Python editor.get_path() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of editor.get_path().
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Example #1
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def did_load(self): sv=self['scrollview1'] self.add_button = sv['add_button'] self.add_button.action=self.add_file self.remove = sv['remove'] self.edit = sv['edit'] self.edit.action=edit_menu'~/Documents/.tabs'),writeback=True ) current_path = editor.get_path() for tab in d.itervalues(): self.add_new_button(tab['name']) self.d=d self.present('sidebar') self.check_tab() type(self)._lastinstance=self
Example #2
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def apply_change_set(change_set, path=None, initial_selection=None): # # Why not # # - iCloud, Files, ... - there're special functions to update files, not a simple file system # - we have to be sure just one file (= opened) is updated only, because of Pythonista reloading, ... # for change in change_set.changes: if path and not change.resource.real_path == path: # Make sure we modify opened file only continue if path and not path == editor.get_path(): # Make sure that user didn't switch tab, close tab, ... continue end = len(editor.get_text()) - 1 editor.replace_text(0, end, change.new_contents) if initial_selection: editor.set_selection(*initial_selection, scroll=True)
Example #3
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(mock): import libfuturize.main path = editor.get_path() if not path or not path.endswith('.py'): console.hud_alert('Not a Python file', 'error') return args = ['-1', '-n', '-w', '--all-imports', '--add-suffix', _SUFFIX, path] result = libfuturize.main.main(args) if result == 0 and _replace_file_content(path): console.hud_alert('Futurized') else: console.hud_alert('Failed to futurize', 'error')
Example #4
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): text = None label = 'Shared text' if appex.is_running_extension(): text = appex.get_text() if not text: try: import editor editor_file = editor.get_path() if editor_file: sel = console.alert('Editor or clipboard?', button1='Editor', button2='Clipboard') if sel == 1: editor_text = editor.get_text() sel_st, sel_end = editor.get_selection() label = os.path.basename(editor_file) if sel_end != sel_st: text = editor_text[sel_st:sel_end] elif editor_text: text = editor_text except ImportError: pass if not text: label = 'Clipboard' text = clipboard.get().strip() if text: converted = markdown(text) html = TEMPLATE.replace('{{CONTENT}}', converted) clip = console.alert('Replace clipboard?', button1='Yes', button2='No', hide_cancel_button=True) if clip ==1: clipboard.set(html) console.hud_alert('HTML copied to clipboard.') wv = MyWebView(name='Markdown - %s' % label) wv.load_html(html) wv.present('full_screen') else: console.hud_alert('No text found.') appex.finish()
Example #5
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(args): try: # Source and destination are passed via runtime args src, dest = args except (TypeError, ValueError): # Get source and destination from user curfile = os.path.relpath(editor.get_path() or "", DOCUMENTS) shortsrc = console.input_alert( "Source Name", # title "Path is relative to Script Library root", # message curfile, # input ) src = os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, shortsrc) if not os.path.exists(src): console.hud_alert("Source file does not exist", "error") sys.exit(1) dest = os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, console.input_alert( "Destination Name", # title "Path is relative to Script Library root", # message shortsrc, # input )) else: # Process source and destination from runtime args src, dest = os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, src), os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, dest) if not os.path.exists(src): console.hud_alert("Source file does not exist", "error") sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(dest): console.hud_alert("Destination file already exists", "error") sys.exit(1) os.rename(src, dest) sys.exit(0)
Example #6
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def checkout(self,sender): repo =self._get_repo() cwd=os.path.abspath('.') os.chdir(r._get_repo().path) #repo.clean_working() repo.switch_branch(self.view['branch'].text) self.refresh() os.chdir(cwd) editor.open_file(editor.get_path()) console.hud_alert('checked out')
Example #7
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): filename = editor.get_path() if not filename: dialogs.hud_alert('No file selected', 'error') return pyui_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.pyui' if not os.path.exists(pyui_filename): folder = os.path.split(filename)[0] files = os.listdir(folder) files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.pyui')] if not files: dialogs.hud_alert('No pyui files found', 'error') return selected_pyui = dialogs.list_dialog('Select pyui file', files) if not selected_pyui: return pyui_filename = os.path.join(folder, selected_pyui) with open(pyui_filename, 'rb') as f: pyui = compressed = base64.b64encode(bz2.compress(pyui)).decode('utf-8') wrapped = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(compressed, 70)) code = """\ data = '''\\\n%s ''' import ui import bz2 from base64 import b64decode pyui = bz2.decompress(b64decode(data)) v = ui.load_view_str(pyui.decode('utf-8')) """ % (wrapped,) clipboard.set(code) dialogs.hud_alert('Code copied', 'success')
Example #8
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_file(self,sender): d=self.d current_path = str(editor.get_path()) name = os.path.split(current_path)[1] for item in self.d.itervalues(): if current_path==item['path']: console.hud_alert('There is already a tab for this file', duration = 1) return None if self.d.has_key(name): #has name, but diff path, still create the tab, but append !# suffix_list=[(k+'!').split('!')[1] or '0' for k in self.d.keys() if k.startswith(name) ] new_suffix='!'+max([int(m) for m in suffix_list])+1 name=name+new_suffix d[name]={'name':name,'path':current_path,'selection':editor.get_selection()} self.add_new_button(name, new = True)
Example #9
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_tab(self): open_path = editor.get_path() for tab in try: if self.d[]['path'] != open_path: tab.background_color = 'white' else: tab.background_color = 'orange' except KeyError: pass
Example #10
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def current_path(): # path to file currently open in editor return "/private" + editor.get_path()
Example #11
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(args): try: # Source and destination are passed via runtime args src, dest = args except (TypeError, ValueError): # Get source and destination from user curfile = os.path.relpath(editor.get_path() or "", DOCUMENTS) shortsrc = console.input_alert( "Source Name", # title "Path is relative to Script Library root", # message curfile, # input ) src = os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, shortsrc) if not os.path.exists(src): console.hud_alert("Source file does not exist", "error") sys.exit(1) dest = os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, console.input_alert( "Destination Name", # title "Path is relative to Script Library root", # message shortsrc, # input )) else: # Process source and destination from runtime args src, dest = os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, src), os.path.join(DOCUMENTS, dest) if not os.path.exists(src): console.hud_alert("Source file does not exist", "error") sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(dest): console.hud_alert("Destination file already exists", "error") sys.exit(1) os.rename(src, dest) sys.exit(0)
Example #12
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_script(sender): '''run a script without clearing glbals''' import editor editor.reload_files() execfile(editor.get_path(),globals()) #create_toolbar_button(run_script,'iow:play_32',0,'execfile') #remove_toolbar_button(0)
Example #13
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): filename = editor.get_path() if not filename: return if not filename.endswith('.py'): return text = editor.get_text() if not text: return def scroll_to_node(node, shift_enter): source.scroll_to_line(node.line) v = PickerView() = 'Outline' v.datasource = OutlineDataSource(text, os.path.basename(filename)) v.shift_enter_enabled = False v.help_label.text = ( '⇅ - select • Enter - scroll to location' '\n' 'Esc - close • Cmd . - close with Apple smart keyboard' ) v.textfield.placeholder = 'Start typing to filter nodes...' v.did_select_item_action = scroll_to_node v.present('sheet') v.wait_modal()
Example #14
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): if not get_config_value('general.jedi', False): log.warn('find_usages disabled, you can enable it by setting general.jedi to True') return path = editor.get_path() if path is None: return if not path.endswith('.py'): return text = editor.get_text() if not text: return line = source.get_line_number() column = source.get_column_index() if line is None or column is None: return script = jedi.api.Script(text, line, column, path) definitions = [ d for d in script.usages() if d.module_path and d.line ] if not definitions: console.hud_alert('Definition not found', 'error') return _select_location(definitions)
Example #15
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): if not get_config_value('general.jedi', False): log.warn('show_documentation disabled, you can enable it by setting general.jedi to True') return path = editor.get_path() if path is None: return if not path.endswith('.py'): return text = editor.get_text() if not text: return line = source.get_line_number() column = source.get_column_index() if line is None or column is None: return script = jedi.api.Script(text, line, column, path) definitions = [ d for d in script.goto_definitions() if d.module_path and d.line and d.docstring() ] if not definitions: console.hud_alert('Documentation not found', 'error') return if len(definitions) == 1: _show_documentation(definitions[0]) else: _select_location(definitions)
Example #16
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): path = editor.get_path() if not path: return if not path.endswith('.py'): return editor.clear_annotations() flake8_options = get_config_value('analyzer.flake8', None) selection = editor.get_selection() text = _editor_text() if flake8_options: annotations = _flake8_annotations( os.path.abspath(path), flake8_options ) else: annotations = _pep8_annotations( text, ignore=_ignore_codes(), max_line_length=_max_line_length() ) annotations += _pyflakes_annotations(path, text) if not annotations: if selection: editor.set_selection(selection[0], scroll=True) console.hud_alert('No Issues Found', 'iob:checkmark_32', _hud_alert_delay()) return None scroll = True by_line = sorted(annotations, key=lambda x: x.line) for l, a in groupby(by_line, lambda x: x.line): _annotate(l, a, scroll) scroll = False
Example #17
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): path = editor.get_path() if not path: return if not path.endswith('.py'): return save(all=True) _run_unit_tests(path)
Example #18
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): if not get_config_value('general.jedi', False): log.warn('jump_to_definition disabled, you can enable it by setting general.jedi to True') return path = editor.get_path() if path is None: return if not path.endswith('.py'): return text = editor.get_text() if not text: return line = source.get_line_number() column = source.get_column_index() if line is None or column is None: return script = jedi.api.Script(text, line, column, path) definitions = [ d for d in script.goto_definitions() if d.module_path and d.line ] if not definitions: console.hud_alert('Definition not found', 'error') return if len(definitions) == 1: tab.open_file(definitions[0].module_path, line=definitions[0].line) else: _select_location(definitions)
Example #19
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def current_path(): # path to file currently open in editor return "/private" + editor.get_path()
Example #20
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(): from rope.base.project import Project from rope.base import libutils from rope.refactor.importutils import ImportOrganizer from rope.base.exceptions import RopeError path = editor.get_path() selection = editor.get_selection() if not path or not selection: console.hud_alert('Not a Python file', 'error') return project = None try: project = Project(os.path.dirname(path), ropefolder=None) resource = libutils.path_to_resource(project, path) if not libutils.is_python_file(project, resource): console.hud_alert('Not a Python file', 'error') return organizer = ImportOrganizer(project) change_set = organizer.expand_star_imports(resource) if not change_set: console.hud_alert('No changes required') return if refactoring.ask_if_apply_change_set(change_set): refactoring.apply_change_set(change_set, path, selection) console.hud_alert('Imports expanded') except RopeError as e: console.hud_alert(str(e), 'error') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: if project: project.close()
Example #21
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(): from rope.base.project import Project from rope.base import libutils from rope.refactor.importutils import ImportOrganizer from rope.base.exceptions import RopeError path = editor.get_path() selection = editor.get_selection() if not path or not selection: console.hud_alert('Not a Python file', 'error') return project = None try: project = Project(os.path.dirname(path), ropefolder=None) resource = libutils.path_to_resource(project, path) if not libutils.is_python_file(project, resource): console.hud_alert('Not a Python file', 'error') return organizer = ImportOrganizer(project) change_set = organizer.organize_imports(resource) if not change_set: console.hud_alert('No changes required') return if refactoring.ask_if_apply_change_set(change_set): refactoring.apply_change_set(change_set, path, selection) console.hud_alert('Imports organized') except RopeError as e: console.hud_alert(str(e), 'error') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: if project: project.close()
Example #22
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self): global _datasource = 'Drag & Drop' self.width = min(ui.get_window_size()[0] * 0.8, 700) self.height = ui.get_window_size()[1] * 0.8 path = editor.get_path() if path: expanded_folder = os.path.dirname(path) files = tab.get_paths() else: expanded_folder = None files = None root_node = FileNode(os.path.expanduser('~/Documents'), ignore=ignore) _datasource = FolderPickerDataSource(root_node, expanded_folder, files) tv = ui.TableView(frame=self.bounds, flex='WH') tv.delegate = _datasource tv.data_source = _datasource tv.allows_multiple_selection = False tv.allows_selection = True tv.allows_multiple_selection_during_editing = False tv.allows_selection_during_editing = False tv.separator_color = 'clear' self.add_subview(tv) methods = [tableView_itemsForBeginningDragSession_atIndexPath_] protocols = ['UITableViewDragDelegate'] DragDelegate = create_objc_class('DragDelegate', methods=methods, protocols=protocols) self._drag_delegate = DragDelegate.alloc().init() methods = [ tableView_canHandleDropSession_, tableView_dropSessionDidUpdate_withDestinationIndexPath_, tableView_performDropWithCoordinator_ ] protocols = ['UITableViewDropDelegate'] DropDelegate = create_objc_class('DropDelegate', methods=methods, protocols=protocols) self._drop_delegate = DropDelegate.alloc().init() tv_objc = ObjCInstance(tv) tv_objc.setDragDelegate_(self._drag_delegate) tv_objc.setDropDelegate_(self._drop_delegate) def handle_escape(): self.close() self._handlers = [ register_key_event_handler(UIEventKeyCode.ESCAPE, handle_escape), register_key_event_handler(UIEventKeyCode.DOT, handle_escape, modifier=UIKeyModifier.COMMAND) ]
Example #23
Source File: From stash with MIT License | 4 votes |
def open_temp(file='', new_tab=True): try: file_to_edit = file temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.expanduser('~/Documents'), suffix='.py') cur_path = editor.get_path() if file_to_edit != '': try: to_edit = open(file_to_edit, 'r') except: to_edit = open(file_to_edit, 'w+') temp.write( temp.flush() to_edit.close() print('***When you are finished editing the file, you must come back to console to confim changes***') editor.open_file(, new_tab) time.sleep(1.5) console.hide_output() input = raw_input('Save Changes? Y,N: ') if input == 'Y' or input == 'y': while True: try: save_as = raw_input('Save file as [Enter to confirm]: %s' % file_to_edit) or file_to_edit except: save_as = file_to_edit if save_as: break if not new_tab: editor.open_file(cur_path) # restore previous script in editor with open(save_as, 'w') as f: with open(, 'r') as tmp: f.write( print('File Saved.') elif input == 'N' or input == 'n': if not new_tab: editor.open_file(cur_path) # restore previous script in editor except Exception as e: print(e) finally: temp.close()