Python six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode().
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Example #1
Source File: From designate with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_collection_href(cls, request, extra_params=None): params = request.GET if extra_params is not None: params.update(extra_params) if cfg.CONF['service:api'].enable_host_header: try: base_uri = request.host_url except Exception: base_uri = cls.BASE_URI else: base_uri = cls.BASE_URI href = "%s%s?%s" % ( base_uri, cls._get_path(request), parse.urlencode(params)) return href.rstrip('?')
Example #2
Source File: From Flask-pyoidc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_error_view(self): client = app.test_client() auth_redirect = client.get('/') parsed_auth_request = dict(parse_qsl(urlparse(auth_redirect.location).query)) # fake auth error response sent to redirect_uri error_auth_response = { 'error': 'invalid_request', 'error_description': 'test error', 'state': parsed_auth_request['state'] } error_page = client.get('/redirect_uri?{}'.format(urlencode(error_auth_response)), follow_redirects=True) assert json.loads('utf-8')) == { 'error': error_auth_response['error'], 'message': error_auth_response['error_description'] }
Example #3
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def find(self, base_url=None, **kwargs): """Find a single item with attributes matching ``**kwargs``. :param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it """ kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs) rl = self._list( '%(base_url)s%(query)s' % { 'base_url': self.build_url(base_url=base_url, **kwargs), 'query': '?%s' % parse.urlencode(kwargs) if kwargs else '', }, self.collection_key) num = len(rl) if num == 0: msg = _("No %(name)s matching %(args)s.") % { 'name': self.resource_class.__name__, 'args': kwargs } raise exceptions.NotFound(404, msg) elif num > 1: raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch else: return rl[0]
Example #4
Source File: From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def totpauth_url(totp_dev): # label = totp_dev.user.username.encode('utf8') # We need two separate issuers, otherwise deploying in prod will override our authenticator token from # dev if settings.DEPLOY_MODE == 'production': issuer = b'CourSys' else: issuer = b'CourSys-DEV' query = [ ('secret', base64.b32encode(totp_dev.bin_key)), ('digits', totp_dev.digits), ('issuer', issuer) ] return b'otpauth://totp/%s?%s' % (label, urlencode(query).encode('ascii')) # based on
Example #5
Source File: From pwnypack with MIT License | 6 votes |
def enurlform(q): """ Convert a dictionary to a URL encoded query string. Args: q(dict): The query to encode. Returns: str: The urlencoded representation of ``q``. Example: >>> from pwny import * >>> enurlform({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': ['quux', 'corge']}) 'foo=bar&baz=quux&baz=corge' """ return urlencode(q, doseq=True)
Example #6
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_histories(self, usage, search_opts=None): if search_opts is None: search_opts = {} qparams = {} for opt, val in six.iteritems(search_opts): if val: qparams[opt] = val # Transform the dict to a sequence of two-element tuples in fixed # order, then the encoded string will be consistent in Python 2&3. if qparams: items = list(qparams.items()) new_qparams = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x[0]) query_string = "?%s" % parse.urlencode(new_qparams) else: query_string = "" return self._get_histories("/usages/%s/histories%s" % (usage, query_string), "histories")
Example #7
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list(self, search_opts=None): if search_opts is None: search_opts = {} qparams = {} for opt, val in six.iteritems(search_opts): if val: qparams[opt] = val # Transform the dict to a sequence of two-element tuples in fixed # order, then the encoded string will be consistent in Python 2&3. if qparams: items = list(qparams.items()) new_qparams = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x[0]) query_string = "?%s" % parse.urlencode(new_qparams) else: query_string = "" return self._list("/usages%s" % query_string, "usages")
Example #8
Source File: From luigi-td with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_result_url(self): reqs = {} for name in ['server', 'username', 'password', 'datasource']: if getattr(self, name) is None: raise TypeError('missing option "{0}" for {1}'.format(name, self)) reqs[name] = url_quote(getattr(self, name)) params = { 'ssl': self.ssl, 'ssl_verify': self.ssl_verify, 'server_version': self.server_version, 'site':, 'project': self.project, 'mode': self.mode, } reqs['params'] = urlencode([(key, params[key]) for key in params if params[key] is not None]) return "tableau://{username}:{password}@{server}/{datasource}?{params}".format(**reqs)
Example #9
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list(self, search_opts=None): if search_opts is None: search_opts = {} qparams = {} for opt, val in six.iteritems(search_opts): if val: qparams[opt] = val # Transform the dict to a sequence of two-element tuples in fixed # order, then the encoded string will be consistent in Python 2&3. if qparams: new_qparams = sorted(qparams.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) query_string = "?%s" % urlencode(new_qparams) else: query_string = "" return self._list("/licenses%s" % query_string, "licenses") # def get(self, license): # return self._get("/licenses/%s" % getid(license), "license")
Example #10
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def find(self, base_url=None, **kwargs): """Find a single item with attributes matching ``**kwargs``. :param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it """ kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs) rl = self._list( '%(base_url)s%(query)s' % { 'base_url': self.build_url(base_url=base_url, **kwargs), 'query': '?%s' % parse.urlencode(kwargs) if kwargs else '', }, self.collection_key) num = len(rl) if num == 0: msg = _("No %(name)s matching %(args)s.") % { 'name': self.resource_class.__name__, 'args': kwargs } raise exceptions.NotFound(404, msg) elif num > 1: raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch else: return rl[0]
Example #11
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list(self, **kwargs): """Get a list of software configs. :rtype: list of :class:`SoftwareConfig` """ qparams = {} for opt, val in six.iteritems(kwargs): if val: qparams[opt] = val # Transform the dict to a sequence of two-element tuples in fixed # order, then the encoded string will be consistent in Python 2&3. if qparams: new_qparams = sorted(qparams.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) query_string = "?%s" % parse.urlencode(new_qparams) else: query_string = "" url = '/software_configs%s' % query_string return self._list(url, "software_configs")
Example #12
Source File: From icrawler with MIT License | 6 votes |
def feed(self, keyword, offset, max_num, language=None, filters=None): base_url = '' self.filter = self.get_filter() filter_str = self.filter.apply(filters, sep=',') for i in range(offset, offset + max_num, 100): params = dict( q=keyword, ijn=int(i / 100), start=i, tbs=filter_str, tbm='isch') if language: params['lr'] = 'lang_' + language url = base_url + urlencode(params) self.out_queue.put(url) self.logger.debug('put url to url_queue: {}'.format(url))
Example #13
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def find(self, base_url=None, **kwargs): """Find a single item with attributes matching ``**kwargs``. :param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it """ kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs) rl = self._list( '%(base_url)s%(query)s' % { 'base_url': self.build_url(base_url=base_url, **kwargs), 'query': '?%s' % parse.urlencode(kwargs) if kwargs else '', }, self.collection_key) num = len(rl) if num == 0: msg = _("No %(name)s matching %(args)s.") % { 'name': self.resource_class.__name__, 'args': kwargs } raise exceptions.NotFound(404, msg) elif num > 1: raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch else: return rl[0]
Example #14
Source File: From tempest-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list_images(self, detail=False, **params): """Return a list of all images filtered by any parameter. Available params: see api-ref-compute-v2.1.html#listImages """ url = 'images' _schema = schema.list_images if detail: url += '/detail' _schema = schema.list_images_details if params: url += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(url) body = json.loads(body) self.validate_response(_schema, resp, body) return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
Example #15
Source File: From django-payfast with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _sign_fields(signable_fields): # type: (SignableFields) -> str """ Common signing code. """ for (k, v) in signable_fields: assert isinstance(k, str), repr(k) assert isinstance(v, str), repr(v) if sys.version_info < (3,): # Python 2 doesn't do IRI encoding. text = urlencode([ (k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')) for (k, v) in signable_fields ]) else: text = urlencode(signable_fields, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') return md5(text.encode('ascii')).hexdigest() #: The checkout signature should ignore these leading and trailing whitespace characters. #: #: This list is an educated guess based on the PHP trim() function. #:
Example #16
Source File: From designate with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _construct_url(self, relative_path, query_params=None, extattrs=None): if query_params is None: query_params = {} if extattrs is None: extattrs = {} if not relative_path or relative_path[0] == '/': raise ValueError('Path in request must be relative.') query = '' if query_params or extattrs: query = '?' if extattrs: attrs_queries = [] for key, value in extattrs.items(): LOG.debug("key: %s, value: %s", key, value) attrs_queries.append('*' + key + '=' + value['value']) query += '&'.join(attrs_queries) if query_params: if len(query) > 1: query += '&' query += parse.urlencode(query_params) baseurl = parse.urljoin(self.wapi_url, parse.quote(relative_path)) return baseurl + query
Example #17
Source File: From xblock-lti-consumer with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def prepare_preflight_url( self, callback_url, hint="hint", lti_hint="lti_hint" ): """ Generates OIDC url with parameters """ oidc_url = self.oidc_url + "?" parameters = { "iss": self.iss, "client_id": self.client_id, "lti_deployment_id": self.deployment_id, "target_link_uri": callback_url, "login_hint": hint, "lti_message_hint": lti_hint } return { "oidc_url": oidc_url + urlencode(parameters), }
Example #18
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _search_users(resource_server, access_token, params=None): """ :param params: Additional http parameters added to the URL :type params: dictionary """ params = params or {} headers = {'Authorization': "Bearer {0}".format(access_token), 'content-type': 'application/json'} url = '{0}/Users?{1}'.format(resource_server, urlencode(params)) resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if resp.status_code != 200: info = "Could not get user list: {0!s}".format(resp.status_code) log.error(info) raise Exception(info) j_content = yaml.safe_load(resp.content) return j_content
Example #19
Source File: From privacyidea with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_10_set_token_realms(self): self._create_temp_token("REALM001") with'/token/realm/REALM001', method="POST", data={"realms": "realm1, realm2"}, headers={'Authorization':}): res = self.assertTrue(res.status_code == 200, res) result = res.json.get("result") value = result.get("value") self.assertTrue(value is True, result) with'/token/', method="GET", query_string=urlencode({"serial": "REALM001"}), headers={'Authorization':}): res = self.assertTrue(res.status_code == 200, res) result = res.json.get("result") value = result.get("value") token = value.get("tokens")[0] self.assertTrue(token.get("realms") == ["realm1"], token)
Example #20
Source File: From oss-ftp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _generate_uri(hotp, type_name, account_name, issuer, extra_parameters): parameters = [ ("digits", hotp._length), ("secret", base64.b32encode(hotp._key)), ("algorithm",, ] if issuer is not None: parameters.append(("issuer", issuer)) parameters.extend(extra_parameters) uriparts = { "type": type_name, "label": ("%s:%s" % (quote(issuer), quote(account_name)) if issuer else quote(account_name)), "parameters": urlencode(parameters), } return "otpauth://{type}/{label}?{parameters}".format(**uriparts)
Example #21
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_uri(hotp, type_name, account_name, issuer, extra_parameters): parameters = [ ("digits", hotp._length), ("secret", base64.b32encode(hotp._key)), ("algorithm",, ] if issuer is not None: parameters.append(("issuer", issuer)) parameters.extend(extra_parameters) uriparts = { "type": type_name, "label": ("%s:%s" % (quote(issuer), quote(account_name)) if issuer else quote(account_name)), "parameters": urlencode(parameters), } return "otpauth://{type}/{label}?{parameters}".format(**uriparts)
Example #22
Source File: From teleport with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_uri(hotp, type_name, account_name, issuer, extra_parameters): parameters = [ ("digits", hotp._length), ("secret", base64.b32encode(hotp._key)), ("algorithm",, ] if issuer is not None: parameters.append(("issuer", issuer)) parameters.extend(extra_parameters) uriparts = { "type": type_name, "label": ("%s:%s" % (quote(issuer), quote(account_name)) if issuer else quote(account_name)), "parameters": urlencode(parameters), } return "otpauth://{type}/{label}?{parameters}".format(**uriparts)
Example #23
Source File: From teleport with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_uri(hotp, type_name, account_name, issuer, extra_parameters): parameters = [ ("digits", hotp._length), ("secret", base64.b32encode(hotp._key)), ("algorithm",, ] if issuer is not None: parameters.append(("issuer", issuer)) parameters.extend(extra_parameters) uriparts = { "type": type_name, "label": ("%s:%s" % (quote(issuer), quote(account_name)) if issuer else quote(account_name)), "parameters": urlencode(parameters), } return "otpauth://{type}/{label}?{parameters}".format(**uriparts)
Example #24
Source File: From teleport with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_uri(hotp, type_name, account_name, issuer, extra_parameters): parameters = [ ("digits", hotp._length), ("secret", base64.b32encode(hotp._key)), ("algorithm",, ] if issuer is not None: parameters.append(("issuer", issuer)) parameters.extend(extra_parameters) uriparts = { "type": type_name, "label": ("%s:%s" % (quote(issuer), quote(account_name)) if issuer else quote(account_name)), "parameters": urlencode(parameters), } return "otpauth://{type}/{label}?{parameters}".format(**uriparts)
Example #25
Source File: From niji with MIT License | 6 votes |
def change_url(request, kwargs=None, query=None): kwargs = kwargs or {} query = query or {} rm = request.resolver_match _kwargs = rm.kwargs.copy() _kwargs.update(kwargs) if _kwargs.get("page") == 1: _kwargs.pop('page', None) qs = parse_qs(urlparse(request.get_full_path()).query) qs.update(query) path = reverse( '%s:%s' % (rm.namespace, rm.url_name), args=rm.args, kwargs=_kwargs, ) if (qs): return "%s?%s" % (path, urlencode(qs, True)) else: return path
Example #26
Source File: From tempest-lib with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list_servers(self, detail=False, **params): """List servers. Available params: see api-ref-compute-v2.1.html#listServers and api-ref-compute-v2.1.html#listDetailServers """ url = 'servers' _schema = schema.list_servers if detail: url += '/detail' _schema = schema.list_servers_detail if params: url += '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(params) resp, body = self.get(url) body = json.loads(body) self.validate_response(_schema, resp, body) return rest_client.ResponseBody(resp, body)
Example #27
Source File: From osbs-client with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _build_k8s_url(self, url, _prepend_namespace=True, **query): if _prepend_namespace: url = "namespaces/%s/%s" % (self.namespace, url) if query: url += ("?" + urlencode(query)) return urljoin(self.k8s_api_url, url)
Example #28
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def list(self, **kwargs): """Get a list of resource types. :rtype: list of :class:`ResourceType` """ url = '/%s' % self.KEY params = {} if 'filters' in kwargs: filters = kwargs.pop('filters') params.update(filters) url += '?%s' % parse.urlencode(params, True) return self._list(url, self.KEY)
Example #29
Source File: From eclcli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_template(self, resource_type, template_type='cfn'): url_str = '/%s/%s/template' % ( self.KEY, parse.quote(encodeutils.safe_encode(resource_type), '')) if template_type: url_str += '?%s' % parse.urlencode( {'template_type': template_type}, True) resp = self.client.get(url_str) body = utils.get_response_body(resp) return body
Example #30
Source File: From designate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_collection_href(self, request, parents=None, extra_params=None): params = request.GET if extra_params is not None: params.update(extra_params) base_href = self._get_base_href(parents) href = "%s?%s" % (base_href, parse.urlencode(params)) return href.rstrip('?')