Python arrow.utcnow() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of arrow.utcnow().
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Example #1
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def determine_end_date(end_date): """ Determine appropriate end date :param end_date: :return: validity_end """ default_years = current_app.config.get("DIGICERT_DEFAULT_VALIDITY", 1) max_validity_end = arrow.utcnow().shift(years=current_app.config.get("DIGICERT_MAX_VALIDITY", default_years)) if not end_date: end_date = arrow.utcnow().shift(years=default_years) if end_date > max_validity_end: end_date = max_validity_end return end_date
Example #2
Source File: From Watson with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_report_current(mocker, config_dir): mocker.patch('arrow.utcnow', return_value=arrow.get(5000)) watson = Watson( current={'project': 'foo', 'start': 4000}, config_dir=config_dir ) for _ in range(2): report = arrow.utcnow(), arrow.utcnow(), current=True, projects=['foo'] ) assert len(report['projects']) == 1 assert report['projects'][0]['name'] == 'foo' assert report['projects'][0]['time'] == pytest.approx(1000) report = arrow.utcnow(), arrow.utcnow(), current=False, projects=['foo'] ) assert len(report['projects']) == 0 report = arrow.utcnow(), arrow.utcnow(), projects=['foo'] ) assert len(report['projects']) == 0
Example #3
Source File: From Watson with MIT License | 6 votes |
def rename_tag(self, old_tag, new_tag): """Rename a tag in all affected frames.""" if old_tag not in self.tags: raise WatsonError(u'Tag "%s" does not exist' % old_tag) updated_at = arrow.utcnow() # rename tag for frame in self.frames: if old_tag in frame.tags: self.frames[] = frame._replace( tags=[new_tag if t == old_tag else t for t in frame.tags], updated_at=updated_at ) self.frames.changed = True
Example #4
Source File: From Watson with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __new__(cls, start, stop, project, id, tags=None, updated_at=None,): try: if not isinstance(start, arrow.Arrow): start = arrow.get(start) if not isinstance(stop, arrow.Arrow): stop = arrow.get(stop) if updated_at is None: updated_at = arrow.utcnow() elif not isinstance(updated_at, arrow.Arrow): updated_at = arrow.get(updated_at) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: from .watson import WatsonError raise WatsonError(u"Error converting date: {}".format(e)) start ='local') stop ='local') if tags is None: tags = [] return super(Frame, cls).__new__( cls, start, stop, project, id, tags, updated_at )
Example #5
Source File: From Watson with MIT License | 6 votes |
def sync(watson): """ Get the frames from the server and push the new ones. The URL of the server and the User Token must be defined via the `watson config` command. Example: \b $ watson config backend.url http://localhost:4242 $ watson config backend.token 7e329263e329 $ watson sync Received 42 frames from the server Pushed 23 frames to the server """ last_pull = arrow.utcnow() pulled = watson.pull() click.echo("Received {} frames from the server".format(len(pulled))) pushed = watson.push(last_pull) click.echo("Pushed {} frames to the server".format(len(pushed))) watson.last_sync = arrow.utcnow()
Example #6
Source File: From Watson with MIT License | 6 votes |
def rename_project(self, old_project, new_project): """Rename a project in all affected frames.""" if old_project not in self.projects: raise WatsonError(u'Project "%s" does not exist' % old_project) updated_at = arrow.utcnow() # rename project for frame in self.frames: if frame.project == old_project: self.frames[] = frame._replace( project=new_project, updated_at=updated_at ) self.frames.changed = True
Example #7
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def query_common_name(common_name, args): """ Helper function that queries for not expired certificates by common name (and owner) :param common_name: :param args: :return: """ owner = args.pop("owner") if not owner: owner = "%" # only not expired certificates current_time = arrow.utcnow() result = ( Certificate.query.filter( .filter(Certificate.owner.ilike(owner)) .filter(Certificate.not_after >= current_time.format("YYYY-MM-DD")) .all() ) return result
Example #8
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def convert_validity_years(data): """ Convert validity years to validity_start and validity_end :param data: :return: """ if data.get("validity_years"): now = arrow.utcnow() data["validity_start"] = now.isoformat() end = now.shift(years=+int(data["validity_years"])) if not current_app.config.get("LEMUR_ALLOW_WEEKEND_EXPIRATION", True): if is_weekend(end): end = end.shift(days=-2) data["validity_end"] = end.isoformat() return data
Example #9
Source File: From invenio-app-ils with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_current_ranged_loans_filter(app): """Test ranged current loans filter.""" with app.app_context(): rfilter = overdue_loans_filter("field") current_loans_query = Terms( state=current_app.config["CIRCULATION_STATES_LOAN_ACTIVE"] ) overdue = rfilter(["Overdue"]) field = {"lt": str(arrow.utcnow().date())} assert overdue == Range(field=field) & current_loans_query upcoming = rfilter(["Upcoming return"]) field = { "gte": str(arrow.utcnow().date()), "lte": str((arrow.utcnow() + timedelta(days=7)).date()), } assert upcoming == Range(field=field) & current_loans_query
Example #10
Source File: From invenio-app-ils with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _create_on_loan_brwreq_with_pending_extension( patron_id, client, json_headers ): """Create a new ON_LOAN ILL borrowing request with pending extension.""" today = arrow.utcnow().date().isoformat() brwreq, brwreq_pid = _create_on_loan_brwreq_random_dates( "1", client, json_headers ) res = _request_extension_action(brwreq_pid, client, json_headers) assert res.status_code == 200 brwreq = res.get_json()["metadata"] patron_loan = brwreq["patron_loan"] assert patron_loan["loan"]["state"] == "ITEM_ON_LOAN" assert "extension_count" not in patron_loan["loan"] assert patron_loan["extension"]["status"] == "PENDING" assert patron_loan["extension"]["request_date"] == today return brwreq, brwreq["pid"]
Example #11
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def sync(source, user): new_certs, updated_certs, updated_certs_by_hash = sync_certificates(source, user) new_endpoints, updated_endpoints, updated_endpoints_by_hash = sync_endpoints(source) metrics.send("sync.updated_certs_by_hash", "gauge", updated_certs_by_hash, metric_tags={"source": source.label}) metrics.send("sync.updated_endpoints_by_hash", "gauge", updated_endpoints_by_hash, metric_tags={"source": source.label}) source.last_run = arrow.utcnow() database.update(source) return { "endpoints": (new_endpoints, updated_endpoints), "certificates": (new_certs, updated_certs), }
Example #12
Source File: From invenio-app-ils with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_brwreq_create_loan_fails_on_loan_pid_already_attached( db, client, testdata, json_headers, users ): """Test borrowing requests create loan action fails on loan_pid already.""" user_login(client, "librarian", users) # demo data "illbid-2" has the valid state `REQUESTED` pid = "illbid-2" rec = BorrowingRequest.get_record_by_pid(pid) rec.setdefault("patron_loan", {}) rec["patron_loan"]["pid"] = "loanid-3" rec.commit() db.session.commit() # already with a loan pid for some reasons now = arrow.utcnow() future = now + timedelta(days=5) data = dict(,, ) _assert_create_loan_action_fails(pid, data, client, json_headers)
Example #13
Source File: From invenio-app-ils with MIT License | 6 votes |
def overdue_agg(): """Create a custom aggregation with dynamic dates.""" return dict( filter=dict(terms=dict( state=current_app.config["CIRCULATION_STATES_LOAN_ACTIVE"])), aggs=dict( end_date=dict( range=dict( field="end_date", ranges=[{"key": "Overdue", "to": str( (arrow.utcnow()).date())}, {"key": "Upcoming return", "from": str(arrow.utcnow().date()), "to": str( current_app.config["CIRCULATION_POLICIES"][ "upcoming_return_range"]().date()) } ], ) ) ) )
Example #14
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def expire(ttl): """ Removed all endpoints that have not been recently updated. """ print("[+] Staring expiration of old endpoints.") try: now = arrow.utcnow() expiration = now - timedelta(hours=ttl) endpoints = database.session_query(Endpoint).filter( cast(Endpoint.last_updated, ArrowType) <= expiration ) for endpoint in endpoints: print( "[!] Expiring endpoint: {name} Last Updated: {last_updated}".format(, last_updated=endpoint.last_updated ) ) database.delete(endpoint) metrics.send("endpoint_expired", "counter", 1) print("[+] Finished expiration.") except Exception as e: sentry.captureException()
Example #15
Source File: From kotori with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_timedelta(expression): # TODO: Use pandas' Timedelta. Timedelta('1m2s') # # FIXME: Sanitize expression code = expression delta_raw = code.replace('now-', '') if code != delta_raw: code = code.replace(delta_raw, 'delta') # "code" should now be "now-delta" #print 'code:', code now = datetime.utcnow() delta = tdelta(delta_raw) # FIXME: This is nasty try: td = eval(code) except: raise ValueError('Unknown expression: {expression}'.format(expression=expression)) return td
Example #16
Source File: From electricitymap-contrib with MIT License | 6 votes |
def query_ENTSOE(session, params, target_datetime=None, span=(-48, 24)): """ Makes a standard query to the ENTSOE API with a modifiable set of parameters. Allows an existing session to be passed. Raises an exception if no API token is found. Returns a request object. """ if target_datetime is None: target_datetime = arrow.utcnow() else: # make sure we have an arrow object target_datetime = arrow.get(target_datetime) params['periodStart'] = target_datetime.shift(hours=span[0]).format('YYYYMMDDHH00') params['periodEnd'] = target_datetime.shift(hours=span[1]).format('YYYYMMDDHH00') if 'ENTSOE_TOKEN' not in os.environ: raise Exception('No ENTSOE_TOKEN found! Please add it into secrets.env!') # Due to rate limiting, we need to spread our requests across different tokens tokens = os.environ['ENTSOE_TOKEN'].split(',') params['securityToken'] = np.random.choice(tokens) return session.get(ENTSOE_ENDPOINT, params=params)
Example #17
Source File: From strategy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def print_positions(self, ps): if not ps: return symbol = helper.symbol(ps) hold_side = "long" if ps.side == OrderSide_Bid else "short" if ps.side == OrderSide_Ask else '--' last_tick = self.tick(symbol) timestamp = last_tick.utc_time if last_tick else arrow.utcnow() transact_time = arrow.get(ps.transact_time).to('local') current_time = arrow.get(timestamp).to('local') ps_fields = "{} {} volume/today={:.1f}/{:.1f}, available/today = {:.1f}/{:.1f}, frozen/today = {:.1f}/{:.1f}".format( symbol, hold_side, ps.volume, ps.volume_today, ps.available, ps.available_today, ps.order_frozen, ps.order_frozen_today ) ps_info_ts = "{}, last transact time: {}, current time: {}".format(ps_fields, transact_time, current_time)
Example #18
Source File: From lakesuperior with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def timeframe(self): """ Times used in these tests: UTC midnight of today, yesterday, tomorrow. """ today = arrow.utcnow().floor('day') yesterday = today.shift(days=-1) tomorrow = today.shift(days=1) path = f'/ldp/{uuid4()}' self.client.put(path) return path, today, yesterday, tomorrow
Example #19
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_convert_validity_years(session): from lemur.common.missing import convert_validity_years with freeze_time("2016-01-01"): data = convert_validity_years(dict(validity_years=2)) assert data["validity_start"] == arrow.utcnow().isoformat() assert data["validity_end"] == arrow.utcnow().shift(years=+2).isoformat() with freeze_time("2015-01-10"): data = convert_validity_years(dict(validity_years=1)) assert ( data["validity_end"] == arrow.utcnow().shift(years=+1, days=-2).isoformat() )
Example #20
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def needs_notification(certificate): """ Determine if notifications for a given certificate should currently be sent :param certificate: :return: """ now = arrow.utcnow() days = (certificate.not_after - now).days notifications = [] for notification in certificate.notifications: if not or not notification.options: return interval = get_plugin_option("interval", notification.options) unit = get_plugin_option("unit", notification.options) if unit == "weeks": interval *= 7 elif unit == "months": interval *= 30 elif unit == "days": # it's nice to be explicit about the base unit pass else: raise Exception( "Invalid base unit for expiration interval: {0}".format(unit) ) if days == interval: notifications.append(notification) return notifications
Example #21
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_certificates(exclude=None): """ Finds all certificates that are eligible for notifications. :param exclude: :return: """ now = arrow.utcnow() max = now + timedelta(days=90) q = ( database.db.session.query(Certificate) .filter(Certificate.not_after <= max) .filter(Certificate.notify == True) .filter(Certificate.expired == False) ) # noqa exclude_conditions = [] if exclude: for e in exclude: exclude_conditions.append("%{}%".format(e))) q = q.filter(and_(*exclude_conditions)) certs = [] for c in windowed_query(q,, 10000): if needs_notification(c): certs.append(c) return certs
Example #22
Source File: From appointment-reminders-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clean(self): """Checks that appointments are not scheduled in the past""" appointment_time = arrow.get(self.time, if appointment_time < arrow.utcnow(): raise ValidationError( 'You cannot schedule an appointment for the past. ' 'Please check your time and time_zone')
Example #23
Source File: From appointment-reminders-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_clean_valid_appointment(self, _): # Arrange time_in_future = arrow.utcnow().replace(minutes=+10) appointment = mommy.make(Appointment, time=time_in_future.datetime) # Assert try: appointment.clean() except ValidationError: 'appointment with time in the past raised ValidationError')
Example #24
Source File: From appointment-reminders-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_clean_invalid_appointment(self, _): # Arrange time_in_past = arrow.utcnow().replace(minutes=-10) appointment = mommy.make(Appointment, time=time_in_past.datetime) # Assert with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): appointment.clean()
Example #25
Source File: From lexico with MIT License | 5 votes |
def update_meta(word): with sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE) as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() meta_query = '''SELECT lookup FROM Words WHERE word=(?)''' update_statement = '''UPDATE Words SET lookup=(?), last_lookup_at=(?) WHERE word=(?)''' cursor.execute(meta_query, [word]) lookup_count, *dummy = cursor.fetchone() now = arrow.utcnow().isoformat() cursor.execute(update_statement, [lookup_count+1, now, word])
Example #26
Source File: From electricitymap-contrib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_datetime_with_only_time(time_string, time_format, now=utcnow()): utc = now.floor('hour') india_now ='Asia/Kolkata') time = get(time_string, time_format) india_date_time = india_now.replace(hour=time.hour, minute=time.minute, second=time.second) if india_date_time > india_now: india_date_time.shift(days=-1) return india_date_time
Example #27
Source File: From electricitymap-contrib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fetch_solar_all(session, hours_in_the_past=2): data_url = SOLAR_URL r =, {'day': _get_australian_date()}) data = r.json() if data and 'output' in data and data['output']: production_data = data['output'] first_timestamp = arrow.get(production_data[0]['ts']) if (arrow.utcnow() - first_timestamp).total_seconds() >= (hours_in_the_past * 60 * 60): return production_data else: production_data = [] # If we got here, we want to get more data. # Requesting yesterday's data in the browser sometimes gives an HTTP 406 Unacceptable error, # but it's always worked in the script so far. Could double check and adjust # how many hours are fetched if it causes a problem in the future. data_url = SOLAR_URL r =, {'day': _get_australian_date(days_in_past=1)}) data = r.json() full_production_data = data['output'] + production_data return full_production_data
Example #28
Source File: From electricitymap-contrib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_australian_date(days_in_past=0): utc_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if utc_now.hour >= 18: australian_date = utc_now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: australian_date = utc_now australian_date -= datetime.timedelta(days=days_in_past) # format as only Y-m-d return australian_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
Example #29
Source File: From lemur with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def map_cis_fields(options, csr): """ MAP issuer options to DigiCert CIS fields/options. :param options: :param csr: :return: data """ if options.get("validity_years"): validity_end = determine_end_date(arrow.utcnow().shift(years=options["validity_years"])) elif options.get("validity_end"): validity_end = determine_end_date(options.get("validity_end")) else: validity_end = determine_end_date(False) data = { "profile_name": current_app.config.get("DIGICERT_CIS_PROFILE_NAMES", {}).get(options['authority'].name), "common_name": options["common_name"], "additional_dns_names": get_additional_names(options), "csr": csr, "signature_hash": signature_hash(options.get("signing_algorithm")), "validity": { "valid_to": validity_end.format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM") + "Z" }, "organization": { "name": options["organization"], "units": [options["organizational_unit"]], }, } # possibility to default to a SIGNING_ALGORITHM for a given profile if current_app.config.get("DIGICERT_CIS_SIGNING_ALGORITHMS", {}).get(options['authority'].name): data["signature_hash"] = current_app.config.get("DIGICERT_CIS_SIGNING_ALGORITHMS", {}).get( options['authority'].name) return data
Example #30
Source File: From stethoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def transform_to_snapshot(self, devices_by_email): since = arrow.utcnow().replace(days=-14) snapshot = list() for email, devices in six.iteritems(devices_by_email): for device in devices: if 'last_sync' not in device or device.get('last_sync') < since: # ignore devices that haven't synced in more than N days continue snapshot.append(device) return snapshot