Python environment.Environment() Examples

The following are 5 code examples of environment.Environment(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module environment , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From simdem with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, is_running_in_docker, script_dir="demo_scripts", filename="", is_simulation=True, is_automated=False, is_testing=False, is_fast_fail=True,is_learning = False, parent_script_dir = None, is_prep_only = False, is_prerequisite = False, output_format="log"):
        is_running_in_docker should be set to true is we are running inside a Docker container
        script_dir is the location to look for scripts
        filename is the filename of the script this demo represents
        is_simulation should be set to true if we want to simulate a human running the commands
        is_automated should be set to true if we don't want to wait for an operator to indicate it's time to execute the next command
        is_testing is set to true if we want to compare actual results with expected results, by default execution will stop if any test fails (see is_fast_fail)
        is_fast_fail should be set to true if we want to contnue running tests even after a failure
        is_learning should be set to true if we want a human to type in the commands
        parent_script_dir should be the directory of the script that calls this one, or None if this is the root script
        is_prep_only should be set to true if we want to stop execution after all prerequisites are satsified
        is_prerequisite indicates whether this is a prerequisite or not. It is used to decide behaviour with respect to simulation etc.
        self.mode = None
        self.is_docker = is_running_in_docker
        self.filename = filename
        self.script_dir = ""
        self.is_simulation = is_simulation
        self.is_automated = is_automated
        self.is_testing = is_testing
        self.is_fast_fail = is_fast_fail
        self.is_learning = is_learning
        self.current_command = ""
        self.current_description = ""
        self.last_command = ""
        self.is_prep_only = is_prep_only
        self.parent_script_dir = parent_script_dir
        if self.parent_script_dir:
            self.env = Environment(self.parent_script_dir, is_test = self.is_testing)
            self.env = Environment(self.script_dir, is_test = self.is_testing)
        self.is_prerequisite = is_prerequisite
        self.output_format = output_format
        self.all_results = []
        self.completed_validation_steps = [] 
Example #2
Source File:    From simdem with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_bash_script(script_dir, is_simulation = True, is_automated=False, is_testing=False):
    Reads a file in the indicated directoy and builds an
    executable bash script from the commands contained within.
    if not script_dir.endswith('/'):
        script_dir = script_dir + "/"

    script = ""
    env = Environment(script_dir, False).get()
    for key, value in env.items():
        script += key + "='" + value + "'\n"

    filename = env.get_script_file_name(script_dir)
    in_code_block = False
    in_results_section = False
    lines = list(open(script_dir + filename))
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("Results:"):
            # Entering results section
            in_results_section = True
        elif line.startswith("```") and not in_code_block:
            # Entering a code block, if in_results_section = True then it's a results block
            in_code_block = True
        elif line.startswith("```") and in_code_block:
            # Finishing code block
            in_results_section = False
            in_code_block = False
        elif in_code_block and not in_results_section:
            # Executable line
            script += line
        elif line.startswith("#") and not in_code_block and not in_results_section and not is_automated:
            # Heading in descriptive text
            script += "\n"
    return script 
Example #3
Source File:    From Policy-Gradient-and-Actor-Critic-Keras with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def run(args):
    if args.train_pg:
        env_name = args.env_name or 'Pong-v0'
        env = Environment(env_name, args)
        from agent_dir.agent_pg import Agent_PG
        agent = Agent_PG(env, args)

    if args.test_pg:
        env = Environment('Pong-v0', args, test=True)
        from agent_dir.agent_pg import Agent_PG
        agent = Agent_PG(env, args)
        test(agent, env)

    # Experiment on Cartpole only, test unsupported
    if args.train_ac:
        env_name = args.env_name or 'CartPole-v0'
        env = Environment(env_name, args)
        from agent_dir.agent_actorcritic import Agent_ActorCritic
        agent = Agent_ActorCritic(env, args)
    if args.train_pgc:
        env_name = args.env_name or 'CartPole-v0'
        env = Environment(env_name, args)
        from agent_dir.agent_pg_cart import Agent_PGC
        agent = Agent_PGC(env, args)
Example #4
Source File:    From Policy-Gradient-and-Actor-Critic-Keras with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def run(args):
    if args.test_pg:
        env = Environment('Pong-v0', args, test=True)
        from agent_dir.agent_pg import Agent_PG
        agent = Agent_PG(env, args)
        test(agent, env) 
Example #5
Source File:    From rltrader with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, rl_method='rl', stock_code=None, 
                chart_data=None, training_data=None,
                min_trading_unit=1, max_trading_unit=2, 
                net='dnn', num_steps=1, lr=0.001,
                value_network=None, policy_network=None,
                output_path='', reuse_models=True):
        # 인자 확인
        assert min_trading_unit > 0
        assert max_trading_unit > 0
        assert max_trading_unit >= min_trading_unit
        assert num_steps > 0
        assert lr > 0
        # 강화학습 기법 설정
        self.rl_method = rl_method
        # 환경 설정
        self.stock_code = stock_code
        self.chart_data = chart_data
        self.environment = Environment(chart_data)
        # 에이전트 설정
        self.agent = Agent(self.environment,
        # 학습 데이터
        self.training_data = training_data
        self.sample = None
        self.training_data_idx = -1
        # 벡터 크기 = 학습 데이터 벡터 크기 + 에이전트 상태 크기
        self.num_features = self.agent.STATE_DIM
        if self.training_data is not None:
            self.num_features += self.training_data.shape[1]
        # 신경망 설정 = net
        self.num_steps = num_steps = lr
        self.value_network = value_network
        self.policy_network = policy_network
        self.reuse_models = reuse_models
        # 가시화 모듈
        self.visualizer = Visualizer()
        # 메모리
        self.memory_sample = []
        self.memory_action = []
        self.memory_reward = []
        self.memory_value = []
        self.memory_policy = []
        self.memory_pv = []
        self.memory_num_stocks = []
        self.memory_exp_idx = []
        self.memory_learning_idx = []
        # 에포크 관련 정보
        self.loss = 0.
        self.itr_cnt = 0
        self.exploration_cnt = 0
        self.batch_size = 0
        self.learning_cnt = 0
        # 로그 등 출력 경로
        self.output_path = output_path