Python numpy.bytes_() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.bytes_().
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Example #1
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_iter_buffering_string(): # Safe casting disallows shrinking strings a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.bytes_) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('S4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S6') assert_equal(i[0], b'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('S6')) a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.unicode) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('U4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U6') assert_equal(i[0], u'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('U6'))
Example #2
Source File: From decision-tree-id3 with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _extract_edge_value(tree, edge): ft_idx = edge.calc_record.feature_idx split_type = edge.calc_record.split_type val = edge.value_encoded pivot = edge.calc_record.pivot if split_type is CalcRecord.NUM: if val == SplitRecord.GREATER: return ">{0:.2f}".format(pivot) else: return "<={0:.2f}".format(pivot) elif tree.X_encoders is not None: value = tree.X_encoders[ft_idx].single_inv_transform(val) if isinstance(value, np.bytes_): return value.decode('UTF-8') else: return value else: return val
Example #3
Source File: From ANI1_dataset with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_data(self, path, prefix=''): item =[path] path = '{}/{}'.format(prefix, path) keys = [i for i in item.keys()] data = {'path': path} # print(path) for k in keys: if not isinstance(item[k], h5py.Group): dataset = np.array(item[k].value) if type(dataset) is np.ndarray: if dataset.size != 0: if type(dataset[0]) is np.bytes_: dataset = [a.decode('ascii') for a in dataset] data.update({k: dataset}) return data
Example #4
Source File: From ANI1_dataset with MIT License | 6 votes |
def h5py_dataset_iterator(self,g, prefix=''): for key in g.keys(): item = g[key] path = '{}/{}'.format(prefix, key) keys = [i for i in item.keys()] if isinstance(item[keys[0]], h5py.Dataset): # test for dataset data = {'path':path} for k in keys: if not isinstance(item[k], h5py.Group): dataset = np.array(item[k].value) if type(dataset) is np.ndarray: if dataset.size != 0: if type(dataset[0]) is np.bytes_: dataset = [a.decode('ascii') for a in dataset] data.update({k:dataset}) yield data else: # test for group (go down) yield from self.h5py_dataset_iterator(item, path)
Example #5
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_iter_buffering_string(): # Safe casting disallows shrinking strings a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.bytes_) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('S4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S6') assert_equal(i[0], b'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('S6')) a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.unicode) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('U4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U6') assert_equal(i[0], u'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('U6'))
Example #6
Source File: From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_iter_buffering_string(): # Safe casting disallows shrinking strings a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.bytes_) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('S4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S6') assert_equal(i[0], b'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('S6')) a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.unicode) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('U4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U6') assert_equal(i[0], u'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('U6'))
Example #7
Source File: From petastorm with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _randomize_row(id_num): """Returns a row with random values""" row_dict = { np.int64(id_num), np.int32(id_num % 2), np.float64(id_num), np.bool_(id_num % 2), np.unicode_('p_{}'.format(int(id_num / 10))), np.random.randint(0, 255, dtype=np.uint8), np.random.randint(0, 255, _DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE).astype(np.uint8), np.random.random(size=_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE).astype(np.float32), Decimal(np.random.randint(0, 255) / Decimal(100)), np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 16 - 1, _DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE).astype(np.uint16), np.random.randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1, _DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE).astype(np.uint32), np.asarray(_random_binary_string_matrix(2, 3, 10)).astype(np.bytes_), np.asarray([], dtype=np.string_), None, np.asarray(['test_sensor'], dtype=np.unicode_), None if id_num % 5 == 0 else np.asarray([], dtype=np.unicode_) if id_num % 4 == 0 else np.asarray([str(i + id_num) for i in range(2)], dtype=np.unicode_), None if id_num % 2 else np.int32(id_num), } return row_dict
Example #8
Source File: From deepchem with MIT License | 6 votes |
def h5py_dataset_iterator(self, g, prefix=''): for key in g.keys(): item = g[key] path = '{}/{}'.format(prefix, key) keys = [i for i in item.keys()] if isinstance(item[keys[0]], h5py.Dataset): # test for dataset data = {'path': path} for k in keys: if not isinstance(item[k], h5py.Group): dataset = np.array(item[k].value) if type(dataset) is np.ndarray: if dataset.size != 0: if type(dataset[0]) is np.bytes_: dataset = [a.decode('ascii') for a in dataset] data.update({k: dataset}) yield data else: # test for group (go down) for s in self.h5py_dataset_iterator(item, path): yield s
Example #9
Source File: From deepchem with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_data(self, path, prefix=''): item =[path] path = '{}/{}'.format(prefix, path) keys = [i for i in item.keys()] data = {'path': path} # print(path) for k in keys: if not isinstance(item[k], h5py.Group): dataset = np.array(item[k].value) if type(dataset) is np.ndarray: if dataset.size != 0: if type(dataset[0]) is np.bytes_: dataset = [a.decode('ascii') for a in dataset] data.update({k: dataset}) return data
Example #10
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_iter_buffering_string(): # Safe casting disallows shrinking strings a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.bytes_) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('S4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S6') assert_equal(i[0], b'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('S6')) a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.unicode) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('U4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U6') assert_equal(i[0], u'abc') assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('U6'))
Example #11
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _getconv(dtype): """ Find the correct dtype converter. Adapted from matplotlib """ typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.uint64): return np.uint64 if issubclass(typ, np.int64): return np.int64 if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return float elif issubclass(typ, np.complex): return complex elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return bytes else: return str
Example #12
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_iter_buffering_string(): # Safe casting disallows shrinking strings a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.bytes_) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('S4')); assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S6') assert_equal(i[0], asbytes('abc')) assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('S6')) a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.unicode) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('U4')); assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U6') assert_equal(i[0], sixu('abc')) assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('U6'))
Example #13
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_iter_buffering_string(): # Safe casting disallows shrinking strings a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.bytes_) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('S4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='S6') assert_equal(i[0], asbytes('abc')) assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('S6')) a = np.array(['abc', 'a', 'abcd'], dtype=np.unicode) assert_equal(a.dtype, np.dtype('U4')) assert_raises(TypeError, nditer, a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U2') i = nditer(a, ['buffered'], ['readonly'], op_dtypes='U6') assert_equal(i[0], sixu('abc')) assert_equal(i[0].dtype, np.dtype('U6'))
Example #14
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _getconv(dtype): typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.uint64): return np.uint64 if issubclass(typ, np.int64): return np.int64 if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return float elif issubclass(typ, np.complex): return complex elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return bytes else: return str
Example #15
Source File: From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_str_dtype(self): # see gh-8033 c = ["str1", "str2"] for dt in (str, np.bytes_): a = np.array(["str1", "str2"], dtype=dt) x = np.loadtxt(c, dtype=dt) assert_array_equal(x, a)
Example #16
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_str_dtype(self): # see gh-8033 c = ["str1", "str2"] for dt in (str, np.bytes_): a = np.array(["str1", "str2"], dtype=dt) x = np.loadtxt(c, dtype=dt) assert_array_equal(x, a)
Example #17
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _getconv(dtype): """ Find the correct dtype converter. Adapted from matplotlib """ def floatconv(x): x.lower() if '0x' in x: return float.fromhex(x) return float(x) typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.uint64): return np.uint64 if issubclass(typ, np.int64): return np.int64 if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.longdouble): return np.longdouble elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return floatconv elif issubclass(typ, complex): return lambda x: complex(asstr(x).replace('+-', '-')) elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return asbytes elif issubclass(typ, np.unicode_): return asunicode else: return asstr # amount of lines loadtxt reads in one chunk, can be overridden for testing
Example #18
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_scalar_copy(self): scalar_types = set(np.sctypeDict.values()) values = { np.void: b"a", np.bytes_: b"a", np.unicode_: "a", np.datetime64: "2017-08-25", } for sctype in scalar_types: item = sctype(values.get(sctype, 1)) item2 = copy.copy(item) assert_equal(item, item2)
Example #19
Source File: From HiCExplorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def opener(filename): """ Determines if a file is compressed or not """ import gzip f = open(filename, 'rb') # print("gzip or not?", if == b'\x1f\x8b': return gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=f) else: return f # def check_chrom_str_bytes(pChrom, pInstanceToCompare): # """ # Checks and changes pChroms to str or bytes depending on datatype # of pInstanceToCompare # """ # if type(next(iter(pInstanceToCompare))) is str: # pChrom = toString(pChrom) # elif type(next(iter(pInstanceToCompare))) in [bytes, np.bytes_]: # pChrom = toBytes(pChrom) # return pChrom
Example #20
Source File: From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _getconv(dtype): """ Find the correct dtype converter. Adapted from matplotlib """ def floatconv(x): x.lower() if b'0x' in x: return float.fromhex(asstr(x)) return float(x) typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.uint64): return np.uint64 if issubclass(typ, np.int64): return np.int64 if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.longdouble): return np.longdouble elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return floatconv elif issubclass(typ, np.complex): return lambda x: complex(asstr(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return asbytes else: return asstr
Example #21
Source File: From pySINDy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _getconv(dtype): """ Find the correct dtype converter. Adapted from matplotlib """ def floatconv(x): x.lower() if '0x' in x: return float.fromhex(x) return float(x) typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.uint64): return np.uint64 if issubclass(typ, np.int64): return np.int64 if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.longdouble): return np.longdouble elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return floatconv elif issubclass(typ, complex): return lambda x: complex(asstr(x).replace('+-', '-')) elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return asbytes elif issubclass(typ, np.unicode_): return asunicode else: return asstr # amount of lines loadtxt reads in one chunk, can be overridden for testing
Example #22
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_scalar_copy(self): scalar_types = set(np.sctypeDict.values()) values = { np.void: b"a", np.bytes_: b"a", np.unicode_: "a", np.datetime64: "2017-08-25", } for sctype in scalar_types: item = sctype(values.get(sctype, 1)) item2 = copy.copy(item) assert_equal(item, item2)
Example #23
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _getconv(dtype): """ Find the correct dtype converter. Adapted from matplotlib """ def floatconv(x): x.lower() if '0x' in x: return float.fromhex(x) return float(x) typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.uint64): return np.uint64 if issubclass(typ, np.int64): return np.int64 if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.longdouble): return np.longdouble elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return floatconv elif issubclass(typ, complex): return lambda x: complex(asstr(x).replace('+-', '-')) elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return asbytes elif issubclass(typ, np.unicode_): return asunicode else: return asstr # amount of lines loadtxt reads in one chunk, can be overridden for testing
Example #24
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_str_dtype(self): # see gh-8033 c = ["str1", "str2"] for dt in (str, np.bytes_): a = np.array(["str1", "str2"], dtype=dt) x = np.loadtxt(c, dtype=dt) assert_array_equal(x, a)
Example #25
Source File: From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _ensure_decoded(s): """ if we have bytes, decode them to unicode """ if isinstance(s, (np.bytes_, bytes)): s = s.decode(pd.get_option('display.encoding')) return s
Example #26
Source File: From HiCExplorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_chrom_str_bytes(pIteratableObj, pObj): # determine type if isinstance(pObj, list) and len(pObj) > 0: type_ = type(pObj[0]) else: type_ = type(pObj) if not isinstance(type(next(iter(pIteratableObj))), type_): if type(next(iter(pIteratableObj))) is str: pObj = toString(pObj) elif type(next(iter(pIteratableObj))) in [bytes, np.bytes_]: pObj = toBytes(pObj) return pObj
Example #27
Source File: From HiCExplorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def toBytes(s): """ Like toString, but for functions requiring bytes in python3 """ if sys.version_info[0] == 2: return s if isinstance(s, bytes): return s # if isinstance(s, np.bytes_): # return np.bytes_(s) if isinstance(s, str): return bytes(s, 'ascii') if isinstance(s, list): return [toBytes(x) for x in s] return s
Example #28
Source File: From HiCExplorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def toString(s): """ This takes care of python2/3 differences """ if isinstance(s, str): return s if isinstance(s, bytes): # or isinstance(s, np.bytes_): if sys.version_info[0] == 2: return str(s) return s.decode('ascii') if isinstance(s, list): return [toString(x) for x in s] if isinstance(s, np.ndarray): return s.astype(str) return s
Example #29
Source File: From kgsgo-dataset-preprocessor with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def decode_ascii(s): if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode('ascii') elif (isinstance(s, numpy.ndarray) and issubclass(s.dtype.type, numpy.bytes_)): # np.char.encode/decode annoyingly don't preserve the type of the # array, hence the view() call # It also doesn't necessarily preserve widths of the strings, # hence the astype() ns = numpy.char.decode(s, 'ascii').view(type(s)) if ns.dtype.itemsize / 4 != s.dtype.itemsize: ns = ns.astype((numpy.str_, s.dtype.itemsize)) return ns return s
Example #30
Source File: From kgsgo-dataset-preprocessor with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def encode_ascii(s): if isinstance(s, str): return s.encode('ascii') elif isinstance(s, numpy.ndarray) and \ issubclass(s.dtype.type, numpy.str_): ns = numpy.char.encode(s, 'ascii').view(type(s)) if ns.dtype.itemsize != s.dtype.itemsize / 4: ns = ns.astype((numpy.bytes_, s.dtype.itemsize / 4)) return ns return s