Python unicodecsv.reader() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of unicodecsv.reader().
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Example #1
Source File: From messenger-maid-chan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_vocabulary(current_pos=1): """ get_vocabulary returns a single record of the current_pos line position current_pos: up to number of records """ vocabulary = {} with open(VOCABULARY_FILENAME, 'rb') as fobj: reader = csv.reader(fobj, delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8') num_of_lines = 0 for line in reader: num_of_lines += 1 if num_of_lines == current_pos: vocabulary = dict(list(zip(VOCABULARY_FIELDS, line))) break return vocabulary
Example #2
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_dict_no_fieldnames(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"f1,f2,f3\r\n1,2,abc\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj) self.assertEqual(reader.fieldnames, ["f1", "f2", "f3"]) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', "f3": 'abc'}) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name) # Two test cases to make sure existing ways of implicitly setting # fieldnames continue to work. Both arise from discussion in issue3436.
Example #3
Source File: From epitran with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _load_space(self, space_names): segs = set() scripts = list(set([nm.split('-')[1] for nm in space_names])) punc_fns = ['punc-{}.csv'.format(sc) for sc in scripts] for punc_fn in punc_fns: punc_fn = os.path.join('data', 'space', punc_fn) punc_fn = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, punc_fn) with open(punc_fn, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, encoding='utf-8') for (mark,) in reader: segs.add(mark) for name in space_names: fn = os.path.join('data', 'space', name + '.csv') fn = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, fn) with open(fn, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, encoding='utf-8') for _, to_ in reader: for seg in self.epi.ft.ipa_segs(to_): segs.add(seg) enum = enumerate(sorted(list(segs))) return {seg: num for num, seg in enum}
Example #4
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_space_dialect(self): class space(csv.excel): delimiter = " " quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONE escapechar = "\\" fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"abc def\nc1ccccc1 benzene\n") rdr = csv.reader(fileobj, dialect=space()) self.assertEqual(next(rdr), ["abc", "def"]) self.assertEqual(next(rdr), ["c1ccccc1", "benzene"]) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #5
Source File: From panphon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _read_bases(self, fn, weights): fn = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, fn) segments = [] with open(fn, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, encoding='utf-8') header = next(reader) names = header[1:] for row in reader: ipa = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', row[0]) vals = [{'-': -1, '0': 0, '+': 1}[x] for x in row[1:]] vec = Segment(names, {n: v for (n, v) in zip(names, vals)}, weights=weights) segments.append((ipa, vec)) seg_dict = dict(segments) return segments, seg_dict, names
Example #6
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_short(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n1,2,abc\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj, fieldnames="1 2 3 4 5 6".split(), restval="DEFAULT") self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": '4', "5": '5', "6": '6'}) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": 'DEFAULT', "5": 'DEFAULT', "6": 'DEFAULT'}) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #7
Source File: From panphon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _read_table(self, filename): """Read the data from data/ipa_all.csv into self.segments, a list of 2-tuples of unicode strings and sets of feature tuples and self.seg_dict, a dictionary mapping from unicode segments and sets of feature tuples. """ filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, filename) segments = [] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, encoding='utf-8') header = next(reader) names = header[1:] for row in reader: seg = row[0] vals = row[1:] specs = set(zip(vals, names)) segments.append((seg, specs)) seg_dict = dict(segments) return segments, seg_dict, names
Example #8
Source File: From data-cleaner with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _assert_no_duplicates(self, input_path, encoding, sep, quotechar): if input_path.endswith('.csv'): with open(input_path, 'rb') as csvfile: reader = unicodecsv.reader(csvfile, encoding=encoding, delimiter=sep, quotechar=quotechar) fields = next(reader, []) for col in fields: if fields.count(col) > 1: raise DuplicatedField(col) # TODO: Implementar chequeo de que no hay duplicados para XLSX elif input_path.endswith('.xlsx'): pass
Example #9
Source File: From messenger-maid-chan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_kanji(level, current_pos=1): """ get_kanji returns a single record of the current_pos line position level: 1 - 4 (N1 to N4) current_pos: up to number of records """ kanji = {} with open(KANJI_FILENAMES[level], 'rb') as fobj: reader = csv.reader(fobj, delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8') num_of_lines = 0 for line in reader: num_of_lines += 1 if num_of_lines == current_pos: kanji = dict(list(zip(KANJI_FIELDS, line))) break return kanji
Example #10
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_reader_dialect_attrs(self): self._test_dialect_attrs(csv.reader, [])
Example #11
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _read_test(self, input, expect, **kwargs): reader = csv.reader(input, **kwargs) result = list(reader) self.assertEqual(result, expect)
Example #12
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_roundtrip_quoteed_newlines(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: writer = csv.writer(fileobj) self.assertRaises(TypeError, writer.writerows, None) rows = [['a\nb', 'b'], ['c', 'x\r\nd']] writer.writerows(rows) for i, row in enumerate(csv.reader(fileobj)): self.assertEqual(row, rows[i]) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #13
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_register_kwargs(self): name = 'fedcba' csv.register_dialect(name, delimiter=';') try: self.assertNotEqual(csv.get_dialect(name).delimiter, '\t') self.assertEqual(list(csv.reader([b'X;Y;Z'], name)), [[u'X', u'Y', u'Z']]) finally: csv.unregister_dialect(name)
Example #14
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_reader_kw_attrs(self): self._test_kw_attrs(csv.reader, [])
Example #15
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_reader_attrs(self): self._test_default_attrs(csv.reader, [])
Example #16
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_reader_arg_valid(self): self._test_arg_valid(csv.reader, [])
Example #17
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_bad_dialect(self): # Unknown parameter self.assertRaises(TypeError, csv.reader, [], bad_attr=0) # Bad values self.assertRaises(TypeError, csv.reader, [], delimiter=None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, csv.reader, [], quoting=-1) self.assertRaises(TypeError, csv.reader, [], quoting=100)
Example #18
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def readerAssertEqual(self, input, expected_result): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(input) reader = csv.reader(fileobj, dialect=self.dialect) fields = list(reader) self.assertEqual(fields, expected_result) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #19
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_dict_fieldnames_from_file(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: f.write(b"f1,f2,f3\r\n1,2,abc\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(f, fieldnames=next(csv.reader(f))) self.assertEqual(reader.fieldnames, ["f1", "f2", "f3"]) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', "f3": 'abc'}) finally: f.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #20
Source File: From panphon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_xsampa_table(self): filename = os.path.join('data', 'ipa-xsampa.csv') filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: xs2ipa = {x[1]: x[0] for x in csv.reader(f, encoding='utf-8')} xs = sorted(xs2ipa.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) xs_regex = re.compile('|'.join(list(map(re.escape, xs)))) return xs_regex, xs2ipa
Example #21
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_dict_fieldnames_chain(self): import itertools fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: f.write(b"f1,f2,f3\r\n1,2,abc\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(f) first = next(reader) for row in itertools.chain([first], reader): self.assertEqual(reader.fieldnames, ["f1", "f2", "f3"]) self.assertEqual(row, {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', "f3": 'abc'}) finally: f.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #22
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_long(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj, fieldnames=["f1", "f2"]) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', None: ["abc", "4", "5", "6"]}) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #23
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_long_with_rest(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj, fieldnames=["f1", "f2"], restkey="_rest") self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', "_rest": ["abc", "4", "5", "6"]}) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #24
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_multi(self): sample = [ b'2147483648,43.0e12,17,abc,def\r\n', b'147483648,43.0e2,17,abc,def\r\n', b'47483648,43.0,170,abc,def\r\n' ] reader = csv.DictReader(sample, fieldnames="i1 float i2 s1 s2".split()) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"i1": '2147483648', "float": '43.0e12', "i2": '17', "s1": 'abc', "s2": 'def'})
Example #25
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_with_blanks(self): reader = csv.DictReader([b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n", b"\r\n", b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n"], fieldnames="1 2 3 4 5 6".split()) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": '4', "5": '5', "6": '6'}) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": '4', "5": '5', "6": '6'})
Example #26
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_semi_sep(self): reader = csv.DictReader([b"1;2;abc;4;5;6\r\n"], fieldnames="1 2 3 4 5 6".split(), delimiter=';') self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": '4', "5": '5', "6": '6'})
Example #27
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_unicode_read(self): f = EncodedFile(BytesIO((u"Martin von Löwis," u"Marc André Lemburg," u"Guido van Rossum," u"François Pinard\r\n").encode('iso-8859-1')), data_encoding='iso-8859-1') reader = csv.reader(f, encoding='iso-8859-1') self.assertEqual(list(reader), [[u"Martin von Löwis", u"Marc André Lemburg", u"Guido van Rossum", u"François Pinard"]])
Example #28
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_decode_error_dictreader(self): """Make sure the error-handling mode is obeyed on DictReaders.""" file = EncodedFile(BytesIO(u'name,height,weight\nLöwis,2,3'.encode('iso-8859-1')), data_encoding='iso-8859-1') reader = csv.DictReader(file, encoding='ascii', errors='ignore') self.assertEqual(list(reader)[0]['name'], 'Lwis')
Example #29
Source File: From csvtotable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert(input_file_name, **kwargs): """Convert CSV file to HTML table""" delimiter = kwargs["delimiter"] or "," quotechar = kwargs["quotechar"] or "|" if six.PY2: delimiter = delimiter.encode("utf-8") quotechar = quotechar.encode("utf-8") # Read CSV and form a header and rows list with open(input_file_name, "rb") as input_file: reader = csv.reader(input_file, encoding="utf-8", delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar) csv_headers = [] if not kwargs.get("no_header"): # Read header from first line csv_headers = next(reader) csv_rows = [row for row in reader if row] # Set default column name if header is not present if not csv_headers and len(csv_rows) > 0: end = len(csv_rows[0]) + 1 csv_headers = ["Column {}".format(n) for n in range(1, end)] # Render csv to HTML html = render_template(csv_headers, csv_rows, **kwargs) # Freeze all JS files in template return freeze_js(html)
Example #30
Source File: From edx-enterprise with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _assert_correct_csv(self, actual_csv, expected_rows): """ Asserts that CSV file ``actual_csv`` contains ``expected_rows`` """ reader = unicodecsv.reader(actual_csv.getvalue().splitlines(), encoding="utf-8") # preprocess expected - convert everything to strings expected_rows = [ [str(item) for item in row] for row in expected_rows ] actual_rows = list(reader) self.assertEqual(actual_rows, expected_rows)