Python bottle.request.headers() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of bottle.request.headers().
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Example #1
Source File: From infrabox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_next_page(r): link = r.headers.get('Link', None) if not link: return None n1 = link.find('rel=\"next\"') if n1 < 0: return None n2 = link.rfind('<', 0, n1) if n2 < 0: return None n2 += 1 n3 = link.find('>;', n2) return link[n2:n3]
Example #2
Source File: From JediHTTP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __call__(self, callback): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not is_local_request():'Dropping request with bad Host header.') abort(httplib.UNAUTHORIZED, 'Unauthorized, received request from non-local Host.') return if not self.is_request_authenticated():'Dropping request with bad HMAC.') abort(httplib.UNAUTHORIZED, 'Unauthorized, received bad HMAC.') return body = callback(*args, **kwargs) self.sign_response_headers(response.headers, body) return body return wrapper
Example #3
Source File: From bii-server with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _getBson(self): ''' If the ``Content-Type`` header is ``application/bson``, this property holds the parsed content of the request body. Only requests smaller than :attr:`MEMFILE_MAX` are processed to avoid memory exhaustion. ''' max_size = BII_MAX_MEMORY_PER_REQUEST if request.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/bson': if 0 < request.content_length < max_size: return decode_bson( else: logger.error("Max size of bson for request: %i" % request.content_length) # DO NOT REMOVE: BODY NEEDS TO BE READED BEFORE RAISE, IT SEEMS LIKE A BOTTLE BUG raise BSONBottlePluginException("Max request size overtaken") else: raise BSONBottlePluginException("Not Bson request in a method with bson_param specified") return None
Example #4
Source File: From lokun-record with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def key_auth(name=""): """Authenticates a API key.""" if 'secret' in request.forms: secret = request.forms["secret"] elif 'X-Lokun-Secret' in request.headers: secret = request.headers["X-Lokun-Secret"] else: abort(401, "Must include a secret") try: return model.APIKey.auth(secret, name=name) except ValueError: log("Not accepted: " + repr(request.forms['secret'])) abort(403, "Secret not accepted") # ------------ # /users/ # ------------
Example #5
Source File: From lokun-record with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getuser(name): """This is POST only because GET shows passwords in url. TODO: Move key to headers""" user = auth(name) return dict(user)
Example #6
Source File: From aws-servicebroker with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def post_method(data=None, content_type=None): if not data: data ='utf-8') if not content_type: content_type = request.content_type if 'x-amz-sns-message-type' not in request.headers.keys(): raise Exception('missing headers') if request.headers['x-amz-sns-message-type'] != 'SubscriptionConfirmation': return url = json.loads(data)['SubscribeURL'] requests.get(url) return
Example #7
Source File: From mailur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def session(callback): cookie_name = 'session' serializer = URLSafeSerializer(conf['SECRET']) def inner(*args, **kwargs): data_raw = data = request.get_cookie(cookie_name) if data_raw: try: data = serializer.loads(data_raw) except (BadSignature, BadData): data = None if data: conf['USER'] = data['username'] request.session = data or {} try: return callback(*args, **kwargs) finally: if request.session: save(request.session) elif not data_raw: pass else: response.delete_cookie(cookie_name) def save(session): cookie_opts = { # keep session for 3 days 'max_age': 3600 * 24 * 3, # for security 'httponly': True, 'secure': request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Proto') == 'https', } data = serializer.dumps(session) response.set_cookie(cookie_name, data, **cookie_opts) return inner
Example #8
Source File: From mailur with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def nginx(): h = request.headers try: login, pw = h['Auth-User'], h['Auth-Pass'] protocol = h['Auth-Protocol'] except KeyError as e: return abort(400, repr(e)) if login in conf['IMAP_OFF']: response.set_header('Auth-Status', 'Disabled') response.set_header('Auth-Wait', 3) return '' port = {'imap': '143', 'smtp': '25'}[protocol] try: local.connect(login, pw) response.set_header('Auth-Status', 'OK') response.set_header('Auth-Server', '') response.set_header('Auth-Port', port) except imap.Error as e: response.set_header('Auth-Status', str(e)) response.set_header('Auth-Wait', 3) return ''
Example #9
Source File: From infrabox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_commits(url, token): headers = { "Authorization": "token " + token, "User-Agent": "InfraBox" } s = requests.Session() retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=0.1, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504]) s.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) # TODO(ib-steffen): allow custom ca bundles r = requests.get(url + '?per_page=100', headers=headers, verify=False) result = [] result.extend(r.json()) p = get_next_page(r) while p: r = requests.get(p, headers=headers, verify=False) p = get_next_page(r) result.extend(r.json()) return result
Example #10
Source File: From infrabox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def trigger_build(conn): headers = dict(request.headers) if 'X-Github-Event' not in headers: return res(400, "X-Github-Event not set") if 'X-Hub-Signature' not in headers: return res(400, "X-Hub-Signature not set") event = headers['X-Github-Event'] sig = headers['X-Hub-Signature'] #pylint: disable=no-member body = secret = get_env('INFRABOX_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET') signed = sign_blob(secret, body) if signed != sig: return res(400, "X-Hub-Signature does not match blob signature") trigger = Trigger(conn) if event == 'push': return trigger.handle_push(request.json) elif event == 'pull_request': return trigger.handle_pull_request(request.json) return res(200, "OK")
Example #11
Source File: From JediHTTP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_request_authenticated(self): return self._hmachelper.is_request_authenticated(request.headers, request.method, request.path,
Example #12
Source File: From JediHTTP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sign_response_headers(self, headers, body): self._hmachelper.sign_response_headers(headers, body)
Example #13
Source File: From JediHTTP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_local_request(): host = urlparse('http://' + request.headers['host']).hostname return host == '' or host == 'localhost'
Example #14
Source File: From homu with MIT License | 5 votes |
def travis(): logger = g.logger.getChild('travis') info = json.loads(request.forms.payload) lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'info: {}'.format(utils.remove_url_keys_from_json(info))) try: state, repo_label = find_state(info['commit']) except ValueError: lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'Invalid commit ID from Travis: {}'.format(info['commit'])) return 'OK' lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'state: {}, {}'.format(state, state.build_res_summary())) if 'travis' not in state.build_res: lazy_debug(logger, lambda: 'travis is not a monitored target for {}'.format(state)) return 'OK' repo_cfg = g.repo_cfgs[repo_label] token = repo_cfg['travis']['token'] auth_header = request.headers['Authorization'] code = hashlib.sha256(('{}/{}{}'.format(state.owner,, token)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if auth_header != code: # this isn't necessarily an error, e.g. maybe someone is # fabricating travis notifications to try to trick Homu, but, # I imagine that this will most often occur because a repo is # misconfigured. logger.warn('authorization failed for {}, maybe the repo has the wrong travis token? ' \ 'header = {}, computed = {}' .format(state, auth_header, code)) abort(400, 'Authorization failed') succ = info['result'] == 0 report_build_res(succ, info['build_url'], 'travis', state, logger, repo_cfg) return 'OK'
Example #15
Source File: From maloja with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def instructions(keys): authenticated = False if "Cookie" in request.headers: cookies = request.headers["Cookie"].split(";") for c in cookies: if c.strip().startswith("apikey="): authenticated = checkAPIkey(c.strip()[7:]) if "token" in keys and authenticated: token = keys.get("token") parameters = { "method":"auth.getSession", "token":token, "api_key":get_settings("LASTFM_API_KEY") } response = urllib.request.urlopen("" + lfmbuild(parameters)) xml = data = ET.fromstring(xml) if data.attrib.get("status") == "ok": username = data.find("session").find("name").text sessionkey = data.find("session").find("key").text update_settings("settings/settings.ini",{"LASTFM_API_SK":sessionkey,"LASTFM_USERNAME":username},create_new=True) return "/proxy" else: key,secret,sessionkey,name = get_settings("LASTFM_API_KEY","LASTFM_API_SECRET","LASTFM_API_SK","LASTFM_USERNAME") if key is None: lastfm = "<td>No key provided</td>" elif secret is None: lastfm = "<td>No secret provided</td>" elif sessionkey is None and authenticated: url = "" + key + "&cb=" lastfm = "<td class='button'><a id='lastfmlink' href='" + url + "'><div>Connect</div></a></td>" elif sessionkey is None: lastfm = "<td>Not active</td>" else: lastfm = "<td>Account: " + name + "</td>" return {"KEY_STATUS_LASTFM":lastfm},[]
Example #16
Source File: From conifer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def init_routes(self): wr_api_spec.set_curr_tag('Uploads')['/_upload', '/api/v1/upload']) def upload_file(): user = self.access.session_user force_coll_name = request.query.getunicode('force-coll', '') if force_coll_name: collection = user.get_collection_by_name(force_coll_name) else: collection = None # allow uploading to external collections if not collection or not collection.is_external(): if user.is_anon(): return self._raise_error(400, 'not_logged_in') expected_size = int(request.headers['Content-Length']) if not expected_size: return self._raise_error(400, 'no_file_specified') filename = request.query.getunicode('filename') stream = request.environ['wsgi.input'] res = self.uploader.upload_file(user, stream, expected_size, filename, force_coll_name) if 'error' in res: return self._raise_error(400, res['error']) Stats(self.redis).incr_upload(user, expected_size) return res['/_upload/<upload_id>', '/api/v1/upload/<upload_id>']) def get_upload_status(upload_id): user = self.get_user(api=True) props = self.uploader.get_upload_status(user, upload_id) if not props: return self._raise_error(400, 'upload_expired') return props