Python types.SimpleNamespace() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of types.SimpleNamespace().
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Example #1
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_optimizer(opt): """ Examples: 1. "optimize": "SGD" 2. "optimize": { "optimizer": "SGD", "learning_rate": 0.05 } """ kwargs = {} if isinstance(opt, str): return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=opt, kwargs=kwargs) elif isinstance(opt, dict): optimizer = opt.get("optimizer", kwargs) if not optimizer: raise ValueError(f"optimizer config: {opt} invalid") kwargs = {k: v for k, v in opt.items() if k != "optimizer"} return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=optimizer, kwargs=kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for optimize: {type(opt)}")
Example #2
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_exists_race_condition(self, mocker, tmpdir, typ): """Make sure there can't be a TOCTOU issue when creating the file. See """ (tmpdir / typ).ensure(dir=True) m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.standarddir.os') m.makedirs = os.makedirs m.sep = os.sep m.path.join = os.path.join m.expanduser = os.path.expanduser m.path.exists.return_value = False m.path.abspath = lambda x: x args = types.SimpleNamespace(basedir=str(tmpdir)) standarddir._init_dirs(args) func = getattr(standarddir, typ) func()
Example #3
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_early_stop(self, param): """ Examples: "early_stop": { "early_stop": "diff", "eps": 0.0001 } """ default_eps = 0.0001 if isinstance(param, dict): early_stop = param.get("early_stop", None) eps = param.get("eps", default_eps) if not early_stop: raise ValueError(f"early_stop config: {param} invalid") return SimpleNamespace(converge_func=early_stop, eps=eps) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for early_stop: {type(param)}")
Example #4
Source File: From fontgoggles with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def getColors(self): appearanceName = AppKit.NSAppearance.currentAppearance().name() if appearanceName != self._lastAppearanceName: self._lastAppearanceName = appearanceName colors = SimpleNamespace() colors.foregroundColor = AppKit.NSColor.textColor() colors.selectedColor = colors.foregroundColor.blendedColorWithFraction_ofColor_( 0.9, AppKit.NSColor.systemRedColor()) colors.selectedSpaceColor = colors.selectedColor.colorWithAlphaComponent_(0.2) colors.hoverColor = AppKit.NSColor.systemBlueColor() colors.hoverSelectedColor = colors.hoverColor.blendedColorWithFraction_ofColor_( 0.5, colors.selectedColor) colors.hoverSpaceColor = colors.hoverColor.colorWithAlphaComponent_(0.2) colors.hoverSelectedSpaceColor = colors.hoverSelectedColor.colorWithAlphaComponent_(0.2) self._colors = colors return self._colors
Example #5
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_optimizer(self, param): """ Examples: "optimize": { "optimizer": "SGD", "learning_rate": 0.05 } """ kwargs = {} if isinstance(param, str): return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=param, kwargs=kwargs) elif isinstance(param, dict): optimizer = param.get("optimizer", kwargs) if not optimizer: raise ValueError(f"optimizer config: {param} invalid") kwargs = {k: v for k, v in param.items() if k != "optimizer"} return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=optimizer, kwargs=kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for optimize: {type(param)}")
Example #6
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_basedir(self, tmpdir, typ): """Test --basedir.""" basedir = tmpdir / 'basedir' assert not basedir.exists() args = types.SimpleNamespace(basedir=str(basedir)) standarddir._init_dirs(args) func = getattr(standarddir, typ) func() assert basedir.exists() if typ == 'download' or (typ == 'runtime' and not utils.is_linux): assert not (basedir / typ).exists() else: assert (basedir / typ).exists() if utils.is_posix: assert (basedir / typ).stat().mode & 0o777 == 0o700
Example #7
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_early_stop(self, param): """ Examples: 1. "early_stop": "diff" 2. "early_stop": { "early_stop": "diff", "eps": 0.0001 } """ default_eps = 0.0001 if isinstance(param, str): return SimpleNamespace(converge_func=param, eps=default_eps) if isinstance(param, dict): early_stop = param.get("early_stop", None) eps = param.get("eps", default_eps) if not early_stop: raise ValueError(f"early_stop config: {param} invalid") return SimpleNamespace(converge_func=early_stop, eps=eps) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for early_stop: {type(param)}")
Example #8
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_optimizer(self, param): """ Examples: 1. "optimize": "SGD" 2. "optimize": { "optimizer": "SGD", "learning_rate": 0.05 } """ kwargs = {} if isinstance(param, str): return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=param, kwargs=kwargs) elif isinstance(param, dict): optimizer = param.get("optimizer", kwargs) if not optimizer: raise ValueError(f"optimizer config: {param} invalid") kwargs = {k: v for k, v in param.items() if k != "optimizer"} return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=optimizer, kwargs=kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for optimize: {type(param)}")
Example #9
Source File: From qutebrowser with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _do_import(self, name): """Helper for fake_import and fake_importlib_import to do the work. Return: The imported fake module, or None if normal importing should be used. """ if name not in self.modules: # Not one of the modules to test -> use real import return None elif self.modules[name]: ns = types.SimpleNamespace() if self.version_attribute is not None: setattr(ns, self.version_attribute, self.version) return ns else: raise ImportError("Fake ImportError for {}.".format(name))
Example #10
Source File: From fontgoggles with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def getSortInfoUFO(fontPath: PathLike, fontNum: int): from fontTools.ufoLib import UFOReader assert fontNum == 0 suffix = fontPath.suffix.lower().lstrip(".") reader = UFOReader(fontPath, validate=False) info = SimpleNamespace() reader.readInfo(info) sortInfo = dict(suffix=suffix) ufoAttrs = [ ("familyName", "familyName"), ("styleName", "styleName"), ("weight", "openTypeOS2WeightClass"), ("width", "openTypeOS2WidthClass"), ("italicAngle", "italicAngle"), ] for key, attr in ufoAttrs: val = getattr(info, attr, None) if val is not None: if key == "italicAngle": val = -val # negative for intuitive sort order sortInfo[key] = val return sortInfo
Example #11
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_early_stop(self, param): """ Examples: "early_stop": { "early_stop": "diff", "eps": 0.0001 } """ default_eps = 0.0001 if isinstance(param, dict): early_stop = param.get("early_stop", None) eps = param.get("eps", default_eps) if not early_stop: raise ValueError(f"early_stop config: {param} invalid") return SimpleNamespace(converge_func=early_stop, eps=eps) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for early_stop: {type(param)}")
Example #12
Source File: From fontgoggles with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def load(self, outputWriter): if hasattr(self, "reader"): self._cachedGlyphs = {} return self._setupReaderAndGlyphSet() = SimpleNamespace() self.reader.readInfo( self.lib = self.reader.readLib() self._cachedGlyphs = {} if self.ufoState is None: includedFeatureFiles = extractIncludedFeatureFiles(self.fontPath, self.reader) self.ufoState = UFOState(self.reader, self.glyphSet, getUnicodesAndAnchors=self._getUnicodesAndAnchors, includedFeatureFiles=includedFeatureFiles) fontData = await compileUFOToBytes(self.fontPath, outputWriter) f = io.BytesIO(fontData) self.ttFont = TTFont(f, lazy=True) self.shaper = self._getShaper(fontData)
Example #13
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def start_pan(self, x, y, button): angle = np.deg2rad(self.get_rlabel_position()) mode = '' if button == 1: epsilon = np.pi / 45.0 t, r = self.transData.inverted().transform_point((x, y)) if angle - epsilon <= t <= angle + epsilon: mode = 'drag_r_labels' elif button == 3: mode = 'zoom' self._pan_start = types.SimpleNamespace( rmax=self.get_rmax(), trans=self.transData.frozen(), trans_inverse=self.transData.inverted().frozen(), r_label_angle=self.get_rlabel_position(), x=x, y=y, mode=mode)
Example #14
Source File: From mackrl with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, data_scheme, n_bs, n_t, n_agents, is_cuda=False, is_shared_mem=False, sizes=None): self.n_agents = n_agents self._data_scheme = data_scheme self._n_bs = n_bs self._n_t = n_t self.is_cuda = is_cuda self.is_shared_mem = is_shared_mem = SN() self.columns = SN() self._setup_data(self._data_scheme, sizes, self._n_bs, self._n_t) self.seq_lens = [0 for _ in range(len(self))] self.format = "bs" # this is ALWAYS the order of contiguous batch histories pass
Example #15
Source File: From kubernetes_asyncio with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def google_auth_credentials(provider): if 'cmd-path' not in provider or 'cmd-args' not in provider: raise ValueError('GoogleAuth via gcloud is supported! Values for cmd-path, cmd-args are required.') cmd = shlex.split(' '.join((provider['cmd-path'], provider['cmd-args']))) cmd_exec = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd, stdin=None, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) proc = await cmd_exec data = await data = data.decode('ascii').rstrip() data = json.loads(data) await proc.wait() return SimpleNamespace( token=data['credential']['access_token'], expiry=data['credential']['token_expiry'] )
Example #16
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build(self, input_shape=None, layer_config=None, model_builder=None, restore_stage=False): if not input_shape: if self.role == "host": raise ValueError("host input is empty!") else: self.is_empty_model = True return self.model_builder = model_builder self.layer_config = layer_config self.model = model_builder(input_shape=input_shape, nn_define=layer_config, optimizer=SimpleNamespace(optimizer="SGD", kwargs={}), loss="keep_predict_loss", metrics=None) dense_layer = self.model.get_layer_by_index(0) if not restore_stage: self._init_model_weight(dense_layer) if self.role == "host": self.activation_func = dense_layer.activation self.__build_activation_layer_gradients_func(dense_layer)
Example #17
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_early_stop(param): """ Examples: 1. "early_stop": "diff" 2. "early_stop": { "early_stop": "diff", "eps": 0.0001 } """ default_eps = 0.0001 if isinstance(param, str): return SimpleNamespace(converge_func=param, eps=default_eps) elif isinstance(param, dict): early_stop = param.get("early_stop", None) eps = param.get("eps", default_eps) if not early_stop: raise ValueError(f"early_stop config: {param} invalid") return SimpleNamespace(converge_func=early_stop, eps=eps) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for early_stop: {type(param)}")
Example #18
Source File: From FATE with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_optimizer(param): """ Examples: 1. "optimize": "SGD" 2. "optimize": { "optimizer": "SGD", "learning_rate": 0.05 } """ kwargs = {} if isinstance(param, str): return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=param, kwargs=kwargs) elif isinstance(param, dict): optimizer = param.get("optimizer", kwargs) if not optimizer: raise ValueError(f"optimizer config: {param} invalid") kwargs = {k: v for k, v in param.items() if k != "optimizer"} return SimpleNamespace(optimizer=optimizer, kwargs=kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid type for optimize: {type(param)}")
Example #19
Source File: From VLC-Scheduler with MIT License | 6 votes |
def prepare_source(self, source): prepared = types.SimpleNamespace( active=True, path=source['path'], shuffle=bool(source.get('shuffle', False)), recursive=bool(source.get('recursive', self._recursive)), item_play_duration=int(source.get('item_play_duration', 0)), play_every_minutes=int(source.get('play_every_minutes', 0)), start_time=None, end_time=None ) if source.get('playing_time'): prepared.start_time, prepared.end_time = ( datetime.datetime.strptime(i, '%H:%M').time() for i in utils.parse_time_interval(source['playing_time']) ) return prepared
Example #20
Source File: From kubernetes_asyncio with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_async_load_gcp_token_with_refresh(self): async def cred(): return SimpleNamespace( token=TEST_ANOTHER_DATA_BASE64, ) loader = KubeConfigLoader( config_dict=self.TEST_KUBE_CONFIG, active_context="expired_gcp", get_google_credentials=cred) res = await loader.load_gcp_token() self.assertTrue(res) self.assertEqual(BEARER_TOKEN_FORMAT % TEST_ANOTHER_DATA_BASE64, loader.token)
Example #21
Source File: From benchexec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_run(self, info_result=RESULT_UNKNOWN): runSet = types.SimpleNamespace() runSet.log_folder = "." runSet.result_files_folder = "." runSet.options = [] runSet.real_name = None runSet.propertytag = None runSet.benchmark = lambda: None runSet.benchmark.base_dir = "." runSet.benchmark.benchmark_file = "Test.xml" runSet.benchmark.columns = [] = "Test" runSet.benchmark.instance = "Test" runSet.benchmark.rlimits = {} runSet.benchmark.tool = BaseTool() def determine_result(self, returncode, returnsignal, output, isTimeout=False): return info_result runSet.benchmark.tool.determine_result = determine_result return Run( identifier="test.c", sourcefiles=["test.c"], fileOptions=[], runSet=runSet )
Example #22
Source File: From torf with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def singlefile_content(tmp_path_factory): random.seed(0) # Make sure random file names and content are identical every time content_path = _mktempdir(tmp_path_factory) filepath = _generate_random_file(content_path, filename='sinģle fíle') random.seed() # Re-enable randomness exp_pieces = b'\xc8\xfa\x0fV\x95\xecl\x97t\xb2v\x84S\x98{\x92[ \x13\xe5\x04\xef-\xb0;sF\xc2\x93W\xcf\xc6X\x14\x9b]_r\xfb\x80\'}\xe5\xc4\x05\xdct\xb5^\xe9\x7f0b|\xc9\xf1\x9d\xd7G\x06 ,l8m\x01\xbf2\xf6:\x03r-\x8d\x1f,\x8bk:\xad\xdbN\xa2V\x96/\xf2@w\xa5\x98\xf8\t3fU\x13;\x90\xc0F\xe3[\x15\xea\x8f\x92\xcdN:\xc1\x0fG\x9b\xeb\xd9\x93A\xca\xa7L\xd2\x9ef|\xddd\xd4\x94.f\xee\xea3\xa8\x04|\xe9h\xa7\xa1t\xa2\xb5\xb3*\x89\xf7\x14\xdf\x16M/\xc6\xa5\x85\xdaF\xca\xa7?\x9d\xe1zd\xc8\xe1\x1d\x1epC\x06+\xe1Q\x0fi\x9fv\x19\xa2(\xd0\x90\xb3\xb0\xcf\xa9\x1cy\xf0\x96\x17\n\x05\xa5*IZJ\x8c\xbb\x87\xdd\xed|d.\xf0\xb9\xfe\x00\xa6\nufY\x18\xe35\xee\xdf\xa6D\xed<\xc5W\x0fa\x80\xc6}\xdd\xf4\xbd\xc1:\xe3\xda\nj\xbag\x93\xd0\xdc\xbd\xb8\xfb\xc2\x99\x9a/&\x1d\xf3\xe9\xa3,\x9b>\'\xa5\xaa~\xabb\x81\x88\x80^\xddd\xc7\xea\x83n\x05%\x8f4\x8a\x82\xe2\xff[\xab\xa8\x92\x1f\xaarG\xc5\x00\xcae\x9e\x93\xc4\x9015\x02\xe7\x8a\xb1I\xa6\x16DF\x8a\x0b\xeb\xca@\th?WL\xe0Vf\xc9X>##?t\x08\xdf[\xac\x16\x7f\xe9\x1a\xc4\x11\x0c\xc9\xac?\xded\xed\xf5\x1b\xd0Qq\x90_\x88]\xbf\xb7\xbc\xf5\x8et4f<\x14\xb6\x98\xbb\xdd0H\x14\xfaZ\xc1\x07l3\xd6""l\x99X@\xb7\x9c\xbc/h\xe9\xc0\x83\x0e\xfb\x91\x83\xdf\x1d+\xf6\xd1_\xb8\x04\xdd\xb8\x05\'\x1c\x1b\x94\x1cl\x9a_[An:\xcdw\xe8\xfb\xbf\xb9\x82olQ6<U\r\x9e0/\x89\xc6\xe4\x9cl<\xd5\xf9\xca\x96\x01\xd5\xc3\x1dk\x1b1\xc2X\xe9\x164\x9d\x05\x19\x85c\x0e\x847b\xdb[\xa8\x8e\xc1\x04,\x1c\xc2\x0e\x85`+3\xb1\xe6\xac&F\xb9\xf6\x0e\\\x1fS\xbd\xed\xc6l\x89\x18\x8eI?\x9aqR1&k\x14ce i\xb4;C\xfe\x1dh\xe4\xd3>\xa4\x15\x9f\xd2c#\x1b\x9a\xb6\x84\x88@\x89\xdd\x01\x18H\xbce\rK1aS\xd8\xb8\xffD\x9f\x89\xd4\xb59y7\xff\x8b\xc1\xc3\t\xdd\x9e\xa6\xa7\x02:\xa5\xea<\xb9\x95\xd7ePU~\xbc\x16\x9a\x0f\xb1h\xad4\xfa\x18yv\x95\x96\x0cRo\x88\xe6L\x08\xfd\x94gh\x92\'w\xb3\xd1BCqC\x12_\x1f\x92\xfc\xc6\xfd\t\xcd\xab\xe0\xbd\xcc\x06\xf9\xa7\xb1e\xa9\xbe\x0c\x8d\xfcI\x00\x0e\xd7\xbe\x0c&\xf2\xc5\xa5Yl\xf8\xc0\x8e.\x97\x0c\xd5zp~8\xc0g\xa6C\x16\xd0v\x1e\xa1\xa37\xceM[\xd6\x18\xc6\xa5\xc9\xbc\x11\x99\xc4\xe9\x0f9\xab\x98\x01\xaf\xe22\n_\x83\x9b\xdegG\xb4#\xd6\x17\xf1z4\x11v\xef\xcf!\x03\xdc\x14_\x9e;\'\xdckvHh\xd5x\xf48\xdaFa\xae\x02\xf0\x16| \xa3\x97\xe5\xed\xf6\x11$\xe4\xacb\xaf\x8a\x07fH\x96\x00\x00\x98\x87(\x97\xcd!\xff\xf8a\x02\xc4\xca\xff\xef\xe1P\x01_\x9b\x9b\x83:\x7f\xdd\x92\xfb\xe9\x94\xc3SEWh\x18\xb3\x9c\xd8\xf9M\x1d!\xd25\xcb' exp_metainfo = {'announce' : 'http://localhost:123', 'created by' : 'mktorrent 1.0', 'creation date' : 1513522263, 'info': {'name' : os.path.basename(filepath), 'piece length' : 2**14, 'pieces' : exp_pieces, 'length' : os.path.getsize(filepath)}} exp_attrs = SimpleNamespace(path=str(filepath), infohash='7febf5a5a6e6bac79df2eb4340a63009109fecd5', infohash_base32=b'P7V7LJNG425MPHPS5NBUBJRQBEIJ73GV', size=os.path.getsize(filepath), pieces=math.ceil(os.path.getsize(filepath) / exp_metainfo['info']['piece length'])) return SimpleNamespace(path=exp_attrs.path, exp_metainfo=exp_metainfo, exp_attrs=exp_attrs)
Example #23
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def start_pan(self, x, y, button): """ Called when a pan operation has started. *x*, *y* are the mouse coordinates in display coords. button is the mouse button number: * 1: LEFT * 2: MIDDLE * 3: RIGHT .. note:: Intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ self._pan_start = types.SimpleNamespace( lim=self.viewLim.frozen(), trans=self.transData.frozen(), trans_inverse=self.transData.inverted().frozen(), bbox=self.bbox.frozen(), x=x, y=y)
Example #24
Source File: From geo-br with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_cities(self): print ("running test_cities...") with'data.json.gz', 'rb') as db: cities = json.load(db) states = set() errors, count = 0, 0 for city in cities: c = SimpleNamespace(**city) states.add(c.uf) r = sapp._search(c.latitude, c.longitude) if r is None: errors += 1 else: if r["found"]: if c.nome_municipio == r["city"] and c.uf == r["state"]: count += 1 else: errors += 1 else: errors += 1 self.assertTrue(errors==0) self.assertTrue(count==5540) self.assertTrue(len(states)==27)
Example #25
Source File: From geo-br with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_capitals(self): print ("running test_capitals...") with'capitais.json.gz', 'rb') as db: all_capitals = json.load(db) with'data.json.gz', 'rb') as db: cities = json.load(db) cities = [x for x in cities if x['capital']] found = [] for capital in all_capitals: c = SimpleNamespace(**capital) for city in cities: d = SimpleNamespace(**city) if({d.nome_municipio, d.uf, d.estado} & {, c.sigla, c.estado}): found.append(capital) break self.assertTrue(len(found)==27)
Example #26
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def start_pan(self, x, y, button): """ Called when a pan operation has started. *x*, *y* are the mouse coordinates in display coords. button is the mouse button number: * 1: LEFT * 2: MIDDLE * 3: RIGHT .. note:: Intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ self._pan_start = types.SimpleNamespace( lim=self.viewLim.frozen(), trans=self.transData.frozen(), trans_inverse=self.transData.inverted().frozen(), bbox=self.bbox.frozen(), x=x, y=y)
Example #27
Source File: From safelife with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, level_generator): self.level_generator = level_generator self.state = SimpleNamespace( screen="INTRO", game=None, total_points=0, total_steps=0, total_safety_score=0, level_start_steps=0, level_start_points=0, total_undos=0, edit_mode=0, history=deque(maxlen=MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH), side_effects=None, total_side_effects=defaultdict(lambda: 0), message="", last_command="", level_num=0, )
Example #28
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def start_pan(self, x, y, button): angle = np.deg2rad(self.get_rlabel_position()) mode = '' if button == 1: epsilon = np.pi / 45.0 t, r = self.transData.inverted().transform_point((x, y)) if angle - epsilon <= t <= angle + epsilon: mode = 'drag_r_labels' elif button == 3: mode = 'zoom' self._pan_start = types.SimpleNamespace( rmax=self.get_rmax(), trans=self.transData.frozen(), trans_inverse=self.transData.inverted().frozen(), r_label_angle=self.get_rlabel_position(), x=x, y=y, mode=mode)
Example #29
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def start_pan(self, x, y, button): angle = np.deg2rad(self.get_rlabel_position()) mode = '' if button == 1: epsilon = np.pi / 45.0 t, r = self.transData.inverted().transform_point((x, y)) if angle - epsilon <= t <= angle + epsilon: mode = 'drag_r_labels' elif button == 3: mode = 'zoom' self._pan_start = types.SimpleNamespace( rmax=self.get_rmax(), trans=self.transData.frozen(), trans_inverse=self.transData.inverted().frozen(), r_label_angle=self.get_rlabel_position(), x=x, y=y, mode=mode)
Example #30
Source File: From CQ-editor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _inject_locals(self,module): cq_objects = {} def _show_object(obj,name=None, options={}): if name: cq_objects.update({name : SimpleNamespace(shape=obj,options=options)}) else: cq_objects.update({str(id(obj)) : SimpleNamespace(shape=obj,options=options)}) def _debug(obj,name=None): _show_object(obj,name,options=dict(color='red',alpha=0.2)) module.__dict__['show_object'] = _show_object module.__dict__['debug'] = _debug module.__dict__['log'] = lambda x: info(str(x)) module.__dict__['cq'] = cq return cq_objects, set(module.__dict__)-{'cq'}