Python dataset.connect() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of dataset.connect().
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Example #1
Source File: From twick with MIT License | 7 votes |
def add_shared_args(parser): parser.add_argument("query") parser.add_argument("--db", type=dataset.connect, help="SQLAlchemy connection string. Default: " + DEFAULT_DB, default=DEFAULT_DB) parser.add_argument("--throttle", type=int, default=15, help="""Wait X seconds between requests. Default: 15 (to stay under rate limits)""") parser.add_argument("--credentials", nargs=4, help=""" Four space-separated strings for {}. Defaults to environment variables by those names. """.format(", ".join(CREDENTIAL_NAMES)) ) parser.add_argument("--store-raw", help="Store raw tweet JSON, in addition to excerpted fields.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--quiet", help="Silence logging.", action="store_true")
Example #2
Source File: From W.I.L.L with MIT License | 6 votes |
def start(self): """ Initialize db and session monitor thread """ global db":SYS:Starting W.I.L.L") db_url = self.configuration_data["db_url"]":SYS:Connecting to database") db = dataset.connect(db_url, engine_kwargs={"pool_recycle": 1}) core.db = db API.db = db web.db = db start_time ="%I:%M %p %A %m/%d/%Y") web.start_time = start_time":SYS:Starting W.I.L.L core") core.initialize(db)":SYS:Starting sessions parsing thread") core.sessions_monitor(db)":SYS:W.I.L.L started")
Example #3
Source File: From collect-social with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setup_db(connection_string): db = dataset.connect(connection_string) pages = db['page'] users = db['user'] posts = db['post'] comments = db['comment'] interactions = db['interaction'] users.create_index(['user_id']) posts.create_index(['post_id']) comments.create_index(['comment_id']) comments.create_index(['post_id']) interactions.create_index(['comment_id']) interactions.create_index(['post_id']) interactions.create_index(['user_id']) return db
Example #4
Source File: From isdi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def create_app_info_dict(): dlist = [] conn = dataset.connect(config.APP_INFO_SQLITE_FILE) print("Creating app-info dict") for k, v in config.source_files.items(): d = pd.read_csv(v, index_col='appId') d['store'] = k if 'permissions' not in d.columns: print(k, v, d.columns) d.assign(permissions=["<not recorded>"]*len(d)) d.columns = d.columns.str.lower().str.replace(' ', '-').str.replace('-', '_') dlist.append(d) pd.concat(dlist).to_sql('apps', conn.engine, if_exists='replace') conn.engine.execute('create index idx_appId on apps(appId)')
Example #5
Source File: From collect-social with MIT License | 6 votes |
def setup_db(connection_string): db = dataset.connect(connection_string) connections = db['connection'] users = db['user'] tweets = db['tweet'] medias = db['media'] mentions = db['mention'] urls = db['url'] hashtags = db['hashtag'] tweets.create_index(['tweet_id']) medias.create_index(['tweet_id']) mentions.create_index(['user_id']) mentions.create_index(['mentioned_user_id']) urls.create_index(['tweet_id']) hashtags.create_index(['tweet_id']) users.create_index(['user_id']) connections.create_index(['friend_id']) connections.create_index(['follower_id']) return db
Example #6
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def all_complementary(self): """Get all entries of the complementary information table as a list. The order is undefined. """ gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) return list(db[self.complementary_table_name].all())
Example #7
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, url, result_table="results", complementary_table="complementary", space_table="space"): super(SQLiteConnection, self).__init__() if url.endswith("/"): raise RuntimeError("Empty database name {}".format(url)) if url.endswith((" ", "\t")): raise RuntimeError("Database name ends with space {}".format(url)) if not url.startswith("sqlite://"): raise RuntimeError("Missing 'sqlite:///' at the begin of url".format(url)) if url == "sqlite://" or url == "sqlite:///:memory:": raise RuntimeError("Cannot use memory database as it exists only for the time of the connection") match ="sqlite:///(.*)", url) if match is not None: db_path = else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find sqlite db path in {}".format(url)) self.url = url self.result_table_name = result_table self.complementary_table_name = complementary_table self.space_table_name = space_table self._lock = filelock.FileLock("{}.lock".format(db_path)) self.hold_lock = False # with self.lock(): # db = dataset.connect(self.url) # # Initialize a result table and ensure float for loss # results = db[self.result_table_name] # results.create_column("_loss", sqlalchemy.Float)
Example #8
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def all_results(self): """Get a list of all entries of the result table. The order is undefined. """ # Only way to ensure old db instances are closed is to force garbage collection # See dataset note : gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) return list(db[self.result_table_name].all())
Example #9
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def find_results(self, filter): """Get a list of all results associated with *filter*. The order is undefined. """ gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) return list(db[self.result_table_name].find(**filter))
Example #10
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def insert_result(self, document): """Insert a new *document* in the result table. The columns must not be defined nor all present. Any new column will be added to the database and any missing column will get value None. """ gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) return db[self.result_table_name].insert(document)
Example #11
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def update_result(self, filter, values): """Update or add *values* of given rows in the result table. Args: filter: An identifier of the rows to update. values: A mapping of values to update or add. """ gc.collect() filter = filter.copy() keys = list(filter.keys()) filter.update(values) db = dataset.connect(self.url) return db[self.result_table_name].update(filter, keys)
Example #12
Source File: From LightUpPi-Alarm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __connect_alarms(self): """ Connecting to a SQLite database table 'alarms'. """ alarms_table = dataset.connect(self.db_file)['alarms'] return alarms_table
Example #13
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def insert_complementary(self, document): """Insert a new document (row) in the complementary information table. """ gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) return db[self.complementary_table_name].insert(document)
Example #14
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def find_complementary(self, filter): """Find a document (row) from the complementary information table. """ gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) return db[self.complementary_table_name].find_one(**filter)
Example #15
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_space(self): """Returns the space used for previous experiments. Raises: AssertionError: If there are more than one space in the database. """ gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) entry_count = db[self.space_table_name].count() if entry_count == 0: return None assert entry_count == 1, "Space table unexpectedly contains more than one space." return pickle.loads(db[self.space_table_name].find_one()["space"])
Example #16
Source File: From chocolate with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def insert_space(self, space): """Insert a space in the database. Raises: AssertionError: If a space is already present in the database. """ gc.collect() db = dataset.connect(self.url) assert db[self.space_table_name].count() == 0, ("Space table cannot contain more than one space, " "clear table first.") return db[self.space_table_name].insert({"space": pickle.dumps(space)})
Example #17
Source File: From memorious with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_datastore(): if not hasattr(settings, '_datastore'): # do not pool connections for the datastore engine_kwargs = {'poolclass': NullPool} settings._datastore = dataset.connect(settings.DATASTORE_URI, engine_kwargs=engine_kwargs) # Use bigint to store integers by default settings._datastore.types.integer = settings._datastore.types.bigint return settings._datastore
Example #18
Source File: From discord-roombot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, connection_string): db = dataset.connect(connection_string) self.rooms = db.get_table('rooms', primary_id='role_id', primary_type=db.types.bigint) self.settings = db.get_table('settings', primary_id='guild_id', primary_type=db.types.bigint) self.invites = db.get_table('invites')
Example #19
Source File: From LightUpPi-Alarm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __connect_settings(self): """ Connecting to a SQLite database table 'settings'. """ settings_table = dataset.connect(self.db_file)['settings'] return settings_table # # member functions to set settings #
Example #20
Source File: From Crypto_Trader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): """""" = ccxt.poloniex() self.delay_seconds = / 1000 self.symbols = self.timeframe = '1d' self.db_url = 'sqlite:///databases/market_prices.db' self.deques = dict() self.ohlcv = dict() self.database = dataset.connect(self.db_url) ensure_dir('databases') for symbol in self.symbols: if['fetchOHLCV']: print('Obtaining OHLCV data') data =, self.timeframe) data = list(zip(*data)) data[0] = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ms / 1000) for ms in data[0]] self.ohlcv[symbol] = data time.sleep(self.delay_seconds) else: print('No OHLCV data available') self.deques[symbol] = deque() if len(self.database[symbol]): for e in self.database[symbol]: entry = (e['bid'], e['ask'], e['spread'], e['time']) self.deques[symbol].append(entry) del self.database self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__update) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start()
Example #21
Source File: From W.I.L.L with MIT License | 5 votes |
def help(bot, update): '''Echo the help string''' bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, help_str) #def socket_io_thread(bot,session_id, chat_id ): # socketIO = SocketIO(SERVER_URL, 80) #"In socket_io thread") # socketIO.on('connect', lambda: socketIO.emit("get_updates", session_id)) # socketIO.on('update', lambda x: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, (x["value"]))) # socketIO.on('disconnect', lambda x: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "Update server has disconnected")) # socketIO.on('debug', lambda x:"Got debug message {0} from socketIO".format(x["value"]))) # socketIO.wait()
Example #22
Source File: From collect-social with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_key, access_secret, connection_string): db = dataset.connect(connection_string) api = get_api(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_key, access_secret) user_table = db['user'] users = user_table.find(user_table.table.columns.user_id != 0, profile_collected=0) users = [u for u in users] if len(users) == 0: print('No users without profiles') return None ids_to_lookup = [] for user in users: ids_to_lookup.append(user['user_id']) if len(ids_to_lookup) == 100: print('Getting profiles') profiles = get_profiles(api, user_ids=ids_to_lookup) print('Updating 100 profiles') upsert_profiles(db, profiles) ids_to_lookup = [] print('Sleeping, timestamp: ' + str( time.sleep(5) print('Getting profiles') profiles = get_profiles(api, user_ids=ids_to_lookup) print('Updating ' + str(len(ids_to_lookup)) + ' profiles') upsert_profiles(db, profiles) print('Finished getting profiles')
Example #23
Source File: From collect-social with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_key, access_secret, connection_string, threshold=5000, seed_only=True): db = dataset.connect(connection_string) api = get_api(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_key, access_secret) if seed_only: is_seed = 1 else: is_seed = 0 user_table = db['user'] users = user_table.find(user_table.table.columns.friends_count < threshold, friends_collected=0, is_seed=is_seed) users = [u for u in users] all_users = len(users) remaining = all_users for u in users: try: print('Getting friend ids for ' + u['screen_name']) next, prev, friend_ids = get_friend_ids( api, screen_name=u['screen_name']) print('Adding ' + str(len(friend_ids)) + ' user ids to db') insert_if_missing(db, user_ids=friend_ids) print('Creating relationships for ' + str(u['user_id'])) create_connections(db, u['user_id'], friend_ids=friend_ids) update_dict = dict(id=u['id'], friends_collected=1) user_table.update(update_dict, ['id']) # Can only make 15 calls in a 15 minute window to this endpoint remaining -= 1 time_left = remaining / 60.0 print(str(time_left) + ' hours to go') print('Sleeping for 1 minute, timestamp: ' + str( time.sleep(60) except: continue
Example #24
Source File: From collectors with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cli(argv): # Prepare conf dict conf = helpers.get_variables(config, str.isupper) # Prepare conn dict conn = { 'warehouse': dataset.connect(config.WAREHOUSE_URL), } # Get and call collector collect = importlib.import_module('collectors.%s' % argv[1]).collect collect(conf, conn, *argv[2:])
Example #25
Source File: From collectors with MIT License | 5 votes |
def open_spider(self, spider): if spider.conf and spider.conn: self.__conf = spider.conf self.__conn = spider.conn else: # For runs trigered by scrapy CLI utility self.__conf = helpers.get_variables(config, str.isupper) self.__conn = {'warehouse': dataset.connect(config.WAREHOUSE_URL)}
Example #26
Source File: From collectors with MIT License | 5 votes |
def conn(): warehouse = dataset.connect(config.WAREHOUSE_URL) for table in warehouse.tables: warehouse[table].delete() return {'warehouse': warehouse}
Example #27
Source File: From ruia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def start(cls): cls.db = dataset.connect(cls.database_url) super().start()
Example #28
Source File: From Crypto_Trader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __update(self): """ """ self.database = dataset.connect(self.db_url) while True: for symbol in self.symbols: start_time = time.clock() orders = bid = orders['bids'][0][0] if len(orders['bids']) > 0 else None ask = orders['asks'][0][0] if len(orders['asks']) > 0 else None spread = (ask - bid) if (bid and ask) else None dtime = self.deques[symbol].append((bid, ask, spread, dtime)) self.database.begin() try: self.database[symbol].insert({ 'ask': ask, 'bid': bid, 'spread': spread, 'time': dtime }) self.database.commit() except: self.database.rollback() time.sleep(self.delay_seconds - (time.clock() - start_time))
Example #29
Source File: From CTFd with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def export_ctf(): # TODO: For some unknown reason dataset is only able to see alembic_version during tests. # Even using a real sqlite database. This makes this test impossible to pass in sqlite. db = dataset.connect(get_app_config("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI")) # Backup database backup = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() backup_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(backup, "w") tables = db.tables for table in tables: result = db[table].all() result_file = BytesIO() freeze_export(result, fileobj=result_file) backup_zip.writestr("db/{}.json".format(table), # # Guarantee that alembic_version is saved into the export if "alembic_version" not in tables: result = { "count": 1, "results": [{"version_num": get_current_revision()}], "meta": {}, } result_file = BytesIO() json.dump(result, result_file) backup_zip.writestr("db/alembic_version.json", # Backup uploads uploader = get_uploader() uploader.sync() upload_folder = os.path.join( os.path.normpath(app.root_path), app.config.get("UPLOAD_FOLDER") ) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(upload_folder): for file in files: parent_dir = os.path.basename(root) backup_zip.write( os.path.join(root, file), arcname=os.path.join("uploads", parent_dir, file), ) backup_zip.close() return backup
Example #30
Source File: From design-patterns with MIT License | 4 votes |
def connect_to_db(db_name=None, db_engine="sqlite"): """Connect to a database. Create the database if there isn't one yet. The database can be a SQLite DB (either a DB file or an in-memory DB), or a PostgreSQL DB. In order to connect to a PostgreSQL DB you have first to create a database, create a user, and finally grant him all necessary privileges on that database and tables. 'postgresql://<username>:<password>@localhost:<PostgreSQL port>/<db name>' Note: at the moment it looks it's not possible to close a connection manually (e.g. like calling conn.close() in sqlite3). Parameters ---------- db_name : str or None database name (without file extension .db) db_engine : str database engine ('sqlite' or 'postgres') Returns ------- dataset.persistence.database.Database connection to a database """ engines = {"sqlite", "postgres"} if db_name is None: db_string = "sqlite:///:memory:" print("New connection to in-memory SQLite DB...") else: if db_engine == "sqlite": db_string = "sqlite:///{}.db".format(DB_name) print("New connection to SQLite DB...") elif db_engine == "postgres": db_string = "postgresql://test_user:test_password@localhost:5432/testdb" # db_string = \ # 'postgresql://test_user2:test_password2@localhost:5432/testdb' print("New connection to PostgreSQL DB...") else: raise UnsupportedDatabaseEngine( "No database engine with this name. " "Choose one of the following: {}".format(engines) ) return dataset.connect(db_string)