Python redis.exceptions.TimeoutError() Examples
The following are 17
code examples of redis.exceptions.TimeoutError().
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Example #1
Source File: From pottery with Apache License 2.0 | 8 votes |
def _current_id(self, value): futures, num_masters_set = set(), 0 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for master in self.masters: future = executor.submit( self._set_id_script, keys=(self.key,), args=(value,), client=master, ) futures.add(future) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): with contextlib.suppress(TimeoutError, ConnectionError): num_masters_set += future.result() == value if num_masters_set < len(self.masters) // 2 + 1: raise QuorumNotAchieved(self.masters, self.key)
Example #2
Source File: From pottery with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _acquire_masters(self): self._value = os.urandom(self.num_random_bytes) self._extension_num = 0 futures, num_masters_acquired = set(), 0 with ContextTimer() as timer, \ concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for master in self.masters: futures.add(executor.submit(self._acquire_master, master)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): with contextlib.suppress(TimeoutError, ConnectionError): num_masters_acquired += future.result() quorum = num_masters_acquired >= len(self.masters) // 2 + 1 elapsed = timer.elapsed() - self._drift() validity_time = self.auto_release_time - elapsed if quorum and max(validity_time, 0): return True else: with contextlib.suppress(ReleaseUnlockedLock): self.release() return False
Example #3
Source File: From rb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def execute_command(self, *args, **options): pool = self.connection_pool command_name = args[0] command_args = args[1:] router = self.connection_pool.cluster.get_router() host_id = router.get_host_for_command(command_name, command_args) connection = pool.get_connection(command_name, shard_hint=host_id) try: connection.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response(connection, command_name, **options) except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError) as e: connection.disconnect() if not connection.retry_on_timeout and isinstance(e, TimeoutError): raise connection.send_command(*args) return self.parse_response(connection, command_name, **options) finally: pool.release(connection) # Custom Public API
Example #4
Source File: From orion-server with MIT License | 6 votes |
def set(self, key, value, ttl): """ Set the value for a key. Dark writes to the backup in-memory store are always performed to synchronize the state of the in-memory store with Redis, so that read failovers do not sacrifice the consistency of the underlying data. :param key: Raw key. :param value: Associated value. :param ttl: Time to live, in milliseconds. """ try: return self.redis.set(key, value, px=ttl) except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): pass finally: return self.memory.set(key, value, ttl)
Example #5
Source File: From orion-server with MIT License | 5 votes |
def delete(self, key): """ Invalidate a cache entry. Like the other write operation set(), dark writes are always performed to keep the in-memory cache consistent with Redis in the event of a failover. :param key: Raw key. """ try: return self.redis.delete(key) except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): pass finally: return self.memory.delete(key)
Example #6
Source File: From pottery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def extend(self): '''Extend our hold on the lock (if we currently hold it). Usage: >>> printer_lock = Redlock(key='printer') >>> printer_lock.acquire() True >>> 9 * 1000 < printer_lock.locked() < 10 * 1000 True >>> time.sleep(1) >>> 8 * 1000 < printer_lock.locked() < 9 * 1000 True >>> printer_lock.extend() True >>> 9 * 1000 < printer_lock.locked() < 10 * 1000 True >>> printer_lock.release() ''' if self._extension_num >= self.num_extensions: raise TooManyExtensions(self.masters, self.key) else: futures, num_masters_extended = set(), 0 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for master in self.masters: futures.add(executor.submit(self._extend_master, master)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): with contextlib.suppress(TimeoutError, ConnectionError): num_masters_extended += future.result() quorum = num_masters_extended >= len(self.masters) // 2 + 1 self._extension_num += quorum return quorum
Example #7
Source File: From pottery with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _current_id(self): futures, current_id, num_masters_gotten = set(), 0, 0 with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for master in self.masters: futures.add(executor.submit(master.get, self.key)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): with contextlib.suppress(TimeoutError, ConnectionError): current_id = max(current_id, int(future.result())) num_masters_gotten += 1 if num_masters_gotten < len(self.masters) // 2 + 1: raise QuorumNotAchieved(self.masters, self.key) else: return current_id
Example #8
Source File: From taskflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _translate_failures(): """Translates common redis exceptions into taskflow exceptions.""" try: yield except redis_exceptions.ConnectionError: exc.raise_with_cause(exc.JobFailure, "Failed to connect to redis") except redis_exceptions.TimeoutError: exc.raise_with_cause(exc.JobFailure, "Failed to communicate with redis, connection" " timed out") except redis_exceptions.RedisError: exc.raise_with_cause(exc.JobFailure, "Failed to communicate with redis," " internal error")
Example #9
Source File: From eNMS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def redis(self, operation, *args, **kwargs): try: return getattr(self.redis_queue, operation)(*args, **kwargs) except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError) as exc: self.log("error", f"Redis Queue Unreachable ({exc})", change_log=False)
Example #10
Source File: From platypush with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _data_throttler(self): from redis.exceptions import TimeoutError as QueueTimeoutError def run(): redis = self._get_redis() last_processed_batch_timestamp = None data = {} try: while True: try: new_data = ast.literal_eval( redis.blpop(self._DATA_THROTTLER_QUEUE)[1].decode('utf-8')) for (key, value) in new_data.items(): data.setdefault(key, []).append(value) except QueueTimeoutError: pass if data and (last_processed_batch_timestamp is None or time.time() - last_processed_batch_timestamp >= self.throttle_seconds): last_processed_batch_timestamp = time.time()'Processing feeds batch for Adafruit IO') for (feed, values) in data.items(): if values: value = statistics.mean(values) try: self.send(feed, value, enqueue=False) except ThrottlingError: self.logger.warning('Adafruit IO throttling threshold hit, taking a nap ' + 'before retrying') time.sleep(self.throttle_seconds) data = {} except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) return run
Example #11
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get(self, key): if self.timeout: raise TimeoutError else: return super(PanoptesMockRedis, self).get(key)
Example #12
Source File: From orion-server with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(self, key): """ Get the value for a key, prioritizing Redis if available. :param key: Raw key. :return: Associated value. """ try: return self.redis.get(key) except (ConnectionError, TimeoutError): return self.memory.get(key)
Example #13
Source File: From rb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def join(self, timeout=None): """Waits for all outstanding responses to come back or the timeout to be hit. """ remaining = timeout while self._cb_poll and (remaining is None or remaining > 0): now = time.time() rv = self._cb_poll.poll(remaining) if remaining is not None: remaining -= (time.time() - now) for command_buffer, event in rv: # This command buffer still has pending requests which # means we have to send them out first before we can read # all the data from it. if command_buffer.has_pending_requests: if event == 'close': self._try_reconnect(command_buffer) elif event == 'write': self._send_or_reconnect(command_buffer) # The general assumption is that all response is available # or this might block. On reading we do not use async # receiving. This generally works because latency in the # network is low and redis is super quick in sending. It # does not make a lot of sense to complicate things here. elif event in ('read', 'close'): try: command_buffer.wait_for_responses(self) finally: self._release_command_buffer(command_buffer) if self._cb_poll and timeout is not None: raise TimeoutError('Did not receive all data in time.')
Example #14
Source File: From rb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def send_buffer(self): """Utility function that sends the buffer into the provided socket. The buffer itself will slowly clear out and is modified in place. """ buf = self._send_buf sock = self.connection._sock try: timeout = sock.gettimeout() sock.setblocking(False) try: for idx, item in enumerate(buf): sent = 0 while 1: try: sent = sock.send(item) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN: continue elif e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK: break raise self.sent_something = True break if sent < len(item): buf[:idx + 1] = [item[sent:]] break else: del buf[:] finally: sock.settimeout(timeout) except IOError as e: self.connection.disconnect() if isinstance(e, socket.timeout): raise TimeoutError('Timeout writing to socket (host %s)' % self.host_id) raise ConnectionError('Error while writing to socket (host %s): %s' % (self.host_id, e))
Example #15
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_context_key_value_store_timeout(self): panoptes_context = PanoptesContext(self.panoptes_test_conf_file, key_value_store_class_list=[PanoptesTestKeyValueStore]) kv = panoptes_context.get_kv_store(PanoptesTestKeyValueStore) with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError): kv.set(u'test', u'test') with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError): kv.get(u'test')
Example #16
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set(self, key, value, ex=None, px=None, nx=False, xx=False): if self.timeout: raise TimeoutError else: return super(PanoptesMockRedis, self).set(key, value, ex=ex, px=px, nx=nx, xx=xx)
Example #17
Source File: From pottery with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def locked(self): '''How much longer we'll hold the lock (unless we extend or release it). If we don't currently hold the lock, then this method returns 0. >>> printer_lock_1 = Redlock(key='printer') >>> printer_lock_1.locked() 0 >>> printer_lock_2 = Redlock(key='printer') >>> printer_lock_2.acquire() True >>> printer_lock_1.locked() 0 >>> printer_lock_2.release() If we do currently hold the lock, then this method returns the current lease's Time To Live (TTL) in ms. >>> printer_lock_1.acquire() True >>> 9 * 1000 < printer_lock_1.locked() < 10 * 1000 True >>> printer_lock_1.release() ''' futures, num_masters_acquired, ttls = set(), 0, [] with ContextTimer() as timer, \ concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for master in self.masters: futures.add(executor.submit(self._acquired_master, master)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): with contextlib.suppress(TimeoutError, ConnectionError): ttl = future.result() num_masters_acquired += ttl > 0 ttls.append(ttl) quorum = num_masters_acquired >= len(self.masters) // 2 + 1 if quorum: ttls = sorted(ttls, reverse=True) validity_time = ttls[len(self.masters) // 2] validity_time -= timer.elapsed() + self._drift() return max(validity_time, 0) else: return 0