Python win32api.GetVolumeInformation() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of win32api.GetVolumeInformation().
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Example #1
Source File: From Pirates-Online-Rewritten with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def MakeNTFSFilesGlobalWriteable(self, pathToSet=None): if not self.WIN32: return import win32api if pathToSet == None: pathToSet = self.getInstallDir() else: pathToSet = pathToSet.cStr() + '*' DrivePath = pathToSet[0:3] try: volname, volsernum, maxfilenamlen, sysflags, filesystemtype = win32api.GetVolumeInformation(DrivePath) except: return if self.win32con_FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS & sysflags:'NTFS detected, making files global writeable\n') win32dir = win32api.GetWindowsDirectory() cmdLine = win32dir + '\\system32\\cacls.exe "' + pathToSet + '" /T /E /C /G Everyone:F > nul' os.system(cmdLine) return
Example #2
Source File: From WHP with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License | 5 votes |
def check_drives(): for drive in win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings().split("\x00"): sys.stdout.write(".") type = win32file.GetDriveType(drive) if type == win32con.DRIVE_FIXED: fs = win32api.GetVolumeInformation(drive)[4] if fs == 'NTFS': warning = "" weak_perms = check_weak_write_perms(drive, 'directory') if weak_perms: # print "Weak permissions on drive root %s:" % drive # print_weak_perms('directory', weak_perms) sys.stdout.write(".") save_issue("WPC010", "writable_drive_root", weak_perms) elif fs == 'FAT': save_issue_string("WPC011", "fat_fs_drives", "Fixed drive " + drive + ": has " + fs + " filesystem (FAT does not support file permissions)" ) sys.stdout.write("!") elif fs == 'FAT32': save_issue_string("WPC011", "fat_fs_drives", "Fixed drive " + drive + ": has " + fs + " filesystem (FAT32 does not support file permissions)" ) sys.stdout.write("!") else: warning = " (not NTFS - might be insecure)" save_issue_string("WPC011", "fat_fs_drives", "Fixed drive " + drive + ": has " + fs + " filesystem (Not NTFS - might not be secure)" ) sys.stdout.write("!") # print "Fixed drive %s has %s filesystem%s" % (drive, fs, warning) print
Example #3
Source File: From LHF with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_drives(): for drive in win32api.GetLogicalDriveStrings().split("\x00"): sys.stdout.write(".") type = win32file.GetDriveType(drive) if type == win32con.DRIVE_FIXED: fs = win32api.GetVolumeInformation(drive)[4] if fs == 'NTFS': warning = "" weak_perms = check_weak_write_perms(drive, 'directory') if weak_perms: # print "Weak permissions on drive root %s:" % drive # print_weak_perms('directory', weak_perms) sys.stdout.write(".") save_issue("WPC010", "writable_drive_root", weak_perms) elif fs == 'FAT': save_issue_string("WPC011", "fat_fs_drives", "Fixed drive " + drive + ": has " + fs + " filesystem (FAT does not support file permissions)" ) sys.stdout.write("!") elif fs == 'FAT32': save_issue_string("WPC011", "fat_fs_drives", "Fixed drive " + drive + ": has " + fs + " filesystem (FAT32 does not support file permissions)" ) sys.stdout.write("!") else: warning = " (not NTFS - might be insecure)" save_issue_string("WPC011", "fat_fs_drives", "Fixed drive " + drive + ": has " + fs + " filesystem (Not NTFS - might not be secure)" ) sys.stdout.write("!") # print "Fixed drive %s has %s filesystem%s" % (drive, fs, warning) print
Example #4
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_sparse_files_support(path): supported = False if == 'nt': drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(path)) if len(drive) > 0: # might be a network path if drive[-1] != '\\': drive += '\\' volumename, serialnumber, maxpath, fsflags, fs_name = win32api.GetVolumeInformation(drive) if fsflags & FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_FILES: supported = True return supported # is there a linux max path?
Example #5
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_max_filesize(path): fs_name = None # optimistic if we can't tell max_filesize = 2**64 if == 'nt': drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(path)) if len(drive) > 0: # might be a network path if drive[-1] != '\\': drive += '\\' volumename, serialnumber, maxpath, fsflags, fs_name = win32api.GetVolumeInformation(drive) if fs_name == "FAT32": max_filesize = 2**32 - 1 elif (fs_name == "FAT" or fs_name == "FAT16"): # information on this varies, so I chose the description from # MS: # which happens to also be the most conservative. max_clusters = 2**16 - 11 max_cluster_size = 2**15 max_filesize = max_clusters * max_cluster_size else: path = os.path.realpath(path) # not implemented yet #fsname = crawl_path_for_mount_entry(path) return fs_name, max_filesize