File could not be found.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL) # THIS IS THE STATUS CODE METHOD
Example #24
Source File: From colloide with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def scan_start(): print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[!] Report bugs: /MichaelDim02/ \n" + Style.RESET_ALL) print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[!] Press Ctrl + C to terminate the process.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #25
Source File: From colloide with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def scan_start(): print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[!] Report bugs: /MichaelDim02/ \n" + Style.RESET_ALL) print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "[!] Press Ctrl + C to terminate the process.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL)
Example #26
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Os__MAC(jarvis, s): """Displays information about your operating system""" jarvis.say( Style.BRIGHT + '[!] Operating System Information' + Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.BLUE) jarvis.say('[*] Kernel: ' + sys(), Fore.GREEN) jarvis.say('[*] Kernel Release Version: ' + release(), Fore.GREEN) jarvis.say('[*] macOS System version: ' + mac_ver()[0], Fore.GREEN) for _ in architecture(): if _ != '': jarvis.say('[*] ' + _, Fore.GREEN)
Example #27
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def colorized_output(key, value): """ pretty print key value pair """ green_text = Fore.GREEN + "{:<14}".format(key) normal_text = Style.RESET_ALL + ": " + str(value) return green_text + normal_text
Example #28
Source File: From Jarvis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, jarvis, s): prompt = "{black}Q{Q_id} {cyan}{left} {black}--- {green}{right}" prompt_formatter = { 'cyan': Fore.CYAN, 'black': Fore.BLACK, 'green': Fore.GREEN } jarvis.say("Start personality test..", color=Fore.BLACK) jarvis.say(self.instruction) for i, (Q_id, left, right) in enumerate(self.Q): prompt_formatter['Q_id'] = i prompt_formatter['left'] = left prompt_formatter['right'] = right jarvis.say(prompt.format(**prompt_formatter)) user_input = jarvis.input_number( prompt="Enter your choice on the scale of 1-5:\n", rmin=1, rmax=5, color=Fore.BLUE, rtype=int) self.answers[Q_id] = user_input self.get_scores() jarvis.say( "{}Your personality is: {}{}{}{}".format( Fore.BLUE, Fore.BLACK, Back.MAGENTA, self.type, Style.RESET_ALL)) jarvis.say( "Redirecting to your personality analysis\ in 3s...", color=Fore.BLUE) time.sleep(3) self.open_analysis()
Example #29
Source File: From h2t with MIT License | 5 votes |
def show_normal(content, fields, category, status): print_line(content['title'], category=category, status=status) if isinstance(fields, list): if 'description' in fields: print_line(content['description'], level=2, title='Description') if 'refs' in fields: print_line('', level=2, title='Refs') for item in content['refs']: print_line(Style.RESET_ALL + item, level=3) print(Style.RESET_ALL, end='')
Example #30
Source File: From h2t with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_bright(message, end='\n'): print(Style.BRIGHT + message + Style.RESET_ALL, end=end)