Python IPython.display.HTML Examples
The following are 30
code examples of IPython.display.HTML().
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Example #1
Source File: From CheTo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def drawMolsByTopic(topicModel, topicIdx, idsLabelToShow=[0], topicProbThreshold = 0.5, baseRad=0.5, molSize=(250,150),\ numRowsShown=3, color=(.0,.0, 1.), maxMols=100): result = generateMoleculeSVGsbyTopicIdx(topicModel, topicIdx, idsLabelToShow=idsLabelToShow, \ topicProbThreshold = topicProbThreshold, baseRad=baseRad,\ molSize=molSize,color=color, maxMols=maxMols) if len(result) == 1: print(result) return svgs, namesSVGs = result finalsvgs = [] for svg in svgs: # make the svg scalable finalsvgs.append(svg.replace('<svg','<svg preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" viewBox="0 0 '+str(molSize[0])\ +' '+str(molSize[1])+'"')) tableHeader = 'Molecules in topic '+str(topicIdx)+' (sorted by decending probability)' return display(HTML(utilsDrawing.drawSVGsToHTMLGrid(finalsvgs[:maxMols],cssTableName='overviewTab',tableHeader=tableHeader,\ namesSVGs=namesSVGs[:maxMols], size=molSize, numRowsShown=numRowsShown, numColumns=4))) # produces a svg grid of the molecules belonging to a certain topic and highlights this topic within the molecules
Example #2
Source File: From parliament2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def post_execute(self): if self.isFirstPostExecute: self.isFirstPostExecute = False self.isFirstPreExecute = False return 0 self.flag = False self.asyncCapturer.Wait() self.ioHandler.Poll() self.ioHandler.EndCapture() # Print for the notebook out = self.ioHandler.GetStdout() err = self.ioHandler.GetStderr() if not transformers: sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stderr.write(err) else: for t in transformers: (out, err, otype) = t(out, err) if otype == 'html': IPython.display.display(HTML(out)) IPython.display.display(HTML(err)) return 0
Example #3
Source File: From metocean with The Unlicense | 6 votes |
def load_style(s): """Load a CSS stylesheet in the notebook by URL or filename. Examples:: %load_style mystyle.css %load_style """ if s.startswith('http'): r =requests.get(s) style = r.text else: with open(s, 'r') as f: style = s = '<style>\n{style}\n</style>'.format(style=style) display(HTML(s))
Example #4
Source File: From gbdxtools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def inject(self): try: from IPython.display import HTML, display, Javascript except: print("IPython is required to produce maps.") return display(HTML(Template(''' <div id="$map_id"/> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' /> <style>body{margin:0;padding:0;}#$map_id{position:relative;top:0;bottom:0;width:100%;height:400px;}</style> <style> #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl-icon.screencap-icon .download-btn {background-image: url('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%0D%0ANXoiLz4KPC9zdmc+'); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; cursor: default; padding: 5px; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal { height: 30px; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button { min-width: 30px; width: auto; height: 30px; display: inline-block !important; box-sizing: none; border-top: none; border-left: 1px solid #ddd; border-right: 1px solid #ddd; vertical-align: top; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button > a { color: #6e6e6e; text-decoration: none; font: 12px/20px 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button:first-child, #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button:last-child { border: none; } #$map_id .mapboxgl-ctrl.mapboxgl-ctrl-group.ctrl-group-horizontal > button:not(:first-child) { padding: 0 4px 0 4px; } .mapboxgl-popup-content table tr { border: 1px solid #efefef; } .mapboxgl-popup-content table, td, tr { border: none; } <style> ''').substitute({"map_id": self.map_id}))) display(Javascript(self.template))
Example #5
Source File: From feets with MIT License | 6 votes |
def features_table(): rows = [] for feature, ext in feets.extractors.registered_extractors().items(): if "Signature" in feature or "_harmonics_" in feature: continue row = ( feature, ext.get_features().difference([feature]), ext.get_dependencies(), ext.get_data()) rows.append(row) FourierComponents = feets.extractor_of("Freq2_harmonics_rel_phase_0") rows.append(( "Freq{i}_harmonics_amplitude_{j}", ["Freq{i}_harmonics_amplitude_{j} and Freq{i}_harmonics_rel_phase_{j}"], FourierComponents.get_dependencies(), FourierComponents.get_data() )) return HTML(FEATURES_TABLE_TEMPLATE.render(rows=sorted(rows)))
Example #6
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_trace(self, trace, master_spec=None): """Returns a JS script HTML fragment, which will populate the container. Args: trace: binary-encoded MasterTrace string. master_spec: Master spec proto (parsed), which can improve the layout. May be required in future versions. Returns: unicode with HTML contents. """ html = """ <meta charset="utf-8"/> <script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById("{elt_id}").innerHTML = ""; // Clear previous. visualizeToDiv({json}, "{elt_id}", {master_spec_json}); </script> """.format( json=parse_trace_json(trace), master_spec_json=_optional_master_spec_json(master_spec), elt_id=self.elt_id) return unicode(html, 'utf-8') # IPython expects unicode.
Example #7
Source File: From feets with MIT License | 6 votes |
def anim_to_html(anim, fps=None, embed_frames=True, default_mode='loop'): """Generate HTML representation of the animation""" if fps is None and hasattr(anim, '_interval'): # Convert interval in ms to frames per second fps = 1000. / anim._interval plt.close(anim._fig) if hasattr(anim, "_html_representation"): return anim._html_representation else: # tempfile can't be used here: we need a filename, and this # fails on windows. Instead, we use a custom filename generator #with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.html') as f: with _NameOnlyTemporaryFile(suffix='.html') as f:, writer=HTMLWriter(fps=fps, embed_frames=embed_frames, default_mode=default_mode)) html = open( anim._html_representation = html return html
Example #8
Source File: From sympsi with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def html_table(data): t_table = "<table>\n%s\n</table>" t_row = "<tr>%s</tr>" t_col = "<td>%s</td>" table_code = t_table % "".join( [t_row % "".join([t_col % ("$%s$" % latex(col).replace(r'\dag', r'\dagger')) for col in row]) for row in data]) return HTML(table_code) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Simplification of integrals #
Example #9
Source File: From Gun-Detector with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_trace(self, trace, master_spec=None): """Returns a JS script HTML fragment, which will populate the container. Args: trace: binary-encoded MasterTrace string. master_spec: Master spec proto (parsed), which can improve the layout. May be required in future versions. Returns: unicode with HTML contents. """ html = """ <meta charset="utf-8"/> <script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById("{elt_id}").innerHTML = ""; // Clear previous. visualizeToDiv({json}, "{elt_id}", {master_spec_json}); </script> """.format( json=parse_trace_json(trace), master_spec_json=_optional_master_spec_json(master_spec), elt_id=self.elt_id) return unicode(html, 'utf-8') # IPython expects unicode.
Example #10
Source File: From discopy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def to_gif(diagram, *diagrams, path=None, timestep=500, loop=False, **params): # pragma: no cover """ Draws a sequence of diagrams. """ steps, frames = (diagram, ) + diagrams, [] path = path or os.path.basename(NamedTemporaryFile( suffix='.gif', prefix='tmp_', dir='.').name) with TemporaryDirectory() as directory: for i, _diagram in enumerate(steps): tmp_path = os.path.join(directory, '{}.png'.format(i)) _diagram.draw(path=tmp_path, **params) frames.append( if loop: frames = frames + frames[::-1] frames[0].save(path, format='GIF', append_images=frames[1:], save_all=True, duration=timestep, **{'loop': 0} if loop else {}) return HTML('<img src="{}">'.format(path))
Example #11
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, manager): self.supports_binary = None self.manager = manager self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Publish an output area with a unique ID. The javascript can then # hook into this area. display(HTML("<div id=%r></div>" % self.uuid)) try: self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid}) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Unable to create an IPython notebook Comm ' 'instance. Are you in the IPython notebook?') self.comm.on_msg(self.on_message) manager = self.manager self._ext_close = False def _on_close(close_message): self._ext_close = True manager.remove_comm(close_message['content']['comm_id']) manager.clearup_closed() self.comm.on_close(_on_close)
Example #12
Source File: From CheTo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def drawMolsByLabel(topicModel, label, idLabelToMatch=0, baseRad=0.5, molSize=(250,150),\ numRowsShown=3, tableHeader='', maxMols=100): result = generateMoleculeSVGsbyLabel(topicModel, label, idLabelToMatch=idLabelToMatch,baseRad=baseRad,\ molSize=molSize, maxMols=maxMols) if len(result) == 1: print(result) return svgs, namesSVGs = result finalsvgs = [] for svg in svgs: # make the svg scalable finalsvgs.append(svg.replace('<svg','<svg preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" viewBox="0 0 '+str(molSize[0])\ +' '+str(molSize[1])+'"')) return display(HTML(utilsDrawing.drawSVGsToHTMLGrid(finalsvgs[:maxMols],cssTableName='overviewTab',tableHeader='Molecules of '+str(label), namesSVGs=namesSVGs[:maxMols], size=molSize, numRowsShown=numRowsShown, numColumns=4))) # produces a svg grid of the molecules of a certain label and highlights the most probable topic
Example #13
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, manager): self.supports_binary = None self.manager = manager self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Publish an output area with a unique ID. The javascript can then # hook into this area. display(HTML("<div id=%r></div>" % self.uuid)) try: self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid}) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Unable to create an IPython notebook Comm ' 'instance. Are you in the IPython notebook?') self.comm.on_msg(self.on_message) manager = self.manager self._ext_close = False def _on_close(close_message): self._ext_close = True manager.remove_comm(close_message['content']['comm_id']) manager.clearup_closed() self.comm.on_close(_on_close)
Example #14
Source File: From talk-2014-strata-sc with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_style(s): """Load a CSS stylesheet in the notebook by URL or filename. Examples:: %load_style mystyle.css %load_style """ if s.startswith('http'): r =requests.get(s) style = r.text else: with open(s, 'r') as f: style = s = '<style>\n{style}\n</style>'.format(style=style) display(HTML(s))
Example #15
Source File: From data-validation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def visualize_statistics( lhs_statistics: statistics_pb2.DatasetFeatureStatisticsList, rhs_statistics: Optional[ statistics_pb2.DatasetFeatureStatisticsList] = None, lhs_name: Text = 'lhs_statistics', rhs_name: Text = 'rhs_statistics') -> None: """Visualize the input statistics using Facets. Args: lhs_statistics: A DatasetFeatureStatisticsList protocol buffer. rhs_statistics: An optional DatasetFeatureStatisticsList protocol buffer to compare with lhs_statistics. lhs_name: Name of the lhs_statistics dataset. rhs_name: Name of the rhs_statistics dataset. Raises: TypeError: If the input argument is not of the expected type. ValueError: If the input statistics protos does not have only one dataset. """ html = get_statistics_html(lhs_statistics, rhs_statistics, lhs_name, rhs_name) display(HTML(html))
Example #16
Source File: From neural-network-animation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, manager): self.supports_binary = None self.manager = manager self.uuid = str(uuid()) # Publish an output area with a unique ID. The javascript can then # hook into this area. display(HTML("<div id=%r></div>" % self.uuid)) try: self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid}) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Unable to create an IPython notebook Comm ' 'instance. Are you in the IPython notebook?') self.comm.on_msg(self.on_message) manager = self.manager self.comm.on_close(lambda close_message: manager.clearup_closed())
Example #17
Source File: From msticpy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _imp_from_package( nm_spc: Dict[str, Any], pkg: str, tgt: str = None, alias: str = None ): """Import object or submodule from `pkg`.""" if not tgt: return _imp_module(nm_spc=nm_spc, module_name=pkg, alias=alias) try: # target could be a module obj = importlib.import_module(f".{tgt}", pkg) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): # if not, it must be an attribute (class, func, etc.) try: mod = importlib.import_module(pkg) except ImportError: display(HTML(_IMPORT_MODULE_MSSG.format(module=pkg))) raise obj = getattr(mod, tgt) if alias: nm_spc[alias] = obj else: nm_spc[tgt] = obj if _VERBOSE(): # type: ignore print(f"{tgt} imported from {pkg} (alias={alias})") return obj
Example #18
Source File: From yolo_v2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_trace(self, trace, master_spec=None): """Returns a JS script HTML fragment, which will populate the container. Args: trace: binary-encoded MasterTrace string. master_spec: Master spec proto (parsed), which can improve the layout. May be required in future versions. Returns: unicode with HTML contents. """ html = """ <meta charset="utf-8"/> <script type='text/javascript'> document.getElementById("{elt_id}").innerHTML = ""; // Clear previous. visualizeToDiv({json}, "{elt_id}", {master_spec_json}); </script> """.format( json=parse_trace_json(trace), master_spec_json=_optional_master_spec_json(master_spec), elt_id=self.elt_id) return unicode(html, 'utf-8') # IPython expects unicode.
Example #19
Source File: From python3_ios with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, manager): self.supports_binary = None self.manager = manager self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Publish an output area with a unique ID. The javascript can then # hook into this area. display(HTML("<div id=%r></div>" % self.uuid)) try: self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid}) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Unable to create an IPython notebook Comm ' 'instance. Are you in the IPython notebook?') self.comm.on_msg(self.on_message) manager = self.manager self._ext_close = False def _on_close(close_message): self._ext_close = True manager.remove_comm(close_message['content']['comm_id']) manager.clearup_closed() self.comm.on_close(_on_close)
Example #20
Source File: From rsmtool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def color_highlighter(num, low=0, high=1, prec=3, absolute=False): """ Instantiating ``custom_highlighter()`` with the ``color`` class as the default. Parameters: ----------- num : float The floating point number to format. low : float The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value. Defaults to 0. high : float The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value. Defaults to 1. prec : int The number of decimal places to display for x. Defaults to 3. absolute: bool If True, use the absolute value of x for comparison. Defaults to False. Returns: -------- ans : str The formatted highlighter with color class as default. """ ans = custom_highlighter(num, low, high, prec, absolute, 'color') return ans
Example #21
Source File: From metocean with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def html_link(url, name=None): return HTML(simple_link(url, name)) # Utility functions
Example #22
Source File: From trappy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _add_css(self): """Append the CSS to the HTML code generated""" base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) css_file = os.path.join(base_dir, "css/EventPlot.css") self._html.append("<style>") with open(css_file, 'r') as css_fh: self._html += [l[:-1] for l in css_fh.readlines()] self._html.append("</style>")
Example #23
Source File: From assistant-dialog-skill-analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def chi2_overlap_check(ambiguous_unigram_df, ambiguous_bigram_df, intent1, intent2): """ looks for intent overlap for specific intent or intent pairs :param ambiguous_unigram_df: :param ambiguous_bigram_df: :param intent1: :param intent2: """ intent = intent1 + ", " + intent2 + "|" + intent2 + ", " + intent1 part1 = None part2 = None if not ambiguous_unigram_df.empty: part1 = ambiguous_unigram_df[ ambiguous_unigram_df["Intent Pairs"].str.contains(intent) ] if not ambiguous_bigram_df.empty: part2 = ambiguous_bigram_df[ ambiguous_bigram_df["Intent Pairs"].str.contains(intent) ] if part1 is not None and part2 is not None: display(HTML(pd.concat([part1, part2]).to_html(index=False))) elif part1 is not None: display(HTML(part1.to_html(index=False))) elif part2 is not None: display(HTML(part2.to_html(index=False)))
Example #24
Source File: From rsmtool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def show_thumbnail(path_to_image, image_id, path_to_thumbnail=None): """ Given an path to an image file, display a click-able thumbnail version of the image. On click, open the full-sized version of the image in a new window. Parameters ---------- path_to_image : str The absolute or relative path to the image. If an absolute path is provided, it will be converted to a relative path. image_id : int The id of the <img> tag in the HTML. This must be unique for each <img> tag. path_to_thumbnail : str or None, optional If you would like to use a different thumbnail image, specify the path to the thumbnail. Defaults to None. Displays -------- display : IPython.core.display.HTML The HTML display of the thumbnail image. """ display(HTML(get_thumbnail_as_html(path_to_image, image_id, path_to_thumbnail)))
Example #25
Source File: From rsmtool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def bold_highlighter(num, low=0, high=1, prec=3, absolute=False): """ Instantiating ``custom_highlighter()`` with the ``bold`` class as the default. Parameters: ----------- num : float The floating point number to format. low : float The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value. Defaults to 0. high : float The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value. Defaults to 1. prec : int The number of decimal places to display for x. Defaults to 3. absolute: bool If True, use the absolute value of x for comparison. Defaults to False. Returns: -------- ans : str The formatted highlighter with bold class as default. """ ans = custom_highlighter(num, low, high, prec, absolute, 'bold') return ans
Example #26
Source File: From docker-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _tensorboard_magic(line): """Line magic function. Makes an AJAX call to the Jupyter TensorBoard server extension and outputs an IFrame displaying the TensorBoard instance. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--logdir', default='/kaggle/working') args = parser.parse_args(line.split()) iframe_id = 'tensorboard-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) html = """ <!-- JUPYTER_TENSORBOARD_TEST_MARKER --> <script> const req = { method: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', body: JSON.stringify({ 'logdir': '%s' }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }; const baseUrl = Jupyter.notebook.base_url; fetch(baseUrl + 'api/tensorboard', req) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { const iframe = document.getElementById('%s'); iframe.src = baseUrl + 'tensorboard/' +; = 'block'; }); </script> <iframe id="%s" style="width: 100%%; height: 620px; display: none;" frameBorder="0"> </iframe> """ % (args.logdir, iframe_id, iframe_id) display(HTML(html))
Example #27
Source File: From rsmtool with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def custom_highlighter(num, low=0, high=1, prec=3, absolute=False, span_class='bold'): """ Return the supplied float as an HTML <span> element with the specified class if its value is below ``low`` or above ``high``. If its value does not meet those constraints, then return as a plain string with the specified number of decimal places. Parameters: ----------- num : float The floating point number to format. low : float The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is below this value. Defaults to 0. high : float The number will be displayed as an HTML span it is above this value. Defaults to 1. prec : int The number of decimal places to display for x. Defaults to 3. absolute: bool If True, use the absolute value of x for comparison. Defaults to False. span_class: str One of ``bold`` or ``color``. These are the two classes available for the HTML span tag. Returns: -------- ans : str The formatted (plain or HTML) string representing the given number. """ abs_num = abs(num) if absolute else num val = float_format_func(num, prec=prec) ans = ('<span class="highlight_{}">{}</span>'.format(span_class, val) if abs_num < low or abs_num > high else val) return ans
Example #28
Source File: From trappy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def view(self): """Views the Graph Object""" # Defer installation of IPython components # to the .view call to avoid any errors at # when importing the module. This facilitates # the importing of the module from outside # an IPython notebook IPythonConf.iplot_install("EventPlot") display(HTML(self.html()))
Example #29
Source File: From MPContribs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pretty(self, attrs='class="table"'): return display( HTML(j2h.convert(json=remap(self, visit=visit), table_attributes=attrs)) )
Example #30
Source File: From trappy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, data, keys, domain, lane_prefix="Lane: ", num_lanes=0, summary=True, stride=False, lanes=None, color_map=None): _data = deepcopy(data) self._html = [] self._fig_name = self._generate_fig_name() # Function to get the average duration of each event avgFunc = lambda x: sum([(evt[1] - evt[0]) for evt in x]) / float(len(x) + 1) avg = {k: avgFunc(v) for k, v in data.items()} # Filter keys with zero average time keys = [x for x in avg if avg[x] != 0] graph = {} graph["lanes"] = self._get_lanes(lanes, lane_prefix, num_lanes, _data) graph["xDomain"] = domain graph["keys"] = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: avg[x], reverse=True) graph["showSummary"] = summary graph["stride"] = AttrConf.EVENT_PLOT_STRIDE graph["colorMap"] = color_map graph["data"] = self._group_data_by_lanes(_data) self._data = json.dumps(graph) # Initialize the HTML, CSS and JS Components self._add_css() self._init_html()