Python flask.session.permanent() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of flask.session.permanent().
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Example #1
Source File: From PowerDNS-Admin with MIT License | 17 votes |
def before_request(): # Check if user is anonymous g.user = current_user login_manager.anonymous_user = Anonymous # Check site is in maintenance mode maintenance = Setting().get('maintenance') if maintenance and current_user.is_authenticated and not in [ 'Administrator', 'Operator' ]: return render_template('maintenance.html') # Manage session timeout session.permanent = True current_app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(Setting().get('session_timeout'))) session.modified = True
Example #2
Source File: From restpie3 with MIT License | 14 votes |
def build_session(user_obj, is_permanent=True): """On login+signup, builds the server-side session dict with the data we need. userid being the most important.""" assert user_obj assert # make sure session is empty session.clear() # fill with relevant data session['userid'] = session['role'] = user_obj.role # if you update user.role, update this too # remember session even over browser restarts? session.permanent = is_permanent # could also store ip + browser-agent to verify freshness # of the session: only allow most critical operations with a fresh # session
Example #3
Source File: From PowerDNS-Admin with MIT License | 12 votes |
def before_request(): # Check if user is anonymous g.user = current_user login_manager.anonymous_user = Anonymous # Check site is in maintenance mode maintenance = Setting().get('maintenance') if maintenance and current_user.is_authenticated and not in [ 'Administrator', 'Operator' ]: return render_template('maintenance.html') # Manage session timeout session.permanent = True current_app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(Setting().get('session_timeout'))) session.modified = True
Example #4
Source File: From easywall with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 11 votes |
def login_post(): """ the function handles the login post request and if all information are correct a session variable is set to store the login information """ utils = Webutils() hostname = platform.node().encode("utf-8") salt = hashlib.sha512(hostname).hexdigest() pw_hash = hashlib.sha512( str(salt + request.form['password']).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() if request.form['username'] == utils.cfg.get_value( "WEB", "username") and pw_hash == utils.cfg.get_value( "WEB", "password"): session.clear() session['logged_in'] = True session['ip_address'] = request.remote_addr session.permanent = True return redirect("/") return login("Incorrect username or password.", "danger")
Example #5
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 10 votes |
def setup_session(url: str) -> None: discord = make_session(state=session.get('oauth2_state')) token = discord.fetch_token( TOKEN_URL, client_secret=OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET, authorization_response=url) session.permanent = True session['oauth2_token'] = token discord = make_session(token=session.get('oauth2_token')) user = discord.get(API_BASE_URL + '/users/@me').json() session['id'] = user['id'] session['discord_id'] = user['id'] session['discord_locale'] = user['locale'] guilds = discord.get(API_BASE_URL + '/users/@me/guilds').json() wrong_guilds = False # protect against an unexpected response from discord session['in_guild'] = False session['admin'] = False session['demimod'] = False for guild in guilds: if isinstance(guild, dict) and 'id' in guild: if guild['id'] == configuration.get('guild_id'): session['admin'] = (guild['permissions'] & 0x10000000) != 0 # Check for the MANAGE_ROLES permissions on Discord as a proxy for "is admin". session['demimod'] = (guild['permissions'] & 0x20000) != 0 # Check for the "Mention @everyone" permissions on Discord as a proxy for "is demimod". session['in_guild'] = True else: wrong_guilds = True if wrong_guilds: logger.warning(' unexpected discord response. Guilds: {g}'.format(g=guilds))
Example #6
Source File: From PowerDNS-Admin with MIT License | 10 votes |
def before_request(): # Check if user is anonymous g.user = current_user login_manager.anonymous_user = Anonymous # Check site is in maintenance mode maintenance = Setting().get('maintenance') if maintenance and current_user.is_authenticated and not in [ 'Administrator', 'Operator' ]: return render_template('maintenance.html') # Manage session timeout session.permanent = True current_app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(Setting().get('session_timeout'))) session.modified = True
Example #7
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 10 votes |
def common_login(user_uuid, permanent_session=True): """ Performs login of the given user, with optional non-permanence on the session. Returns a tuple with (success, headers to set on success). """ user = model.get_user(user_uuid) if user is None: return (False, None) if login_user(LoginWrappedDBUser(user_uuid)): logger.debug("Successfully signed in as user %s with uuid %s", user.username, user_uuid) new_identity = QuayDeferredPermissionUser.for_id(user_uuid) identity_changed.send(app, identity=new_identity) session["login_time"] = if permanent_session and features.PERMANENT_SESSIONS: session_timeout_str = app.config.get("SESSION_TIMEOUT", "31d") session.permanent = True session.permanent_session_lifetime = convert_to_timedelta(session_timeout_str) # Force a new CSRF token. headers = {} headers[QUAY_CSRF_UPDATED_HEADER_NAME] = generate_csrf_token(force=True) return (True, headers) logger.debug("User could not be logged in, inactive?") return (False, None)
Example #8
Source File: From airflow with Apache License 2.0 | 9 votes |
def init_logout_timeout(app): """Add logout user after timeout""" def before_request(): _force_log_out_after = conf.getint('webserver', 'FORCE_LOG_OUT_AFTER', fallback=0) if _force_log_out_after > 0: flask.session.permanent = True app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta(minutes=_force_log_out_after) flask.session.modified = True flask.g.user = flask_login.current_user app.before_request(before_request)
Example #9
Source File: From airflow with Apache License 2.0 | 8 votes |
def init_permanent_session(app): """Make session permanent to allows us to store data""" def make_session_permanent(): flask_session.permanent = True app.before_request(make_session_permanent)
Example #10
Source File: From Flask-Boost with MIT License | 8 votes |
def signin_user(user, permenent=True): """Sign in user.""" session.permanent = permenent session['user_id'] =
Example #11
Source File: From with MIT License | 8 votes |
def set_session_permanency(): session.permanent = True # Register Markdown engine
Example #12
Source File: From learning-python with MIT License | 8 votes |
def signin_user(user, permenent=True): """Sign in user.""" session.permanent = permenent session['user_id'] =
Example #13
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def login(p: person.Person) -> None: session['logged_person_id'] = session['person_id'] = session['mtgo_username'] = session.permanent = True if p.locale != session.get('discord_locale'): person.set_locale(, session.get('discord_locale'))
Example #14
Source File: From with MIT License | 8 votes |
def authorized(): next_url = url_next() or url_for('/') resp = oauth.github.authorize_access_token() if resp is None or 'access_token' not in resp: return redirect(next_url) session.permanent = True session['oauth_access_token'] = (resp['access_token'], resp['scope'].split(',')) result = oauth.github.get('user') if result: json = result.json() user = user_get_or_create(json['id'], json['email'], json['login']) session['user_id'] = return redirect(next_url)
Example #15
Source File: From helix-sandbox with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def login(): form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User.query.filter_by( if user is not None and user.verify_password( login_user(user,remember=True) session.permanent = True if user.is_admin: return redirect(url_for('home.admin_dashboard')) else: return redirect(url_for('home.dashboard')) else: flash('Invalid username or password.') return render_template('auth/login.html', form=form, title='Login')
Example #16
Source File: From picoCTF with MIT License | 7 votes |
def login(username, password): """Authenticate a user.""" user = get_user(name=username, include_pw_hash=True) if user is None: raise PicoException("Incorrect username.", 401) if user["disabled"]: raise PicoException("This account has been deleted.", 403) if not user["verified"]: raise PicoException( "This account has not been verified yet. An additional email has been sent to {}.".format( user["email"] ), 403, ) if confirm_password(password, user["password_hash"]): session["uid"] = user["uid"] session.permanent = True else: raise PicoException("Incorrect password", 401)
Example #17
Source File: From svviz with MIT License | 7 votes |
def index(): if not "last_format" in session: session["last_format"] = "svg" session.permanent = True try: variantDescription = str(dataHub.variant).replace("::", " ").replace("-", "–") return render_template('index.html', samples=list(dataHub.samples.keys()), annotations=dataHub.annotationSets, results_table=dataHub.getCounts(), insertSizeDistributions=[ for sample in dataHub if sample.insertSizePlot], dotplots=dataHub.dotplots, variantDescription=variantDescription) except Exception as e: logging.error("ERROR:{}".format(e)) raise
Example #18
Source File: From PowerDNS-Admin with MIT License | 7 votes |
def before_request(): # Check if user is anonymous g.user = current_user login_manager.anonymous_user = Anonymous # Check site is in maintenance mode maintenance = Setting().get('maintenance') if maintenance and current_user.is_authenticated and not in [ 'Administrator', 'Operator' ]: return render_template('maintenance.html') # Manage session timeout session.permanent = True current_app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(Setting().get('session_timeout'))) session.modified = True
Example #19
Source File: From white with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def login(self, user): session.permanent = True session['auth'] = user.uid
Example #20
Source File: From PowerDNS-Admin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def before_request(): # Manage session timeout session.permanent = True current_app.permanent_session_lifetime = datetime.timedelta( minutes=int(Setting().get('session_timeout'))) session.modified = True
Example #21
Source File: From confidant with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_expiration(self): if settings.PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME: session.permanent = True now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() lifetime = settings.PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=lifetime) session['expiration'] = expiration # We want the max_expiration initially set, but we don't want it to # be extended. if not session.get('max_expiration'): max_lifetime = settings.MAX_PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME if not max_lifetime: max_lifetime = lifetime max_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_lifetime) session['max_expiration'] = max_expiration
Example #22
Source File: From flask-react-spa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def configure_app(app, config_object): """General application configuration: - register the app's config - register Jinja extensions - register functions to run on before/after request """ # automatically configure a migrations folder for each bundle config_object.ALEMBIC['version_locations'] = [ (bundle._name, os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, bundle.module_name.replace('.', os.sep), 'migrations')) for bundle in app.bundles if bundle.has_models ] app.config.from_object(config_object) app.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2_time.TimeExtension') @app.before_request def enable_session_timeout(): session.permanent = True # set session to use PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME session.modified = True # reset the session timer on every request @app.after_request def set_csrf_cookie(response): if response: response.set_cookie('csrf_token', generate_csrf()) return response
Example #23
Source File: From analytics-quarry-web with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_user(): if 'user_id' in session: if not hasattr(g, '_user'): session.permanent = True g._user = g.conn.session.query(User).filter( == session['user_id']).one() return g._user return None
Example #24
Source File: From freshonions-torscraper with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setup_session(): session.permanent = True app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(days=365*30) if not 'uuid' in session: session['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) g.uuid_is_fresh = True else: g.uuid_is_fresh = False now = referrer = request.headers.get('Referer', '') path = request.path full_path = request.full_path agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent', '') if agent in BLACKLIST_AGENT or len(agent) < 15: g.request_log_id = 0 return render_template('error.html',code=200,message="Layer 8 error. If you want my data, DON'T SCRAPE (too much cpu load), contact me and I will give it to you"), 200 with db_session: req_log = RequestLog( uuid=session['uuid'], uuid_is_fresh=g.uuid_is_fresh, created_at=now, agent=agent, referrer=referrer, path=path, full_path=full_path) flush() g.request_log_id =
Example #25
Source File: From zeus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def login_user(user_id: str, session=session, current_datetime=None): session["uid"] = str(user_id) session["expire"] = int( ( (current_datetime or + current_app.config["PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME"] ).strftime("%s") ) session.permanent = True with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope: scope.user = {"id": str(user_id)}
Example #26
Source File: From FF.PyAdmin with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def set_user_login(user_info): """ 设置用户登录状态 TODO: 单点登录限制 :param user_info: dict, 用户资料 :return: """ # 根据工号获取用户资料, 工号不存在时新增用户(表字段默认值确定新用户状态) user = TBUser().replace( {'job_number': user_info['job_number'], 'realname': user_info['realname']}, filter_by={'job_number': user_info['job_number']}, skip=True ) if user: if user.status != 1 or user.role_id <= 0: raise MsgException('账号未激活', code=401) # 用户权限列表 role = TBRole.query.get(user.role_id) if not role or not role.role_allow: raise MsgException('账号未授权', code=401) # 登录成功 login_user(user) session['load_user'] = pickle.dumps(user) session['role_allow'] = role.role_allow.split(',') session['role_deny'] = role.role_deny.split(',') session.permanent = True event_user_logined.send(log_status=1) return True raise MsgException('登录失败, 请重试', code=401)
Example #27
Source File: From Titan with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def create_unauthenticated_user(): session['unauthenticated'] = True username = request.form['username'] guild_id = request.form['guild_id'] ip_address = get_client_ipaddr() username = username.strip() if len(username) < 2 or len(username) > 32: abort(406) if not all(x.isalnum() or x.isspace() or "-" == x or "_" == x for x in username): abort(406) if not check_guild_existance(guild_id): abort(404) if not guild_query_unauth_users_bool(guild_id): abort(401) if guild_unauthcaptcha_enabled(guild_id): captcha_response = request.form['captcha_response'] if not verify_captcha_request(captcha_response, request.remote_addr): abort(412) final_response = None if not checkUserBanned(guild_id, ip_address): session['username'] = username if 'user_id' not in session or len(str(session["user_id"])) > 4: session['user_id'] = random.randint(0,9999) user = UnauthenticatedUsers(guild_id, username, session['user_id'], ip_address) db.session.add(user) key = user.user_key if 'user_keys' not in session: session['user_keys'] = {guild_id: key} else: session['user_keys'][guild_id] = key session.permanent = False status = update_user_status(guild_id, username, key) final_response = jsonify(status=status) else: status = {'banned': True} response = jsonify(status=status) response.status_code = 403 final_response = response db.session.commit() return final_response
Example #28
Source File: From Titan with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def callback(): state = session.get('oauth2_state') if not state or request.values.get('error'): return redirect(url_for('user.logout')) discord = make_authenticated_session(state=state) discord_token = discord.fetch_token( token_url, client_secret=config['client-secret'], authorization_response=request.url) if not discord_token: return redirect(url_for('user.logout')) session['user_keys'] = discord_token session['unauthenticated'] = False session.permanent = True user = get_current_authenticated_user() session['user_id'] = int(user['id']) session['username'] = user['username'] session['discriminator'] = user['discriminator'] session['avatar'] = generate_avatar_url(user['id'], user['avatar'], user['discriminator']) session["tokens"] = get_titan_token(session["user_id"]) if session["tokens"] == -1: session["tokens"] = 0 if session["redirect"]: redir = session["redirect"] session['redirect'] = None return redirect(redir) return redirect(url_for("user.dashboard"))
Example #29
Source File: From with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def admin_login() -> _Response: if session.get("logged_in") is True: return redirect(url_for("admin.admin_notifications")) devices = [doc["device"] for doc in DB.u2f.find()] u2f_enabled = True if devices else False if request.method == "POST": csrf.protect() # 1. Check regular password login flow pwd = request.form.get("pass") if pwd: if verify_pass(pwd): session.permanent = True session["logged_in"] = True return redirect( request.args.get("redirect") or url_for("admin.admin_notifications") ) else: abort(403) # 2. Check for U2F payload, if any elif devices: resp = json.loads(request.form.get("resp")) # type: ignore try: u2f.complete_authentication(session["challenge"], resp) except ValueError as exc: print("failed", exc) abort(403) return finally: session["challenge"] = None session.permanent = True session["logged_in"] = True return redirect( request.args.get("redirect") or url_for("admin.admin_notifications") ) else: abort(401) payload = None if devices: payload = u2f.begin_authentication(ID, devices) session["challenge"] = payload return htmlify( render_template("login.html", u2f_enabled=u2f_enabled, payload=payload) )
Example #30
Source File: From cmdb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def login(): """ This route has two purposes. First, it is used by the user to login. Second, it is used by the CAS to respond with the `ticket` after the user logs in successfully. When the user accesses this url, they are redirected to the CAS to login. If the login was successful, the CAS will respond to this route with the ticket in the url. The ticket is then validated. If validation was successful the logged in username is saved in the user's session under the key `CAS_USERNAME_SESSION_KEY`. """ cas_token_session_key = current_app.config['CAS_TOKEN_SESSION_KEY'] if request.values.get("next"): session["next"] = request.values.get("next") _service = url_for('cas.login', _external=True, next=session["next"]) \ if session.get("next") else url_for('cas.login', _external=True) redirect_url = create_cas_login_url( current_app.config['CAS_SERVER'], current_app.config['CAS_LOGIN_ROUTE'], _service) if 'ticket' in request.args: session[cas_token_session_key] = request.args.get('ticket') if request.args.get('ticket'): if validate(request.args['ticket']): redirect_url = session.get("next") or \ current_app.config.get("CAS_AFTER_LOGIN") username = session.get("CAS_USERNAME") user = UserCache.get(username) login_user(user) session.permanent = True else: del session[cas_token_session_key] redirect_url = create_cas_login_url( current_app.config['CAS_SERVER'], current_app.config['CAS_LOGIN_ROUTE'], url_for('cas.login', _external=True), renew=True)"redirect to: {0}".format(redirect_url)) return redirect(redirect_url)