Python blessings.Terminal() Examples
The following are 29
code examples of blessings.Terminal().
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Example #1
Source File: From open-syllabus-project with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def status(self): """ List pending/failed counts for each worker. """ term = Terminal() for url in self.worker_urls: click.echo(url) # Get the queue counts. r = requests.get(url+'/rq/queues.json') for queue in r.json()['queues']: # Pending jobs: if queue['name'] == 'default': click.echo(['count']))) # Failed jobs: if queue['name'] == 'failed': click.echo(['count'])))
Example #2
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, vm, vmx): SurgicalCmd.__init__(self) self.logger = Logger() self.t = Terminal() self.u = Util() self.vm = vm self.vmx = vmx self.methods = self.vm.get_methods() self.intent = IntentModule() = ZipModule() self.socket = SocketModule() self.system = SystemModule() self.crypto = CryptoModule() self.modules = [m for m in, self.intent, self.socket, self.system, self.crypto] self.target_module = None self.methods_api_usage = list()
Example #3
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, ROOT_DIR): Lobotomy.__init__(self) self.ROOT_DIR = ROOT_DIR self.t = Terminal() self.logger = Logger() self.util = Util() self.apk = None self.package = None self.vm = None self.vmx = None = None self.components = None self.dex = None self.strings = None self.permissions = None self.permissions_details = None self.files = None self.attack_surface = None
Example #4
Source File: From mesos-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def main(args): term = blessings.Terminal() # There's a security bug in Mavericks wrt. urllib2: # if platform.system() == "Darwin": os.environ["no_proxy"] = "*" task = MASTER.task(args.task) cmd = [ "ssh", "-t", task.slave["hostname"], "cd {0} && bash".format( ] if == "": print( + "warning: the task no longer exists on the " + "target slave. Will not enter sandbox" + term.white + "\n\n") cmd = cmd[:-1] log.fn(os.execvp, "ssh", cmd)
Example #5
Source File: From DPSNet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, n_epochs, train_size, valid_size): self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.train_size = train_size self.valid_size = valid_size self.t = Terminal() s = 10 e = 1 # epoch bar position tr = 3 # train bar position ts = 6 # valid bar position h = self.t.height for i in range(10): print('') self.epoch_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=n_epochs, fd=Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+e))) self.train_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr)) self.train_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr+1)) self.valid_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts)) self.valid_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts+1)) self.reset_train_bar() self.reset_valid_bar()
Example #6
Source File: From open-syllabus-project with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def print_code(code): """ Print an HTTP status code. Args: code (int) """ term = Terminal() if code == 200: click.echo( else: click.echo(
Example #7
Source File: From cc with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, n_epochs, train_size, valid_size): self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.train_size = train_size self.valid_size = valid_size self.t = Terminal() s = 10 e = 1 # epoch bar position tr = 3 # train bar position ts = 6 # valid bar position h = self.t.height for i in range(10): print('') self.epoch_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=n_epochs, fd=Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+e))) self.train_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr)) self.train_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr+1)) self.valid_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts)) self.valid_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts+1)) self.reset_train_bar() self.reset_valid_bar()
Example #8
Source File: From mqtt-pwn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): """The class initializer""" Cmd.__init__(self, startup_script=config.STARTUP_SCRIPT) self.aliases.update({'exit': 'quit'}) self.hidden_commands.extend(['load', 'pyscript', 'set', 'shortcuts', 'alias', 'unalias', 'py']) self.current_victim = None self.mqtt_client = None self.current_scan = None self.t = Terminal() self.base_prompt = get_prompt(self) self.prompt = self.base_prompt categorize(( BaseMixin.do_edit, BaseMixin.do_help, BaseMixin.do_history, BaseMixin.do_quit, BaseMixin.do_shell, ), BaseMixin.CMD_CAT_GENERAL)
Example #9
Source File: From SfmLearner-Pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, n_epochs, train_size, valid_size): self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.train_size = train_size self.valid_size = valid_size self.t = Terminal() s = 10 e = 1 # epoch bar position tr = 3 # train bar position ts = 6 # valid bar position h = self.t.height for i in range(10): print('') self.epoch_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=n_epochs, fd=Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+e))) self.train_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr)) self.train_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr+1)) self.valid_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts)) self.valid_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts+1)) self.reset_train_bar() self.reset_valid_bar()
Example #10
Source File: From SC-SfMLearner-Release with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, n_epochs, train_size, valid_size): self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.train_size = train_size self.valid_size = valid_size self.t = Terminal() s = 10 e = 1 # epoch bar position tr = 3 # train bar position ts = 6 # valid bar position value = self.t.height h = int(0 if value is None else value) for i in range(10): print('') self.epoch_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( max_value=n_epochs, fd=Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+e))) self.train_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr)) self.train_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr+1)) self.valid_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts)) self.valid_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts+1)) self.reset_train_bar() self.reset_valid_bar()
Example #11
Source File: From unsupervised-depthnet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, n_epochs, train_size, valid_size): self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.train_size = train_size self.valid_size = valid_size self.t = Terminal() s = 10 e = 1 # epoch bar position tr = 3 # train bar position ts = 6 # valid bar position h = self.t.height for i in range(10): print('') self.epoch_bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=n_epochs, fd=Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+e))) self.train_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr)) self.train_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+tr+1)) self.valid_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts)) self.valid_bar_writer = Writer(self.t, (0, h-s+ts+1)) self.reset_train_bar() self.reset_valid_bar()
Example #12
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, files, apk): Binja.__init__(self) self.t = Terminal() self.logger = Logger() self.files = files self.apk = apk self.libs = list() self.rpc = None self.target_library = None self._init_binja()
Example #13
Source File: From progressive with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, term=None): self.term = Terminal() if term is None else term self._stream = self._saved = False
Example #14
Source File: From touchandgo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def select_chromecast(cls): name = None chromecasts = pychromecast.get_chromecasts_as_dict().keys() if not chromecasts: return if len(chromecasts) > 1: term = Terminal() print(term.clear()) print(term.bold("Touchandgo\n")) print("Chromecasts Availables")) for i, cc_name in enumerate(chromecasts, 1): option = term.cyan("%s) " % i) option += cc_name print(option) input_text = "Select which chromecast you want to cast (1-%d): " % \ len(chromecasts) user_input = raw_input(input_text) try: opt = int(user_input) - 1 if opt > len(chromecasts) or opt < 1: opt = 0 except ValueError: opt = 0 name = chromecasts[opt] elif len(chromecasts) == 1: name = chromecasts[0] return name
Example #15
Source File: From mesos-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(args): term = blessings.Terminal() table_generator = OrderedDict([ ("ID", lambda x:, ("name", lambda x:, ("host", lambda x: x.hostname), ("active", lambda x:, ("tasks", lambda x: x.task_count), ("cpu", lambda x: x.cpu_allocated), ("mem", lambda x: x.mem_allocated), ("disk", lambda x: x.disk_allocated), ]) tb = prettytable.PrettyTable( [x.upper() for x in table_generator.keys()], border=False, max_table_width=term.width, hrules=prettytable.NONE, vrules=prettytable.NONE, left_padding_width=0, right_padding_width=1 ) def format_row(framework): return [fn(framework) for fn in table_generator.values()] for framework in MASTER.frameworks(active_only=not args.inactive): tb.add_row(format_row(framework)) if tb.rowcount == 0: cli.header('You have no frameworks') else: print(tb)
Example #16
Source File: From mesos-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def header(name): term = blessings.Terminal() print("==>" + + "<==")
Example #17
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, cmdargs=None, doc=""): self.t = Terminal() if not cmdargs: cmdargs = None self.cmdargs = cmdargs self.doc = doc def __str__(self): msg = [self.doc] if self.cmdargs: msg.insert(0, "\n\t{0} : {1} (!)".format("Command not found", self.cmdargs)) return "\n\n".join(msg)
Example #18
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, cmdargs=None, doc=""): self.t = Terminal() if not cmdargs: cmdargs = None self.cmdargs = cmdargs self.doc = doc
Example #19
Source File: From codepost-python with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Configure the formatter by initializing the colored terminal captions, for the log events which are output to standard output. """ import blessings as _blessings _t = _blessings.Terminal() f = lambda s: s.format(_t=_t) # Python 2 compatibility of f"..." self._title = { "DEBUG": f("{_t.normal}[{_t.bold}{}DBUG{_t.normal}]"), "INFO": f("{_t.normal}[{_t.bold}{}INFO{_t.normal}]"), "WARNING": f("{_t.normal}[{_t.bold}{_t.yellow}WARN{_t.normal}]"), "ERROR": f("{_t.normal}[{_t.bold}{}ERR.{_t.normal}]"), } super(_SimpleColorFormatter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Example #20
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.t = Terminal()
Example #21
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, apk, components): self.t = Terminal() self.logger = Logger() self.apk = apk self.xml = self.apk.get_AndroidManifest() # Populate XML elements self.xml_activities = self.xml.getElementsByTagName("activity") self.xml_services = self.xml.getElementsByTagName("service") self.xml_receivers = self.xml.getElementsByTagName("receiver") self.xml_providers = self.xml.getElementsByTagName("provider") self.components = components
Example #22
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, apk): self.logger = Logger() self.t = Terminal() self.apk = apk self.activities = list() = list() self.receivers = list() self.providers = list()
Example #23
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, vm, vmx): self.t = Terminal() self.vm = vm self.vmx = vmx self.config = Config()
Example #24
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.t = Terminal()
Example #25
Source File: From portingdb with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(first_filename, second_filename): term = blessings.Terminal() with open(first_filename) as f: first_data = json.load(f) with open(second_filename) as f: second_data = json.load(f) status_changes = compare_files(first_data, second_data) # Print changes. print('Update Fedora data')) print('==================')) print() for change, packages in sorted(status_changes.items()): change_from, change_to = change if ( change_from in {'idle', 'mispackaged'} and change_to in {'released', 'legacy-leaf', 'py3-only'} ): badge_marker = '♥' else: badge_marker = '' print('**{}** → **{}** ({}) {}'.format( *change, len(packages), badge_marker, ))) for package in packages: print('-', package) print()
Example #26
Source File: From westpa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __terminal_histo__(self, vector, labels, fullscreen_mode=True): from blessings import Terminal self.t = Terminal() h = int(self.t.height / 4) * 3 w = self.t.width cols = np.array(vector).shape[0] # Let's print this business! colwidth = w / cols with self.t.fullscreen(): for y in range(0, h): for x in range(0, cols): if x == 0: with self.t.location(0, y): print('{0:.4f}|'.format(float(h-y)/float(h)))) with self.t.location((x*colwidth)+8+len(labels[x])/2, y): if vector[x] >= (float(h-y)/float(h)): #print(float(h-y)/float(h)) print(self.t.on_blue(' ')) for x in range(0, cols): if x == 0: with self.t.location(x, h): print('States| ') with self.t.location((x*colwidth)+8, h): print([x])) if fullscreen_mode: input("Press enter to continue.")
Example #27
Source File: From mxbox with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def print_formatted(self, fp=sys.stdout, no_color=False, show_cmd=False, show_user=False, show_pid=False, gpuname_width=16, ): # header time_format = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_T_FMT) header_msg = '{t.bold_white}{hostname}{t.normal} {timestr}'.format(**{ 'hostname' : self.hostname, 'timestr' : self.query_time.strftime(time_format), 't' : term if not no_color \ else Terminal(force_styling=None) }) fp.write(header_msg) fp.write('\n') # body gpuname_width = max([gpuname_width] + [len(g.entry['name']) for g in self]) for g in self: g.print_to(fp, with_colors=not no_color, show_cmd=show_cmd, show_user=show_user, show_pid=show_pid, gpuname_width=gpuname_width) fp.write('\n') fp.flush()
Example #28
Source File: From mesos-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def main(args): term = blessings.Terminal() table_generator = OrderedDict([ # user_time + system_time ("time", lambda x: x.cpu_time), ("state", lambda x: x["state"].split("_")[-1][0]), # mem_rss ("rss", lambda x: util.humanize_bytes(x.rss)), # cpus_limit ("cpu", lambda x: x.cpu_limit), # mem_rss / mem_limit ("%mem", get_memory), # ("command", lambda x: x.command), ("user", lambda x: x.user), # task_id ("id", lambda x: x["id"]), ]) tb = prettytable.PrettyTable( [x.upper() for x in table_generator.keys()], border=False, max_table_width=term.width, hrules=prettytable.NONE, vrules=prettytable.NONE, left_padding_width=0, right_padding_width=1 ) def format_row(task): try: return [fn(task) for fn in table_generator.values()] except exceptions.SlaveDoesNotExist: return None for row in parallel.by_slave( format_row, MASTER.tasks(active_only=(not args.inactive), fltr=args.task)): if row: tb.add_row(row) if tb.rowcount == 0: print("===>{0}You have no tasks for that filter{1}<===".format(, term.white)) else: print(tb)
Example #29
Source File: From touchandgo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Command line tool to watch torrents") parser.add_argument("name", help="The name of the series or movie") parser.add_argument("season_number", default=None, nargs="?", type=int, help="Season number") parser.add_argument("episode_number", default=None, nargs="?", type=int, help="Episode number") parser.add_argument("--sub", nargs='?', default=None, help="Subtitle language") parser.add_argument("--serve", action="store_true", help="Do not run VLC") parser.add_argument("--quality", nargs='?', default=None, help="quality of the video [normal|hd|fullhd]") parser.add_argument("--daemon", action="store_true", help="Daemonize the process"), parser.add_argument("--port", "-p", default="8888", help="The port where the stream will be served") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", default=None, help="Show _all_ the logs") parser.add_argument("--player", default='vlc', help="Player to use. vlc|omxplayer|chromecast") parser.add_argument("--nocache", action="store_false", default=True, help="Search for the torrent again"), args = parser.parse_args() log_set_up(args.verbose)"Starting touchandgo") log.debug("Running Python %s on %r", sys.version_info, sys.platform) log.debug("Libtorrent version: %s", libtorrent_version) try: if args.sub is not None: Language(args.sub) touchandgo = SearchAndStream(, season=args.season_number, episode=args.episode_number, sub_lang=args.sub, serve=args.serve, quality=args.quality, port=args.port, player=args.player, use_cache=args.nocache) if args.daemon: def callback(): touchandgo.serve = True daemonize(args, callback) else: term = Terminal() #with term.fullscreen(): except ValueError as e: print(e)