Python numpy.complex128() Examples
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code examples of numpy.complex128().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_M_mat(self): ''' Construct the ovelap matrix: M_{m,n}^{(\mathbf{k,b})} Equation (25) in MV, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12847 ''' M_matrix_loc = np.empty([self.num_kpts_loc, self.nntot_loc, self.num_bands_loc, self.num_bands_loc], dtype = np.complex128) for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc): for nn in range(self.nntot_loc): k1 = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id]) k_id2 = self.nn_list[nn, k_id, 0] - 1 k2_ = self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id2] k2_scaled = k2_ + self.nn_list[nn, k_id, 1:4] k2 = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(k2_scaled) s_AO = df.ft_ao.ft_aopair(self.cell, -k2+k1, kpti_kptj=[k2,k1], q = np.zeros(3))[0] Cm = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:,self.band_included_list] Cn = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id2][:,self.band_included_list] M_matrix_loc[k_id, nn,:,:] = np.einsum('nu,vm,uv->nm', Cn.T.conj(), Cm, s_AO, optimize = True).conj() return M_matrix_loc
Example #2
Source File: From OpenFermion-Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_quartic_fermionic_simulation_unitary(weights, exponent): generator = np.zeros((1 << 4,) * 2, dtype=np.complex128) # w0 |1001><0110| + h.c. generator[9, 6] = weights[0] generator[6, 9] = weights[0].conjugate() # w1 |1010><0101| + h.c. generator[10, 5] = weights[1] generator[5, 10] = weights[1].conjugate() # w2 |1100><0011| + h.c. generator[12, 3] = weights[2] generator[3, 12] = weights[2].conjugate() expected_unitary = la.expm(-1j * exponent * generator) gate = ofc.QuarticFermionicSimulationGate(weights, exponent=exponent) actual_unitary = cirq.unitary(gate) assert np.allclose(expected_unitary, actual_unitary)
Example #3
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def test_rhf_exx_ewald_with_kpt(self): numpy.random.seed(1) k = numpy.random.random(3) mf = pbchf.RHF(cell, k, exxdiv='ewald') e1 = mf.kernel() self.assertAlmostEqual(e1, -4.2048655827967139, 8) self.assertTrue(mf.mo_coeff.dtype == numpy.complex128) kmf = pscf.KRHF(cell, k, exxdiv='ewald') e0 = kmf.kernel() self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(e0,e1)) # test bands numpy.random.seed(1) kpt_band = numpy.random.random(3) e1, c1 = mf.get_bands(kpt_band) e0, c0 = kmf.get_bands(kpt_band) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(e0-e1).max(), 0, 7) self.assertAlmostEqual(lib.finger(e1), -6.8312867098806249, 7)
Example #4
Source File: From OpenFermion-Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_cubic_fermionic_simulation_gate_consistency_docstring( weights, exponent): generator = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex128) # w0 |110><101| + h.c. generator[6, 5] = weights[0] generator[5, 6] = weights[0].conjugate() # w1 |110><011| + h.c. generator[6, 3] = weights[1] generator[3, 6] = weights[1].conjugate() # w2 |101><011| + h.c. generator[5, 3] = weights[2] generator[3, 5] = weights[2].conjugate() expected_unitary = la.expm(-1j * exponent * generator) gate = ofc.CubicFermionicSimulationGate(weights, exponent=exponent) actual_unitary = cirq.unitary(gate) assert np.allclose(expected_unitary, actual_unitary)
Example #5
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def so_by_shell(mol, shls): '''Spin-orbit coupling ECP in spinor basis i/2 <Pauli_matrix dot l U(r)> ''' li = mol.bas_angular(shls[0]) lj = mol.bas_angular(shls[1]) di = (li*4+2) * mol.bas_nctr(shls[0]) dj = (lj*4+2) * mol.bas_nctr(shls[1]) bas = numpy.vstack((mol._bas, mol._ecpbas)) mol._env[AS_ECPBAS_OFFSET] = len(mol._bas) mol._env[AS_NECPBAS] = len(mol._ecpbas) buf = numpy.empty((di,dj), order='F', dtype=numpy.complex128) cache = numpy.empty(buf.size*48) fn = libecp.ECPso_spinor fn(buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), (ctypes.c_int*2)(di, dj), (ctypes.c_int*2)(*shls), mol._atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(mol.natm), bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(mol.nbas), mol._env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), lib.c_null_ptr(), cache.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) return buf
Example #6
Source File: From OpenFermion-Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _eigen_components(self): components = [(0, np.diag([1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]))] nontrivial_part = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.complex128) for ij, w in zip([(1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 1)], self.weights): nontrivial_part[ij] = w nontrivial_part[ij[::-1]] = w.conjugate() assert np.allclose(nontrivial_part, nontrivial_part.conj().T) eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eigh(nontrivial_part) for eig_val, eig_vec in zip(eig_vals, eig_vecs.T): exp_factor = -eig_val / np.pi proj = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=np.complex128) nontrivial_indices = np.array([3, 5, 6], dtype=np.intp) proj[nontrivial_indices[:, np.newaxis], nontrivial_indices] = ( np.outer(eig_vec.conjugate(), eig_vec)) components.append((exp_factor, proj)) return components
Example #7
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def __init__(self, j): self._j = j self._c2r = np.zeros( (2*j+1, 2*j+1), dtype=np.complex128) self._c2r[j,j]=1.0 for m in range(1,j+1): self._c2r[m+j, m+j] = sgn[m] * np.sqrt(0.5) self._c2r[m+j,-m+j] = np.sqrt(0.5) self._c2r[-m+j,-m+j]= 1j*np.sqrt(0.5) self._c2r[-m+j, m+j]= -sgn[m] * 1j * np.sqrt(0.5) self._hc_c2r = np.conj(self._c2r).transpose() self._conj_c2r = np.conjugate(self._c2r) # what is the difference ? conj and conjugate self._tr_c2r = np.transpose(self._c2r) #print(abs(self._hc_c2r.conj().transpose()-self._c2r).sum()) # # #
Example #8
Source File: From OpenFermion-Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def qubit_generator_matrix(self): """The (Hermitian) matrix G such that the gate's unitary is exp(-i * G). """ generator = np.zeros((1 << 4,) * 2, dtype=np.complex128) # w0 |1001><0110| + h.c. generator[9, 6] = self.weights[0] generator[6, 9] = self.weights[0].conjugate() # w1 |1010><0101| + h.c. generator[10, 5] = self.weights[1] generator[5, 10] = self.weights[1].conjugate() # w2 |1100><0011| + h.c. generator[12, 3] = self.weights[2] generator[3, 12] = self.weights[2].conjugate() return generator
Example #9
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def _contract_rho(bra, ket): #:rho = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->p', bra.real, ket.real) #:rho += numpy.einsum('pi,pi->p', bra.imag, ket.imag) bra = bra.T ket = ket.T nao, ngrids = bra.shape rho = numpy.empty(ngrids) if not (bra.flags.c_contiguous and ket.flags.c_contiguous): rho = numpy.einsum('ip,ip->p', bra.real, ket.real) rho += numpy.einsum('ip,ip->p', bra.imag, ket.imag) elif bra.dtype == numpy.double and ket.dtype == numpy.double: libdft.VXC_dcontract_rho(rho.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), bra.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ket.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nao), ctypes.c_int(ngrids)) elif bra.dtype == numpy.complex128 and ket.dtype == numpy.complex128: libdft.VXC_zcontract_rho(rho.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), bra.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ket.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nao), ctypes.c_int(ngrids)) else: rho = numpy.einsum('ip,ip->p', bra.real, ket.real) rho += numpy.einsum('ip,ip->p', bra.imag, ket.imag) return rho
Example #10
Source File: From OpenFermion-Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_matrix_of_eigs(): """ Generate the matrix of [exp(i (li - lj)) - 1] / (i(li - lj) :return: """ lam_vals = np.random.randn(4) + 1j * np.random.randn(4) mat_eigs = np.zeros((lam_vals.shape[0], lam_vals.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex128) for i, j in product(range(lam_vals.shape[0]), repeat=2): if np.isclose(abs(lam_vals[i] - lam_vals[j]), 0): mat_eigs[i, j] = 1 else: mat_eigs[i, j] = (np.exp(1j * (lam_vals[i] - lam_vals[j])) - 1) / ( 1j * (lam_vals[i] - lam_vals[j])) test_mat_eigs = get_matrix_of_eigs(lam_vals) assert np.allclose(test_mat_eigs, mat_eigs)
Example #11
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_rhf_vcut_sph(self): mf = pbchf.RHF(cell, exxdiv='vcut_sph') e1 = mf.kernel() self.assertAlmostEqual(e1, -4.29190260870812, 8) self.assertTrue(mf.mo_coeff.dtype == numpy.double) mf = pscf.KRHF(cell, [[0,0,0]], exxdiv='vcut_sph') e0 = mf.kernel() self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(e0,e1)) numpy.random.seed(1) k = numpy.random.random(3) mf = pbchf.RHF(cell, k, exxdiv='vcut_sph') e1 = mf.kernel() self.assertAlmostEqual(e1, -4.1379172088570595, 8) self.assertTrue(mf.mo_coeff.dtype == numpy.complex128) mf = pscf.KRHF(cell, k, exxdiv='vcut_sph') e0 = mf.kernel() self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(e0,e1))
Example #12
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_eri_gamma(self): odf = df.DF(cell) odf.linear_dep_threshold = 1e-7 odf.auxbasis = 'weigend' odf.mesh = (6,)*3 eri0000 = odf.get_eri() self.assertTrue(eri0000.dtype == numpy.double) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri0000.real.sum(), 41.61280626625331, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri0000), 1.9981472468639465, 9) eri1111 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[0])) self.assertTrue(eri1111.dtype == numpy.double) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri1111.real.sum(), 41.61280626625331, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri1111.imag.sum(), 0, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri1111), 1.9981472468639465, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri1111-eri0000).max(), 0, 9) eri4444 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[4],kpts[4],kpts[4],kpts[4])) self.assertTrue(eri4444.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri4444.real.sum(), 62.55120674032798, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri4444.imag).sum(), 0.0016507912195378644, 7) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri4444), 0.6206014899350296-7.413680313987067e-05j, 8) eri0000 = ao2mo.restore(1, eri0000, cell.nao_nr()).reshape(eri4444.shape) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri0000-eri4444).max(), 0, 4)
Example #13
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def cc_Fov(cc, t1, t2, eris): t1a, t1b = t1 t2aa, t2ab, t2bb = t2 nkpts, nocc_a, nvir_a = t1a.shape nocc_b, nvir_b = t1b.shape[1:] fov = eris.fock[0][:,:nocc_a,nocc_a:] fOV = eris.fock[1][:,:nocc_b,nocc_b:] fa = np.zeros((nkpts,nocc_a,nvir_a), dtype=np.complex128) fb = np.zeros((nkpts,nocc_b,nvir_b), dtype=np.complex128) for km in range(nkpts): fa[km]+=fov[km] fb[km]+=fOV[km] for kn in range(nkpts): fa[km]+=einsum('nf,menf->me',t1a[kn],eris.ovov[km,km,kn]) fa[km]+=einsum('nf,menf->me',t1b[kn],eris.ovOV[km,km,kn]) fa[km]-=einsum('nf,mfne->me',t1a[kn],eris.ovov[km,kn,kn]) fb[km]+=einsum('nf,menf->me',t1b[kn],eris.OVOV[km,km,kn]) fb[km]+=einsum('nf,nfme->me',t1a[kn],eris.ovOV[kn,kn,km]) fb[km]-=einsum('nf,mfne->me',t1b[kn],eris.OVOV[km,kn,kn]) return fa,fb
Example #14
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def export_unk(self, grid = [50,50,50]): ''' Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90 ''' from import FortranFile grids_coor, weights = periodic_grid(self.cell, grid, order = 'F') for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc): spin = '.1' if self.spin_up != None and self.spin_up == False : spin = '.2' kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id]) ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt = kpt) u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j*, kpt)), ao, optimize = True) unk_file = FortranFile('UNK' + "%05d" % (k_id + 1) + spin, 'w') unk_file.write_record(np.asarray([grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], k_id + 1, self.num_bands_loc], dtype = np.int32)) mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:,self.band_included_list] u_mo = np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, mo_included, optimize = True) for band in range(len(self.band_included_list)): unk_file.write_record(np.asarray(u_mo[:,band], dtype = np.complex128)) unk_file.close()
Example #15
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_eri_0110(self): eri0110 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1],kpts[0])) self.assertTrue(eri0110.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri0110.real.sum(), 83.11379784456005, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri0110.imag).sum(), 5.083432749354445, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri0110), 0.9700096733262158-0.3318635561567801j, 9) check2 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[0]+5e-8,kpts[1]+5e-8,kpts[1],kpts[0])) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(eri0110, check2, atol=1e-7))
Example #16
Source File: From OpenFermion-Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def qubit_generator_matrix(self): generator = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.complex128) # w0 |10><01| + h.c. generator[2, 1] = self.weights[0] generator[1, 2] = self.weights[0].conjugate() # w1 |11><11| generator[3, 3] = self.weights[1] return generator
Example #17
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_eri_0123(self): eri0123 = kmdf.get_eri(kpts[:4]) self.assertTrue(eri0123.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri0123.real.sum(), 83.11713402928555, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri0123.imag.sum()), 0.0006633634465733618, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri0123), 0.9693314315640165-0.33152709566516436j, 9)
Example #18
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=0, with_s=True, shls_slice=None, non0tab=None, out=None, verbose=None): comp = (deriv+1)*(deriv+2)*(deriv+3)//6 feval = 'GTOval_spinor_deriv%d' % deriv aoLa, aoLb = mol.eval_gto(feval, coords, comp, shls_slice, non0tab, out=out) if with_s: assert(deriv <= 1) # only GTOval_ipsp_spinor ngrid, nao = aoLa.shape[-2:] if out is not None: aoSa = numpy.empty((comp,nao,ngrid), dtype=numpy.complex128) aoSb = numpy.empty((comp,nao,ngrid), dtype=numpy.complex128) else: out = numpy.ndarray((4,comp,nao,ngrid), dtype=numpy.complex128, buffer=out) aoSa, aoSb = out[2:] comp = 1 ao = mol.eval_gto('GTOval_sp_spinor', coords, comp, shls_slice, non0tab) aoSa[0] = ao[0].T aoSb[0] = ao[1].T fevals = ['GTOval_sp_spinor', 'GTOval_ipsp_spinor'] p1 = 1 for n in range(1, deriv+1): comp = (n+1)*(n+2)//2 ao = mol.eval_gto(fevals[n], coords, comp, shls_slice, non0tab) p0, p1 = p1, p1 + comp for k in range(comp): aoSa[p0:p1] = ao[0].transpose(0,2,1) aoSb[p0:p1] = ao[1].transpose(0,2,1) aoSa = aoSa.transpose(0,2,1) aoSb = aoSb.transpose(0,2,1) if deriv == 0: aoSa = aoSa[0] aoSb = aoSb[0] return aoLa, aoLb, aoSa, aoSb else: return aoLa, aoLb
Example #19
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_j_kpts(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi=1, kpts=numpy.zeros((1,3)), kpts_band=None): if kpts_band is not None: return get_j_for_bands(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi, kpts, kpts_band) dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C') dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts) nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3] vj_kpts = numpy.zeros((nset,nkpts,nao,nao), dtype=numpy.complex128) kpt_allow = numpy.zeros(3) mesh = mydf.mesh coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt_allow, False, mesh) max_memory = (mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]) * .8 weight = 1./len(kpts) dmsC = dms.conj() for aoaoks, p0, p1 in mydf.ft_loop(mesh, kpt_allow, kpts, max_memory=max_memory): vG = [0] * nset #:rho = numpy.einsum('lkL,lk->L', pqk.conj(), dm) for k, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks): for i in range(nset): rho = numpy.einsum('ij,Lij->L', dmsC[i,k], aoao.reshape(-1,nao,nao)).conj() vG[i] += rho * coulG[p0:p1] for i in range(nset): vG[i] *= weight for k, aoao in enumerate(aoaoks): for i in range(nset): vj_kpts[i,k] += numpy.einsum('L,Lij->ij', vG[i], aoao.reshape(-1,nao,nao)) aoao = aoaoks = p0 = p1 = None if gamma_point(kpts): vj_kpts = vj_kpts.real.copy() return _format_jks(vj_kpts, dm_kpts, kpts_band, kpts)
Example #20
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def calc_prefactor_2D(x, y, f, wmin, tmin, dt, sign=1.0): if abs(sign) != 1.0: raise ValueError("sign must be 1.0 or -1.0") fmod = np.zeros(f.shape, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(f.shape[0]): for j in range(f.shape[1]): fmod[i, j] = f[i, j]*dt[0]*dt[1]*np.exp(sign*1.0j*(wmin[0]*(x[i]-tmin[0]) + wmin[1]*(y[j]-tmin[1]))) return fmod
Example #21
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def test_get_eri_0110_high_cost(self): eri0110 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1],kpts[0])) self.assertTrue(eri0110.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri0110.real.sum(), 411.86033298299179, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri0110.imag).sum(), 136.58633427242452, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri0110), 1.3767132918850329+0.12378724026874122j, 6) check2 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[0]+5e-9,kpts[1]+5e-9,kpts[1],kpts[0])) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(eri0110, check2, atol=1e-7)) # def test_get_eri_0123_high_cost(self): # eri0123 = kmdf.get_eri(kpts[:4]) # self.assertTrue(eri0123.dtype == numpy.complex128) # self.assertAlmostEqual(eri0123.real.sum(), 410.38308763371651, 6) # self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri0123.imag.sum()), 0.18510527268199378, 6) # self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri0123), 1.7644500565943559+0.30677193151572507j, 6)
Example #22
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def test_get_eri_0011_high_cost(self): eri0011 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1])) self.assertTrue(eri0011.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri0011.real.sum(), 259.13073670793142, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri0011.imag).sum(), 8.4042424538275426, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri0011), 2.1374953278715552+0.12350314965485282j, 6)
Example #23
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def test_get_eri_1111_high_cost(self): eri1111 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[1],kpts[1],kpts[1],kpts[1])) self.assertTrue(eri1111.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri1111.real.sum(), 258.81872464108312, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri1111.imag).sum(), 16.275864968641145, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri1111), 2.2339104732873363+0.10954687420327755j, 7) check2 = kmdf.get_eri((kpts[1]+5e-9,kpts[1]+5e-9,kpts[1],kpts[1])) self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(eri1111, check2, atol=1e-7))
Example #24
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def test_get_jk_kpts(self): df = fft.FFTDF(cell) dm = mf0.get_init_guess() nkpts = len(kpts) dms = [dm] * nkpts vj0, vk0 = get_jk_kpts(mf0, cell, dms, kpts=kpts) vj1, vk1 = df.get_jk(dms, kpts=kpts, exxdiv=None) self.assertTrue(vj1.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertTrue(vk1.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(vj0, vj1, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(vk0, vk1, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9)) ej1 = numpy.einsum('xij,xji->', vj1, dms) / len(kpts) ek1 = numpy.einsum('xij,xji->', vk1, dms) / len(kpts) self.assertAlmostEqual(ej1, 2.3163352969873445*(6/6.82991739766009)**2, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(ek1, 7.7311228144548600*(6/6.82991739766009)**2, 9) numpy.random.seed(1) kpts_band = numpy.random.random((2,3)) vj1, vk1 = df.get_jk(dms, kpts=kpts, kpts_band=kpts_band, exxdiv=None) self.assertAlmostEqual(lib.finger(vj1), 6/6.82991739766009*(3.437188138446714+0.1360466492092307j), 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(lib.finger(vk1), 6/6.82991739766009*(7.479986541097368+1.1980593415201204j), 9) nao = dm.shape[0] mo_coeff = numpy.random.random((nkpts,nao,nao)) mo_occ = numpy.array(numpy.random.random((nkpts,nao))>.6, dtype=numpy.double) dms = numpy.einsum('kpi,ki,kqi->kpq', mo_coeff, mo_occ, mo_coeff) dms = lib.tag_array(lib.asarray(dms), mo_coeff=mo_coeff, mo_occ=mo_occ) vk1 = df.get_jk(dms, kpts=kpts, kpts_band=kpts_band, exxdiv=None)[1] self.assertAlmostEqual(lib.finger(vk1), 10.239828255099447+2.1190549216896182j, 9)
Example #25
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_jk(self): df = fft.FFTDF(cell) dm = mf0.get_init_guess() vj0, vk0 = get_jk(mf0, cell, dm, kpt=kpts[0]) vj1, vk1 = df.get_jk(dm, kpts=kpts[0], exxdiv=None) self.assertTrue(vj1.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertTrue(vk1.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(vj0, vj1, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(vk0, vk1, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9)) ej1 = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', vj1, dm) ek1 = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', vk1, dm) self.assertAlmostEqual(ej1, 2.3002596914518700*(6/6.82991739766009)**2, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(ek1, 3.3165691757797346*(6/6.82991739766009)**2, 9) dm = mf0.get_init_guess() vj0, vk0 = get_jk(mf0, cell, dm) vj1, vk1 = df.get_jk(dm, exxdiv=None) self.assertTrue(vj1.dtype == numpy.float64) self.assertTrue(vk1.dtype == numpy.float64) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(vj0, vj1, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(vk0, vk1, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-9)) ej1 = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', vj1, dm) ek1 = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', vk1, dm) self.assertAlmostEqual(ej1, 2.4673139106639925*(6/6.82991739766009)**2, 9) self.assertAlmostEqual(ek1, 3.6886674521354221*(6/6.82991739766009)**2, 9)
Example #26
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_ao_pairs_G(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)): '''Calculate forward (G|ij) and "inverse" (ij|G) FFT of all AO pairs. Args: cell : instance of :class:`Cell` Returns: ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG : (ngrids, nao*(nao+1)/2) ndarray The FFTs of the real-space AO pairs. ''' coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell) aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt) # shape = (coords, nao) ngrids, nao = aoR.shape gamma_point = abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9 if gamma_point: npair = nao*(nao+1)//2 ao_pairs_G = np.empty([ngrids, npair], np.complex128) ij = 0 for i in range(nao): for j in range(i+1): ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:,i]) * aoR[:,j] ao_pairs_G[:,ij] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.mesh) #ao_pairs_invG[:,ij] = ngrids*tools.ifft(ao_ij_R, cell.mesh) ij += 1 ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.conj() else: ao_pairs_G = np.zeros([ngrids, nao,nao], np.complex128) for i in range(nao): for j in range(nao): ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:,i]) * aoR[:,j] ao_pairs_G[:,i,j] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.mesh) ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.transpose(0,2,1).conj().reshape(-1,nao**2) ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,nao**2) return ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG
Example #27
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def _fftn_blas(f, mesh): Gx = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0]) Gy = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1]) Gz = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2]) expRGx = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[0]), Gx)) expRGy = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[1]), Gy)) expRGz = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[2]), Gz)) out = np.empty(f.shape, dtype=np.complex128) buf = np.empty(mesh, dtype=np.complex128) for i, fi in enumerate(f): buf[:] = fi.reshape(mesh) g =[0],-1).T, expRGx, c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[0])) g =[1],-1).T, expRGy, c=buf.reshape(-1,mesh[1])) g =[2],-1).T, expRGz, c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[2])) return out.reshape(-1, *mesh)
Example #28
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def test_symm_orb_serialization(self): '''Handle the complex symmetry-adapted orbitals''' mol = gto.M(atom='He', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True) mol.loads(mol.dumps()) lz_minus = numpy.sqrt(.5) * (mol.symm_orb[3] - mol.symm_orb[2] * 1j) lz_plus = -numpy.sqrt(.5) * (mol.symm_orb[3] + mol.symm_orb[2] * 1j) mol.symm_orb[2] = lz_minus mol.symm_orb[3] = lz_plus mol.loads(mol.dumps()) self.assertTrue(mol.symm_orb[0].dtype == numpy.double) self.assertTrue(mol.symm_orb[2].dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertTrue(mol.symm_orb[3].dtype == numpy.complex128)
Example #29
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def spin_square(mol, mo): s = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp') nao = s.shape[0] sx = numpy.zeros((nao*2,nao*2)) sy = numpy.zeros((nao*2,nao*2), dtype=numpy.complex128) sz = numpy.zeros((nao*2,nao*2)) s1 = numpy.zeros((nao*2,nao*2)) sx[:nao,nao:] = .5 * s sx[nao:,:nao] = .5 * s sy[:nao,nao:] =-.5j* s sy[nao:,:nao] = .5j* s sz[:nao,:nao] = .5 * s sz[nao:,nao:] =-.5 * s sx = reduce(, (mo.T.conj(), sx, mo)) sy = reduce(, (mo.T.conj(), sy, mo)) sz = reduce(, (mo.T.conj(), sz, mo)) ss = numpy.einsum('ij,kl->ijkl', sx, sx) + 0j ss+= numpy.einsum('ij,kl->ijkl', sy, sy) ss+= numpy.einsum('ij,kl->ijkl', sz, sz) nmo = mo.shape[1] dm2 = numpy.einsum('ij,kl->ijkl', numpy.eye(nmo), numpy.eye(nmo)) dm2-= numpy.einsum('jk,il->ijkl', numpy.eye(nmo), numpy.eye(nmo)) ss = numpy.einsum('ijkl,ijkl', ss, dm2).real s1[:nao,:nao] = s s1[nao:,nao:] = s s1 = reduce(, (mo.T.conj(), s1, mo)) ss+= s1.trace().real * .75 return ss
Example #30
Source File: From pyscf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_eri_0011_1(self): eri0011 = kmdf1.get_eri((kpts[0],kpts[0],kpts[1],kpts[1])) self.assertTrue(eri0011.dtype == numpy.complex128) self.assertAlmostEqual(eri0011.real.sum(), 44.247892059548818, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(eri0011.imag).sum(), 6.5167066853467244, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(finger(eri0011), (6.2170722376745422-0.10266245792326825j), 6)