Python threading.active_count() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of threading.active_count().
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Example #1
Source File: From rteeg with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_BaseStream_connect(): event = threading.Event() def dummy_func(): while not event.is_set(): time.sleep(1.) base = BaseStream() n_threads_0 = threading.active_count() base.connect(dummy_func, "TEST") n_threads_1 = threading.active_count() # Check that a thread was started. assert n_threads_1 - n_threads_0 == 1, "Thread not started." # Check that the thread was created and named properly. name = [t.getName() for t in threading.enumerate() if t.getName() == "TEST"] assert name[0] == "TEST", "Thread not named properly." # Check that connect method only allows one connection. with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): base.connect(dummy_func, "SECOND_TEST") # Clean up. event.set()
Example #2
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, '') self.assertEqual(err, '')
Example #3
Source File: From BinderFilter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, '') self.assertEqual(err, '')
Example #4
Source File: From cascade-server with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def enable_async(): global enabled if enabled: return enabled if threading.active_count() > 3: # This number used to be 1, but a gevent patch or something else changed this so it starts with 3 threads logger.warning('{} threads already running. gvent monkey patching disabled...'.format(threading.active_count())) enabled = False else: logger.debug('Monkey patching using gevent') gevent.monkey.patch_all() enabled = True return enabled
Example #5
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, '') self.assertEqual(err, '')
Example #6
Source File: From testplan with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_start_stop(self, proc_pool): """Test basic start/stop of ProcessPool.""" # This testcase is known to fail on Windows - mark as xfail until we # can fix it up. if platform.system() == "Windows": pytest.xfail("ProcPool start/stop is unstable on Windows") current_proc = psutil.Process() start_children = current_proc.children() start_thread_count = threading.active_count() # Iterate 5 times to increase the chance of hitting a race condition. for _ in range(5): with proc_pool: assert proc_pool.status.tag == proc_pool.status.STARTED assert len(current_proc.children()) == len(start_children) + 2 assert proc_pool.status.tag == proc_pool.status.STOPPED assert len(current_proc.children()) == len(start_children)
Example #7
Source File: From TimeMachine with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def output(self): with open(RunParameters.OUTPUT_FILE, "a") as csv_file: writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) while (time.time() - self.start_time) < self.time_limit: #computing snapshots num_snapshots = 0 for key in self.state_graph.states: if self.state_graph.states[key].solid: num_snapshots = num_snapshots+1 #read coverage coverage_manager.pull_coverage_files("temp") coverage_manager.compute_current_coverage() # output in coverage.txt current_coverage = coverage_manager.read_current_coverage() # write files writer.writerow([str(int(time.time()-self.start_time)), str(len(self.state_graph.states)),str(num_snapshots), str(self.num_restore), str(current_coverage)]) time.sleep(120) print "current threads: " + str(threading.active_count()) csv_file.close()
Example #8
Source File: From distributed_framework with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, queue_name, fucntion_name, params): self.queue_name = queue_name self.function = fucntion_name publish_time = _get_publish_time(params) if publish_time: self.publish_time_str = time_util.DatetimeConverter(publish_time).datetime_str function_params = _delete_keys_and_return_new_dict(params, ) self.params = function_params self.params_str = json.dumps(function_params, ensure_ascii=False) self.result = '' self.run_times = 0 self.exception = '' self.time_start = time.time() self.time_cost = None self.success = False self.current_thread = ConsumersManager.get_concurrent_info() self.total_thread = threading.active_count() self.set_log_level(20)
Example #9
Source File: From distributed_framework with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_current_threads_num(sleep_time=60, process_name='', block=False): process_name = sys.argv[0] if process_name == '' else process_name def _show_current_threads_num(): while True: #'{process_name} 进程 的 并发数量是 --> {threading.active_count()}') nb_print(f'{process_name} 进程 的 线程数量是 --> {threading.active_count()}') time.sleep(sleep_time) if process_name not in process_name_set: if block: _show_current_threads_num() else: t = threading.Thread(target=_show_current_threads_num, daemon=True) t.start() process_name_set.add(process_name)
Example #10
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import _thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() _thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, b'') self.assertEqual(err, b'')
Example #11
Source File: From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import _thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() _thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, b'') self.assertEqual(err, b'')
Example #12
Source File: From execnet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_safe_terminate(execmodel): if execmodel.backend != "threading": pytest.xfail( "execution model %r does not support task count" % execmodel.backend ) import threading active = threading.active_count() l = [] def term(): sleep(3) def kill(): l.append(1) safe_terminate(execmodel, 1, [(term, kill)] * 10) assert len(l) == 10 sleep(0.1) gc.collect() assert execmodel.active_count() == active
Example #13
Source File: From HRIM with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def nodeSelected(self, value): try: self.validNode = False counter = 0 while(threading.active_count()>2 and counter<100): time.sleep(0.01) self.resetAll() if value>0 and counter<100: self.node_name = self.node_list[value-1] if "/"+self.node_name+"/specs" in dict(self.node.get_service_names_and_types()): self.validNode = True self.connectToNode() else: self.validNode = False print("Not a valid HRIM gripper node") except: raise
Example #14
Source File: From Weblogic-Weakpassword-Scnner with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _main(self): with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:"\n") for bl in self.blocks(f)) print t = threading.Thread(target=self.read_url_list) t.daemon = True t.start() time.sleep(5) for i in range(0,MAX_THREAD): t = threading.Thread(target=self._check) t.daemon = True t.start() while self.url_queue.qsize() !=0: sys.stdout.write("Current threads: %d,URLs left: %d,Success:%d \r" % ( threading.active_count(),, self.success), ) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.3) while threading.active_count() > 1: sys.stdout.write("Current threads: %d,URLs left: %d,Success:%d \r" % ( threading.active_count(),, self.success), ) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1)
Example #15
Source File: From grizzly with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def start(self): assert self._job.pending # create the listener thread to handle incoming requests listener = threading.Thread( target=self.listener, args=(self._socket, self._job, self._workers), kwargs={"shutdown_delay": self.SHUTDOWN_DELAY}) # launch listener thread and handle thread errors for retry in reversed(range(10)): try: listener.start() except threading.ThreadError: # thread errors can be due to low system resources while fuzzing LOG.warning("ThreadError (listener), threads: %d", threading.active_count()) if retry < 1: raise time.sleep(1) continue self._listener = listener break
Example #16
Source File: From grizzly with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def launch(cls, listen_sock, job): assert job.accepting.is_set() conn = None try: conn, _ = listen_sock.accept() conn.settimeout(None) # create a worker thread to handle client request w_thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.handle_request, args=(conn, job)) job.accepting.clear() w_thread.start() return cls(conn, w_thread) except (socket.error, socket.timeout): if conn is not None: # pragma: no cover conn.close() except threading.ThreadError: if conn is not None: # pragma: no cover conn.close() # reset accepting status job.accepting.set() LOG.warning("ThreadError (worker), threads: %d", threading.active_count()) # wait for system resources to free up time.sleep(0.1) return None
Example #17
Source File: From malmo-challenge with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run_experiment(agents_def): assert len(agents_def) == 2, 'Not enough agents (required: 2, got: %d)'\ % len(agents_def) processes = [] for agent in agents_def: p = Thread(target=agent_factory, kwargs=agent) p.daemon = True p.start() # Give the server time to start if agent['role'] == 0: sleep(1) processes.append(p) try: # wait until only the challenge agent is left while active_count() > 2: sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught control-c - shutting down.')
Example #18
Source File: From malmo-challenge with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run_experiment(agents_def): assert len(agents_def) == 2, 'Not enough agents (required: 2, got: %d)' \ % len(agents_def) processes = [] for agent in agents_def: p = Thread(target=agent_factory, kwargs=agent) p.daemon = True p.start() # Give the server time to start if agent['role'] == 0: sleep(1) processes.append(p) try: # wait until only the challenge agent is left while active_count() > 2: sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught control-c - shutting down.')
Example #19
Source File: From malmo-challenge with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run_experiment(agents_def): assert len(agents_def) == 2, 'Not enough agents (required: 2, got: %d)' \ % len(agents_def) processes = [] for agent in agents_def: p = Thread(target=agent_factory, kwargs=agent) p.daemon = True p.start() # Give the server time to start if agent['role'] == 0: sleep(1) processes.append(p) try: # wait until only the challenge agent is left while active_count() > 2: sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught control-c - shutting down.')
Example #20
Source File: From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, '') self.assertEqual(err, '')
Example #21
Source File: From execnet with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_safe_terminate2(execmodel): if execmodel.backend != "threading": pytest.xfail( "execution model %r does not support task count" % execmodel.backend ) import threading active = threading.active_count() l = [] def term(): return def kill(): l.append(1) safe_terminate(execmodel, 3, [(term, kill)] * 10) assert len(l) == 0 sleep(0.1) gc.collect() assert threading.active_count() == active
Example #22
Source File: From twitterDataMining with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self): twitter_stream = TwitterStream(self.child_conn) twitter_stream_thread = threading.Thread( twitter_stream_thread.setDaemon(True) twitter_stream_thread.start() print ' threading.active_count()', threading.active_count() # TODO error count > 3 kill while True: time.sleep(self.period) twitter_stream.get() tweets = self.parent_conn.recv() t = threading.Thread(target=self.do_some_from_data, args=(tweets,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() print 'TopicTrends : ', list(threading.enumerate()) # print sum(tweets) print 'end'
Example #23
Source File: From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_dummy_thread_after_fork(self): # Issue #14308: a dummy thread in the active list doesn't mess up # the after-fork mechanism. code = """if 1: import _thread, threading, os, time def background_thread(evt): # Creates and registers the _DummyThread instance threading.current_thread() evt.set() time.sleep(10) evt = threading.Event() _thread.start_new_thread(background_thread, (evt,)) evt.wait() assert threading.active_count() == 2, threading.active_count() if os.fork() == 0: assert threading.active_count() == 1, threading.active_count() os._exit(0) else: os.wait() """ _, out, err = assert_python_ok("-c", code) self.assertEqual(out, b'') self.assertEqual(err, b'')
Example #24
Source File: From zmirror with MIT License | 6 votes |
def zmirror_status(): """返回服务器的一些状态信息""" if request.remote_addr and request.remote_addr != '': return generate_simple_resp_page(b'Only are allowed', 403) output = "" output += strx('extract_real_url_from_embedded_url', extract_real_url_from_embedded_url.cache_info()) output += strx('\nis_content_type_streamed', is_mime_streamed.cache_info()) output += strx('\nembed_real_url_to_embedded_url', embed_real_url_to_embedded_url.cache_info()) output += strx('\ncheck_global_ua_pass', check_global_ua_pass.cache_info()) output += strx('\nextract_mime_from_content_type', extract_mime_from_content_type.cache_info()) output += strx('\nis_content_type_using_cdn', is_content_type_using_cdn.cache_info()) output += strx('\nis_ua_in_whitelist', is_content_type_using_cdn.cache_info()) output += strx('\nis_mime_represents_text', is_mime_represents_text.cache_info()) output += strx('\nis_domain_match_glob_whitelist', is_domain_match_glob_whitelist.cache_info()) output += strx('\nverify_ip_hash_cookie', verify_ip_hash_cookie.cache_info()) output += strx('\nis_denied_because_of_spider', is_denied_because_of_spider.cache_info()) output += strx('\nis_ip_not_in_allow_range', is_ip_not_in_allow_range.cache_info()) output += strx('\n\ncurrent_threads_number', threading.active_count()) # output += strx('\nclient_requests_text_rewrite', client_requests_text_rewrite.cache_info()) # output += strx('\nextract_url_path_and_query', extract_url_path_and_query.cache_info()) output += strx('\n----------------\n') output += strx('\ndomain_alias_to_target_set', domain_alias_to_target_set) return "<pre>" + output + "</pre>\n"
Example #25
Source File: From zynthian-ui with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def wait_threads_end(self, n=20): logging.debug("Awaiting threads to end ...") while (self.loading_thread.is_alive() or self.zyncoder_thread.is_alive() or zynautoconnect.is_running()) and n>0: sleep(0.1) n -= 1 if n<=0: logging.error("Reached maximum count while awaiting threads to end!") return False else: logging.debug("Remaining {} active threads...".format(threading.active_count())) sleep(0.5) return True
Example #26
Source File: From twitterDataMining with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): if self.param.mode != 2: # online stream data(use twitter API) twitter_stream = TwitterStream(self.child_conn) twitter_stream_thread = threading.Thread(target=twitter_stream.stream_data, args=(self.param.track, self.param.follow, self.param.location, self.param.storeIntoDB, self.param.storeIntoDBName,)) twitter_stream_thread.setDaemon(True) twitter_stream_thread.start() print ' threading.active_count()', threading.active_count() # TODO error count > 3 kill while True: time.sleep(self.period) twitter_stream.ready_receive() tweets = self.parent_conn.recv() t = threading.Thread(target=self.do_some_from_data, args=(tweets,)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() else: # local database data condition = threading.Condition() local_stream = LocalStream() local_stream_thread = threading.Thread(target=local_stream.stream_data, args=(condition, self.param.startDate, self.param.endDate, self.param.localCollectionsName,)) local_stream_thread.setDaemon(True) local_stream_thread.start() print ' threading.active_count()', threading.active_count() if condition.acquire(): while True: print 'wait to receive' if local_stream.tweets: self.do_some_from_data(local_stream.tweets) local_stream.tweets = [] condition.notify() condition.wait()
Example #27
Source File: From moler with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def system_resources_usage(): curr_fds_open = current_process.num_fds() curr_threads_nb = threading.active_count() return curr_fds_open, curr_threads_nb
Example #28
Source File: From moler with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def system_resources_usage(): curr_fds_open = current_process.num_fds() curr_threads_nb = threading.active_count() return curr_fds_open, curr_threads_nb
Example #29
Source File: From yalih with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def threadmaker(): while True: threadstomake = honeypotconfig.threadnum - threading.active_count() for i in range(threadstomake): thread = threading.Thread(target=worker) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() time.sleep(5)
Example #30
Source File: From PyIris-backdoor with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): try: confirm_exit = input('\n' + + 'Are you sure you want to exit[y/n] : ') if confirm_exit == 'y': print(config.inf + 'User requested shutdown...') if config.listener_database: print(config.lod + 'Killing all active listeners') print(config.inf + 'Sent kill message to all listeners...') print(config.inf + 'Waiting for response...') config.listener_database = {} while threading.active_count() > 1: continue print(config.pos + 'Done') if config.scout_database: print(config.lod + 'Disconnecting all scouts') for i in config.scout_database: try: send_all.main(config.scout_database[i][0], 'disconnect') config.scout_database[i][0].settimeout(5) buffer_out_reply = recv_all.main(config.scout_database[i][0]) config.scout_database[i][0].close() print(config.pos + 'Closed connection to scout of ID : ' + i) except (socket.error, socket.timeout): print(config.neg + 'Could not close connection to scout of ID : ' + i) pass print(config.pos + 'Done') print(config.pos + 'Exiting...') os._exit(1) else: pass except EOFError: try: time.sleep(2) quit() except KeyboardInterrupt: quit() except KeyboardInterrupt: quit()