Python gnupg.GPG Examples
The following are 30
code examples of gnupg.GPG().
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Example #1
Source File: From edx-analytics-pipeline with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def decrypt_file(encrypted_filename, decrypted_filename, key_filename='insecure_secret.key'): """ Decrypts an encrypted file. Arguments: encrypted_filename (str): The full path to the PGP encrypted file. decrypted_filename (str): The full path of the the file to write the decrypted data to. key_filename (str): The name of the key file to use to decrypt the data. It should correspond to one of the keys found in the gpg-keys directory. """ gpg_home_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=gpg_home_dir) gpg.encoding = 'utf-8' with open(os.path.join('gpg-keys', key_filename), 'r') as key_file: gpg.import_keys( with open(encrypted_filename, 'r') as encrypted_file: gpg.decrypt_file(encrypted_file, output=decrypted_filename) finally: shutil.rmtree(gpg_home_dir)
Example #2
Source File: From passpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def _reencrypt_key(path, gpg, gpg_recipients): """Reencrypt a single key. Gets called from :func:`passpy.gpg._reencrypt_path`. :param str path: The path to a gpg encrypted file. :param gpg: The gpg object. :type gpg: :class:`gnupg.GPG` :param list gpg_recipients: The list of GPG Ids to encrypt the key with. """ with open(path, 'rb') as key_file: key_data = gpg.decrypt_file(key_file).data key_data_enc = gpg.encrypt(key_data, gpg_recipients).data with open(path, 'wb') as key_file: key_file.write(key_data_enc)
Example #3
Source File: From OpenBazaar-Server with MIT License | 7 votes |
def add_pgp_key(self, public_key, signature, guid): """ Adds a pgp public key to the profile. The user must have submitted a valid signature covering the guid otherwise the key will not be added to the profile. """ gpg = gnupg.GPG() gpg.import_keys(public_key) if gpg.verify(signature) and guid in signature: p = self.profile.PublicKey() p.public_key = public_key p.signature = signature self.profile.pgp_key.MergeFrom(p) self.db.profile.set_proto(self.profile.SerializeToString()) return True else: return False
Example #4
Source File: From margaritashotgun with MIT License | 7 votes |
def prompt_for_install(self): """ Prompt user to install untrusted repo signing key """ print(self.key_info) repo_key_url = "{0}/{1}".format(self.url, self.repo_signing_key) print(("warning: Repository key untrusted \n" "Importing GPG key 0x{0}:\n" " Userid: \"{1}\"\n" " From : {2}".format(self.key_info['fingerprint'], self.key_info['uids'][0], repo_key_url))) response = prompt(u'Is this ok: [y/N] ') if response == 'y': self.install_key(self.raw_key) return True else: return False
Example #5
Source File: From passpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def read_key(path, gpg_bin, gpg_opts): """Read and decrypt a single key file. :param str path: The path to the key to decrypt. :param str gpg_bin: The path to the gpg binary. :param list gpg_opts: The options for gpg. :rtype: str :returns: The unencrypted content of the file at `path`. """ gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=gpg_bin, options=gpg_opts) with open(path, 'rb') as key_file: return str(gpg.decrypt_file(key_file))
Example #6
Source File: From passpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def write_key(path, key_data, gpg_bin, gpg_opts): """Encrypt and write a single key file. :param str path: The path to the key to decrypt. :param str gpg_bin: The path to the gpg binary. :param list gpg_opts: The options for gpg. """ gpg = GPG(gpgbinary=gpg_bin, options=gpg_opts) gpg_recipients = _get_gpg_recipients(path) # pass always ends it's files with an endline if not key_data.endswith('\n'): key_data += '\n' key_data_enc = gpg.encrypt(key_data, gpg_recipients).data with open(path, 'wb') as key_file: key_file.write(key_data_enc)
Example #7
Source File: From TagBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def configure_gpg(self, key: str, password: Optional[str]) -> None: """Configure the repo to sign tags with GPG.""" home = os.environ["GNUPGHOME"] = mkdtemp(prefix="tagbot_gpg_") os.chmod(home, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC) logger.debug(f"Set GNUPGHOME to {home}") gpg = GPG(gnupghome=home, use_agent=True) # For some reason, this doesn't require the password even though the CLI does. import_result = gpg.import_keys(self._maybe_b64(key)) if import_result.sec_imported != 1: logger.warning(import_result.stderr) raise Abort("Importing key failed") key_id = import_result.fingerprints[0] logger.debug(f"GPG key ID: {key_id}") if password: # Sign some dummy data to put our password into the GPG agent, # so that we don't need to supply the password when we create a tag. sign_result = gpg.sign("test", passphrase=password) if sign_result.status != "signature created": logger.warning(sign_result.stderr) raise Abort("Testing GPG key failed") self._git.config("user.signingKey", key_id) self._git.config("tag.gpgSign", "true")
Example #8
Source File: From OpenBazaar-Server with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_profile(self, node_to_ask): """ Downloads the profile from the given node. If the images do not already exist in cache, it will download and cache them before returning the profile. """ def get_result(result): try: verify_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(node_to_ask.pubkey) verify_key.verify(result[1][0], result[1][1]) p = objects.Profile() p.ParseFromString(result[1][0]) if p.pgp_key.public_key: gpg = gnupg.GPG() gpg.import_keys(p.pgp_key.publicKey) if not gpg.verify(p.pgp_key.signature) or \'hex') not in p.pgp_key.signature: p.ClearField("pgp_key") if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'cache', p.avatar_hash.encode("hex"))): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.avatar_hash) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'cache', p.header_hash.encode("hex"))): self.get_image(node_to_ask, p.header_hash) self.cache(result[1][0],"hex") + ".profile") return p except Exception: return None if node_to_ask.ip is None: return defer.succeed(None)"fetching profile from %s" % node_to_ask) d = self.protocol.callGetProfile(node_to_ask) return d.addCallback(get_result)
Example #9
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_publickeys(self): """ This returns the public GPG key to be displayed in the Import Dialog. The administrator can send this public key to his token vendor and the token vendor can use this public key to encrypt the token import file. :return: a dictionary of public keys with fingerprint """ public_keys = {} if path.isdir(self.gnupg_home): keys = self.gpg.list_keys(secret=True) else: keys = [] log.warning(u"Directory {} does not exists!".format(self.gnupg_home)) for key in keys: ascii_armored_public_key = self.gpg.export_keys(key.get("keyid")) public_keys[key.get("keyid")] = {"armor": ascii_armored_public_key, "fingerprint": key.get( "fingerprint")} return public_keys
Example #10
Source File: From callisto-core with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _decrypt(self): decrypted_eval_data = [] for row in EvalRow.objects.all(): decrypted_row = { "pk":, "user": row.user_identifier, "record": row.record_identifier, "action": row.action, "timestamp": row.timestamp.__str__(), } gpg = gnupg.GPG() gpg.import_keys(settings.CALLISTO_EVAL_PRIVATE_KEY) decrypted_eval_row = six.text_type(gpg.decrypt(six.binary_type(row.row))) if decrypted_eval_row: decrypted_row.update(json.loads(decrypted_eval_row)) decrypted_eval_data.append(decrypted_row) return decrypted_eval_data
Example #11
Source File: From packit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_check_signature_of_commit_key_not_found(): gpg_flexmock = flexmock(GPG) # No key present gpg_flexmock.should_receive("list_keys").and_return(flexmock(fingerprints=[])) # No key received gpg_flexmock.should_receive("recv_keys").and_return(flexmock(fingerprints=[])) # Signature cannot be checked repo_mock = flexmock(git=flexmock().should_receive("show").and_return("E").mock()) verifier = CommitVerifier() with pytest.raises(PackitException) as ex: verifier.check_signature_of_commit( commit=flexmock(hexsha="abcd", repo=repo_mock), possible_key_fingerprints=["a"], ) assert "Cannot receive" in str(ex) # This could possibly but unlikely fail if all the default key servers are down.
Example #12
Source File: From callisto-core with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _encrypt_file(self, file_data, public_key): gpg = gnupg.GPG() imported_keys = gpg.import_keys(public_key) return gpg.encrypt( file_data, imported_keys.fingerprints[0], armor=True, always_trust=True ).data # send cycle
Example #13
Source File: From core with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_updates(): """Check for updates from arkOS repo server.""" updates = [] gpg = gnupg.GPG() server = config.get("general", "repo_server") current = config.get("updates", "current_update") # Fetch updates from registry server api_url = "https://{0}/api/v1/updates/{1}" data = api(api_url.format(server, str(current)), crit=True) for x in data["updates"]: ustr, u = str(x["tasks"]), json.loads(x["tasks"]) # Get the update signature and test it sig_url = "https://{0}/api/v1/signatures/{1}" sig = api(sig_url.format(server, x["id"]), returns="raw", crit=True) with open("/tmp/{0}.sig".format(x["id"]), "w") as f: f.write(sig) v = gpg.verify_data("/tmp/{0}.sig".format(x["id"]), ustr) if v.trust_level is None: err_str = "Update {0} signature verification failed" logger.error("Updates", err_str.format(x["id"])) break else: data = {"id": x["id"], "name": x["name"], "date": x["date"], "info": x["info"], "tasks": u} updates.append(data) storage.updates = { x for x in updates} return updates
Example #14
Source File: From callisto-core with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def gpg_encrypt_data(data, key): data_string = json.dumps(data) gpg = gnupg.GPG() imported_keys = gpg.import_keys(key) encrypted = gpg.encrypt( data_string, imported_keys.fingerprints[0], armor=True, always_trust=True ) return
Example #15
Source File: From st2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def encrypt_archive(self, archive_file_path): """ Encrypt archive with debugging information using our public key. :param archive_file_path: Path to the non-encrypted tarball file. :type archive_file_path: ``str`` :return: Path to the encrypted archive. :rtype: ``str`` """ try: assert archive_file_path.endswith('.tar.gz')'Encrypting tarball...') gpg = gnupg.GPG(verbose=self.debug) # Import our public key import_result = gpg.import_keys(self.gpg_key) # pylint: disable=no-member assert import_result.count == 1 encrypted_archive_output_file_name = os.path.basename(archive_file_path) + '.asc' encrypted_archive_output_file_path = os.path.join('/tmp', encrypted_archive_output_file_name) with open(archive_file_path, 'rb') as fp: gpg.encrypt_file(file=fp, recipients=self.gpg_key_fingerprint, always_trust=True, output=encrypted_archive_output_file_path) return encrypted_archive_output_file_path except Exception as e: LOG.exception('Failed to encrypt archive', exc_info=True) raise e
Example #16
Source File: From edx-analytics-pipeline with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_decrypted_data(self, input_file, key_file_target): """Decrypts contents of input, and writes to output file object open for writing.""" with make_temp_directory(prefix="decrypt") as temp_dir: # Use temp directory to hold gpg keys. gpg_instance = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=temp_dir) _import_key_files(gpg_instance, [key_file_target]) decrypted_data = gpg_instance.decrypt_file(input_file, always_trust=True) return decrypted_data
Example #17
Source File: From edx-analytics-pipeline with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _import_key_files(gpg_instance, key_file_targets, hadoop_counter_incr_func=DEFAULT_HADOOP_COUNTER_FUNC): """ Load key-file targets into the GPG instance. This writes files in the home directory of the instance. """ for key_file_target in key_file_targets:"Importing keyfile from %s", key_file_target.path) import_result = gpg_instance.import_keys(get_key_from_target(key_file_target)) for key_fingerprint in import_result.fingerprints: pub_keys = gpg_instance.list_keys() for test_key in pub_keys: if test_key["fingerprint"] == key_fingerprint: if len(test_key["expires"]) > 0: current_time = next_week = current_time + datetime.timedelta(days=7) key_expire = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(test_key["expires"])) if current_time > key_expire: # Ignore this error for now because a more serious and appropriate IOException will be # generated when the key is used for encryption log.error("Error key with fingerprint: '%s' and recipient '%s' has expired!!!", key_fingerprint, test_key["uids"]) for recipient in test_key["uids"]: # Luigi requires that hadoop counter names be ascii-encoded, not unicode. hadoop_counter_incr_func("GPG Key for {} has expired".format(recipient.encode("ascii", "replace"))) hadoop_counter_incr_func("Keys expired") elif next_week > key_expire:"Warning key with fingerprint: " + "'%s' and recipient '%s' will expire in the next week", key_fingerprint, test_key["uids"]) for recipient in test_key["uids"]: # Luigi requires that hadoop counter names be ascii-encoded, not unicode. hadoop_counter_incr_func("GPG Key for {} is near expiry".format(recipient.encode("ascii", "replace"))) hadoop_counter_incr_func("Keys expiring")
Example #18
Source File: From edx-analytics-pipeline with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def make_encrypted_file(output_file, key_file_targets, recipients=None, progress=None, dir=None, hadoop_counter_incr_func=DEFAULT_HADOOP_COUNTER_FUNC): """ Creates a file object to be written to, whose contents will afterwards be encrypted. Parameters: output_file: a file object, opened for writing. key_file_targets: a list of luigi.Target objects defining the gpg public key files to be loaded. recipients: an optional list of recipients to be loaded. If not specified, uses all loaded keys. progress: a function that is called periodically as progress is made. hadoop_counter_incr_func: A callback to a function that can generate MR counters so that non-critical GPG messages can be promoted to a visible section of the MR run log. """ with make_temp_directory(prefix="encrypt", dir=dir) as temp_dir: # Use temp directory to hold gpg keys. gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=temp_dir) gpg.encoding = 'utf-8' _import_key_files(gpg_instance=gpg, key_file_targets=key_file_targets, hadoop_counter_incr_func=hadoop_counter_incr_func) # Create a temp file to contain the unencrypted output, in the same temp directory. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=temp_dir, delete=False) as temp_input_file: temp_input_filepath ='Writing data to temporary file: %s', temp_input_filepath) yield temp_input_file # Encryption produces a second file in the same temp directory. temp_encrypted_filepath = "{filepath}.gpg".format(filepath=temp_input_filepath) if recipients is None: recipients = [key['keyid'] for key in gpg.list_keys()] with open(temp_input_filepath, 'r') as temp_input_file: _encrypt_file(gpg, temp_input_file, temp_encrypted_filepath, recipients) with open(temp_encrypted_filepath) as temp_encrypted_file: copy_file_to_file(temp_encrypted_file, output_file, progress)
Example #19
Source File: From edx-analytics-pipeline with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def validate_exporter_output(self, org_id, exported_filename): """ Preconditions: A complete data package has been uploaded to S3. External Effect: Downloads the complete data package, decompresses it, decrypts it and then compares it to the static expected output ignoring the ordering of the records in both files. Downloads s3://<exporter_output_bucket>/<output_prefix><org_id>-<year>-<month>-<day>.zip to <temporary_dir>/work/validation/. """ today = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') bucket = ScalableS3Client().s3.get_bucket(self.config.get('exporter_output_bucket')) export_id = '{org}-{date}'.format(org=org_id, date=today) filename = export_id + '.zip' key = bucket.lookup(self.output_prefix + filename) if key is None: 'Expected output from legacy exporter not found. Url = s3://{bucket}/{pre}{filename}'.format( bucket=self.config.get('exporter_output_bucket'), pre=self.output_prefix, filename=filename ) ) exporter_archive_path = os.path.join(self.validation_dir, filename) key.get_contents_to_filename(exporter_archive_path)['unzip', exporter_archive_path, '-d', self.validation_dir]) gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=self.gpg_dir) with open(os.path.join('gpg-keys', 'insecure_secret.key'), 'r') as key_file: gpg.import_keys( exported_file_path = os.path.join(self.validation_dir, exported_filename) with open(os.path.join(self.validation_dir, export_id, exported_filename + '.gpg'), 'r') as encrypted_file: gpg.decrypt_file(encrypted_file, output=exported_file_path) sorted_filename = exported_file_path + '.sorted'['sort', '-o', sorted_filename, exported_file_path]) expected_output_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'output', exported_filename + '.sorted')['diff', sorted_filename, expected_output_path])
Example #20
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def substep2(self): """Key generation""" # Generate RSA key command # input_data = """ Key-Type: RSA Key-Length: 4096 Key-Usage: cert sign auth Subkey-Type: RSA Subkey-Length: 4096 Subkey-Usage: encrypt Name-Real: {0} Name-Email: {1} Expire-Date: 1y Preferences: SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 AES256 AES192 AES ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed %ask-passphrase %commit """.format(self.config['username'], self.config['email']) # Execute GPG key generation command self.verbose('We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform') self.verbose('some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the') self.verbose('disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number') self.verbose('generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.') self.config['fingerprint'] = str(self.gpg.gen_key(input_data)) self.verbose('Key generation finished. You new fingerprint is: {}' \ .format(self.config['fingerprint']))
Example #21
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config, gpg): # Params self.config = config self.gpg = gpg # Initialize parent Step.__init__(self, 'Generate a new GPG key', Substep('Strong, unique, secret passphrase', self.substep1), Substep('Key generation', self.substep2))
Example #22
Source File: From satellite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): """Generate GPG Keys """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generates GPG keys', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-g', '--gnupghome', default=".gnupg", help='GnuPG home directory') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help="Verbose mode") args = parser.parse_args() name_real = input("User name represented by the key: ") name_comment = input("Comment to attach to the user name: ") name_email = input("E-mail address: ") if (not os.path.exists(args.gnupghome)): os.mkdir(args.gnupghome) # GPG object gpg = gnupg.GPG(verbose = args.verbose, gnupghome = args.gnupghome) # Password gpg_password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Please enter the passphrase to ' 'protect your new key: ') # Generate key key_params = gpg.gen_key_input(key_type = "RSA", key_length = 1024, name_real = name_real, name_comment = name_comment, name_email = name_email, passphrase = gpg_password) key = gpg.gen_key(key_params) # Export public_key = gpg.export_keys(key.fingerprint) private_key = gpg.export_keys(key.fingerprint, True, passphrase = gpg_password) print("Keys generated succesfully at {}".format( os.path.abspath(args.gnupghome)))
Example #23
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config, gpg): # Params self.config = config self.gpg = gpg # Initialize parent Step.__init__(self, 'Publish your GPG key', Substep('Send GPG key to a key server', self.substep1), Substep('Publish full fingerprint', self.substep2), Substep('Associate GPG key with Github', self.substep3))
Example #24
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def analyze(self): """Analyze: Publish your GPG key""" # Add publish note if self.config['fingerprint'] is None: self.setstatus(2, 'TODO', 'Please publish the full GPG fingerprint on the project page') else: self.setstatus(2, 'NOTE', 'Please publish the full GPG fingerprint on the project page') # Check Github GPG key if self.config['github'] is True: # TODO Will associate your GPG key with Github self.setstatus(3, 'NOTE', 'Please associate your GPG key with Github') else: self.setstatus(3, 'OK', 'No Github repository used') # Only check if a fingerprint was specified if self.config['fingerprint'] is not None: # Check key on keyserver try: with time_limit(10): # TODO cannot catch error for unknown GPG key as its run in a separat thread key = self.gpg.recv_keys(self.config['keyserver'], self.config['fingerprint']) except TimeoutException: return 'Keyserver timed out. Please try again alter.' # Found key on keyserver if self.config['fingerprint'] in key.fingerprints: self.setstatus(1, 'OK', 'Key already published on {}' \ .format(self.config['keyserver'])) return # Upload key to keyserver self.setstatus(1, 'TODO', 'Publishing key on {}'.format(self.config['keyserver']))
Example #25
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def substep1(self): """Send GPG key to a key server""" self.verbose('Publishing key {}'.format(self.config['fingerprint'])) self.gpg.send_keys(self.config['keyserver'], self.config['fingerprint'])
Example #26
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config, repo): # Params self.config = config self.repo = repo # Initialize parent Step.__init__(self, 'Use Git with GPG', Substep('Configure Git GPG key', self.substep1), Substep('Enable commit signing', self.substep2), Substep('Create signed Git tag', self.substep3))
Example #27
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def analyze(self): """Analyze: Use Git with GPG""" # Check if Git was already configured with a different key if self.config['fingerprint'] is None or self.config['signingkey'] != self.config['fingerprint']: self.config['config_level'] = 'global' self.setstatus(1, 'TODO', 'Configuring {} Git GPG key' \ .format(self.config['config_level'])) else: self.setstatus(1, 'OK', 'Git already configured with your GPG key') # Check commit signing if self.config['gpgsign'] and self.config['gpgsign'].lower() == 'true': self.setstatus(2, 'OK', 'Commit signing already enabled') else: self.setstatus(2, 'TODO', 'Enabling {} commit signing' \ .format(self.config['config_level'])) # Refresh tags try: self.repo.remotes.origin.fetch('--tags') except git.exc.GitCommandError: return 'Error fetching remote tags.' # Check if tag was already created tag = self.repo.tag('refs/tags/' + self.config['tag']) if tag in self.repo.tags: # Verify signature try: self.repo.create_tag(self.config['tag'], verify=True, ref=None) except git.exc.GitCommandError: if hasattr(tag.tag, 'message') \ and '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----' in tag.tag.message: return 'Invalid signature for tag ' + self.config['tag'] self.setstatus(3, 'TODO', 'Signing existing tag: {}'.format(self.config['tag'])) else: self.setstatus(3, 'OK', 'Good signature for existing tag: {}' \ .format(self.config['tag'])) else: self.setstatus(3, 'TODO', 'Creating signed tag {} and pushing it to the remote Git' \ .format(self.config['tag']))
Example #28
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def substep1(self): """Configure Git GPG key""" # Configure Git signingkey settings with self.repo.config_writer(config_level=self.config['config_level']) as cfgwriter: cfgwriter.set("user", "signingkey", self.config['fingerprint'])
Example #29
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def substep2(self): """Sign the archive""" # Check all compression option tar files filename = self.config['project'] + '-' + self.config['tag'] for tar in self.config['tar']: # Get tar filename tarfile = filename + '.tar.' + tar tarfilepath = os.path.join(self.config['output'], tarfile) # Get signature filename from setting if self.config['armor']: sigfilepath = tarfilepath + '.asc' else: sigfilepath = tarfilepath + '.sig' # Check if signature is existant if not os.path.isfile(sigfilepath): # Sign tar file with open(tarfilepath, 'rb') as tarstream: self.verbose('Creating {}'.format(sigfilepath)) signed_data = self.gpg.sign_file( tarstream, keyid=self.config['fingerprint'], binary=not bool(self.config['armor']), detach=True, output=sigfilepath, # extra_args --digest-algo algoname #digest_algo='SHA512' #TODO v 2.x GPG module ) if signed_data.fingerprint != self.config['fingerprint']: return 'Signing data failed' # TODO #print(signed_data.hash_algo) -> 8 -> SHA256
Example #30
Source File: From gpgit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, tag, config): # Create module instances and helpers self.gpg = gnupg.GPG() self.repo = None self.assets = [] # Config via parameters self.config = { 'tag': tag, 'message': None, 'output': None, 'git_dir': os.getcwd(), 'github': False, 'prerelease': False, } # Overwrite every default value if passed in via parameter for param in self.config: if param in config: self.config[param] = config[param] # Load configuration self.load_git_config() self.load_default_config() # Create array fo steps to analyse and run self.step1 = Step1(self.config, self.gpg) self.step2 = Step2(self.config, self.gpg) self.step3 = Step3(self.config, self.repo) self.step4 = Step4(self.config, self.gpg, self.repo, self.assets) self.step5 = Step5(self.config, self.assets) self.steps = [self.step1, self.step2, self.step3, self.step4, self.step5]