Python bpy.props.EnumProperty() Examples
The following are 17
code examples of bpy.props.EnumProperty().
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Example #1
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def register(): bpy.types.Scene.save_after_render = BoolProperty( name='Save after render', default=True, description='Automatically save rendered images into: //auto_save/') bpy.types.Scene.save_blend = BoolProperty( name = 'with .blend', default=True, description='Also save .blend file into: //auto_save/') bpy.types.Scene.auto_save_format = EnumProperty( name='Auto Save File Format', description='File Format for the auto saves.', items={ ('PNG', 'png', 'Save as png'), ('JPEG', 'jpg', 'Save as jpg'), ('OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER', 'exr', 'Save as multilayer exr')}, default='PNG') bpy.types.Scene.auto_save_subfolders = BoolProperty( name='subfolder', default=False, description='Save into individual subfolders per blend name') bpy.types.RENDER_PT_render.append(auto_save_UI)
Example #2
Source File: From BlenderGIS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def register(): for cls in classes: try: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) except ValueError as e: log.warning('{} is already registered, now unregister and retry... '.format(cls)) bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) bpy.utils.register_class(cls) #Create uilist collections bpy.types.Scene.uiListCollec = CollectionProperty(type=RECLASS_PG_color) bpy.types.Scene.uiListIndex = IntProperty() #used to store the index of the selected item in the uilist bpy.types.Scene.colorRampPreview = CollectionProperty(type=RECLASS_PG_color_preview) #Add handlers # bpy.types.Scene.analysisMode = EnumProperty( name = "Mode", description = "Choose the type of analysis this material do", items = [('HEIGHT', 'Height', "Height analysis"), ('SLOPE', 'Slope', "Slope analysis"), ('ASPECT', 'Aspect', "Aspect analysis")], update = updateAnalysisMode )
Example #3
Source File: From BlenderTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_filebrowser_display_type(is_image=False): """Gets enum property for specifying display type of file browser. If is_image argument is not passed or is False default display type is used. :param is_image: flag specifying if display type shall be image preview :type is_image: bool :return: enum property of display type for Blender file browser :rtype: bpy.types.EnumProperty """ default_value = "FILE_IMGDISPLAY" if is_image else "FILE_DEFAULTDISPLAY" return EnumProperty( items=[ ("FILE_DEFAULTDISPLAY", "", ""), ("FILE_SHORTDISPLAY", "", ""), ("FILE_LONGDISPLAY", "", ""), ("FILE_IMGDISPLAY", "", "") ], default=default_value, options={'HIDDEN'} )
Example #4
Source File: From BlenderGIS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getEnumItems(cls): '''Return a list of predefined crs usable to fill a bpy EnumProperty''' crsItems = [] data = cls.getData() for srid, name in data.items(): #put each item in a tuple (key, label, tooltip) crsItems.append( (srid, name, srid) ) return crsItems ################# # Collection of operators to manage predefinates CRS
Example #5
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def init_props(scene): scene.muv_props = MUV_Properties() scene.muv_uvbb_cp_size = FloatProperty( name="Size", description="Control Point Size", default=6.0, min=3.0, max=100.0) scene.muv_uvbb_cp_react_size = FloatProperty( name="React Size", description="Size event fired", default=10.0, min=3.0, max=100.0) scene.muv_uvbb_uniform_scaling = BoolProperty( name="Uniform Scaling", description="Enable Uniform Scaling", default=False) scene.muv_texproj_tex_magnitude = FloatProperty( name="Magnitude", description="Texture Magnitude.", default=0.5, min=0.0, max=100.0) scene.muv_texproj_tex_image = EnumProperty( name="Image", description="Texture Image.", items=get_loaded_texture_name) scene.muv_texproj_tex_transparency = FloatProperty( name="Transparency", description="Texture Transparency.", default=0.2, min=0.0, max=1.0)
Example #6
Source File: From BlendLuxCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_sorted_list(cls, sort="name"): # Make a deep copy of the ior_values dict ior_values = copy.deepcopy(cls._ior_values) # Append a unique integer index to each tuple. The EnumProperty needs # this to determine a default item (index 0) when using a callback. # Failure to do so results in a random item becoming the default. ior_values[cls.default_key].append(0) index = 1 for ior in ior_values: if ior != cls.default_key: ior_values[ior].append(index) index += 1 # Convert the dict to a sorted list of tuples if sort == "value": index = 1 else: index = 0 preset_list = [] for item in sorted(ior_values.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][index]): text = "{} ({:f})".format(item[1][0], item[1][1]) preset_list.append((item[0], text, text, item[1][2])) return preset_list
Example #7
Source File: From leomoon-lightstudio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def register(): from bpy.types import WindowManager from bpy.props import EnumProperty WindowManager.lls_tex_previews = EnumProperty( items=enum_previews_from_directory_items, get=preview_enum_get, set=preview_enum_set, ) import bpy.utils.previews pcoll = pcoll.lls_tex_previews = () pcoll.initiated = False pcoll.dir_update_time = os.path.getmtime(directory) preview_collections["main"] = pcoll
Example #8
Source File: From blender2ogre with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def reset_rna(self, callback=None): bpy.types.Material.ogre_parent_material = EnumProperty( name="Script Inheritence", description='ogre parent material class', items=self.ENUM_ITEMS, #update=callback )
Example #9
Source File: From coa_tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def enum_sprite_previews(self, context): """EnumProperty callback""" enum_items = [] if context is None: return enum_items if self.coa_type == "MESH": # Get the preview collection (defined in register func). coa_pcoll = preview_collections["coa_thumbs"] #thumb_dir_path = bpy.utils.user_resource("DATAFILES","coa_thumbs") thumb_dir_path = os.path.join(context.user_preferences.filepaths.temporary_directory,"coa_thumbs") if os.path.exists(thumb_dir_path): # Scan the directory for png files image_paths = [] for fn in os.listdir(thumb_dir_path): if fn.lower().endswith(".png") and in fn: image_paths.append(fn) for i, name in enumerate(image_paths): if i < self.coa_tiles_x * self.coa_tiles_y: filepath = os.path.join(thumb_dir_path, name) if name in coa_pcoll: thumb = coa_pcoll[name] else: thumb = coa_pcoll.load(name, filepath, 'IMAGE') enum_items.append((str(i), name, "", thumb.icon_id, i)) elif self.coa_type == "SLOT": for i,slot in enumerate(self.coa_slot): if slot.mesh != None: img = slot.mesh.materials[0].texture_slots[0].texture.image icon = bpy.types.UILayout.icon(img) enum_items.append((str(i),, "", icon, i)) return enum_items
Example #10
Source File: From phobos with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def register(): """TODO Missing documentation""" from bpy.types import WindowManager from bpy.props import EnumProperty WindowManager.mechanismpreview = EnumProperty( items=getMechanismListForEnumProperty, name='Mechanism' ) compileMechanismList()
Example #11
Source File: From phobos with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getCategoriesForEnumProperty(self, context): """Returns a list of categories for an EnumProperty. The categories are based on the ``categories`` variable in the current namespace. If there are no categories return ('-', '-', '-'). Args: context: Returns: list: available category in the model library. """ if not categories: return [('-',) * 3] return sorted([(item,) * 3 for item in categories])
Example #12
Source File: From phobos with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def register(): """TODO Missing documentation""" from bpy.types import WindowManager from bpy.props import StringProperty, EnumProperty, BoolProperty WindowManager.modelpreview = EnumProperty(items=getModelListForEnumProperty, name='Model') WindowManager.category = EnumProperty(items=getCategoriesForEnumProperty, name='Category') compileModelList()
Example #13
Source File: From phobos with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def compileMechanismList(): """TODO Missing documentation""" from bpy.types import WindowManager from bpy.props import EnumProperty # DOCU missing some docstring global mechanismpreviewcollection log("Compiling mechanism list from local library...", "INFO") try: phobosconfig = bUtils.getPhobosConfigPath() except KeyError: log('Can not create mechanism preview. Phobos not registered.', 'DEBUG') return imagefolderpath = os.path.join(phobosconfig, 'images', 'mechanisms') if imagefolderpath == '' or not os.path.exists(imagefolderpath): log('Visual mechanism representations could not be found.') return # read in mechanism thumbnails mechanismpreviewcollection = enum_items = [] defaultimagepath = os.path.join(imagefolderpath, 'undefined.png') defaultpreview = mechanismpreviewcollection.load('undefined', defaultimagepath, 'IMAGE') i = 1 for mechanism in defs.definitions['submechanisms']: size = len(defs.definitions['submechanisms'][mechanism]['joints']['spanningtree']) imagepath = os.path.join(imagefolderpath, mechanism + '.png') if not (os.path.exists(imagepath) and os.path.isfile(imagepath)): log("No preview found, using default.", 'DEBUG') enum_items.append( (mechanism, mechanism + ' [{0}] '.format(size), "", defaultpreview.icon_id, i) ) else: log("Adding mechanism preview: " + imagepath, 'DEBUG') preview = mechanismpreviewcollection.load(mechanism, imagepath, 'IMAGE') enum_items.append( (mechanism, mechanism + '[ {0}]'.format(size), "", preview.icon_id, i) ) i += 1 mechanismpreviewcollection.enum_items = enum_items # reregister the enumproperty to ensure new items are displayed WindowManager.mechanismpreview = EnumProperty( items=getMechanismListForEnumProperty, name='Mechanism' )
Example #14
Source File: From phobos with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def compileModelList(): """TODO Missing documentation""" from bpy.props import EnumProperty from bpy.types import WindowManager # DOCU missing some docstring log("Compiling model list from local library...", "INFO") # clear old preview collections for previews in model_previews.values(): bpy.utils.previews.remove(previews) model_previews.clear() model_data.clear() try: rootpath = bUtils.getPhobosPreferences().modelsfolder except KeyError: log('Can not create mechanism preview. Phobos not registered.', 'DEBUG') return if rootpath == '' or not os.path.exists(rootpath): log('Model library folder does not exist.') return # parse the model folder i = 0 for category in os.listdir(rootpath): categorypath = os.path.join(rootpath, category) # skip all non folders if not os.path.isdir(categorypath): continue # initialise new dictionaries model_data[category] = {} newpreviewcollection = enum_items = [] # parse category folder for modelname in os.listdir(categorypath): modelpath = os.path.join(categorypath, modelname) # check for valid blender savefile in the model folder if os.path.exists(os.path.join(modelpath, 'blender', modelname + '.blend')): model_data[category][modelname] = {'path': modelpath} # use existing thumbnail if available if os.path.exists(os.path.join(modelpath, 'thumbnails')): previewpath = os.path.join(modelpath, 'thumbnails', modelname + '.png') preview = newpreviewcollection.load(modelname, previewpath, 'IMAGE') # otherwise create one from the blend file else: previewpath = os.path.join(modelpath, 'blender', modelname + '.blend') preview = newpreviewcollection.load(modelname, previewpath, 'BLEND') log("Adding model to preview: " + previewpath, 'DEBUG') enum_items.append((modelname, modelname, "", preview.icon_id, i)) i += 1 categories.add(category) # save the category newpreviewcollection.enum_items = enum_items model_previews[category] = newpreviewcollection log("Finished parsing model folder. Imported {0} models.".format(i), 'INFO')
Example #15
Source File: From leomoon-lightstudio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def enum_previews_from_directory_items(self, context): """EnumProperty callback""" enum_items = [] if context is None: return enum_items wm = context.window_manager script_file = os.path.realpath(__file__) dir = os.path.dirname(script_file) directory=os.path.join(dir,"textures_real_lights"+_) # Get the preview collection (defined in register func). pcoll = preview_collections["main"] dir_up = os.path.getmtime(directory) if pcoll.initiated and dir_up <= pcoll.dir_update_time: return pcoll.tex_previews pcoll.dir_update_time = dir_up pcoll.clear() print("Scanning directory: %s" % directory) if directory and os.path.exists(directory): # Scan the directory for png files image_paths = [] for fn in os.listdir(directory): if os.path.splitext(fn)[1] in (".tif", ".exr", ".hdr"): image_paths.append(fn) for i, name in enumerate(image_paths): # generates a thumbnail preview for a file. filepath = os.path.join(directory, name) thumb = pcoll.load(filepath, filepath, 'IMAGE', True) basename = os.path.splitext(name)[0] enum_items.append((name, basename, name, thumb.icon_id, i)) pcoll.tex_previews = enum_items pcoll.initiated = True return pcoll.tex_previews # We can store multiple preview collections here, # however in this example we only store "main"
Example #16
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def register(): from bpy.utils import register_class for mod in _modules_loaded: for cls in mod.classes: register_class(cls) # from bpy.props import StringProperty, EnumProperty from bpy.types import WindowManager def addon_filter_items(self, context): import addon_utils items = [('All', "All", "All Add-ons"), ('User', "User", "All Add-ons Installed by User"), ('Enabled', "Enabled", "All Enabled Add-ons"), ('Disabled', "Disabled", "All Disabled Add-ons"), ] items_unique = set() for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False): info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod) items_unique.add(info["category"]) items.extend([(cat, cat, "") for cat in sorted(items_unique)]) return items WindowManager.addon_search = StringProperty( name="Search", description="Search within the selected filter", options={'TEXTEDIT_UPDATE'}, ) WindowManager.addon_filter = EnumProperty( items=addon_filter_items, name="Category", description="Filter add-ons by category", ) WindowManager.addon_support = EnumProperty( items=[('OFFICIAL', "Official", "Officially supported"), ('COMMUNITY', "Community", "Maintained by community developers"), ('TESTING', "Testing", "Newly contributed scripts (excluded from release builds)") ], name="Support", description="Display support level", default={'OFFICIAL', 'COMMUNITY'}, options={'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) # done...
Example #17
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) # from bpy.props import StringProperty, EnumProperty from bpy.types import WindowManager def addon_filter_items(self, context): import addon_utils items = [('All', "All", "All Add-ons"), ('User', "User", "All Add-ons Installed by User"), ('Enabled', "Enabled", "All Enabled Add-ons"), ('Disabled', "Disabled", "All Disabled Add-ons"), ] items_unique = set() for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False): info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod) items_unique.add(info["category"]) items.extend([(cat, cat, "") for cat in sorted(items_unique)]) return items WindowManager.addon_search = StringProperty( name="Search", description="Search within the selected filter", options={'TEXTEDIT_UPDATE'}, ) WindowManager.addon_filter = EnumProperty( items=addon_filter_items, name="Category", description="Filter add-ons by category", ) WindowManager.addon_support = EnumProperty( items=[('OFFICIAL', "Official", "Officially supported"), ('COMMUNITY', "Community", "Maintained by community developers"), ('TESTING', "Testing", "Newly contributed scripts (excluded from release builds)") ], name="Support", description="Display support level", default={'OFFICIAL', 'COMMUNITY'}, options={'ENUM_FLAG'}, ) # done...