Python sklearn.metrics.recall_score() Examples
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code examples of sklearn.metrics.recall_score().
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Example #1
Source File: From edge2vec with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 11 votes |
def multi_class_classification(data_X,data_Y): ''' calculate multi-class classification and return related evaluation metrics ''' svc = svm.SVC(C=1, kernel='linear') # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( data_X, data_Y, test_size=0.4, random_state=0) clf =, data_Y) #svm # array = svc.coef_ # print array predicted = cross_val_predict(clf, data_X, data_Y, cv=2) print "accuracy",metrics.accuracy_score(data_Y, predicted) print "f1 score macro",metrics.f1_score(data_Y, predicted, average='macro') print "f1 score micro",metrics.f1_score(data_Y, predicted, average='micro') print "precision score",metrics.precision_score(data_Y, predicted, average='macro') print "recall score",metrics.recall_score(data_Y, predicted, average='macro') print "hamming_loss",metrics.hamming_loss(data_Y, predicted) print "classification_report", metrics.classification_report(data_Y, predicted) print "jaccard_similarity_score", metrics.jaccard_similarity_score(data_Y, predicted) # print "log_loss", metrics.log_loss(data_Y, predicted) print "zero_one_loss", metrics.zero_one_loss(data_Y, predicted) # print "AUC&ROC",metrics.roc_auc_score(data_Y, predicted) # print "matthews_corrcoef", metrics.matthews_corrcoef(data_Y, predicted)
Example #2
Source File: From DeepLearningSmells with Apache License 2.0 | 8 votes |
def get_all_metrics_(eval_labels, pred_labels): fpr, tpr, thresholds_keras = roc_curve(eval_labels, pred_labels) auc_ = auc(fpr, tpr) print("auc_keras:" + str(auc_)) precision = precision_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('Precision score: {0:0.2f}'.format(precision)) recall = recall_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('Recall score: {0:0.2f}'.format(recall)) f1 = f1_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('F1 score: {0:0.2f}'.format(f1)) average_precision = average_precision_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('Average precision-recall score: {0:0.2f}'.format(average_precision)) return auc_, precision, recall, f1, average_precision, fpr, tpr
Example #3
Source File: From edge2vec with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def evaluation_analysis(true_label,predicted): ''' return all metrics results ''' print "accuracy",metrics.accuracy_score(true_label, predicted) print "f1 score macro",metrics.f1_score(true_label, predicted, average='macro') print "f1 score micro",metrics.f1_score(true_label, predicted, average='micro') print "precision score",metrics.precision_score(true_label, predicted, average='macro') print "recall score",metrics.recall_score(true_label, predicted, average='macro') print "hamming_loss",metrics.hamming_loss(true_label, predicted) print "classification_report", metrics.classification_report(true_label, predicted) print "jaccard_similarity_score", metrics.jaccard_similarity_score(true_label, predicted) print "log_loss", metrics.log_loss(true_label, predicted) print "zero_one_loss", metrics.zero_one_loss(true_label, predicted) print "AUC&ROC",metrics.roc_auc_score(true_label, predicted) print "matthews_corrcoef", metrics.matthews_corrcoef(true_label, predicted)
Example #4
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_prf_average_binary_data_non_binary(): # Error if user does not explicitly set non-binary average mode y_true_mc = [1, 2, 3, 3] y_pred_mc = [1, 2, 3, 1] msg_mc = ("Target is multiclass but average='binary'. Please " "choose another average setting, one of [" "None, 'micro', 'macro', 'weighted'].") y_true_ind = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) y_pred_ind = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) msg_ind = ("Target is multilabel-indicator but average='binary'. Please " "choose another average setting, one of [" "None, 'micro', 'macro', 'weighted', 'samples'].") for y_true, y_pred, msg in [ (y_true_mc, y_pred_mc, msg_mc), (y_true_ind, y_pred_ind, msg_ind), ]: for metric in [precision_score, recall_score, f1_score, partial(fbeta_score, beta=2)]: assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, metric, y_true, y_pred)
Example #5
Source File: From fanci with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def add_run(self, y_true, y_pred, domains_test): """ Add a completed run :param domains_test: :param y_true: true labels :param y_pred: predicted labels :return: """ log.verbose('Adding run.\ny_true: {!s}\ny_pred: {!s}'.format(y_true, y_pred)) self.ys.append((y_true, y_pred)) self.y_true = numpy.concatenate((self.y_true, y_true)) self.y_pred = numpy.concatenate((self.y_pred, y_pred)) self.cms.append(confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)) self.scores = {'accuracy': [accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)], 'precision': [precision_score(y_true, y_pred)], 'recall': [recall_score(y_true, y_pred)], 'roc': [roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)], 'f1': [f1_score(y_true, y_pred)]} for i in range(len(y_true)): if y_true[i] != y_pred[i]: self.missclassified.append((domains_test[i], y_true[i]))
Example #6
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, texts, labels, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] assert texts.size(0) == len(labels) vec_predict = model(texts) soft_predict = torch.softmax(vec_predict, dim=1) predict_prob, predict_index = torch.max(soft_predict.cpu().data, dim=1) # print('prob', predict_prob) # print('index', predict_index) # print('labels', labels) labels = labels.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy() return metric_func(predict_index, labels, average='micro')
Example #7
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, texts, labels, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] assert len(texts) == len(labels) vec_predict = model(texts) soft_predict = torch.softmax(vec_predict, dim=1) predict_prob, predict_index = torch.max(soft_predict.cpu().data, dim=1) # print('prob', predict_prob) # print('index', predict_index) # print('labels', labels) labels = labels.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy() return metric_func(predict_index, labels, average='micro')
Example #8
Source File: From DeepLearningSmells with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_all_metrics(model, eval_data, eval_labels, pred_labels): fpr, tpr, thresholds_keras = roc_curve(eval_labels, pred_labels) auc_ = auc(fpr, tpr) print("auc_keras:" + str(auc_)) score = model.evaluate(eval_data, eval_labels, verbose=0) print("Test accuracy: " + str(score[1])) precision = precision_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('Precision score: {0:0.2f}'.format(precision)) recall = recall_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('Recall score: {0:0.2f}'.format(recall)) f1 = f1_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('F1 score: {0:0.2f}'.format(f1)) average_precision = average_precision_score(eval_labels, pred_labels) print('Average precision-recall score: {0:0.2f}'.format(average_precision)) return auc_, score[1], precision, recall, f1, average_precision, fpr, tpr
Example #9
Source File: From TensorFlow_DCIGN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def evaluate_precision_recall(y, target, labels): import sklearn.metrics as metrics target = target[:len(y)] num_classes = max(target) + 1 results = [] for i in range(num_classes): class_target = _extract_single_class(i, target) class_y = _extract_single_class(i, y) results.append({ 'precision': metrics.precision_score(class_target, class_y), 'recall': metrics.recall_score(class_target, class_y), 'f1': metrics.f1_score(class_target, class_y), 'fraction': sum(class_target)/len(target), '#of_class': int(sum(class_target)), 'label': labels[i], 'label_id': i # 'tp': tp }) print('%d/%d' % (i, num_classes), results[-1]) accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(target, y) return accuracy, results
Example #10
Source File: From toxic_comments with MIT License | 6 votes |
def calc_metrics(y_true, y_hat, max_steps=1000): y_true = np.array(y_true) y_hat = np.array(y_hat) metrics = {} metrics['Logloss'] = float(log_loss(y_true, y_hat)) metrics['AUC'] = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_hat) metrics['F1'] = [] metrics['Precision'] = [] metrics['Recall'] = [] for i in range(1, max_steps): threshold = float(i) / max_steps y_tmp = y_hat > threshold metrics['F1'].append(f1_score(y_true, y_tmp)) metrics['Precision'].append(precision_score(y_true, y_tmp)) metrics['Recall'].append(recall_score(y_true, y_tmp)) max_idx = np.argmax(metrics['F1']) metrics['F1'] = metrics['F1'][max_idx] metrics['Precision'] = metrics['Precision'][max_idx] metrics['Recall'] = metrics['Recall'][max_idx] metrics['Threshold'] = float(max_idx + 1) / max_steps return metrics
Example #11
Source File: From Attention-Gated-Networks with MIT License | 6 votes |
def classification_scores(gts, preds, labels): accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(gts, preds) class_accuracies = [] for lab in labels: # TODO Fix class_accuracies.append(metrics.accuracy_score(gts[gts == lab], preds[gts == lab])) class_accuracies = np.array(class_accuracies) f1_micro = metrics.f1_score(gts, preds, average='micro') precision_micro = metrics.precision_score(gts, preds, average='micro') recall_micro = metrics.recall_score(gts, preds, average='micro') f1_macro = metrics.f1_score(gts, preds, average='macro') precision_macro = metrics.precision_score(gts, preds, average='macro') recall_macro = metrics.recall_score(gts, preds, average='macro') # class wise score f1s = metrics.f1_score(gts, preds, average=None) precisions = metrics.precision_score(gts, preds, average=None) recalls = metrics.recall_score(gts, preds, average=None) confusion = metrics.confusion_matrix(gts,preds, labels=labels) #TODO confusion matrix, recall, precision return accuracy, f1_micro, precision_micro, recall_micro, f1_macro, precision_macro, recall_macro, confusion, class_accuracies, f1s, precisions, recalls
Example #12
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, src, src_lens, trg, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] output = model(src, src_lens, trg) output = output[1:].contiguous() output = output.view(-1, output.shape[-1]) trg = trg.transpose(1, 0) trg = trg[1:].contiguous() trg = trg.view(-1) soft_predict = torch.softmax(output, dim=1) predict_prob, predict_index = torch.max(soft_predict.cpu().data, dim=1) labels = trg.cpu().data.numpy() return metric_func(predict_index, labels, average='micro')
Example #13
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, x, y, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] outputs, dep_graph, actions_done = model(x) assert len(actions_done) == len(y) predict_y = actions_done true_y = y.cpu().view(-1).tolist() # print(actions_done, y) # print(actions_done) # print(true_y) return metric_func(predict_y, true_y, average='micro')
Example #14
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, src, src_lens, trg, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] output = model(src, src_lens, trg) output = output[1:].contiguous() output = output.view(-1, output.shape[-1]) trg = trg.transpose(1, 0) trg = trg[1:].contiguous() trg = trg.view(-1) soft_predict = torch.softmax(output, dim=1) predict_prob, predict_index = torch.max(soft_predict.cpu().data, dim=1) labels = trg.cpu().data.numpy() return metric_func(predict_index, labels, average='micro')
Example #15
Source File: From PCNN with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def run_evaluate(self, test): """Evaluates performance on test set Args: test: dataset that yields tuple of (sentences, relation tags) Returns: metrics: (dict) metrics["acc"] = 98.4, ... """ y_true, y_pred = [], [] for data in minibatches(test, self.config.batch_size): word_batch, pos1_batch, pos2_batch, pos_batch, y_batch = data relations_pred = self.predict_batch(word_batch, pos1_batch, pos2_batch, pos_batch) assert len(relations_pred) == len(y_batch) y_true += y_batch y_pred += relations_pred.tolist() acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) p = precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') r = recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro') return {"acc":acc, "p":p, "r":r, "f1":f1}
Example #16
Source File: From comparable-text-miner with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def evaluate(trueValues, predicted, decimals, note): print note label = 1 avg = 'weighted' a = accuracy_score(trueValues, predicted) p = precision_score(trueValues, predicted, pos_label=label, average=avg) r = recall_score(trueValues, predicted, pos_label=label, average=avg) avg_f1 = f1_score(trueValues, predicted, pos_label=label, average=avg) fclasses = f1_score(trueValues, predicted, average=None) f1c1 = fclasses[0]; f1c2 = fclasses[1] fw = (f1c1 + f1c2)/2.0 print 'accuracy:\t', str(round(a,decimals)) print 'precision:\t', str(round(p,decimals)) print 'recall:\t', str(round(r,decimals)) print 'avg f1:\t', str(round(avg_f1,decimals)) print 'c1 f1:\t', str(round(f1c1,decimals)) print 'c2 f1:\t', str(round(f1c2,decimals)) print 'avg(c1,c2):\t', str(round(fw,decimals)) print '------------' ################################################################################### # split a parallel or comparable corpus into two parts
Example #17
Source File: From MCF-3D-CNN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def accuracy(y_true, y_pred): # 计算混淆矩阵 y = np.zeros(len(y_true)) y_ = np.zeros(len(y_true)) for i in range(len(y_true)): y[i] = np.argmax(y_true[i,:]) y_[i] = np.argmax(y_pred[i,:]) cnf_mat = confusion_matrix(y, y_) # Acc = 1.0*(cnf_mat[1][1]+cnf_mat[0][0])/len(y_true) # Sens = 1.0*cnf_mat[1][1]/(cnf_mat[1][1]+cnf_mat[1][0]) # Spec = 1.0*cnf_mat[0][0]/(cnf_mat[0][0]+cnf_mat[0][1]) # # 绘制ROC曲线 # fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_true[:,0], y_pred[:,0]) # Auc = auc(fpr, tpr) # 计算多分类评价值 Sens = recall_score(y, y_, average='macro') Prec = precision_score(y, y_, average='macro') F1 = f1_score(y, y_, average='weighted') Support = precision_recall_fscore_support(y, y_, beta=0.5, average=None) return Sens, Prec, F1, cnf_mat
Example #18
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, x, y, pos, rel, field_x, field_y, field_pos, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] vec_x = torch.tensor([field_x.stoi[i] for i in x]) len_vec_x = torch.tensor([len(vec_x)]).to(DEVICE) vec_pos = torch.tensor([field_pos.stoi[i] for i in pos]) vec_rel = torch.tensor([int(x) for x in rel]) predict_y = model(vec_x.view(-1, 1).to(DEVICE), vec_pos.view(-1, 1).to(DEVICE), vec_rel.view(-1, 1).to(DEVICE), len_vec_x)[0] true_y = [field_y.stoi[i] for i in y] assert len(true_y) == len(predict_y) return metric_func(predict_y, true_y, average='micro')
Example #19
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, texta, textb, labels, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] assert texta.size(1) == textb.size(1) == len(labels) predict_prob = model(texta, textb) # print('predict', predict_prob) # print('labels', labels) predict_labels =, 0.5) predict_labels = predict_labels.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy() labels = labels.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy() return metric_func(predict_labels, labels, average='micro')
Example #20
Source File: From lightNLP with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_score(self, model, texta, textb, labels, score_type='f1'): metrics_map = { 'f1': f1_score, 'p': precision_score, 'r': recall_score, 'acc': accuracy_score } metric_func = metrics_map[score_type] if score_type in metrics_map else metrics_map['f1'] assert texta.size(1) == textb.size(1) == len(labels) vec_predict = model(texta, textb) soft_predict = torch.softmax(vec_predict, dim=1) predict_prob, predict_index = torch.max(soft_predict.cpu().data, dim=1) # print('prob', predict_prob) # print('index', predict_index) # print('labels', labels) labels = labels.view(-1).cpu().data.numpy() return metric_func(predict_index, labels, average='micro')
Example #21
Source File: From tf_metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_recall_op(generator_fn, y_true_all, y_pred_all, pos_indices, average): # Precision on the whole dataset pr_sk = recall_score( y_true_all, y_pred_all, pos_indices, average=average) # Create Tensorflow graph ds = generator_fn, (tf.int32, tf.int32), ([None], [None])) y_true, y_pred = ds.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() pr_tf = tf_metrics.recall(y_true, y_pred, 4, pos_indices, average=average) with tf.Session() as sess: # Initialize and run the update op on each batch while True: try:[1]) except OutOfRangeError as e: break # Check final value assert np.allclose([0]), pr_sk)
Example #22
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_ovr_multilabel_dataset(): base_clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=1) for au, prec, recall in zip((True, False), (0.51, 0.66), (0.51, 0.80)): X, Y = datasets.make_multilabel_classification(n_samples=100, n_features=20, n_classes=5, n_labels=2, length=50, allow_unlabeled=au, random_state=0) X_train, Y_train = X[:80], Y[:80] X_test, Y_test = X[80:], Y[80:] clf = OneVsRestClassifier(base_clf).fit(X_train, Y_train) Y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) assert clf.multilabel_ assert_almost_equal(precision_score(Y_test, Y_pred, average="micro"), prec, decimal=2) assert_almost_equal(recall_score(Y_test, Y_pred, average="micro"), recall, decimal=2)
Example #23
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_precision_recall_f_ignored_labels(): # Test a subset of labels may be requested for PRF y_true = [1, 1, 2, 3] y_pred = [1, 3, 3, 3] y_true_bin = label_binarize(y_true, classes=np.arange(5)) y_pred_bin = label_binarize(y_pred, classes=np.arange(5)) data = [(y_true, y_pred), (y_true_bin, y_pred_bin)] for i, (y_true, y_pred) in enumerate(data): recall_13 = partial(recall_score, y_true, y_pred, labels=[1, 3]) recall_all = partial(recall_score, y_true, y_pred, labels=None) assert_array_almost_equal([.5, 1.], recall_13(average=None)) assert_almost_equal((.5 + 1.) / 2, recall_13(average='macro')) assert_almost_equal((.5 * 2 + 1. * 1) / 3, recall_13(average='weighted')) assert_almost_equal(2. / 3, recall_13(average='micro')) # ensure the above were meaningful tests: for average in ['macro', 'weighted', 'micro']: assert_not_equal(recall_13(average=average), recall_all(average=average))
Example #24
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_grid_search_cv_results_multimetric(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=50, n_features=4, random_state=42) n_splits = 3 params = [dict(kernel=['rbf', ], C=[1, 10], gamma=[0.1, 1]), dict(kernel=['poly', ], degree=[1, 2])] for iid in (False, True): grid_searches = [] for scoring in ({'accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score), 'recall': make_scorer(recall_score)}, 'accuracy', 'recall'): grid_search = GridSearchCV(SVC(gamma='scale'), cv=n_splits, iid=iid, param_grid=params, scoring=scoring, refit=False), y) assert_equal(grid_search.iid, iid) grid_searches.append(grid_search) compare_cv_results_multimetric_with_single(*grid_searches, iid=iid)
Example #25
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_recall_warnings(): assert_no_warnings(recall_score, np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]), np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]]), average='micro') clean_warning_registry() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as record: warnings.simplefilter('always') recall_score(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]]), np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]), average='micro') assert_equal(str(record.pop().message), 'Recall is ill-defined and ' 'being set to 0.0 due to no true samples.') recall_score([0, 0], [0, 0]) assert_equal(str(record.pop().message), 'Recall is ill-defined and ' 'being set to 0.0 due to no true samples.')
Example #26
Source File: From tf_metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_recall(generator_fn, pos_indices, average): for y_true, y_pred in generator_fn(): pr_tf = tf_metrics.recall( y_true, y_pred, 4, pos_indices, average=average) pr_sk = recall_score( y_true, y_pred, pos_indices, average=average) with tf.Session() as sess: assert np.allclose([1]), pr_sk)
Example #27
Source File: From fanci with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_scores(estimator, x, y): """ Helper for sklearn, required to be able to score by more than one metric. :param estimator: :param x: :param y: :return: """ y_pred = estimator.predict(x) return (accuracy_score(y, y_pred), precision_score(y, y_pred), recall_score(y, y_pred), roc_auc_score(y, y_pred), f1_score(y, y_pred))
Example #28
Source File: From LSTM-CRF-models with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_Approx_Metrics(y_true,y_pred,verbose =True,preMsg='',flat_list=False): if verbose: print('------------------------ Approx Metrics---------------------------') if flat_list: z_true=y_true z_pred=y_pred else: z_true=list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(y_true)) z_pred=list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(y_pred)) z_true=[token[2:] if token[:2]=='B-' else token for token in z_true] z_pred=[token[2:] if token[:2]=='B-' else token for token in z_pred] label_dict={x:i for i,x in enumerate(list(set(z_true) | set(z_pred)))} freq_dict=collections.Counter(z_true) z_true=[ label_dict[x] for x in z_true] z_pred=[ label_dict[x] for x in z_pred] f1s= f1_score(z_true,z_pred, average=None) rs= recall_score(z_true,z_pred, average=None) ps= precision_score(z_true,z_pred, average=None) results =[] f1_none=[] avg_recall=avg_precision=avg_f1=0.0 for i in label_dict: if verbose: print("{5} The tag \'{0}\' has {1} elements and recall,precision,f1 ={3},{4}, {2}".format(i,freq_dict[i],f1s[label_dict[i]],rs[label_dict[i]],ps[label_dict[i]],preMsg)) if i!='None' and i!='|O': f1_none=f1_none+[(f1s[label_dict[i]],freq_dict[i]),] avg_recall+=float(rs[label_dict[i]])*float(freq_dict[i]) avg_precision+=float(ps[label_dict[i]])*float(freq_dict[i]) intermediate_sum=sum([float(z[1]) for z in f1_none]) if intermediate_sum ==0: intermediate_sum +=1 avg_recall =float(avg_recall)/float(intermediate_sum) avg_precision =float(avg_precision)/float(intermediate_sum) if (float(avg_recall)+float(avg_precision)) !=0.0: avg_f1=2.0*float(avg_precision)*float(avg_recall)/(float(avg_recall)+float(avg_precision)) else: avg_f1=0.0 if verbose: print("All medical tags collectively have {0} elements and recall,precision,f1 ={1},{2}, {3}".format(intermediate_sum,avg_recall,avg_precision,avg_f1)) return avg_f1
Example #29
Source File: From bigdata18 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def calculate_metrics(y_true, y_pred,duration,y_true_val=None,y_pred_val=None): res = pd.DataFrame(data = np.zeros((1,4),dtype=np.float), index=[0], columns=['precision','accuracy','recall','duration']) res['precision'] = precision_score(y_true,y_pred,average='macro') res['accuracy'] = accuracy_score(y_true,y_pred) if not y_true_val is None: # this is useful when transfer learning is used with cross validation res['accuracy_val'] = accuracy_score(y_true_val,y_pred_val) res['recall'] = recall_score(y_true,y_pred,average='macro') res['duration'] = duration return res
Example #30
Source File: From user-behavior-anomaly-detector with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_accuracy(self, title, datasetY, predictions): print title print("accuracy: ", metrics.accuracy_score(datasetY, predictions)) print("precision: ", metrics.precision_score(datasetY, predictions)) print("recall: ", metrics.recall_score(datasetY, predictions)) print("f1: ", metrics.f1_score(datasetY, predictions)) print("area under curve (auc): ", metrics.roc_auc_score(datasetY, predictions))