Python retrying.RetryError() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of retrying.RetryError().
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Example #1
Source File: From dicomweb-client with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_store_instance_error_with_retries(httpserver, client, cache_dir): dataset = load_json_dataset({}) dataset.is_little_endian = True dataset.is_implicit_VR = True max_attempts = 2 client.set_http_retry_params( retry=True, max_attempts=max_attempts, wait_exponential_multiplier=10 ) httpserver.serve_content( content='', code=HTTPStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, headers='' ) with pytest.raises(RetryError): client.store_instances([dataset]) assert len(httpserver.requests) == max_attempts request = httpserver.requests[0] assert request.headers['Content-Type'].startswith( 'multipart/related; type="application/dicom"' )
Example #2
Source File: From presto-admin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_server_status(): """ Checks if server is running for Retries connecting to server until server is up or till RETRY_TIMEOUT is reached Parameters: client - client that executes the query Returns: True or False """ if len(get_coordinator_role()) < 1: warn('No coordinator defined. Cannot verify server status.') with closing(PrestoClient(get_coordinator_role()[0], env.user)) as client: node_id = lookup_string_config('', os.path.join(constants.REMOTE_CONF_DIR, ''), try: return query_server_for_status(client, node_id) except RetryError: return False
Example #3
Source File: From dicomweb-client with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_search_for_studies_with_retries(httpserver, client, cache_dir): headers = {'content-type': 'application/dicom+json'} max_attempts = 3 client.set_http_retry_params( retry=True, max_attempts=max_attempts, wait_exponential_multiplier=10 ) httpserver.serve_content( content='', code=HTTPStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, headers=headers ) with pytest.raises(RetryError): client.search_for_studies() assert len(httpserver.requests) == max_attempts
Example #4
Source File: From AdslProxy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): """ 拨号主进程 :return: None """'Dial started, remove proxy') try: self.remove_proxy() except RetryError: logger.error('Retried for max times, continue') # 拨号 (status, output) = subprocess.getstatusoutput(DIAL_BASH) if not status == 0: logger.error('Dial failed') # 获取拨号 IP ip = self.extract_ip() if ip:'Get new IP {ip}') if PROXY_USERNAME and PROXY_PASSWORD: proxy = '{username}:{password}@{ip}:{port}'.format(username=PROXY_USERNAME, password=PROXY_PASSWORD, ip=ip, port=PROXY_PORT) else: proxy = '{ip}:{port}'.format(ip=ip, port=PROXY_PORT) time.sleep(10) if self.test_proxy(proxy):'Valid proxy {proxy}') # 将代理放入数据库 self.set_proxy(proxy) time.sleep(DIAL_CYCLE) else: logger.error(f'Proxy invalid {proxy}') else: # 获取 IP 失败,重新拨号 logger.error('Get IP failed, re-dialing')
Example #5
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_create_bucket_api_call_retry(self, mock_write_spinner_and_log, mock_bucket): """Tests the method is retried 5 times when the exception happens.""" mock_bucket.create.side_effect = exceptions.ServiceUnavailable('503') with self.assertRaises(RetryError): result = bucket_mover_service._create_bucket_api_call( mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock(), mock_bucket) self.assertEqual(5, mock_bucket.create.call_count) self.assertEqual(5, mock_write_spinner_and_log.call_count) self.assertFalse(result)
Example #6
Source File: From nova-powervm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_discover_vscsi_disk_not_one_result(self, mock_write, mock_glob, mock_retry): """Zero or more than one disk is found by discover_vscsi_disk.""" def validate_retry(kwargs): self.assertIn('retry_on_result', kwargs) self.assertEqual(250, kwargs['wait_fixed']) self.assertEqual(300000, kwargs['stop_max_delay']) def raiser(unused): raise retrying.RetryError(mock.Mock(attempt_number=123)) def retry_passthrough(**kwargs): validate_retry(kwargs) def wrapped(_poll_for_dev): return _poll_for_dev return wrapped def retry_timeout(**kwargs): validate_retry(kwargs) def wrapped(_poll_for_dev): return raiser return wrapped udid = ('275b5d5f88fa5611e48be9000098be9400' '13fb2aa55a2d7b8d150cb1b7b6bc04d6') mapping = mock.Mock() mapping.client_adapter.lpar_slot_num = 5 mapping.backing_storage.udid = udid # No disks found mock_retry.side_effect = retry_timeout mock_glob.side_effect = lambda path: [] self.assertRaises(npvmex.NoDiskDiscoveryException, mgmt.discover_vscsi_disk, mapping) # Multiple disks found mock_retry.side_effect = retry_passthrough mock_glob.side_effect = [['path'], ['/dev/sde', '/dev/sdf']] self.assertRaises(npvmex.UniqueDiskDiscoveryException, mgmt.discover_vscsi_disk, mapping)
Example #7
Source File: From nova-powervm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_remove_block_dev_timeout(self, mock_dacw, mock_stat, mock_realpath, mock_retry): def validate_retry(kwargs): self.assertIn('retry_on_result', kwargs) self.assertEqual(250, kwargs['wait_fixed']) self.assertEqual(10000, kwargs['stop_max_delay']) def raiser(unused): raise retrying.RetryError(mock.Mock(attempt_number=123)) def retry_timeout(**kwargs): validate_retry(kwargs) def wrapped(_poll_for_del): return raiser return wrapped # Deletion was attempted, but device is still there link = '/dev/link/foo' delpath = '/sys/block/sde/device/delete' realpath = '/dev/sde' mock_realpath.return_value = realpath mock_stat.side_effect = lambda path: 1 mock_retry.side_effect = retry_timeout self.assertRaises( npvmex.DeviceDeletionException, mgmt.remove_block_dev, link) mock_realpath.assert_called_once_with(link) mock_dacw.assert_called_with(delpath, 'a', '1')
Example #8
Source File: From dcos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def docker_pull_image(image: str) -> bool:"\n Ensure docker image availability ahead of tests.") try:["sudo", "docker", "pull", image], check=True) return True except retrying.RetryError: return False
Example #9
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _test_utils_wait_for_dcos( session: Union[DcosApiSession, EnterpriseApiSession], ) -> None: """ Wait for DC/OS using DC/OS Test Utils. DC/OS Test Utils raises its own timeout, a ``retrying.RetryError``. We want to ignore this error and use our own timeouts, so we wrap this in our own retried function. """ session.wait_for_dcos() # type: ignore
Example #10
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def deploy_app(self, app_definition, check_health=True, ignore_failed_tasks=False, timeout=180): """Deploy an app to marathon This function deploys an an application and then waits for marathon to acknowledge it's successful creation or fails the test. The wait for application is immediately aborted if Marathon returns nonempty 'lastTaskFailure' field (if ignore_failed_tasks is set to False). Otherwise it waits until all the instances reach tasksRunning and then tasksHealthy state. Args: app_definition: a dict with application definition as specified in Marathon API ( check_health: wait until Marathon reports tasks as healthy before returning Returns: A list of named tuples which represent service points of deployed applications. I.E: [Endpoint(host='', port=10464), Endpoint(host='', port=1630)] """ r ='/v2/apps', json=app_definition)'Response from marathon: {}'.format(repr(r.json()))) r.raise_for_status() try: return self.wait_for_app_deployment( app_definition['id'], app_definition['instances'], check_health, ignore_failed_tasks, timeout) except retrying.RetryError: raise Exception("Application deployment failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout))
Example #11
Source File: From botoflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): start_time = int(round(workflow_time.time() * 1000)) attempt_number = 1 while True: try: val = yield fn(*args, **kwargs) attempt = retrying.Attempt(val, attempt_number, False) except Exception: val = sys.exc_info() attempt = retrying.Attempt(val, attempt_number, True) if not self.should_reject(attempt): return_(attempt.get(self._wrap_exception)) delay_since_first_attempt_ms = int(round(workflow_time.time() * 1000)) - start_time if self.stop(attempt_number, delay_since_first_attempt_ms): if not self._wrap_exception and attempt.has_exception: # get() on an attempt with an exception should cause it to be raised, but raise just in case raise attempt.get() else: raise RetryError(attempt) else: # use ceil since SWF timer resolution is in seconds sleep = self.wait(attempt_number, delay_since_first_attempt_ms) yield workflow_time.sleep(ceil(sleep / 1000.0)) attempt_number += 1
Example #12
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def destroy_pod(self, pod_id, timeout=300): """Remove a marathon pod Abort the test if the removal was unsuccessful. Args: pod_id: id of the pod to remove timeout: seconds to wait for destruction before failing test """ @retrying.retry(wait_fixed=5000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda ret: not ret, retry_on_exception=lambda x: False) def _destroy_pod_complete(deployment_id): r = self.get('/v2/deployments') assert r.ok, 'status_code: {} content: {}'.format(r.status_code, r.content) for deployment in r.json(): if deployment_id == deployment.get('id'):'Waiting for pod to be destroyed') return False'Pod destroyed') return True r = self.delete('/v2/pods' + pod_id, params=FORCE_PARAMS) assert r.ok, 'status_code: {} content: {}'.format(r.status_code, r.content) try: _destroy_pod_complete(r.headers['Marathon-Deployment-Id']) except retrying.RetryError as ex: raise Exception("Pod destroy failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout)) from ex
Example #13
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def destroy_pod(self, pod_id, timeout=300): """Remove a marathon pod Abort the test if the removal was unsuccessful. Args: pod_id: id of the pod to remove timeout: seconds to wait for destruction before failing test """ @retrying.retry(wait_fixed=5000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda ret: not ret, retry_on_exception=lambda x: False) def _destroy_pod_complete(deployment_id): r = self.get('/v2/deployments') assert r.ok, 'status_code: {} content: {}'.format(r.status_code, r.content) for deployment in r.json(): if deployment_id == deployment.get('id'):'Waiting for pod to be destroyed') return False'Pod destroyed') return True r = self.delete('/v2/pods' + pod_id, params=FORCE_PARAMS) assert r.ok, 'status_code: {} content: {}'.format(r.status_code, r.content) try: _destroy_pod_complete(r.headers['Marathon-Deployment-Id']) except retrying.RetryError as ex: raise Exception("Pod destroy failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout)) from ex
Example #14
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def deploy_app(self, app_definition, check_health=True, ignore_failed_tasks=False, timeout=180): """Deploy an app to marathon This function deploys an an application and then waits for marathon to acknowledge it's successful creation or fails the test. The wait for application is immediately aborted if Marathon returns nonempty 'lastTaskFailure' field (if ignore_failed_tasks is set to False). Otherwise it waits until all the instances reach tasksRunning and then tasksHealthy state. Args: app_definition: a dict with application definition as specified in Marathon API ( check_health: wait until Marathon reports tasks as healthy before returning Returns: A list of named tuples which represent service points of deployed applications. I.E: [Endpoint(host='', port=10464), Endpoint(host='', port=1630)] """ r ='/v2/apps', json=app_definition)'Response from marathon: {}'.format(repr(r.json()))) r.raise_for_status() try: return self.wait_for_app_deployment( app_definition['id'], app_definition['instances'], check_health, ignore_failed_tasks, timeout) except retrying.RetryError: raise Exception("Application deployment failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout))
Example #15
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def deploy_pod(self, pod_definition, timeout=180): """Deploy a pod to marathon This function deploys an a pod and then waits for marathon to acknowledge it's successful creation or fails the test. It waits until all the instances reach tasksRunning and then tasksHealthy state. Args: pod_definition: a dict with pod definition as specified in Marathon API timeout: seconds to wait for deployment to finish Returns: Pod data JSON """ r ='/v2/pods', json=pod_definition) assert r.ok, 'status_code: {} content: {}'.format(r.status_code, r.content)'Response from marathon: {}'.format(repr(r.json()))) @retrying.retry(wait_fixed=5000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda ret: ret is False, retry_on_exception=lambda x: False) def _wait_for_pod_deployment(pod_id): # In the context of the `deploy_pod` function, simply waiting for # the pod's status to become STABLE is sufficient. In the future, # if test pod deployments become more complex, we should switch to # using Marathon's event bus and listen for specific events. # See DCOS_OSS-1056. r = self.get('/v2/pods' + pod_id + '::status') r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() if 'status' in data and data['status'] == 'STABLE': # deployment complete return data'Waiting for pod to be deployed %r', data) return False try: return _wait_for_pod_deployment(pod_definition['id']) except retrying.RetryError as ex: raise Exception("Pod deployment failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout)) from ex
Example #16
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def deploy_pod(self, pod_definition, timeout=180): """Deploy a pod to marathon This function deploys an a pod and then waits for marathon to acknowledge it's successful creation or fails the test. It waits until all the instances reach tasksRunning and then tasksHealthy state. Args: pod_definition: a dict with pod definition as specified in Marathon API timeout: seconds to wait for deployment to finish Returns: Pod data JSON """ r ='/v2/pods', json=pod_definition) assert r.ok, 'status_code: {} content: {}'.format(r.status_code, r.content)'Response from marathon: {}'.format(repr(r.json()))) @retrying.retry(wait_fixed=5000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda ret: ret is False, retry_on_exception=lambda x: False) def _wait_for_pod_deployment(pod_id): # In the context of the `deploy_pod` function, simply waiting for # the pod's status to become STABLE is sufficient. In the future, # if test pod deployments become more complex, we should switch to # using Marathon's event bus and listen for specific events. # See DCOS_OSS-1056. r = self.get('/v2/pods' + pod_id + '::status') r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() if 'status' in data and data['status'] == 'STABLE': # deployment complete return data'Waiting for pod to be deployed %r', data) return False try: return _wait_for_pod_deployment(pod_definition['id']) except retrying.RetryError as ex: raise Exception("Pod deployment failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout)) from ex
Example #17
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def wait_for_run(self, job_id: str, run_id: str, timeout=600): """Wait for a given run to complete or timeout seconds to elapse. :param job_id: Job ID :type job_id: str :param run_id: Run ID :type run_id: str :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait before giving up :type timeout: int :return: None """ @retrying.retry(wait_fixed=1000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda ret: ret is False, retry_on_exception=lambda x: False) def _wait_for_run_completion(j_id: str, r_id: str) -> bool: try: # 200 means the run is still in progress self.run_details(job_id=j_id, run_id=r_id)'Waiting on job run {} to finish.'.format(r_id)) return False except requests.HTTPError as http_error: rc = http_error.response # 404 means the run is complete and this is done # anything else is a problem and should not happen if rc.status_code == 404: history_available = self._is_history_available(j_id, r_id) if history_available:'Job run {} finished.'.format(r_id)) return True else: log.warning( 'Waiting for job run {} to be finished, but history for that job run is not available' .format(r_id)) return False else: raise requests.HTTPError( 'Waiting for job run {} to be finished, but getting HTTP status code {}' .format(r_id, rc.status_code), response=rc) try: # wait for the run to complete and then return the # run's result _wait_for_run_completion(job_id, run_id) except retrying.RetryError as ex: raise Exception("Job run failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout)) from ex
Example #18
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def wait_for_deployment(self, timeout=60 * 60): """ Azure will not register a template instantly after deployment, so CloudError must be expected as retried. Once the ops are retrieved, this loops through all operations in the group's only deployment if any operations are still in progress, then this function will sleep once all operations are complete, if there any failures, those will be printed to the log stream """'Waiting for deployment to finish') def azure_failure_report(): deploy_ops = self.azure_wrapper.rmc.deployment_operations.list( self.group_name, DEPLOYMENT_NAME.format(self.group_name)) failures = [(, for op in deploy_ops if == 'Failed'] for failure in failures: log.error('Deployment operation failed! {}: {}'.format(*failure)) @retrying.retry( wait_fixed=60 * 1000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda res: res is False, retry_on_exception=lambda ex: isinstance(ex, CloudError)) def check_deployment_operations(): deploy_state = self.get_deployment_state() if deploy_state == 'Succeeded': return True elif deploy_state == 'Failed':'Deployment failed. Checking deployment operations.') azure_failure_report() raise DeploymentError('Azure Deployment Failed!') else:'Waiting for deployment. Current state: {}. It should either be Succeeded/Failed.'.format( deploy_state)) return False try: check_deployment_operations() except retrying.RetryError:'Deployment failed. Checking deployment operations.') azure_failure_report() raise DeploymentError("Azure Deployment Failed!")
Example #19
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def wait_for_run(self, job_id: str, run_id: str, timeout=600): """Wait for a given run to complete or timeout seconds to elapse. :param job_id: Job ID :type job_id: str :param run_id: Run ID :type run_id: str :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait before giving up :type timeout: int :return: None """ @retrying.retry(wait_fixed=1000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda ret: ret is False, retry_on_exception=lambda x: False) def _wait_for_run_completion(j_id: str, r_id: str) -> bool: try: # 200 means the run is still in progress self.run_details(job_id=j_id, run_id=r_id)'Waiting on job run {} to finish.'.format(r_id)) return False except requests.HTTPError as http_error: rc = http_error.response # 404 means the run is complete and this is done # anything else is a problem and should not happen if rc.status_code == 404: history_available = self._is_history_available(j_id, r_id) if history_available:'Job run {} finished.'.format(r_id)) return True else: log.warning( 'Waiting for job run {} to be finished, but history for that job run is not available' .format(r_id)) return False else: raise requests.HTTPError( 'Waiting for job run {} to be finished, but getting HTTP status code {}' .format(r_id, rc.status_code), response=rc) try: # wait for the run to complete and then return the # run's result _wait_for_run_completion(job_id, run_id) except retrying.RetryError as ex: raise Exception("Job run failed - operation was not " "completed in {} seconds.".format(timeout)) from ex
Example #20
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def wait_for_deployment(self, timeout=60 * 60): """ Azure will not register a template instantly after deployment, so CloudError must be expected as retried. Once the ops are retrieved, this loops through all operations in the group's only deployment if any operations are still in progress, then this function will sleep once all operations are complete, if there any failures, those will be printed to the log stream """'Waiting for deployment to finish') def azure_failure_report(): deploy_ops = self.azure_wrapper.rmc.deployment_operations.list( self.group_name, DEPLOYMENT_NAME.format(self.group_name)) failures = [(, for op in deploy_ops if == 'Failed'] for failure in failures: log.error('Deployment operation failed! {}: {}'.format(*failure)) @retrying.retry( wait_fixed=60 * 1000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda res: res is False, retry_on_exception=lambda ex: isinstance(ex, CloudError)) def check_deployment_operations(): deploy_state = self.get_deployment_state() if deploy_state == 'Succeeded': return True elif deploy_state == 'Failed':'Deployment failed. Checking deployment operations.') azure_failure_report() raise DeploymentError('Azure Deployment Failed!') else:'Waiting for deployment. Current state: {}. It should either be Succeeded/Failed.'.format( deploy_state)) return False try: check_deployment_operations() except retrying.RetryError:'Deployment failed. Checking deployment operations.') azure_failure_report() raise DeploymentError("Azure Deployment Failed!")
Example #21
Source File: From nova-powervm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def remove_block_dev(devpath, scan_timeout=10): """Remove a block device from the management partition. This method causes the operating system of the management partition to delete the device special files associated with the specified block device. :param devpath: Any path to the block special file associated with the device to be removed. :param scan_timeout: The maximum number of seconds after scanning to wait for the specified device to disappear. :raise InvalidDevicePath: If the specified device or its 'delete' special file cannot be found. :raise DeviceDeletionException: If the deletion was attempted, but the device special file is still present afterward. """ # Resolve symlinks, if any, to get to the /dev/sdX path devpath = os.path.realpath(devpath) try: os.stat(devpath) except OSError: raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=devpath) devname = devpath.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] delpath = '/sys/block/%s/device/delete' % devname try: os.stat(delpath) except OSError: raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=delpath) LOG.debug("Deleting block device %(devpath)s from the management " "partition via special file %(delpath)s.", {'devpath': devpath, 'delpath': delpath}) # Writing '1' to this sysfs file deletes the block device and rescans. nova.privsep.path.writefile(delpath, 'a', '1') # The bus scan is asynchronous. Need to poll, waiting for the device to # disappear. Stop when stat raises OSError (dev file not found) - which is # success - or after the specified timeout (which is failure). Sleep 1/4 # second between polls. @retrying.retry(retry_on_result=lambda result: result, wait_fixed=250, stop_max_delay=scan_timeout * 1000) def _poll_for_del(statpath): try: os.stat(statpath) return True except OSError: # Device special file is absent, as expected return False try: _poll_for_del(devpath) except retrying.RetryError as re: # stat just kept returning (dev file continued to exist). raise npvmex.DeviceDeletionException( devpath=devpath, polls=re.last_attempt.attempt_number, timeout=scan_timeout) # Else stat raised - the device disappeared - all done.
Example #22
Source File: From dcos-launch with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def wait_for_deployment(self, timeout=60 * 60): """ Azure will not register a template instantly after deployment, so CloudError must be expected as retried. Once the ops are retrieved, this loops through all operations in the group's only deployment if any operations are still in progress, then this function will sleep once all operations are complete, if there any failures, those will be printed to the log stream """'Waiting for deployment to finish') def azure_failure_report(): deploy_ops = self.azure_wrapper.rmc.deployment_operations.list( self.group_name, DEPLOYMENT_NAME.format(self.group_name)) failures = [(, for op in deploy_ops if == 'Failed'] for failure in failures: log.error('Deployment operation failed! {}: {}'.format(*failure)) @retrying.retry( wait_fixed=60 * 1000, stop_max_delay=timeout * 1000, retry_on_result=lambda res: res is False, retry_on_exception=lambda ex: isinstance(ex, CloudError)) def check_deployment_operations(): deploy_state = self.get_deployment_state() if deploy_state == 'Succeeded': return True elif deploy_state == 'Failed':'Deployment failed. Checking deployment operations.') azure_failure_report() raise DeploymentError('Azure Deployment Failed!') else:'Waiting for deployment. Current state: {}. It should either be Succeeded/Failed.'.format( deploy_state)) return False try: check_deployment_operations() except retrying.RetryError:'Deployment failed. Checking deployment operations.') azure_failure_report() raise DeploymentError("Azure Deployment Failed!")