Python github.UnknownObjectException() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of github.UnknownObjectException().
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Example #1
Source File: From statuspage with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_update_index_does_not_exist(self): """ = UnknownObjectException(status=404, data="foo") runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(update, ["--name", "testrepo", "--token", "token"]) self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)"token")"testrepo") branch='gh-pages', content='some foo', message='initial', path='/index.html' ) """
Example #2
Source File: From core with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def ensure_label_present(repo, name, color, current_labels, description=''): present_labels = [] for label in current_labels: present_labels.append( if name not in present_labels:"adding '{name}' label to {}") try: repo.create_label(name, color, description) except UnknownObjectException as e: logger.error(e) repo.create_issue(f"can't create '{name}' label")'issue created!') else: logger.debug(f"label '{name}' was present")
Example #3
Source File: From ogr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_project_create(self): """ Remove$USERNAME/repo_created_for_test repository before regeneration """ name_of_the_repo = "repo_created_for_test" project = self.service.get_project( repo=name_of_the_repo, namespace=self.service.user.get_username() ) with self.assertRaises(UnknownObjectException): project.github_repo new_project = self.service.project_create(name_of_the_repo) assert new_project.repo == name_of_the_repo assert new_project.github_repo project = self.service.get_project( repo=name_of_the_repo, namespace=self.service.user.get_username() ) assert project.github_repo
Example #4
Source File: From ogr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def project_create(self, repo: str, namespace: str = None) -> "GithubProject": if namespace: try: owner = self.github.get_organization(namespace) except UnknownObjectException: raise GithubAPIException(f"Group {namespace} not found.") else: owner = self.github.get_user() new_repo = owner.create_repo(name=repo) return GithubProject( repo=repo, namespace=namespace or owner.login, service=self, github_repo=new_repo, )
Example #5
Source File: From ogr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_list( project: "ogr_github.GithubProject", status: PRStatus = ) -> List["PullRequest"]: prs = project.github_repo.get_pulls( # Github API has no status 'merged', just 'closed'/'opened'/'all' if status != PRStatus.merged else "closed", sort="updated", direction="desc", ) if status == PRStatus.merged: prs = list(prs) # Github PaginatedList into list() for pr in prs: if not pr.is_merged(): # parse merged PRs prs.remove(pr) try: return [GithubPullRequest(pr, project) for pr in prs] except UnknownObjectException: return []
Example #6
Source File: From cmake_format with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def create_pseudorelease_tag(reposlug, branch): access_token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN") if access_token is None: raise RuntimeError("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN missing from environment") # TODO(josh): get title out of the script so that it can be reusable hub = github.Github(access_token) repo = hub.get_repo(reposlug) branchobj = repo.get_branch(branch)"Creating tag pseudo-%s -> %s", branch, branchobj.commit.sha) refname = "tags/pseudo-" + branch try: existing_ref = repo.get_git_ref(refname)"Updating existing ref for %s", refname) existing_ref.edit(branchobj.commit.sha, force=True) return except github.UnknownObjectException: pass"Creating ref %s", refname) refname = "refs/" + refname repo.create_git_ref(refname, branchobj.commit.sha)
Example #7
Source File: From TagBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_commit_sha_of_tag(): r = _repo() r._repo.get_git_ref = Mock() r._repo.get_git_ref.return_value.object.type = "commit" r._repo.get_git_ref.return_value.object.sha = "c" assert r._commit_sha_of_tag("v1.2.3") == "c" r._repo.get_git_ref.assert_called_with("tags/v1.2.3") r._repo.get_git_ref.return_value.object.type = "tag" r._repo.get_git_tag = Mock() r._repo.get_git_tag.return_value.object.sha = "t" assert r._commit_sha_of_tag("v2.3.4") == "t" r._repo.get_git_tag.assert_called_with("c") r._repo.get_git_ref.return_value.object = None assert r._commit_sha_of_tag("v3.4.5") is None r._repo.get_git_ref.side_effect = UnknownObjectException(404, "???") assert r._commit_sha_of_tag("v4.5.6") is None
Example #8
Source File: From Lintly with MIT License | 6 votes |
def translate_github_exception(func): """ Decorator to catch GitHub-specific exceptions and raise them as GitClientError exceptions. """ @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except UnknownObjectException as e: logger.exception('GitHub API 404 Exception') raise NotFoundError(str(e)) except GithubException as e: logger.exception('GitHub API Exception') raise GitClientError(str(e)) return _wrapper
Example #9
Source File: From build-tools with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def fork_repo(gh, *, org, package_name, source_org): repo_full_name = f'{org.login}/{package_name}-feedstock' forked_repo = gh.get_repo(repo_full_name) print(f'Checking to see if {repo_full_name} exists on Github') try: # Check that the repo actually exists # Printing the name or any property of the repo issues this check print(f'{forked_repo.full_name} already exists, not forking it again.') return forked_repo except UnknownObjectException: print(f'{repo_full_name} does not exists on Github, will fork') pass # Else, now try to fork it from the origin feedstock_repo = gh.get_repo(f'{source_org}/{package_name}-feedstock') try: org.create_fork(feedstock_repo) except UnknownObjectException as e: if e.status == 404: raise RuntimeError(f'Repository not found: {["message"]}') else: raise e
Example #10
Source File: From addons with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_user(user: str, line_idx: int): if user[0] != "@": raise ValueError( f"User '{user}' at line {line_idx} of CODEOWNERS " f"doesn't start with '@' " ) user = user[1:] user = user.lower() # in github, user names are case insensitive if user in WRITE_ACCESS_LIST: return None try: CLIENT.get_user(user) except github.UnknownObjectException: raise KeyError( f"User '{user}' line {line_idx} does not exist. Did you make a typo?" ) return user
Example #11
Source File: From pyup with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_close_pull_request(self): pr = Mock() pr.head.ref = "bla" self.repo.get_pull.return_value = pr with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): self.provider.close_pull_request(self.repo, self.repo, pr, "comment", prefix="pyup-") pr.head.ref = "pyup-bla" self.provider.close_pull_request(self.repo, self.repo, pr, "comment", prefix="pyup-") self.assertEqual(self.repo.get_git_ref().delete.call_count, 1) self.repo.get_pull.side_effect = UnknownObjectException(data="", status=1) data = self.provider.close_pull_request(self.repo, self.repo, Mock(), "comment", prefix="pyup-") self.assertEqual(data, False)
Example #12
Source File: From TagBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_project(): r = _repo() r._repo.get_contents = Mock( return_value=Mock(decoded_content=b"""name = "FooBar"\nuuid="abc-def"\n""") ) assert r._project("name") == "FooBar" assert r._project("uuid") == "abc-def" assert r._project("name") == "FooBar" r._repo.get_contents.assert_called_once_with("Project.toml") r._repo.get_contents.side_effect = UnknownObjectException(404, "???") r._Repo__project = None with pytest.raises(InvalidProject): r._project("name")
Example #13
Source File: From GitGot with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def should_parse(repo, state, is_gist=False): owner_login = repo.owner.login if is_gist else repo.repository.owner.login if owner_login in state.bad_users: print(bcolors.FAIL + "Failed check: Ignore User" + bcolors.ENDC) return False if not is_gist and in state.bad_repos: print(bcolors.FAIL + "Failed check: Ignore Repo" + bcolors.ENDC) return False if not is_gist and in state.bad_files: print(bcolors.FAIL + "Failed check: Ignore File" + bcolors.ENDC) return False # Fuzzy Hash Comparison try: if not is_gist: # Temporary fix for PyGithub until fixed upstream (PyGithub#1178) repo._url.value = repo._url.value.replace( repo._path.value, urllib.parse.quote(repo._path.value)) candidate_sig = ssdeep.hash(repo.decoded_content) for sig in state.bad_signatures: similarity =, sig) if similarity > SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD: print( bcolors.FAIL + "Failed check: Ignore Fuzzy Signature on Contents " "({}% Similarity)".format(similarity) + bcolors.ENDC) return False except github.UnknownObjectException: print( bcolors.FAIL + "API Error: File no longer exists on" + bcolors.ENDC) return False return True
Example #14
Source File: From statuspage with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_remove_system(name, token, org, system, prompt): """ Removes a system from the repo. """ repo = get_repo(token=token, org=org, name=name) try: label = repo.get_label(name=system.strip()) label.delete() click.secho("Successfully deleted {}".format(system), fg="green") if prompt and click.confirm("Run update to re-generate the page?"): run_update(name=name, token=token, org=org) except UnknownObjectException: click.secho("Unable to remove system {}, it does not exist.".format(system), fg="yellow")
Example #15
Source File: From ogr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_list( project: "ogr_github.GithubProject", status: IssueStatus =, author: Optional[str] = None, assignee: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List["Issue"]: parameters: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] = { "state":, "sort": "updated", "direction": "desc", } if author: parameters["creator"] = author if assignee: parameters["assignee"] = assignee if labels: parameters["labels"] = [ project.github_repo.get_label(label) for label in labels ] issues = project.github_repo.get_issues(**parameters) try: return [ GithubIssue(issue, project) for issue in issues if not issue.pull_request ] except UnknownObjectException: return []
Example #16
Source File: From shamer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_pr_by_number_or_id(self, number_or_id): number_or_id = int(number_or_id) try: return self.get_pr_by_number(number_or_id) except UnknownObjectException: return self.get_pr_by_id(number_or_id)
Example #17
Source File: From ogr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(project: "ogr_github.GithubProject", commit: str) -> List["CommitFlag"]: statuses = project.github_repo.get_commit(commit).get_statuses() try: return [ GithubCommitFlag( raw_commit_flag=raw_status, project=project, commit=commit ) for raw_status in statuses ] except UnknownObjectException: return []
Example #18
Source File: From pyup with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_default_branch(self, repo): try: return repo.default_branch except UnknownObjectException: # we can't use here because the repo object is lazy! # If we try to access one of the properties that is not completed, # we'll run into the next exception. logger.error("Repo does not exist", exc_info=True) raise RepoDoesNotExistError()
Example #19
Source File: From github-org-mgmt with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def read_members_from_txt(self, txtfile): """Read member names from the specified text file (one member per line). An array is returned with NamedUSer objects.""" user_names = [] users = [] failed_users = [] with open(txtfile) as userfile: user_names = userfile.readlines() print "Reading users:" for name in user_names: # strip the \n from the right name = name.rstrip() print " - %s" % name # Convert user name into Github NamedUser object try: user = self._github.get_user(name) users.append(user) except UnknownObjectException: failed_users.append(name) print "Failed users:" for failed_user in failed_users: print " - %s" % failed_user return users
Example #20
Source File: From yotta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _getTags(self): if self.tags is None: try: self.tags = _getTags(self.repo).items() except github.UnknownObjectException as e: raise access_common.Unavailable( 'could not locate github component "%s", either the name is misspelt, you do not have access to it, or it does not exist' % self.repo ) return self.tags
Example #21
Source File: From dcos-e2e with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_repo(github_token: str, github_owner: str) -> Repository: """ Get a GitHub repository. """ github_client = Github(github_token) try: github_user_or_org = github_client.get_organization(github_owner) except UnknownObjectException: github_user_or_org = github_client.get_user(github_owner) return github_user_or_org.get_repo('dcos-e2e')
Example #22
Source File: From pyup with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_pull_request_committer(self, repo, pull_request): try: return [ commit.committer for commit in repo.get_pull(pull_request.number).get_commits() ] except UnknownObjectException: return []
Example #23
Source File: From TagBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _versions(self, min_age: Optional[timedelta] = None) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get all package versions from the registry.""" root = self._registry_path if not root: logger.debug("Package is not registered") return {} kwargs = {} if min_age: # Get the most recent commit from before min_age. until = - min_age commits = self._registry.get_commits(until=until) # Get the first value like this because the iterator has no `next` method. for commit in commits: kwargs["ref"] = commit.commit.sha break else: logger.debug("No registry commits were found") return {} try: contents = self._only( self._registry.get_contents(f"{root}/Versions.toml", **kwargs) ) except UnknownObjectException: logger.debug(f"Versions.toml was not found ({kwargs})") return {} versions = toml.loads(contents.decoded_content.decode()) return {v: versions[v]["git-tree-sha1"] for v in versions}
Example #24
Source File: From TagBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _commit_sha_of_tag(self, version: str) -> Optional[str]: """Look up the commit SHA of a given tag.""" try: ref = self._repo.get_git_ref(f"tags/{version}") except UnknownObjectException: return None ref_type = getattr(ref.object, "type", None) if ref_type == "commit": return ref.object.sha elif ref_type == "tag": tag = self._repo.get_git_tag(ref.object.sha) return tag.object.sha else: return None
Example #25
Source File: From TagBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _project(self, k: str) -> str: """Get a value from the Project.toml.""" if self.__project is not None: return str(self.__project[k]) for name in ["Project.toml", "JuliaProject.toml"]: try: contents = self._only(self._repo.get_contents(name)) break except UnknownObjectException: pass else: raise InvalidProject("Project file was not found") self.__project = toml.loads(contents.decoded_content.decode()) return str(self.__project[k])
Example #26
Source File: From pyup with MIT License | 5 votes |
def close_pull_request(self, bot_repo, user_repo, pull_request, comment, prefix): try: pull_request = bot_repo.get_pull(pull_request.number) pull_request.create_issue_comment(comment) pull_request.edit(state="closed") # make sure that the name of the branch begins with pyup. assert pull_request.head.ref.startswith(prefix) ref = user_repo.get_git_ref("/".join(["heads", pull_request.head.ref])) ref.delete() except UnknownObjectException: return False
Example #27
Source File: From azure-python-devtools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build_from_issue_comment(gh_token, body): """Create a WebhookMetadata from a comment added to an issue. """ if body["action"] in ["created", "edited"]: github_con = Github(gh_token) repo = github_con.get_repo(body['repository']['full_name']) issue = repo.get_issue(body['issue']['number']) text = body['comment']['body'] try: comment = issue.get_comment(body['comment']['id']) except UnknownObjectException: # If the comment has already disapeared, skip the command return None return WebhookMetadata(repo, issue, text, comment) return None
Example #28
Source File: From commcare-cloud with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def tag_setup_release(self): if _github_auth_provided(): try: self.repo.create_git_ref( ref='refs/tags/' + '{}-{}-setup_release'.format(self.timestamp, self._environment), sha=self.deploy_ref, ) except UnknownObjectException: raise Exception( 'Github API key does not have the right settings. ' 'Please create an API key with the public_repo scope enabled.' ) return True return False
Example #29
Source File: From pyup with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_or_create_label(self, repo, name): try: label = repo.get_label(name=name) except UnknownObjectException:"Label {} does not exist, creating.".format(name)) try: label = repo.create_label(name=name, color="1BB0CE") except GithubException: logger.warning( "Unable to create label {} due to permissions".format(name), exc_info=True) return None return label
Example #30
Source File: From codesy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_issue_state_catches_UnknownObjectException(self): url = '' fake_gh_client = fudge.Fake() (fake_gh_client.expects('get_repo').with_args('codesy/codesy') .raises(UnknownObjectException(404, "Cannot find repo."))) self.assertEqual(None, issue_state(url, fake_gh_client))