Python xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy().
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Example #1
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_multicall(self): try: p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) multicall = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(p) multicall.add(2,3) multicall.pow(6,8) multicall.div(127,42) add_result, pow_result, div_result = multicall() self.assertEqual(add_result, 2+3) self.assertEqual(pow_result, 6**8) self.assertEqual(div_result, 127//42) except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, OSError) as e: # ignore failures due to non-blocking socket 'unavailable' errors if not is_unavailable_exception(e): # protocol error; provide additional information in test output"%s\n%s" % (e, getattr(e, "headers", "")))
Example #2
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_basic(self): # check that flag is false by default flagval = xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer._send_traceback_header self.assertEqual(flagval, False) # enable traceback reporting xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer._send_traceback_header = True # test a call that shouldn't fail just as a smoke test try: p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, OSError) as e: # ignore failures due to non-blocking socket 'unavailable' errors if not is_unavailable_exception(e): # protocol error; provide additional information in test output"%s\n%s" % (e, getattr(e, "headers", "")))
Example #3
Source File: From im with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_image_id(self, image_url, session_id): url = urlparse(image_url) image_id = url[2][1:] if image_id.isdigit(): return int(image_id) else: # We have to find the ID of the image name server = ServerProxy(self.server_url, allow_none=True) success, res_info =, -2, -1, -1)[0:2] if success: pool_info = IMAGE_POOL(res_info) else: self.logger.error("Error in the function " + res_info) return None for image in pool_info.IMAGE: if image.NAME == image_id: return image.ID return None
Example #4
Source File: From im with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def delete_image(self, image_url, auth_data): server = ServerProxy(self.server_url, allow_none=True) session_id = self.getSessionID(auth_data) if session_id is None: return (False, "Incorrect auth data, username and password must be specified for OpenNebula provider.") image_id = self.get_image_id(image_url, session_id) if image_id is None: return (False, "Incorrect image name or id specified.") # Wait the image to be READY (not USED) success, msg = self.wait_image(image_id, auth_data) if not success: self.logger.warn("Error waiting image to be READY: " + msg) success, res_info =, image_id)[0:2] if success: return (True, "") else: return (False, res_info)
Example #5
Source File: From droidbot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __get_content_free_state_str(self): if self.device.humanoid is not None: import json from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy proxy = ServerProxy("http://%s/" % self.device.humanoid) state_str = proxy.render_content_free_view_tree(json.dumps({ "view_tree": self.view_tree, "screen_res": [self.device.display_info["width"], self.device.display_info["height"]] })) else: view_signatures = set() for view in self.views: view_signature = DeviceState.__get_content_free_view_signature(view) if view_signature: view_signatures.add(view_signature) state_str = "%s{%s}" % (self.foreground_activity, ",".join(sorted(view_signatures))) import hashlib return hashlib.md5(state_str.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
Example #6
Source File: From poet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def search(self, query, mode=0): results = [] search = { 'name': query } if mode == self.SEARCH_FULLTEXT: search['summary'] = query client = ServerProxy(self._url) hits =, 'or') for hit in hits: results.append({ 'name': hit['name'], 'description': hit['summary'], 'version': hit['version'] }) return results
Example #7
Source File: From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def update(self, instance, validated_data): """Update a Provider instance from validated data.""" billing_source = validated_data.get("billing_source") authentication = validated_data.get("authentication") try: with ServerProxy(SOURCES_CLIENT_BASE_URL) as sources_client: if billing_source: billing_source = self._update_billing_source(instance, billing_source) sources_client.update_billing_source(instance.source_id, billing_source) if authentication: authentication = self._update_authentication(instance, authentication) sources_client.update_authentication(instance.source_id, authentication) except Fault as error: LOG.error(f"Sources update error: {error}") raise SourcesStorageError(str(error)) except (ConnectionRefusedError, gaierror, ProtocolError) as error: LOG.error(f"Sources update dependency error: {error}") raise SourcesDependencyError(f"Sources-client: {error}") return get_source_instance(instance.source_id)
Example #8
Source File: From poet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def find_packages(self, name, constraint=None): packages = [] if constraint is not None: version_parser = VersionParser() constraint = version_parser.parse_constraints(constraint) with ServerProxy(self._url) as client: versions = client.package_releases(name, True) if constraint: versions =[Version.coerce(v) for v in versions]) for version in versions: try: packages.append(Package(name, version)) except ValueError: continue return packages
Example #9
Source File: From plaso with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def Open(self, hostname, port): """Opens a RPC communication channel to the server. Args: hostname (str): hostname or IP address to connect to for requests. port (int): port to connect to for requests. Returns: bool: True if the communication channel was established. """ server_url = 'http://{0:s}:{1:d}'.format(hostname, port) try: self._xmlrpc_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( server_url, allow_none=True) except SocketServer.socket.error as exception: logger.warning(( 'Unable to connect to RPC server on {0:s}:{1:d} with error: ' '{2!s}').format(hostname, port, exception)) return False return True
Example #10
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_close(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) #do some requests with close. self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("close")() #this should trigger a new keep-alive request self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("close")() #they should have all been two request handlers, each having logged at least #two complete requests self.assertEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests), 2) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests[-1]), 2) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests[-2]), 2)
Example #11
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_multicall(self): try: p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) multicall = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(p) multicall.add(2,3) multicall.pow(6,8) multicall.div(127,42) add_result, pow_result, div_result = multicall() self.assertEqual(add_result, 2+3) self.assertEqual(pow_result, 6**8) self.assertEqual(div_result, 127//42) except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, OSError) as e: # ignore failures due to non-blocking socket 'unavailable' errors if not is_unavailable_exception(e): # protocol error; provide additional information in test output"%s\n%s" % (e, getattr(e, "headers", "")))
Example #12
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_non_existing_multicall(self): try: p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) multicall = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(p) multicall.this_is_not_exists() result = multicall() # result.results contains; # [{'faultCode': 1, 'faultString': '<class \'exceptions.Exception\'>:' # 'method "this_is_not_exists" is not supported'>}] self.assertEqual(result.results[0]['faultCode'], 1) self.assertEqual(result.results[0]['faultString'], '<class \'Exception\'>:method "this_is_not_exists" ' 'is not supported') except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, OSError) as e: # ignore failures due to non-blocking socket 'unavailable' errors if not is_unavailable_exception(e): # protocol error; provide additional information in test output"%s\n%s" % (e, getattr(e, "headers", "")))
Example #13
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_non_existing_multicall(self): try: p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) multicall = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(p) multicall.this_is_not_exists() result = multicall() # result.results contains; # [{'faultCode': 1, 'faultString': '<class \'exceptions.Exception\'>:' # 'method "this_is_not_exists" is not supported'>}] self.assertEqual(result.results[0]['faultCode'], 1) self.assertEqual(result.results[0]['faultString'], '<class \'Exception\'>:method "this_is_not_exists" ' 'is not supported') except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, OSError) as e: # ignore failures due to non-blocking socket 'unavailable' errors if not is_unavailable_exception(e): # protocol error; provide additional information in test output"%s\n%s" % (e, getattr(e, "headers", "")))
Example #14
Source File: From droidbot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __get_state_str_raw(self): if self.device.humanoid is not None: import json from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy proxy = ServerProxy("http://%s/" % self.device.humanoid) return proxy.render_view_tree(json.dumps({ "view_tree": self.view_tree, "screen_res": [self.device.display_info["width"], self.device.display_info["height"]] })) else: view_signatures = set() for view in self.views: view_signature = DeviceState.__get_view_signature(view) if view_signature: view_signatures.add(view_signature) return "%s{%s}" % (self.foreground_activity, ",".join(sorted(view_signatures)))
Example #15
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_fail_with_info(self): # use the broken message class xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.MessageClass = FailingMessageClass # Check that errors in the server send back exception/traceback # info when flag is set xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer._send_traceback_header = True try: p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) p.pow(6,8) except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, OSError) as e: # ignore failures due to non-blocking socket 'unavailable' errors if not is_unavailable_exception(e) and hasattr(e, "headers"): # We should get error info in the response expected_err = "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'I am broken'" self.assertEqual(e.headers.get("X-exception"), expected_err) self.assertTrue(e.headers.get("X-traceback") is not None) else:'ProtocolError not raised')
Example #16
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_two(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) #do three requests. self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("close")() #they should have all been handled by a single request handler self.assertEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests), 1) #check that we did at least two (the third may be pending append #due to thread scheduling) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests[-1]), 2) #test special attribute access on the serverproxy, through the __call__ #function.
Example #17
Source File: From dephell with MIT License | 6 votes |
def search(self, query: Iterable[str]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: fields = self._parse_query(query=query) logger.debug('search on PyPI', extra=dict(query=fields)) invalid_fields = set(fields) - _fields if invalid_fields: raise InvalidFieldsError(fields=invalid_fields) with ServerProxy('') as client: response =, 'and') results = [] for info in response: results.append(dict( name=info['name'], version=info['version'], description=info['summary'], url='{}/'.format(info['name']), )) return results
Example #18
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_close(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) #do some requests with close. self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("close")() #this should trigger a new keep-alive request self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("close")() #they should have all been two request handlers, each having logged at least #two complete requests self.assertEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests), 2) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests[-1]), 2) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests[-2]), 2)
Example #19
Source File: From pyroma with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_distribute(self): real_urlopen = urllib.urlopen real_server_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy try: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy = ProxyStub( "", xmlrpclib.ServerProxy, False ) urllib.urlopen = urlopenstub data = pypidata.get_data("distribute") rating = rate(data) self.assertEqual( rating, ( 9, [ "The classifiers should specify what minor versions of Python " "you support as well as what major version.", "You should have three or more owners of the project on PyPI.", ], ), ) finally: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy = real_server_proxy urllib.urlopen = real_urlopen
Example #20
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_introspection3(self): try: # test native doc p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) myfunction = p.system.methodHelp('my_function') self.assertEqual(myfunction, 'This is my function') except (xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, OSError) as e: # ignore failures due to non-blocking socket 'unavailable' errors if not is_unavailable_exception(e): # protocol error; provide additional information in test output"%s\n%s" % (e, getattr(e, "headers", "")))
Example #21
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_path1(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL+"/foo") self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) self.assertRaises(xmlrpclib.Fault, p.add, 6, 8)
Example #22
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_transport(self): t = xmlrpclib.Transport() p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.url, transport=t) self.assertEqual(p('transport'), t) # This is a contrived way to make a failure occur on the server side # in order to test the _send_traceback_header flag on the server
Example #23
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_close(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.url) self.assertEqual(p('close')(), None)
Example #24
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_gzip_response(self): t = self.Transport() p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL, transport=t) old = self.requestHandler.encode_threshold self.requestHandler.encode_threshold = None #no encoding self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) a = t.response_length self.requestHandler.encode_threshold = 0 #always encode self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("close")() b = t.response_length self.requestHandler.encode_threshold = old self.assertTrue(a>b)
Example #25
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_bad_gzip_request(self): t = self.Transport() t.encode_threshold = None t.fake_gzip = True p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL, transport=t) cm = self.assertRaisesRegex(xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, re.compile(r"\b400\b")) with cm: p.pow(6, 8) p("close")()
Example #26
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_gzip_request(self): t = self.Transport() t.encode_threshold = None p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL, transport=t) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) a = self.RequestHandler.content_length t.encode_threshold = 0 #turn on request encoding self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) b = self.RequestHandler.content_length self.assertTrue(a>b) p("close")()
Example #27
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_transport(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) #do some requests with close. self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("transport").close() #same as above, really. self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) p("close")() self.assertEqual(len(self.RequestHandler.myRequests), 2) #A test case that verifies that gzip encoding works in both directions #(for a request and the response)
Example #28
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_path3(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL+"/is/broken") self.assertRaises(xmlrpclib.Fault, p.add, 6, 8) #A test case that verifies that a server using the HTTP/1.1 keep-alive mechanism #does indeed serve subsequent requests on the same connection
Example #29
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_path2(self): p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL+"/foo/bar") self.assertEqual(p.add(6,8), 6+8) self.assertRaises(xmlrpclib.Fault, p.pow, 6, 8)
Example #30
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_gzip_request(self): t = self.Transport() t.encode_threshold = None p = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL, transport=t) self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) a = self.RequestHandler.content_length t.encode_threshold = 0 #turn on request encoding self.assertEqual(p.pow(6,8), 6**8) b = self.RequestHandler.content_length self.assertTrue(a>b) p("close")()