Python elasticsearch.VERSION Examples

The following are 12 code examples of elasticsearch.VERSION(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module elasticsearch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_search_body(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch_async):
    await elasticsearch_async.create(
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    search_query = {"query": {"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}}
    result = await, params=None)
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]
    assert result["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"] == {"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}
    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 1
    span = spans[0]
    # Depending on ES_VERSION, could be /_all/_search or /_search, and GET or POST
    assert span["name"] in ("ES GET /_search", "ES GET /_all/_search", "ES POST /_search")
    assert span["type"] == "db"
    assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["action"] == "query"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["statement"] == '{"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}'
    assert span["sync"] is False 
Example #2
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_search_body(instrument, elasticapm_client, async_elasticsearch):
    await async_elasticsearch.create(
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    search_query = {"query": {"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}}
    result = await, params=None)
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]
    assert result["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"] == {"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}
    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 1
    span = spans[0]
    # Depending on ES_VERSION, could be /_all/_search or /_search, and GET or POST
    assert span["name"] in ("ES GET /_search", "ES GET /_all/_search", "ES POST /_search")
    assert span["type"] == "db"
    assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["action"] == "query"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["statement"] == '{"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}'
    assert span["sync"] is False 
Example #3
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_exists_source(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch):
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    if ES_VERSION[0] < 7:
        assert elasticsearch.exists_source("tweets", document_type, 1) is True
        assert elasticsearch.exists_source(index="tweets", id=1, doc_type=document_type) is True
    assert elasticsearch.exists_source(index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1) is True
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]

    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 2

    for span in spans:
        assert span["name"] == "ES HEAD /tweets/%s/1/_source" % document_type
        assert span["type"] == "db"
        assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert span["action"] == "query"
        assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert "statement" not in span["context"]["db"] 
Example #4
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_search_body(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch):
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    search_query = {"query": {"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}}
    result =, params=None)
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]
    assert result["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"] == {"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}
    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 1
    span = spans[0]
    # Depending on ES_VERSION, could be /_all/_search or /_search, and GET or POST
    assert span["name"] in ("ES GET /_search", "ES GET /_all/_search", "ES POST /_search")
    assert span["type"] == "db"
    assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["action"] == "query"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["statement"] == '{"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}' 
Example #5
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_count_body(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch):
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    search_query = {"query": {"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}}
    result = elasticsearch.count(body=search_query)
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]
    assert result["count"] == 1
    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 1
    span = spans[0]
    # Depending on ES_VERSION, could be /_all/_count or /_count, and either GET
    # or POST. None of these details actually matter much for this test.
    # Technically no version does `POST /_all/_count` but I added it anyway
    assert span["name"] in ("ES GET /_count", "ES GET /_all/_count", "ES POST /_count", "ES POST /_all/_count")
    assert span["type"] == "db"
    assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["action"] == "query"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
    assert span["context"]["db"]["statement"] == '{"term": {"user": "kimchy"}}' 
Example #6
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_create(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch_async):
    if ES_VERSION[0] < 5:
        r1 = await elasticsearch_async.create("tweets", document_type, {"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, 1)
    elif ES_VERSION[0] < 7:
        r1 = await elasticsearch_async.create("tweets", document_type, 1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"})
        r1 = await elasticsearch_async.create("tweets", 1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"})
    r2 = await elasticsearch_async.create(
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=2, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]

    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 2

    for i, span in enumerate(spans):
        if ES_VERSION[0] >= 5:
            assert span["name"] in (
                "ES PUT /tweets/%s/%d/_create" % (document_type, i + 1),
                "ES PUT /tweets/_create/%d" % (i + 1),
            assert span["name"] == "ES PUT /tweets/%s/%d" % (document_type, i + 1)
        assert span["type"] == "db"
        assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert span["action"] == "query"
        assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert "statement" not in span["context"]["db"] 
Example #7
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_create(instrument, elasticapm_client, async_elasticsearch):
    if ES_VERSION[0] < 5:
        r1 = await async_elasticsearch.create("tweets", document_type, {"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, 1)
    elif ES_VERSION[0] < 7:
        r1 = await async_elasticsearch.create("tweets", document_type, 1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"})
        r1 = await async_elasticsearch.create("tweets", 1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"})
    r2 = await async_elasticsearch.create(
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=2, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]

    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 2

    for i, span in enumerate(spans):
        if ES_VERSION[0] >= 5:
            assert span["name"] in (
                "ES PUT /tweets/%s/%d/_create" % (document_type, i + 1),
                "ES PUT /tweets/_create/%d" % (i + 1),
            assert span["name"] == "ES PUT /tweets/%s/%d" % (document_type, i + 1)
        assert span["type"] == "db"
        assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert span["action"] == "query"
        assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert "statement" not in span["context"]["db"] 
Example #8
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_create(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch):
    if ES_VERSION[0] < 7:
        r1 = elasticsearch.create(index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"})
        r1 = elasticsearch.create(index="tweets", id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"})
    r2 = elasticsearch.create(
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=2, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]

    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 2

    for i, span in enumerate(spans):
        if ES_VERSION[0] >= 5:
            assert span["name"] in (
                "ES PUT /tweets/%s/%d/_create" % (document_type, i + 1),
                "ES PUT /tweets/_create/%d" % (i + 1),
            assert span["name"] == "ES PUT /tweets/%s/%d" % (document_type, i + 1)
        assert span["type"] == "db"
        assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert span["action"] == "query"
        assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert "statement" not in span["context"]["db"] 
Example #9
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_get(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch):
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    # this is a fun one. Order pre-6x was (index, id, doc_type), changed to (index, doc_type, id) in 6.x, and reverted
    # to (index, id, doc_type) in 7.x. OK then.
    if ES_VERSION[0] == 6:
        r1 = elasticsearch.get("tweets", document_type, 1)
        r1 = elasticsearch.get(index="tweets", id=1, doc_type=document_type)
    r2 = elasticsearch.get(index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1)
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]
    for r in (r1, r2):
        assert r["found"]
        assert r["_source"] == {"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}
    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 2

    for span in spans:
        assert span["name"] == "ES GET /tweets/%s/1" % document_type
        assert span["type"] == "db"
        assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert span["action"] == "query"
        assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert "statement" not in span["context"]["db"] 
Example #10
Source File:    From apm-agent-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_get_source(instrument, elasticapm_client, elasticsearch):
        index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1, body={"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}, refresh=True
    if ES_VERSION[0] < 7:
        r1 = elasticsearch.get_source("tweets", document_type, 1)
        r1 = elasticsearch.get_source(index="tweets", id=1, doc_type=document_type)
    r2 = elasticsearch.get_source(index="tweets", doc_type=document_type, id=1)
    elasticapm_client.end_transaction("test", "OK")

    transaction =[TRANSACTION][0]

    for r in (r1, r2):
        assert r == {"user": "kimchy", "text": "hola"}

    spans = elasticapm_client.spans_for_transaction(transaction)
    assert len(spans) == 2

    for span in spans:
        assert span["name"] == "ES GET /tweets/%s/1/_source" % document_type
        assert span["type"] == "db"
        assert span["subtype"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert span["action"] == "query"
        assert span["context"]["db"]["type"] == "elasticsearch"
        assert "statement" not in span["context"]["db"] 
Example #11
Source File:    From drf-haystack with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _restframework_version():
    import rest_framework
    return tuple(map(int, rest_framework.VERSION.split("."))) 
Example #12
Source File:    From postgres-elasticsearch-fdw with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, options, columns):
        super(ElasticsearchFDW, self).__init__(options, columns)

        self.index = options.pop("index", "")
        self.doc_type = options.pop("type", "")
        self.query_column = options.pop("query_column", None)
        self.score_column = options.pop("score_column", None)
        self.scroll_size = int(options.pop("scroll_size", "1000"))
        self.scroll_duration = options.pop("scroll_duration", "10m")
        self._rowid_column = options.pop("rowid_column", "id")
        username = options.pop("username", None)
        password = options.pop("password", None)

        if ELASTICSEARCH_VERSION[0] >= 7:
            self.path = "/{index}".format(index=self.index)
            self.arguments = {"index": self.index}
            self.path = "/{index}/{doc_type}".format(
                index=self.index, doc_type=self.doc_type
            self.arguments = {"index": self.index, "doc_type": self.doc_type}

        if (username is None) != (password is None):
            raise ValueError("Must provide both username and password")
        if username is not None:
            auth = (username, password)
            auth = None

        host = options.pop("host", "localhost")
        port = int(options.pop("port", "9200"))
        timeout = int(options.pop("timeout", "10"))
        self.client = Elasticsearch(
            [{"host": host, "port": port}], http_auth=auth, timeout=timeout, **options

        self.columns = columns
        self.json_columns = {
            for column in columns.values()
            if column.base_type_name.upper() in {"JSON", "JSONB"}