Python geojson.loads() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of geojson.loads().
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Example #1
Source File: From swmmio with MIT License | 6 votes |
def read_report_dir(rptdir, total_parcel_count=0): #rpt dir passed in, just read the preprossed report data rpt = FloodReport() rpt.total_parcel_count = total_parcel_count rpt.model = swmmio.Model(os.path.dirname(rptdir)) rpt.scenario = rpt.model.scenario rpt.parcel_flooding = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(rptdir, 'parcel_flood_comparison.csv')) rpt.parcel_hrs_flooded = rpt.parcel_flooding.HoursFloodedProposed.sum() rpt.parcel_vol_flooded = rpt.parcel_flooding.TotalFloodVolProposed.sum() costcsv = os.path.join(rptdir, 'cost_estimate.csv') conduits_geojson_path = os.path.join(rptdir, 'new_conduits.json') if os.path.exists(costcsv): #calc the cost estimate total in millions cost_df = pd.read_csv(costcsv) rpt.cost_estimate = cost_df.TotalCostEstimate.sum() / math.pow(10, 6) if os.path.exists(conduits_geojson_path): with open (conduits_geojson_path, 'r') as f: rpt.new_conduits_geojson = geojson.loads( return rpt
Example #2
Source File: From minerva with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def downloadDataset(self, item, funcAllowed=False): minervaMeta = item['meta']['minerva'] if not minervaMeta.get('postgresGeojson'): fileId = None # The storing of file id on item is a little bit messy, so multiple place # needs to be checked if 'original_files' in minervaMeta: fileId = minervaMeta['original_files'][0]['_id'] elif 'geojson_file' in minervaMeta: fileId = minervaMeta['geojson_file']['_id'] else: fileId = minervaMeta['geo_render']['file_id'] file = self.model('file').load(fileId, force=True) result = self.model('file').download(file, headers=False) else: result = self._getPostgresGeojsonData(item) if not callable(result) or funcAllowed: return result return geojson.loads(''.join(list(result())))
Example #3
Source File: From minerva with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _getPostgresGeojsonData(self, item): user = self.getCurrentUser() minervaMeta = item['meta']['minerva'] file = self.model('file').load(minervaMeta['geo_render']['file_id'], user=user) assetstore = self.model('assetstore').load(file['assetstoreId']) adapter = assetstore_utilities.getAssetstoreAdapter(assetstore) func = adapter.downloadFile( file, offset=0, headers=False, endByte=None, contentDisposition=None, extraParameters=None) geometryField = item['meta']['minerva']['postgresGeojson']['geometryField'] if geometryField['type'] == 'built-in': return func elif geometryField['type'] == 'link': records = json.loads(''.join(list(func()))) featureCollection, _ = self.linkAndAssembleGeometry( geometryField['links'], geometryField['itemId'], records) if len(featureCollection.features) == 0: raise GirderException('Dataset is empty') return featureCollection
Example #4
Source File: From tracker_project with MIT License | 5 votes |
def geojson_feature(self): return Feature( geometry=loads(self.polygon.geojson), id='AreaOfInterest:{pk}'.format(, properties={ 'name':, 'severity': self.get_severity_display(), 'centroid': self.polygon.centroid.geojson, 'model': 'AreaOfInterest', 'pk':, 'url': reverse('tracker:area-of-interest-detail', kwargs={'pk':}), } )
Example #5
Source File: From indrz with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_room_centroid_node(space_id): ''' Find the room center point coordinates and find the closest route node point :param building_id: integer value of building :param space_id: internal space id as integer :return: Closest route node to submitted room number ''' room_center_q = """SELECT layer, ST_asGeoJSON(st_centroid(geom)) AS geom FROM geodata.search_index_v WHERE id ={0};""".format(space_id) cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(room_center_q) res = cur.fetchall() res2 = res[0] space_floor = res2[0] space_geom_x = json.loads(res2[1]) space_geom_y = json.loads(res2[1]) x_coord = float(space_geom_x['coordinates'][0]) y_coord = float(space_geom_y['coordinates'][1]) space_node_id = find_closest_network_node(x_coord, y_coord, space_floor) try: return space_node_id except: logger.error("error get room center " + str(space_node_id)) logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return {'error': 'error get room center'}
Example #6
Source File: From tiler with MIT License | 5 votes |
def validate_geojson(geojson_path): """ Validate a GeoJSON file """ ## Validate the GeoJSON file with open(geojson_path, 'r') as geojson_file: geojson_dump = features = geojson.loads(geojson_dump) validation = features.is_valid print "Is the geojson file valid? ", str(validation) # if validation["message"]: # print "Info: ", validation["message"] return validation
Example #7
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_valid_geojson(make_spatial_unit_params): """ Check that valid geojson is returned. """ spatial_unit = make_spatial_unit(**make_spatial_unit_params) geo = Geography(spatial_unit) assert geojson.loads(geo.to_geojson_string()).is_valid
Example #8
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_valid_geojson(exemplar_spatial_unit_param): """ Check that valid geojson is returned. """ if not exemplar_spatial_unit_param.has_geography: pytest.skip("Query with spatial_unit=CellSpatialUnit() has no geometry.") dl = daily_location( "2016-01-01", "2016-01-02", spatial_unit=exemplar_spatial_unit_param ).aggregate() assert geojson.loads(dl.to_geojson_string()).is_valid
Example #9
Source File: From FlowKit with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_valid_flows_geojson(exemplar_spatial_unit_param): """ Check that valid geojson is returned for Flows. """ if not exemplar_spatial_unit_param.has_geography: pytest.skip("Query with spatial_unit=CellSpatialUnit() has no geometry.") dl = daily_location("2016-01-01", spatial_unit=exemplar_spatial_unit_param) dl2 = daily_location("2016-01-02", spatial_unit=exemplar_spatial_unit_param) fl = Flows(dl, dl2) assert geojson.loads(fl.to_geojson_string()).is_valid
Example #10
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def importer(self, config_entity, db_entity, **kwargs): """ Creates various GeojsonFeature classes by importing geojson and saving it to the database via a dynamic subclass of GeojsonFeature :schema: The optional schema to use for the dynamic subclass's meta db_table attribute, which will allow the class's table to be saved in the specified schema. Defaults to public :data: Optional python dict data to use instead of loading from the db_entity.url :return: a list of lists. Each list is a list of features of distinct subclass of GeoJsonFeature that is created dynamically. To persist these features, you must first create the subclass's table in the database using create_table_for_dynamic_class(). You should also register the table as a DbEntity. """ if self.seed_data: data = geojson.loads(jsonify(self.seed_data), object_hook=geojson.GeoJSON.to_instance) else: fp = open(db_entity.url.replace('file://', '')) data = geojson.load(fp, object_hook=geojson.GeoJSON.to_instance) feature_class_creator = FeatureClassCreator(config_entity, db_entity) # find all unique properties feature_class_configuration = feature_class_creator.feature_class_configuration_from_geojson_introspection(data) feature_class_creator.update_db_entity(feature_class_configuration) feature_class = feature_class_creator.dynamic_model_class(base_only=True) # Create our base table. Normally this is done by the import, but we're just importing into memory create_tables_for_dynamic_classes(feature_class) # Now write each feature to our newly created table for feature in map(lambda feature: self.instantiate_sub_class(feature_class, feature), data.features): # Create the rel table too rel_feature_class = feature_class_creator.dynamic_model_class() create_tables_for_dynamic_classes(rel_feature_class) # PostGIS 2 handles this for us now # if InformationSchema.objects.table_exists(db_entity.schema, db_entity.table): # # Tell PostGIS about the new geometry column or the table # sync_geometry_columns(db_entity.schema, db_entity.table) # Create association classes and tables and populate them with data create_and_populate_relations(config_entity, db_entity)
Example #11
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def bounds(self): """ Always the same as the geometry field for read-access :return: """ return loads(self.geometry.json)
Example #12
Source File: From urbanfootprint with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def create_layer_from_layer_selection(self, params): """ Used to create a new Layer from the current LayerSelection features :param params: :return: """ # Resolve the source layer from the layer_selection__id source_layer = self.resolve_layer(params) config_entity = source_layer.config_entity db_entity = source_layer.db_entity_interest.db_enitty feature_class = FeatureClassCreator(config_entity, db_entity).dynamic_model_class() layer = Layer.objects.get(presentation__config_entity=config_entity, db_entity_key=db_entity.key) layer_selection = get_or_create_layer_selection_class_for_layer(layer, config_entity, False).objects.all()[0] # TODO no need to do geojson here feature_dict = dict( type="Feature" ) feature_dicts = map(lambda feature: deep_merge(feature_dict, {"geometry":geojson.loads(feature.wkb_geometry.json)}), layer_selection.selected_features or feature_class.objects.all()) json = dict({"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": feature_dicts}) db_entity_configuration = update_or_create_db_entity(config_entity, **dict( class_scope=FutureScenario, name='Import From Selection Test', key='import_selection_test', url='file://notusingthis' )) self.make_geojson_db_entity(config_entity, db_entity_configuration, data=json)
Example #13
Source File: From jacs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_geometry(geometry_raw, rewrite_circle=False): geometry_statement = None # is it WKT? try: geometry_statement = sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func.GeomFromText( geomet.wkt.dumps(geomet.wkt.loads(geometry_raw))) except ValueError as err: logging.debug(' ... not WKT') # is it GeoJSON? if not geometry_statement: try: geometry_statement = sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func.GeomFromText( geomet.wkt.dumps(geojson.loads(geometry_raw))) except ValueError as err: logging.debug(' ... not GeoJSON') if not geometry_statement and rewrite_circle and 'CIRCLE' in geometry_raw: # now see if it a CIRCLE(long lat, rad_in_m) re_res = re.findall( r'CIRCLE\s*\(\s*([0-9.-]+)\s+([0-9.-]+)\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)\s*\)', geometry_raw) if re_res and len(re_res[0]) == 3: lng = float(re_res[0][0]) lat = float(re_res[0][1]) rad = float(re_res[0][2]) geometry_statement = sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func.Buffer( sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func.POINT(lng, lat), rad / 1000 / 111.045) else: logging.warn('ignoring malformed intersects statement:%s', geometry_raw)'%s becomes %s', geometry_raw, geometry_statement) return geometry_statement
Example #14
Source File: From udata with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def process_formdata(self, valuelist): if valuelist: value = valuelist[0] try: if isinstance(value, str): = geojson.loads(value) else: = geojson.GeoJSON.to_instance(value) except: = None log.exception('Unable to parse GeoJSON') raise ValueError(self.gettext('Not a valid GeoJSON'))
Example #15
Source File: From sentinelsat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_footprints_s2(products, fixture_path): footprints = SentinelAPI.to_geojson(products) for footprint in footprints["features"]: assert not footprint["geometry"].errors() with open(fixture_path("expected_search_footprints_s2.geojson")) as geojson_file: expected_footprints = geojson.loads( # to compare unordered lists (JSON objects) they need to be sorted or changed to sets assert set(footprints) == set(expected_footprints)
Example #16
Source File: From sentinelsat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_footprints_s1(api, test_wkt, read_fixture_file): products = api.query( test_wkt, (datetime(2014, 10, 10), datetime(2014, 12, 31)), producttype="GRD" ) footprints = api.to_geojson(products) for footprint in footprints["features"]: assert not footprint["geometry"].errors() expected_footprints = geojson.loads(read_fixture_file("expected_search_footprints_s1.geojson")) # to compare unordered lists (JSON objects) they need to be sorted or changed to sets assert set(footprints) == set(expected_footprints)
Example #17
Source File: From flyover with MIT License | 5 votes |
def within_area(flight, area_geojson_location): if not area_geojson_location: return True try: with open(path.expanduser(area_geojson_location), 'r') as geo: bounds = geojson.loads(["features"][0]["geometry"] flight_loc = Point(f.get("lon", 0), f.get("lat", 0)) return shape(bounds).contains(flight_loc) except IOError: print("couldn't find geojson file at %s, ignoring" % area_geojson_location, file=stderr) return True
Example #18
Source File: From tracker_project with MIT License | 5 votes |
def geojson_feature(self): return Feature( geometry=loads(self.location.geojson), id='Incident:{pk}'.format(, properties={ 'name':, 'description': self.description, 'severity': self.get_severity_display(), 'created': str(self.created), 'closed': self.closed, 'model': 'Incident', 'pk':, 'url': reverse('tracker:incident-detail', kwargs={'pk':}), } )
Example #19
Source File: From jacs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def update(self, table, features): """ Updates a feature with corresponding values. Only properties of the feature that have a value will be updated. If geometry is given, it is replaced. Args: table: The Table to use. features: String of GeoJSON features. Returns: On success an empty dictionary is returned. On error, a dictionary with error information is returned. """ if not auth.authorize("write", table): return error_message('Unauthorized', status=401) #attempt to parse geojson try: features = geojson.loads(features)['features'] except ValueError as e: return error_message("Unable to parse request data. %s" % (e)) tbl = self.initialize_table(table) primary_key = get_primary_key(tbl) if primary_key is None: return error_message('Primary key is not defined for table') index = None feature_id = None try: connection = self._engine.connect() transaction = connection.begin() for index, feature in enumerate(features): query = tbl.update() feature_id = get_feature_id(, feature) if feature_id is None: return error_message("No primary key", index=index) #Make sure all attributes are columns in the table try: verify_attributes(tbl.columns, feature['properties']) except ValueError as e: return error_message(e, index=index, feature_id=feature_id) query = query.where(primary_key == feature_id) del(feature['properties'][]) if 'geometry' in feature and feature['geometry'] is not None: feature['properties'][self._geometry_field] = feature['geometry'] query = query.values(feature['properties']) connection.execute(query) transaction.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError as e: transaction.rollback() return error_message(("Database error: %s" % e), feature_id=feature_id, index=index) return []
Example #20
Source File: From jacs with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create(self, table, features): """ Creates new records in table corresponding to the pass GeoJSON features. Args: table: The Table to use. features: String of GeoJSON features. Returns: On success an empty dictionary is returned. On error, a dictionary with error information is returned. """ if not auth.authorize("write", table): return error_message('Unauthorized', status=401) #attempt to parse geojson try: features = geojson.loads(features)['features'] except ValueError as e: return error_message("Unable to parse request data. %s" % (e)) #loads the table schema from the database tbl = self.initialize_table(table) data = [] for index, feature in enumerate(features): #Make sure all attributes are columns in the table try: verify_attributes(tbl.columns, feature['properties']) except ValueError as e: return error_message(e, index=index) properties = feature['properties'] #Add the geometry field properties[self._geometry_field] = geomet.wkt.dumps(feature['geometry']) data.append(properties) try: connection = self._engine.connect() transaction = connection.begin() connection.execute(tbl.insert(), data) transaction.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError as e: transaction.rollback() return error_message("Database error: %s" % e) return []
Example #21
Source File: From indrz with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def route_to_nearest_poi(request, start_xy, floor, poi_cat_id): coords = start_xy.split("=")[1] x_start_coord = float(coords.split(',')[0]) y_start_coord = float(coords.split(',')[1]) start_floor_num = int(floor.split('=')[1]) poi_cat_id_v = int(poi_cat_id.split("=")[1]) startid = find_closest_network_node(x_start_coord, y_start_coord, start_floor_num) cur = connection.cursor() # bus = pk 27 underground= 26 qs_nearest_poi = Poi.objects.filter(fk_poi_category=poi_cat_id_v) if qs_nearest_poi: dest_nodes = [] pois_found = [] for i, res in enumerate(qs_nearest_poi): network_node_id = find_closest_network_node(res.geom.coords[0][0], res.geom.coords[0][1], res.floor_num ) if network_node_id: pois_found.append({"result_index": i, 'name':, 'floor': res.floor_num, 'id':, 'network_node_id': network_node_id, 'geometry':loads(res.geom.geojson)}) dest_nodes.append(network_node_id) else: return Response({"error": "no network node found close to poi"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) pgr_query = """SELECT end_vid, sum(cost) as distance_to_poi FROM pgr_dijkstra( 'SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM geodata.networklines_3857', {start_node_id}, ARRAY{poi_ids},FALSE -- 2, ARRAY[1077, 1255], ) GROUP BY end_vid ORDER BY distance_to_poi asc LIMIT 1;""".format(start_node_id=startid, poi_ids=dest_nodes) cur.execute(pgr_query) res = cur.fetchall() node_id_closest_poi = res[0][0] closest_poi = None for x in pois_found: if node_id_closest_poi == x['network_node_id']: closest_poi = x geojs_fc = run_route(startid, node_id_closest_poi, 1) geojs_fc.update({'route_info':[{'destination':closest_poi},{'start': 'work in progress'}]}) return Response(geojs_fc) else: return Response({"error":"no Pois with that poi_cat_id found"}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
Example #22
Source File: From swmmio with MIT License | 4 votes |
def write(self, rpt_dir): #write cost per sewer segment spreadsheet self.newconduits.to_csv(os.path.join(rpt_dir,'cost_estimate.csv')) self.flood_comparison.to_csv(os.path.join(rpt_dir,'parcel_flood_comparison.csv')) #write parcel json files parcels = spatial.read_shapefile(sg.config.parcels_shapefile) parcels = parcels[['PARCELID', 'ADDRESS', 'OWNER1', 'coords']] flooded = self.flood_comparison flooded = flooded.loc[flooded.Category.notnull()] #parcels with significant flood delta flooded = pd.merge(flooded, parcels, right_on='PARCELID', left_index=True) colors = flooded.apply(lambda row:'#%02x%02x%02x' % drawing.parcel_draw_color(row, style='delta'), axis=1) flooded = flooded.assign(fill=colors) geoparcelpath = os.path.join(rpt_dir,'delta_parcels.json') spatial.write_geojson(flooded, filename=geoparcelpath, geomtype='polygon') #write new conduit json, shapefiles shpdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rpt_dir), 'shapefiles') if not os.path.exists(shpdir):os.mkdir(shpdir) geocondpath = os.path.join(rpt_dir,'new_conduits.json') shpcondpath = os.path.join(shpdir, + '_new_conduits.shp') spatial.write_geojson(self.newconduits, filename=geocondpath) spatial.write_shapefile(self.newconduits, filename=shpcondpath) #write node and conduit report csvs self.alt_report.model.nodes().to_csv(os.path.join(rpt_dir,'nodes.csv')) self.alt_report.model.conduits().to_csv(os.path.join(rpt_dir,'conduits.csv')) #write a html map with open (geocondpath, 'r') as f: geo_conduits = geojson.loads( proposed_flooded = self.alt_report.parcel_flooding proposed_flooded = pd.merge(proposed_flooded, parcels, right_on='PARCELID', left_index=True) geo_parcels = spatial.write_geojson(proposed_flooded) # with open (geoparcelpath, 'r') as f: # geo_parcels = geojson.loads( with open(BETTER_BASEMAP_PATH, 'r') as bm: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(geocondpath), + '.html') with open(filename, 'wb') as newmap: for line in bm: if '//INSERT GEOJSON HERE ~~~~~' in line: newmap.write('conduits = {};\n'.format(geojson.dumps(geo_conduits))) newmap.write('nodes = {};\n'.format(0)) newmap.write('parcels = {};\n'.format(geojson.dumps(geo_parcels))) else: newmap.write(line) #create figures
Example #23
Source File: From kaggle-satellite-imagery-feature-detection with MIT License | 4 votes |
def img_to_wkt(img, scale_rate, target_name, W, H, Xmax, Ymin, t_value, cla): W_dash = W * W / (W + 1) H_dash = H * H / (H + 1) if scale_rate < 0.99: img_tiny = rescale(img, scale_rate) else: img_tiny = img bmp_image_path = '_temp/' + target_name + '.bmp' target_json_path = '_temp/' + target_name + '.json' with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") imsave(bmp_image_path, img_tiny) os.system('potrace -a 2 -t ' + str(t_value) + ' -b geojson -i ' + bmp_image_path + ' -o ' + target_json_path) f = open(target_json_path) data = json.load(f) f.close() os.remove(target_json_path) os.remove(bmp_image_path) # type of 'data' is feature collection # we only need focus on features features = data['features'] list_polygons = list() for i in range(len(features)): shapely_polygon = shape(geojson.loads(json.dumps(features[i]['geometry']))) if scale_rate < 0.99: shapely_polygon = scale(shapely_polygon, 1/scale_rate, 1/scale_rate, origin=(0, 0)) list_polygons.append(shapely_polygon.buffer(0.0)) multi = MultiPolygon(list_polygons) multi = scale(multi, 1, -1, 1, origin=(float(W)/2, float(H)/2)) multi = scale(multi, Xmax / W_dash, Ymin / H_dash, origin=(0, 0)) if cla != 6: multi = multi.simplify(1e-6, preserve_topology=True) else: multi = multi.simplify(1e-5, preserve_topology=True) multi = multi.buffer(0) if multi.type == 'Polygon': multi = MultiPolygon([multi]) return multi # tpex's evaluation code can validate topology more strictly #